Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 21, 1994, Page 9, Image 9

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P age B3
T he P ortland O bserver • D ecember 21, 1994
^îortlanb (©bserüer
Sidney Poitier
Elected To Disney
Board Of Directors
O regon B allet T heatre ’ s
Acclaimed actor-director-writ­
er Sidney Poitier has been elected to
the board o f directors o f The Walt
Disney Company, it was announced
by Michael D. Eisner, chairm an and
ch ief executive officer.
T he A cadem y A w ard -w in ­
ning entertainer will fill the unex­
pired term held by the late Frank
G. W ells, w ho served as D isney’s
president and ch ief operating of­
ficer until his death in a helicopter
crash last A pril. The term runs
until th e an n u a l s to c k h o ld e rs ’
m eeting in February .
The first A frican-A m erican to
be a leading man in m ainstream
m otion pictures, Poitier, 67, has
been one o f the entertainm ent in­
d u stry’s most respected figures for
nearly four decades. He w as kn ight-
ed by Q ueen Elizabeth II in 1968.
Nominated for an O scar in 1958
for his role in The D efiant Ones,
Poitier won the Academy Award
for Best Actor five years later for
his leading role in Liliesofthe Field.
P atro n s A re E n c o u rag e d T o
Purchase T ickets Early For T he 1994
Last D ecem b er's p rem iere o f
O regon B allet T h eatre’s A ll-N ew
N u tcracker set a p recedent for the
grow ing ballet com pany. T he $1.2
m illion production, inspired by A r­
tistic D irector Jam es C anfield, en ­
chanted a sold-out audience o f over
70,000 spectators. In an effort to
accom m odate the overw helm ing d e­
m and, O regon Ballet T h eatre has
added one perform ance o f 3,000 seats
for the 1994 holiday season, D ecem ­
ber 13 through 30, 1994. Interested
parties are encouraged to buy tickets
Once again, the stage o f the Port­
land Civic Auditorium will transform
into an elaborate winter fantasy land.
Canfield sets The N utcracker in the
opulence o f Imperial Russia, drawing
upon the 19th century influences o f
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designer Carl Faberge and Nutcracker
com poser, Peter Ilych Tchaikovsky.
C anfield also rechoreographed the
entire production.
F or Canfield, the success o f the
new N utcracker w as the realization
o f a long-aw aited dream . T he form er
J o f fr e y B a lle t p rin c ip a l d a n c e r
w ork ed for several years to im ple­
m ent his vision for a w orld class
holid ay production. “ In order to keep
o u r patrons com ing back to see The
N u tcrack er year after year, it is im­
p o rtan t that w e give the com m unity a
production that is com parable in scale
to those o f the m ajor players in the
d ance and theatre w orld,” C anfield
C anfield collaborated w ith in­
te rn a tio n a lly ren o w n ed d e s ig n e r
C am pbell B aird to create sets and
costum es. T he Joffrey Ballet resi­
d en t designer drew inspiration from
so u rces as diverse as photographs o f
T ch aik o v sk y ’s hom e to the jew eled
designs o f the fam ous Faberge eggs.
B aird sets A ct O ne o f the ballet at
Russian country estate in w inter,
w hile A ct Tw o tak es place in a pala­
tial hall evoking the lavishness o f
Im perial St. Petersburg.
Live music accom panies all per­
form ances o f-T h e N utcracker, and
M usic D irector N iel D ePonte con­
ducts the O rchestra. T he N utcracker
creates a sense o f holiday magic in
the P ortland-M etropolitan area, call
2-B A L L E T (2 2 2 -5 5 3 8 ) for ticket
inform ation.
D ec . 13-30
A ccompanied B y T he
O bt O rchestra
N iel D e P o nte , C onductor
or T icketmaster 224-4400
iC O N
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Admission: $1 doiiiition or 2
etuis of non-perishable food
James Canfield,
Artistic Director
rtg p
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