D ecember 21, 1994 • I he P ortland O bserver P age B2 BENSON OVERWHELMS FRANKLIN P.S.U. RAINDROP CLASSIC CHAMPS b \ BRIEFS FOOTBALL Simmon Named Oklahoma Coach Bob Simmon promised to turn things around as he took over as head football coach Friday for O klahom a State University. In agreeing to a five year contract which w ill pay $ 110,000 a year, Simmon became the first in history as a black head coach in the Big Eight Conference. He re­ places Pat Jones who resigned Nov. 22 after 11 years. “ I know how to win, and I’m going to win in the right way,” said Simmon who was previous­ ly an assistant coach for Colo­ rado. “This program is going to be known for integrity and this program is going to be known for honor.” TheN.C.A.A. imposed sanc­ tions against the Cow boys in 1988. Since that time they are 18- 45-3 and in the midst o f an 18 game Big Eight losing streak, dating back to 1992. Youngtown Handles Boise State Y oungtow n m ade it tw o years in a row as they defeated Boise State for the N.C.A.A. 1- AA crown this past Saturday in Huntington, W est Virginia, 28- 14. Smothered by the defense and 1 im ited to 22 5 yards, 59 rush­ ing, former P.S.U. Head Coach Pokey Allen had taken the Bron­ cos from 3-8 last season to 11-3 this year. D anny B ell The V ikings o f P ortland State p o ste d th re e w in s d u rin g the R ain d rop c la ssic to com e aw ay as ch am pions S a tu rd a y n ig h t as they d e fe a te d a to u g h S e a ttle P acific. The Vikings took advantage o f their experience and discipline as well as terrific inside game played by Kristi Smith. Sm ith sco red a to u rn am en t record 34 as Portland State held Se­ attle at bay most o f the game. Seattle kept within striking distance most o f the first half. They even tied the game o f at the 8:12 mark o f the first period, 24-34. Elizabeth Fenner fouled Smith however w ith 7:45 in the first period and Smith sank both freethrows. P.S.U. never looked backed from that point. S e a ttle seem to be physchological ly effected by the con­ stant pressure defense that the Vi­ kings applied. After the tie in the game at 24 a piece they appeared frustrated and started going more one on one. Seat­ tle got good games from three oftheir players Nicole Trammel who also made the all tourney team she scored 21 points, and Debbie M iller who scored 20, Chantel Vison who came offthe bench also scored 20 as well. However on the P.S.U. squad the combination o f P.J. Hall (25) Katie Rose (11) and Kristi Smith (34) was more than Seattle could handle, especially with their respec­ tive supporting cast. P.J. Hall was selected Tourna­ ment most valuable player and Rose and Smith made the Tournament all- star squad. “Our low post play couldn't stop Krist Smith, said Seattle Head coach Gordy Preshall.” Smith has really good drop step and moves around the basket. W henever we mad a move by D anny B ell The highly to u ted B enson Techmen took their show on the P.I.L. road and came away with on impressive win over Franklin 34- 84. Benson defensive pressure vis­ ibly rattled the Quakers, combined with their overpowering quickness and overall size Franklin was never really in this one. Benson started the game with suffocating and swarming defense. Jason Franklin especially was able to shutdown Franklins leading scor­ er Shawn Lindsey (10), he block three o f Lindsey’s shots in the first half. It didn’t take long for the op­ pressive pressure o f the Techm en’s defense to take effect on the Q uak­ ers who continued to try to run with the much quicker Benson squad throughout the game. The Tech scoring attack was led by Earl Clark and Jason Franklin who had 22 and 19 points respec­ tively. Five Techmen tallied in dou­ ble figure including Steve Stone off the bench. “ We wanted to establish de­ fense tonight” said Benson head coach Don Emry. “Some o f our kids played football this year when Franklin beat us 52-0. So there was some rivalry there that was a factor. I think that the P.I.L. will be as tough as any region in the state. I think the team s to look at are Jefferson, Wilson, and Cleveland.” Benson has 5 players coming in with two years o f varsity experi­ ence - and it showed. Their ball handling was much more crisp and deliberate. “ T h e ir a very ta le n te d b a s­ ketball team , said S co tt A cker h e a d b a s k e tb a ll c o a c h fo r F ranklin. A sked ab o u t Shaw n L in d s e y , he r e s p o n d e d th a t “ Shaw n is usually our go to guy but he had som e d iffic u ltie s to ­ n ig h t." They (Benson) should win the P.I.L. their team has a tremendous opportunity to win state. 1 don't see anyone beating them unless they have a good big man to break their defensive pressure. FIRST ANNUAL “ DIAMOND WEEKEND" ANNOUNCED The Portland State Baseball program is proud to announce plans for its First Annual "Diamond W eekend” . New Head Baseball C oach Dave Dangler and his staff, along with all-star Harold Reynolds and Hall-of-Famer Rod Carew have put together a package o f events that will appeal to tans ot all ages. On Friday, Jan. 20 Mr. Reynolds and Mr. Carew will be speaking at one or two, inner-city high schools here in Portland on a variety o f themes. On Saturday, morning, Jan. 21 at 9:00 a.m. the Portland State coaching staff. Rod Carew, Harold Reynolds. M ajor League Baseball players will be presenting the “ Diamond Clinic” to be held at Portland State University. The weekend culminates Saturday evening with the "Diamond Dinner.” The $ 100.00 a plate gala event will feature Mr. Reynolds as Master ofC erem onies and Rod Carew as Guest o f Honor. Other current and former M ajor League players and coaches will be in attendance also. P.J. Hall P.J. H all's outside shooting efficien­ cy hurt us.” Asked about P.S.U. dis­ cipline Preshell responded that “they reverse the ball well and made us play sidelineing to sideline. We are really a young team, and this is one o f those games you have to go through to mature - so that was a factor.” Both teams are in the Pacific West Conference and will meet each other twice during the regular season. BASKETBALL Nelson Treated For Pneumonia Don Nelson was released from the hospital after treatment for viral pneumonia. He hopes to return to coaching the Gold State W arriors by Jan. 1. Nelson, 56, spent four nights at the Summit Medical Center in Oakland, CA. Portland Pockies owner Jack Cain (right) and Matt Oquita, manager of Old Chicago restaurant in southeast Portland, show off the team’s new cap. The Rockies will return professional baseball to Portland's Civic Stadium this spring. GOLF Els Takes Walker Championship Ernie Els shot a 2 under par 69 and never led by fewer than 5 strokes in winning the Johnnie W alker W orld Championship at Montego Bay, Jamaica. Els’ share was $550,000 for the win. M ak­ ing his total earnings $2.9 million for the year. The 1994 Whitaker Warriors-Americans, a team comprised of young men in the northeast Portland community, just completed a sensational season at 9-1 this fall, losing only in the championship game in the Clark County Youth Football program. The team is coached by James Miller, Aleem Shabazz, Keith Perkins and Steve Carpenter. A Heart and Soul Proposition! Good for your heart • •• Advertise In CLAUDIA'S SPORTS PUB ¿¡The ^lnrtlaub (Obscrucr Call 503-288-0033 WORLD GYM - ST. 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