Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 21, 1994, Image 7

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    D e c e m b e r 2 1 ,1 9 9 4
‘S erving th e c o m m u n ity th ro u g h c u ltu ra l diversity.
V olum e XXIV, N u m b er 51
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For The
Fourth Bullet
fi/// Dike adds
touches to a
village in his
First Grade
class at the
School in
Secret Service agents confirm that a
fourth bullet was found inside the State
Dining Room, one floor below Clinton’s
residence at the W hite House. O ther bul­
lets found from the drive-by shooting ear­
ly Saturday were on a balcony landing, in
a driveway outside the back door and
beneath a nearby Christmas tree.
OCA Files New
r .
The Oregon Citizens Alliance has
launched its third statewide campaign to
eliminate gay rights in the state. The new
initiative comes on the heels o f a narrow
defeat o f the latest O CA -sponsored anti­
gay rights Measure 13 in Novem ber. “ It’s
writing into the Constitution that’s it’s all
right to discriminate against homosexual
people,” said C liff Carlson chairman o f
the N o on 13 campaign.
Clerics Set Up
Muslim clerics in Bangladesh, acting
on their own, increasingly are setting up
courts that hand out punishment under the
Sharia, or Islamic law. W om en’s rights
groups say at least 48 women have died in
recent years after being convicted o f vio­
lating the Sharia. Most killed themselves
because they could not bear the hum ilia­
Sanctions Against
Nigeria Sought
Help Needy
The Fruit and Flower child care center is
selling fruit and flower for the holidays. The
sales will go toward child care scholarships
for low income families. The not-for-profit
agency, is O regon's oldest child care center.
W ooden "shallow" bushel baskets, with
appropriately decorated lids for Christmas or
Kwanzaa sell for $45, with $5 added if deliv­
ery is desired. Each basket contains 15 pounds
offresh fruit, in addition to a bloom ing potted
plant and a large variety o f specialty food
The Fruit and Flow er M ission was
formed in 1885 to provide baskets o f fruit and
flowers for needy families and hospital pa­
tients. The holiday baskets continue the tra­
dition to expand this service to more families
who could not otherwise afford quality care.
Minorities Recruited To Health Professions
Vocational M entoring Program.
egacy hospitals in the Portland
These students spend half o f their day in
area are trying to increase their
a classroom on the Good Samaritan campus
pool of q u a lifie d m in o rity
a p p lic a n ts by e x p o s in g yo u and
n g two hours o f each weekday working with
a mentor in one o f the hospitals.
students to healthcare careers.
Legacy Health Systems officials said
they have made strides in the minority re­
cruitment through the following o f programs:
1) Over the past five years. Legacy Eman­
uel Hospital has awarded over $60,000 in
scholarships to 24 students in north'northeast
Portland who are interested in healthcare
careers. All scholarships were $1,000, re­
newable for up to four years, paid to the
college and usable for tuition, books and
other fees
2) More than 200junior and senior Grant
H igh School students over the past five years
have been learning about healthcare careers
on the Legacy Good Samaritan and Emanuel
campuses through the Portland Public Schools
Nobel prize-w inning author Wole
Soyinka has called on world leaders to
impose economic sanctions on his native
country o f N igeria in a bid to force mili­
tary leaders to step down and restore de­
mocracy to the populous W est African
Students in the program have proven
five times more likely to graduate from high
school. Two have received $1,000 scholar­
ships from Legacy to continue their studies.
One African American student is now attend­
ing medical school. Other students have gone
on to work at the hospitals.
3) Legacy participates in the Youth
Employment and Empowerment Program.
The program places youths involved in gangs
in jobs which offer a way o f life away from
the streets. To date, Legacy has hired three
program graduates.
4) Legacy is also working with the U r­
ban League on several jo b development ac­
tivities aimed at minority populations. The
Career Development Center and the nation­
ally-funded “Jobs for the Future” are two
programs in the works.
5) On a regular basis, Legacy recruiters
reach out to minority communities through
work fairs, high school career days and col­
lege workshops.
6) As part o f the health system’s busi­
ness-education compact, hospital represen­
tatives participated in the Visitation Program
for the Portland Area Professional Technical
Education Consortium for High School Coun­
The goal o f the program was for counse­
lors to gather information on the variety o f
jobs available within several worksites and
complete materials to be used in 17 high
school and the Portland Community College
libraries as a resource for students, parents
and faculty.
7) The Robert S. Dow Neurological
Science Institute, located at G ood Samaritan,
offers sum m er apprenticeships which ac­
quaint minority students with m edical re­
search conducted in a hospital setting.
O n th e fam ily fro n t, L eg acy su p ­
p o rts th o se in need th ro u g h p ro g ra m s
like the B la c k U nited Fund C e n te r for
M a te rn ity and F am ily S u p p o rt lo c a te d
at E m anuel and P ro je c t N e tw o rk ’s su b ­
stance ab u se pro g ram w hich serv es p re g ­
n an t w o m en and m o th e rs from n o rth /
n o rth e a st P o rtla n d .
E m anuel's participates in area programs
like the Emanuel Neighborhood Home O w n­
ership program (ENHOP), Home O w nership
One Street at a Time (HOST), and Dawson
Park Place benefit both employees and neigh­
bors alike.
Legacy officials said their goal is to
recognize and value the diversity o f its cur­
rent and future workforces.
Laundry Hires 137, Expansion Planned
Rapper Shakur
Faces Prison Term
Controversial rap music performer
Tupac Shakur and his road m anager now
convicted o f sexually assaulting a female
fan in a New York hotel room last year,
face up to seven years in prison. But the
judge delayed sentencing to allow the 23-
year-old Shakur time to recuperate after
being shot outside a New York recording
studio during an apparent robbery attempt.
He was hit five times, but the wounds were
not life threatening.
Britain’s Lord Pitt
Lord Pitt, a Grenadan immigrant who
became one o f the first blacks to be admit­
ted to the House o f Lords, died Sunday o f
cancer, relatives said. He was 81 “He was
one ofthe first prominent blacks in British
political life and a man o f great ability and
exceptional dignity,” said Lord Healey,
former treasury chief.
Debt Hurts South
Africa Government
South A frican’s growing debts and
organizational disarray have damaged the
African National C ongress' ability to gov­
ern, according to its secretary-general.
The ANC is too dependent the personal
pow er o f President Nelson Mandela, who
remains by far the country's most popular
leader, Cyril Ramaphosa said in a report to
the A N C 's first national conference since
taking power.
Cintas Corp, executives Dennis Walker (left) and Tom Mildner look over the
company's new Pivergate plant, a state-of-the-art industrial laundering operation.
He said the plant was designed for effi­
new $5 million dollar industrial
ciency and a good work environment.
plant in the Rivergate district
The plant’s recycling equipment and
of north Portland is proc­
essing hundreds of thousands sy stems
of recover 70 percent o f its used water
and 50 percent o f its generated heat to be
pounds of laundry each week.
The Cintas Corp, plant employs 137
people, including 26 drivers and a five per­
son sales staff
General Manager Tom M ildner said
more people will be hired soon to handle the
plant's expected 500-thousand pounds o f
product each week.
Mildner said the plant has the capacity to
double in size, with employment expected to
grow 10 to 15 percent a year Provisions o f a
property tax reduction agreement with local
governments requires hiring residents o f north
and northeast Portland.
Three laundry operations were combined
to create demand for the plant, including
some operations from Seattle. Hie new 47,000
square-foot facility is saving the corporation
$200,000 a year in transportation and utility
costs, Mildner said.
reused in the plant operations.
Computer control led automated systems
control a delivery and laundering system of
conv eyors. washers and dryers to process the
industrial and business soiled laundry .
When the wash is completed, another
time controlled conveyor picks up washed
materials and delivers them to dryers. The
dried materials are then automatically dumped
into a conveyor for sorting and delivery to
various plant departments were labor handi­
work finishes the laundry for customer deliv­
The latest technology minimizes much
o f the hand labor, pollution and environmen­
tal impact o f older industrial laundries. A
2,000 square foot water recovery sy stem is
the heart o fth e recycling process.
An automated truck bay will soon be in
A recovery system recycles 70 percent of the water used at Cintas Corp,
and 50 percent of its generated heat, saving the firm over $100,000 per
year in utility costs.
operation that will allow faster loading. The
recycled wash water and heat will then be
used to wash and dry the trucks after they are
Cintas sells and rents uniforms for use all
over the world. Some o f its expanding mar­
kets include flame retardant clothing and a
patented “comfort shirt."
The company established local opera­
tions with its purchase o f Seattle-based
Mary att Industries in 1092 and its facilities in
Portland, Seattle, Everett, Tacoma, San Fran­
cisco and Phoenix.
In Portland, Cintas also purchased D ave's
Quality Uniform Supply and Coverall U ni­
form Co.
Cintas operates in 33 states from 100
locations serv ing over 200.000 business cus­
tomers and 1.3 million people who w ear
Cintas uniforms in the U S and Canada
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