D ecember 21, 1994 • D ie P o rtland O bserver P age A4 Coupon Offers Museum Discounts HIGH IDESERT MUSEUM PRESERVES HISTORY Pepsi-Cola is promoting admission for children at two nationally known museums in central Oregon. Pepsi is distributing special edit ion cups trumpeting “Redis­ cover the West,” promoting the Museum at Warm Springs and The High Desert Museum in Bend. Each cup includes cou­ pons offering free admission to the museums for kids. The cup features a native American dancer, a gold miner and a golden eagle with the cou­ pons and a description of each museum on a background of royal blue. “We are proud to help sup­ port these Oregon non-profit institutions that provide such a valuable experience to visitors young and old,” said Pepsi mar­ keting director Pat Duval of Bend. “Celebrating our natural and cultural heritage is an im­ portant part of society today.” * Leon, a long-eared owl, is one of the stars in The High Desert Museum's birds-of-prey presentations. Ancient Peoples Brought To Life TheHigh Desert Museum near Bend on the edge of the Deschutes National Forest is open every day except Christmas, New The Museum at Warm Springs displays the art and artifacts of the Confederated Tribes o f the Wann Springs Reservation as well as other native nations. U sing film and interactive displays, the museum brings the art and culture o f ancient people to life. The museum in Warm Springs, Ore. has achieved na­ tional prom inence and received many aw ards. The Joe Fedderson collection is currently being displayed through mid-December. It features the works of a variety of art by 27 native Amer­ ican artists of22 indigenous nations. “ Sisters o f the Earth: C on­ tem porary N ative Am erican C e­ ram ics,” opens Dec. 10. The ex ­ hibit features artists who draw upon th eir native cultures and beliefs to create contem porary figurative works to reflect their personal experiences. Year’s and Thanksgiving. he n a tu ra l a n d c u ltu r a l heritage of the Interm ountain W est comes alive at the High Desert Museum near Bend. When visitors tour the museum they take part in live animal presentations on porcu­ pines, otters and birds-of prey. A walk-through history lesson becomes part of the fun in exhibits on forestry, a settler’s cabin, small mill, sheepherder’s wagon and Autzen Creek, a pond and ripar­ ian area. Native American artifacts are featured in special collections. Trailside exhibits on nature, forestry and pioneer life abound in the wonderment of the museum's grounds. “The Changing Forest,” a brand-new exhibit sponsored by the U S . Forest Serve, explores the dynamics o f high desert ecosys­ tems and the challenges in managing them for the future. The exhibit’s indoor/outdoor dis­ plays feature viewing scopes, mystery boxes and moveable scrolls to create a close-up experience with life in the forest. T A young visitor at The High Desert Museum rings the bell for service at the Hi Loy Mercantile in the Earle A. Chiles Center on the Spirit of the West. Events scheduled for 1995 include Nick Eggenhofer: Images of Frontier Transporta­ tion, a exhibit o f paintings and drawings of mules, mudwagons and men. Homestead Skills Showcase on Saturday, Feb. 11 is an annual day of living history demonstrations and hands-on activities focusing on pioneer skills such as spinning, butter churning, w eav­ ing and hug hooking. And annual Kids’ Day on Wednesday, March 22, is held during spring break with living history demonstrations along with ac­ tivities for the whole family such as soap carving, crazy quilting and story telling. The museum is located six miles south of Bend on a 150-acre site bordering the Deschutes National Forest. It was founded in 1974 as a non-profit organization and opened to the public in 1982. Admission is $5.50 for adults and $2.75 for children. Kids under 4 are free. For more information call 382-4754 or write to The High Desert Museum, 59800 S. Highway 97, Bend, OR 97702-8933. Central Oregon Museum To Run On Sunlight Power Pacific Power is installing a $ 100,000 solar power system at the High Desert Museum near Bend, marking the first commercial use of photovoltaic power in Oregon. Pacific Power is testing the extent to which photovoltaics can supplem ent the b u ild in g ’s elec­ tricity needs and reduce its use of electricity from pow er lines. T h e u tility w ill c o n d u c t around-the-clock m onitoring o f the pro ject and share the date with the D epartm ent o f Energy and Sandia N ational L aborato­ ries, co-sponsors o f the project. “Tuming solar energy into com­ mercially, cost-effective power has been one of the nation’s biggest ener­ gy challengers,” said Clark Satre, Pacific Power district manager in Bend. "Pacific Power’s installation at the High Desert Museum under­ scores our leadership role in testing this technology, which has great en­ vironmental benefits. It fits into our sim ilar to a typical energy effi­ ciency m easure. The solar system will reduce the am ount o f e le c tric ity the building requires. If the b u ild ­ in g 's energy requirem ents fall below the solar system 's output, the extra electricity will be add­ ed to Pacific P o w er’s electricity grid. The efficiency and life ex­ pectancy o f photovoltaic projects have im proved considerably over strategy to make renewable energy part of our resource mix.” Don Kerr, president of the mu­ seum, said the museum is delighted to provide a site for Pacific Power to research alternative power sources like solar energy. The project nicely supports a museum goal to promote wise use of the region’s natural re­ sources. Satre said the installation will produce five kilow atts o f elec­ tricity and will have an effect the p a s t d e c a d e , said M iles Russell o f A scension T echnolo­ gy in W altham , M ass., the en g i­ neering firm for the project. “ The panels we are using at The High D esert Museum are the largest in the industry and have the highest pow er output,” he said. The environm ental benefits also make photovoltaic attra c­ tive. Solar power produces no em issions and is renewable. Food Box Packing And Delivery Schedule V olunteers w ill start d e­ livering this y e a r’s C hristm as Food Boxes at 0700 hours (7:00 a.m .) on Friday, D ecem ­ ber 23, 1994 from both the Sunshine D ivision and also N ortheast Precinct, 449 N. E. Em erson Street. JEANIE’S CLEANERS INFLATION BUSTER COUPON SPECIALS 5 4 0 3 N E 4 2 N D AVE • P o rtla n d , OR 9?218 • (503) 2 8 7 -0 0 0 8 I I I I coupon Inflation Buster Dry Cleaning Special Skirts ;! 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