Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 21, 1994, Page 11, Image 11

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    T he P orti and O bserver » D ecember 21 1994
P age B5
My Christmas Wish List
I lomc Going Celebration For The Ladg Of Strength
Birdie Lee Taylor
June 25, 19 10 - December 15, 1 9 9 4
Services: 11:00 AM; December 22, 1994; Fellowship Missionary, 4009 M. Missouri, Portland, Oregon
Rev. Johnny Pack IV Officiating
Bom in Magnolia, Ak. Believ­
ing in the Lord in her early years, and
through her life. Attending Walker
Chapel Christian Methodist Episco­
pal Church, Texarkana, Ak Bom the
sixth child of 11 children. Daughter
of Dave and Mattie Cole.
Married to O.C. Taylor in 1942.
Moved to Portland, Or. during the
shipyard years. Birdie Taylor sur­
vived the flood in Van Port, by climb­
ing to higherground with four of her
children. The family had lost every
thing except the Love of God. She
believed and knew how to Love and
keep her family together.
Birdie was a women who knew
how to keep her family together. She
would walk miles from her home to
provide for her family. She went
through many trials with the help of
the Lord. She was a very strong
person who always said to her fami­
ly, as long as you have GOD, there is
nothing you can’t do. Birdie carried
on after the death o f her husband to
raise the eight children. She was very
determined to make a way for her
family. She would always make sure
her family was first. Bridie was a
loving mother, grand mother &
Bigma, she was blessed this year to
attend her family reunion.
After 52 years she was happy to
see the improvement o f her son
Ronald this year.
When Birdie’s health started to
fail she was still active with her chil­
dren and grandchildren, she was al­
ways moving and God blessed her
with his greatness.
It e could continue telling about
Birdie, but we ju st can't tell it all.
Birdie leaves to mourn:
D aughter’s: Doris Link, Gary
Ann Taylor, Bernadine Johnson,
Sharon Taylor, Son Ronald Taylor,
All o f Portland, OR. Sister Alice
Muldrew, of Texarkana, Arkansas,
Dorothy Gaddis o f California. Doll
Phillips Brother in law Jimmy Green,
of Portland, OR.
Son in laws: Earl Bennett,
Charles Stroughter, Kenneth Jonson, '
Birdie Lee Taylor
Charles Roper, all o f Portland, OR.
Daughter-in-law: Stacy Tay­
Birdie was blessed with twenty
three grandchildren, thirty six great
grandchildren, and a host o f nieces
and nephews, cousins and many
friends. We acknowledge those who
have come from out of town for this
O rd er of Service:
• Family Procession
• Song Rev. Johnny Pack - Sadie
(Sweet Birdie)
• S cripture-O ld Testam ent-Exo
dus 10:1&2
• New Testam ent - Philippians 4-
• P rayer Rev. Johnny Pack
• Song-GoingUp Younder-Lorene
• Inspirational W ords - Teresa
Taylor, Tieesha Necole Taylor,
Roy Pittman
• Resolutions and acknowledge­
• O bituary -Tam erra Overton
• Song - Never Grow Old - Barbara
• Eulogy - Rev. Johnny Pack
• Parting View
• Recessional
Pallbearers: Ronald Taylor,
Kenneth Link , Devin Bass , Terry
Tayjpr, Charles Roper, Damien
Scruggs, Roy Pittman, Honorary
Pallbearers, Terry Butler, Keith
Gage, Robert McClaiem, and Melvin
You are invited to join the
Taylor family for dinner at:
Miracles, 700 N. Killingsworth,
Portland, Oregon
The Taylor family gratefully
acknowledge your expressidns o f
love and kindness that you have
shown us during the loss o f our
loved one. Thank you and may
the Lord Bless each and ev ery ­
one o f you.
Funeral Arrangements By Cox
Funeral Home, 2736 N. E. Rodney,
P o r t l y , Oregon. Internment at Sun-
feet Certietery
The Lords Prayer
(Mew year’s (Day Concert
Theme: “Jesus Is The Center O f M y Joy”
Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy
kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debtors,
and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For
thine is the kingdom, and the Power, and the glory forever.
Amen f Matthew 6: 9-3
B ernice P owell J ackson
This is the time of year when,
unfortunately, we become obsessed
with gifts and shopping and party­
ing. There’s nothing wrong with
any of those, but Christmas ought to
be a time most o f all to remember
God’s wish for peace for the world.
For whether you’re Christian and
believe that Jesus Christ is the Son
of God, the Prince of Peace, or
whether you’re Muslim or Jewish
and believe that Jesus was a prophet
sent by God, you must acknowl­
edge Jesus’ call for peace on earth.
So, my Christmas wish list is not
one of gifts which can be bought in
any department store or boutique.
It is simply a wish for peace in our
land and peace on this earth.
On the first day o f Christmas I
would wish for just on day o f peace
in our cities --just one day when a
child is not killing another child,
when a husband is not kil ling a wife,
when a young person is not terror­
izing an elder. Justonday when we
put the guns down and see each
other as human being created in the
image of God. If we were able to
have j ust one day of peace, perhaps
that one day would tum into two
and then into a week and then a
month and there would be peach in
the “hood” every day.
This week I went to a school in
the Cle veland area and helped about
a dozen young people celebrate
Kwaanza. As we talked about the
principle of self-determination, one
young man said that it is all white
people’s fault, that they had been
oppressing blacks for 400 years.
And I looked him in the eye and said
it is not white people who ar pulling
the trigger and killing our young
men, we are killing each other. I
don’t think he had ever thought
about that before. My first which is
for peace in our cities.
And then I would wish for peace
in this nation. In the 1970’s and
80’s, during the many marches I
attended when I lived in New York |
City protesting police brutality and
other forms o f racial discrimina­
tion, we used to chant “no justice,
not peace." Part o f the reason there
is little peace n this nation is that
there is little justice. Every week I
receive letters from those incarcer­
ated in our criminal justice system ■
- letters not declaring their inno­
cence, but pointing to how they
have been discriminated against by ]
the system. For example, those
African American prisoners who
were in the Lucasville, Ohio prison
riot a year or so ago have been
writing to tell about how they are
receiving additional time even when
they were not involved.
There is little justice in a nation
where the top one-fifth o f the peo­
ple earn almost one half o f the in­
come while the bottom one-fifth
earn only four percent (4%). Or
where millions o f children go to
sleep hungry at night and thousands
of children sleep in different shel­
ters each night. My second wish is
for peace and justice in this nation.
My third wish is for peace in
this world. The children o f Bosnia,
o f Rwanda, of Liberia still live in
war zones wh i le the world looks the
other way. These children now
hunger and fear first-hand and know
little o f play and laughter and holi­
days. As we celebrate this Christ­
mas, let us all remember those chil­
dren who long for peace in their
The final item on my Christ­
mas list is a wish for peace in each
one of us. I would want each o f us
to find peace in our own hearts, in
our own souls, in our own minds.
And then may we share that peace
with just one young person so that a
day o f peace might become a reality I
in 1995. Now that would be a real
Christmas present -- peace.
We Welcome You to The
(greater jiaitti j&ieptfen
^tssuntarg baptist (Cljitrclj
“Serving The Lord With Gladness” Psalm 100:2
Sunday School 10am
Morning Worship 11:05
Prayer & Bible Study 7pm
Rev. G.L. Black I Pastor
3605 N.E. Mallory Ave.
(503) 281-8117 Portland, OR 97212
4224 S.E. 62nd Avenue
(between Powell <& Foster)
Portland, Oregon 97206
Miss ‘Karen (f. Simpson
Special Quests: Mr. ‘D avid Ko dins
Mr. MichaeliChitrnore
Sunday School 9:30am
Morning Worship 10:45am
Evangelistic Service 7:30pm
Tuesday Pastoral Teaching 7:00pm
Evangelistic Service 7:00pm
Prayer 12:00pm & 6:00pm
January 1,1995 — 6:00 DM
(Faith Temple Church
4224 S'E 62nd Avenue
•Portland, Oregon 97206
Come (And Briny (A Triend
& Lets Celebrate ‘The Kew year Tbyether
‘The Annual(Mew year’s Revival
January 2-6,1995 7pm (Might ty
Cjuest Revivalist:
'Elder 'Ekm S- '.Hudson of 'firootifyn, ‘\eu> ywR
(503) 774-5470
Mt Olivet
Baptist Church
8501 N. Chautauqua Blvd.,
at Willis Blvd.
W orship Services 8:00am & 11:00am,
Church School 9:30 to 10:30am,
B ible Study, Wednesdays, 10:30am & 7:00pm
Radio M in is try each Sunday, 8:00am on K B M S
PASTORS: Bishop Robert Simpson, Jr. • Dr. Ida M. Simpson
A Teaching Church With A Reaching Ministry
Dr. James E. Martin, Senior Pastor
Church Office 116 NE Schuyler St. • (503) 284-1954
5&L- ifliiaul çdHfîtsstottarg
SBafitiit tUncidi
103 NE Morris St., Portland, OR 97212
Sunday School - 9:30am
Sunday Morning Worship Service -1 1 :00am
Sunday School Teacher’ s Meeting Tues - 6:30pm
Bible Study Wednesday 6:00pm
Prayer Meeting Wednesday - 7:00pm
^Baptist (Cljurcl)
8101 N. Fiske Avenue • Portland Oregon 97203
Church Phone: 289-0147 • Study Phone: 289-1911
Church Phone Number
We Invite You To Come And Worship With Us.
The Church Where Everybody is Somebody And Chris! Is All.
Dr. Joe S. Hardie, Pastor