P age B4 D ecember 21, 1994 • 1 he P orieand O bserver ENTERTAINMENT CELEBRATE KW ANZAA DN A After C hristm as Kwanzaa Begins R ight in tim e for the H oliday S e a so n , P rax is P u b lic a tio n s, Inc. o f M a d iso n , W I, w ill p u b lish K w anzaa: How to C e le b ra te it in Y our H om e, th e first in a uniq u e new se rie s o f five Big books d e ­ sig n e d to h e lp fam ilies c e le b ra te A frican A m erican h o lid ay s. The co m p leted series w ill also include B ig B o o k s a b o u t M artin L u th er K ing D ay, Ju n e te e n th , Black H is­ to ry M onth and M alco lm X Day. K w an zaa is one o f the m ost im p o rta n t h o lid a y s o b se rv e d by A fric a n A m erican s. It is a tim e fo r re u n io n s o f A fric a n A m e ri­ can F a m ilie s and p e o p le s, for re c o g n itio n o f A frican A m erican a c h ie v e m e n ts, and for c u ltu ra l r e n e w a l a n d r e d e d ic a tio n to stro n g fam ily v a lu e s. E v ery y ear sin c e 1966, m illio n s o f A m eri­ can s have c e le b ra te d K w anzaa, y et m any o th e rs are still unsure how to p a rtic ip a te in the annual se v e n -d a y ritu a l, D ecem b er 26 th ro u g h Ja n u a ry 1. K w anzaa: H ow to C e le b ra te it in Y o u r H om e sh o w s how one A f r ic a n A m e ric a n fa m ily o b ­ se rv e s K w anzaa at hom e. I llu s ­ tra te d th ro u g h o u t in full c o lo r, it p ro v id e s an in sp irin g m odel for fa m ilie s to c re a te th e ir ow n sp e ­ cia l c e le b ra tio n s o f th is 'im p o r- ta n t A frican A m erican c u ltu ra l h o lid a y . The tex t ta k e s re a d e rs ste p by step th ro u g h a n -a c tu a l K w an zaa c e le b ra tio n , and also in c lu d e s a s p e c ia l K w a n z a a p le d g e , o p e n in g and c lo sin g li­ b a tio n s, and a c tiv itie s the en tire fam ily can en jo y . T he large fo r­ m at (fifte e n by e ig h te e n in ch es) an d larg e p rin t m ake it easy for a d u lts and c h ild re n o f all ages to use th e book in any g ro u p s e t­ tin g , w h eth er it be the fam ily, c la ssro o m , clu b , or o rg a n iz a tio n . ¿6 Kwanzaa is not a religious hol­ iday or an alternative to Christmas. It's a seven-day Acrocentric cele­ bration that beings Dec. 26. Adapted from the annual agri­ cultural festivals that are an inte­ gral part o f A frican trad itio n , Kwanzaa, American sty le, was cre­ ated in 1966 to unify the African- A m erican com m unity tow ard a common set o f goals and objec­ tives and to reassert traditional val­ ues. The name com es from the phrase, mantunda ya kwanza, which in Swahili means “the first fruits o f the harvest.” The extra “a” was added to make it uniquely Ameri­ can. “The celebration o f Kwanzaa is based on the ideals o f family, heritage and community and pro­ vides a wonderful opportunity to reflect on traditional values,” said Sterling D. Plumpp, University o f Illinois at Chicago associate pro­ fessor o f African-American stud­ ies. In recen t y e a rs, K w anzaa ob serv an ces have grow n in p o p ­ ularity . An e stim a te d 15 m il­ lion p e o p le o f A fric a n d e sc e n t in the U nited S ta te s, C anada, the C a rib b e a n , E ngland and A f­ ric a n now c e le b ra te K w anzaa in som e form . Food from throughout the Af­ rican d iaspora are served and zawadi, or gifts o f cultural signifi­ cance. are exchanged. The ideals o f the holiday, collectively known as the Nguzo Saba, are underscored through a daily cand le-l ighting cer­ emony. Kwanzaa’s seven princi­ p le s are: U m o ja (u n ity ); Kujichagulia, (self-determination); Ujim a(collective work and respon­ sibility); Ujamaa, (cooperative eco­ nomics); Nia, (purpose); Kuumba (creativity); and Imani, (faith). Too Much Holiday C heer” Makes Roadways Dangerous Although much progress has been made, drunk driving continues to be a significant factor in traffic accident deaths. More than a third o f all drivers killed in car crashes in 1993 were legally drunk. The upcoming holidays and the a c c o m p an y in g p a rtie s and get- togethers can add to the problem Fatal accident involving drunk driv­ ers increase significantly in Decem­ ber. Thirty-nine percent o f all drivers killed in traffic accidents in Decem­ ber 1993 were drunk. “ Even with heightened public awareness and education campaigns regarding the dangers o f drunk driv­ ing, the problem continues,” said Lowell R. Beck, president o f the National Association o f Independent Insurers. “For your protection, use extra caution when driving during the hoi iday season. A Iso, for the safety o f others, use common sense and courtesy when your celebrating in­ volves alcohol.” For holiday revelers, there are a number o f options to prevent drunk driving deaths. Simply abstain from drinking at a party or, for groups and couples, have someone volunteer to be the “designated driver.” Finally, the biggest favor you can do for a friend who has had too much to drink is to take away their car keys, offer them a ride home or call a cab Teenagers, while less likely than adults to drive after drinking, have a substantially higher crash risk when they do. In 19 93,27 percent o f 16 to 20 year old drivers killed in car crash­ es were legally drunk, even though you must be 21 to legally purchase alcohol. To help stem this problem, parents o f young drivers can limit teen driving hours. Parents should also insist that safety belts be worn at all times by all occupants o f the car. Finally, have a backup plan ready, ju st in case liquor is used, to get the kids home without driving. Even drinking in moderation may affect driving perform ance. Studies have shown that a blood al­ cohol content o f 0.02 percent affects a person’s driving ability and in­ creases the likelihood o f an accident. Because the effects o f alcohol vary with each person, it's difficult to predict exactly how many drinks it takes to make a person's driving dan­ gerous. Furthermore, the type o f alcohol is not necessarily the determine fac­ tor in how a person is affected by alcohol. T here is an equivalent amount o f alcohol in 12 ounces o f beer, 4 ounces o f wine and 1.25 ounces o f 80-proof I iquor Beer, how­ ever, is the most common drink con­ sumed by people involved in alco­ hol-related accidents. Precinct Gives H oliday Safety Tips The holiday season is here and with Christmas coming, shoppers will be visiting shopping malls in large number T he N o rth east Police P recinct h ad the follow ing tips: • W hile shopping, avoid carrying large amounts o f cash and credit cards. • D on’t leave packages, purses or other valuables conspicuously displayed in your vehicle • Be aware o f your surroundings Park in well lit areas and be wary of strangers loitering in parking lots and near automatic teller machines • W hile using the ATM, d on’t let others stand close behind you. A special Kwanzaa exhibit premiered this month at Walt Disney World as part of Epcot's Holidays Around the World celebration. The exhibit features information about the holiday and items used during the celebration. Walt Disney Imagmeers worked with African-American groups in Florida and California to complete the display. J©IN THE iPCC E©R K W A M Z A A FESTIVITIES .III Kwanzaa is a nonreligious holiday celebrated December 26 - January 1. It is based on African agricultural celebrations and collective principles, and was created by African American. Dr. Maulana Karenga in 1966. Kwanzaa is not a replacement for Christmas, but is a seven day holiday acclaiming a support system using the "Nguzo Saba” , w hich is a group o f seven principles for guidance. The seven principles are: Unity (Umoja), Self Determination (Kujichagulia), Collective Work and Responsibility (Ujima), Cooperative Economics (Ujamaa), Purpose (Nia), Creativity (Kuumba), and Faith (Imani). December, IFCC Kwanzaa Community Project; 5340 N. Interstate-Call 823-2000 for event information. »Sy 1 ’”*3 KWANZAA C alendar o f Events 0 DADDY'S LONG LEG COLLECTOR'S DOLLS - 1994 SANTA Julia's The Ultimate Collection 1016 SW Morrison Street Downtown Portland Open Monday - Saturday, 10am-6pni Phone 503-2 74-930 8 December« Saturday UMOJA (Unity) Open House 12 - 3 pm December, Sunday KUJICHAGULIA (Self Determination) 6 - 9 pm D ecem ber Sunday UJIMA (Collective Work and Responsiblility) Exhibit/Reception 2 - 6 pm Decem ber Monday UJAMAA (Cooperative Economics) 6 - 9 pm D ecem ber Sunday NIA (Purpose) 4 - 6 pm Decem ber Tuesday KUUMBA (Creativity) 12 - 2 pm Decem ber Thursday IMANI (Faith) 6 - 6:45 pm Inner City Student Perfor­ mance 7 pm DEC.1-31,1994 Christmas Layaway Now Available! 5340 N. Interstate -Call 823-2000 ■» V