P age B7 T he P ortland O bserver • D ecember 14, 1994 íí! r-iir-i Drafting Join Our Team! M echan ical D esign D rafter GOODWILL INDUSTRIES W e h a ve o p p o rtu n itie s fo r people with a steady work record, who can do heavy lift­ ing. D ock W orkers (job located at Milwaukie at Tacoma) Site D onation A ttendants (assist donors at various trailer sties in metro area) 1 We have excellent benefits, incl. pd va c/sick lv/holidays, & medical/dental ins. Apply at: Goodwill Industries, 1943 SE 6th, Portland (first en­ trance on Stephens off 6th, M-F, 7:30-3:30). Equal O p­ portunity Employer. A d m in istrative A ssistant Private non-profit seeks enthu­ siastic, organized, detail-ori­ ented person to support dept managers, draft correspon­ dence, maintain contract files & coordinate mailings. Req. 60 wpm typing, WordPerfect and QuatroPro exp. Degree and/or exp. preferred. FT plus excl. benefits. Send cover let­ ter with salary requirements and resume to Oregon Food Bank, 2540 NE Riverside Way, Portland, OR 97211. P osition closes 12/14/94. Equal Opportunity Employer. Portland Radio Station Seeks A c co u n t Executive Radio Station KEX has an im­ mediate opening for an ac­ count executive. Sales expe­ rience a must, advertising sales preferred. Seeking goal oriented team player, with good organizational and com­ munication skills. No phone calls please. Send resume to: Carol Swanson Personnel Dept B 4949 SW Macadam Ave Portland, OR 97201 KEX is owned and operated by Citicasters Co., which is an equal opportunity employer. M E D IC A L O F F IC E A S S IS T A N T Ja m e s R iv e r C o rp o ra tio n 's W auna Mill is seeking a detail oriented person to support 13 engineers in detail m echani­ cal design, layout, and detail­ ing. Primary responsibilities include: • providing support for setting and maintaining ACAD stan­ dards using the m ost current drawing practices. • supporting the departm ent in m aintain and w orking with m aintenance redline drawing updates. • a d m in is tra tiv e and record keeping tasks. • maintaining backup and elec­ tronic drawing files. • doing layout and assembled design. • detailed part designs. • problem solving activities. E lectrical & In s tru m e n t D esig ner/ D rafter This position will also support 13 engineers in detail electri­ cal design, layout and loop design. Primary responsibili­ ties include: • providing support for s e ttin g s maintaining ACAD standards using the m ost current draw­ ing practices. • supporting the departm ent in maintaining and working with m aintenance redline drawing updates. • a d m in is tra tiv e and record keeping tasks. • maintaining backup and elec­ tronic drawing files. • doing loop and electrical de­ sign, conceptualizing logic and controls in workable relation­ ships • detail panel designs. • problem solving activities. To qualify, both positions re­ quire a technical or vocational 2 year degree in computer drafting, specifically ACAD 12; 10 years drafting experience with pulp and paper experi­ ence preferred. M ust De fa­ miliar with OSHA regulations, piping design, structural de­ sign and shop practices and have excellent oral and writ­ ten communication skills. Abil­ ity to w ork effectively with cross-functional team s and take field m easurem ents - climbing stairs, working in tight spaces and dirty, hot, dusty environm ents is a must. Send resume and references to Shelly Prouty, Rt 2, Box 2185, Clatskanie, OR 97016 before viauiiu i«? ivvuivu on O R Hw y 37 b e tw e e n Longview and Astoria. Equal O pportunity Employer M/F/D. BE O N E P roject C o o rd in ato r The Urban League of Portland, in collaboration with The Trust fo r P u b lic Land, se eks a Project Coordinator to m obi­ lize resources and com m u­ nity residents in North/North- east Portland for the design, development and stewardship of urban parks and parks pro­ gramming. BA/BS degree required. Expe­ rience in parks and parks pro­ gramming, com m unity orga­ nizing and development, pub­ lic speaking, education and management. Salary range high 20’s to low 30's. Send cover letter and resume before 12/29/94 to: Don Chalmers Urban League of Portland 10 N. Russell St. Portland, OR 97227 An equal opportunity employer, affirming the values and goals of affirmative action and di­ versity. M ental Health Swing Shift Team Leader posi­ tion available Monday - Fri­ day for group shelter home serving adolescent males in Troutdale. Salary is $16,640; excellent benefits. Requires personal transportation & driv­ ing record permitting cover­ age under corporate auto li­ ability policy. Agency applica­ tion is required & may be ob­ tained at Janus Youth Pro­ grams, Inc., 738 NE Davis, Portland. We value diversity. Position open until filled. C lerical Large downtown law firm has periodic openings in the firm’s mail room, photocopy center, Faxandmessengerservices. Two or more openings are expected in the very near fu­ ture. Qualifications include professional demeanor, good organizational skills, attention to detail, strong communica­ tion skills, client service ori­ entation, flexibility and good judgment. Ideal candidates would be team players who are adaptable, learn quickly, and have the ability to work underpressure with minimum supervision. Prior experience with high volume photocopy, Fax or mail processing equip­ ment preferred. Please send resumes to : Stoel Rives Boley Jones & Grey Personnel Department IH-198/028 900 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 2300 Portland, OR 97204 An Equal Opportunity Employer - We Value Diversity r J A M E S R IV E R C O R P O R A TIO N TRAIN NOW! NEW CUSSES ALSO FORMINO In: • M e d ia li Assisting NEW CLASSES FORMING NOW, Cal TODAY! Concorde C A R E E R IN S T IT U T E I 1827 NE 44th Awn »Portland, OR 97213 Quality Jobs... Quality People • Big Rewards • Temp to full time • Long-term night work • Large international firm Walk in applicants welcome. 1 - 4 p.m., Monday - Friday 1020 SW Taylor, #230 CALL 1-800-90KELLY K ELLY » (Equal Opportunity Employer) Call 503-288-0033 Port O f Portland FLAaUtNI OAY A --------- - ASS8TAMK -------- FVEMNQ CLAttLS AVALAfllf1 Production k Career Opportunities • L im ited X r a y V a n c o .iv o r 2 0 6 -7 5 0 -7 9 6 9 s p o rtia n i» M ental Health Therapist A dm inistrative A ssistant Full-time. MSW or M aster’s in related field. Experience work­ ing with adolescents, families; in d iv id u a l, g ro u p , fa m ily therapy and case coordina­ tion. Familiar with DSM IV di­ agnosis, ability to develop treatment plans and mental health assessment, and to work with diverse population in multicultural setting. Salary range $ 1 7 ,1 6 4 -$ 2 5 ,7 4 6 de­ pending upon experience. Pick up application at The Boys & Girls Aid Society, 018 SW Boundary Ct., Portland or call (503) 222-9661, X226. Equal Opportunity Employer. Pope & Talbot, Inc., a Portland based, Pulp, Paper & Wood Products Company is seek­ ing a full-time Administrative Assistant for the Consumer Products Division. The quali­ fied candidate will have 3+ years experience in a sales, marketing, advertising or a retail sales environment. This position requires extensive computer knowledge in Mi­ crosoft office, aptitude to in­ ternal systems and familiarity with E-Mail and Lotus Notes. Key to position is the ability to manage multiple tasks simul­ taneously with attention to detail & follow-up. Qualified applicants should call the C orporate Human Re­ sources Departm ent to re­ quest an application packet. Completed packets must be returned prior to the closing date of December 23,1994. Corporate Human Resources Pope & Talbot, Inc. (503) 226-9161, ext 490 Pope & Talbot offers a competi­ tive employee benefit program and salary com m ensurate with experience. M anufacturing Growing vitamin mfg co. has several positions avail. Granu­ lator M-Th 7am - 5:30pm, Compressor Fri-Sun 7am - 7pm, Coating Fri-Sun 7am - 7pm, Liquid Machine Oper. M-Th 5:30pm-4:00am. Start­ ing wage $6.20 - $6.50 hr. Pay increase and benefits af­ ter 90 days. On the job train­ ing provided. Please apply between 1-5, M-F, or send resume to 3580 NE Broad­ way, Portland, OR 97232. We are an equal opportunity em­ ployer. Local Mfg. company seeking QA inspectorto inspect pkg. lines. Six months exp. QA/QC re­ quired. Hrs. Mon-Wed 6:45pm to 7:00am. $6.60 hour. Ben­ efits after 90 days. Qualified applicants please apply or send resume to 3580 NE B road w ay P o rtla n d , OR 97232, M-F between 1 & 5pm. We are an equal opportunity employer. I Senior Com puter Operator - Inform ation Technology Senior Planner - Policy and Planning Closing Date: Decem ber 2 3 ,1 9 9 4 If interested and qualified, apply in person at the Port of Portland Employment Office, 700 NE Multnomah, 14th floor. Applicants residing outside the Portland metropolitan area and physically disabled applicants may request application materials by call­ ing (503) 731-7400. Preem ployment drug screening is re­ quired. All applications must be received by 5pm on the closing date. Information about career opportunities with the Port can be obtained by calling the Job Hot Line at (503) 731-7480. • MS W INDOW S • MS EXCEL • MS FOXPRO • MS W ORD • MS ACCESS • MS LAN MANAGER DATA PRO CESSING RESOURCES, INC. 707 SW W ashington Street, Suite 1501 Portland, Oregon 97205 Attn: Terry Dixon Phone: 790-9018 Fax: 790-0643 i ; > W ashington C o u n ty Engineering Associate (Traffic) $3,077 - $3,741 per month Apply by December 2 3 ,1 9 9 4 1 Com m unity Health W orker II (Bilingual) $1,788 - $2,173 per month Apply by December 2 3 ,1 9 9 4 C a ll (503) 6 4 8 -8 9 6 0 6 /T D D (503) 693-4898 for inform a­ tion. County application and s u p p le m e n ta l a p p lic a tio n forms required. Apply to: Washington County Personnel 155 N First Avenue, Suite 210 Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 Women, minorities, and people with disabilities are encour­ aged to apply. if® - M t fe -, ¿ tí* ' B H O W T O U S E T H IS S Y S T E M S D e a r R e a d e r : E n jo y r e a d in g a ll t h e a d s in th e c a t e g o r y o f y o u r c h o ic e , c ir c lin g th e o n e s y o u d lik e t o r e s p o n d to , t h e n c a ll 1 - 9 0 0 - 7 2 5 - 4 3 4 3 ( S 1 . 9 8 / m in .) a n d f o llo w i - '+ JW s m a ll p o r t io n o f t h e a d s c u r r e n t ly o n o u r v o ic e p e r s o n a ls s y s t e m , s o y o u m ig h t w is h to c a ll a n d b r o w s e t h r o u g h t h e 1 0 0 'S o l n e w e s t a d s in t h e c o u n tr y . T o r e c o r d y o u r t re e v o ic e p e r s o n a l, c a ll 1 - 8 0 0 - 8 1 3 - 0 5 5 3 To Place Your FREE Voice Personal Call 1-800-813-0553 ... I Women BLUE EYED BLONDE SF 50. petite, w ith blue eyes & blonde hair. I'm looking to r a sincere, fu n gentle­ man 50 plus. You m ust be financially secure, like the o u td o o rs , c a m p in g , ro ­ m antic dinners, laughing & traveling. Looking to r a serious relationship Call Ext 63651 WE SEEK MEN SF I'm 1 8 ,5 8. w ith blonde hair & blue eyes. She is 5 7 . w ith green eyes A black hair We are looking to r at­ LIKE TO HAVE FUN S F Ia m 18 years old, w ith GO FISHING SF 28,b ro w n hair. I am dark hair and green eyes S e eks s in g le W h ite looking fo r som e new men in my life to sit on the bank and do som e fishing. Go male,someone between the ages of 1 8 to 25. Look­ ing fo r som eone who is honest, likes to have fun. e x c itin g , c h a rm in g and goal orientated, fo r frie n d ­ ship, possible relationship Call Ext 63018 HAVE FUN S F 2 0 ,1 1 5 lbs 5'6 la m lo o k in g fo r a C h ris tia n friend who likes to have fun Call Ext 630400 LONGHAIR SF Scorpio. 20. long brown hair, and blue eyes, 6’1.1 enjoy many things in clud­ ing sw im m ing, volleyball, listening to m usic, danc­ ing, horseback riding, long c a m p in g .h ik in g , ca nd le­ light dinners. beaches and going dancing I am not looking tor a com m itm ent rig h t now but would like to m eet som eone th a t w ill treat me like a lady and show me a good tim e I have ch ild re n , yo u can to o Call Ext 63041 MOVIES SF 19, 5'5 , 170 lbs I’m easygoing. I like the o u t­ doors, going to the m ov­ ies. partying, fishing, take m y dog tor a walk on the beach I like honesty in a man Call Ext. 63337 HAVE FUN SF 26. 5 '6 . 120 lbs Look­ in g f o r s o m e o n e to h a v e fu n w ith I'm w ild S F 5 '6 ,115 lb s ., blue eyes, blondish-b row n hair I like walks by the beach, laying by bonfires, watching m ov­ ies and taking long drives to have tun, I like camping. I like hiking. I like dancing. I like football. I like base­ ball. I likeall kinds of sports I also, love rom antic din­ n ers and w a lk s on th e beach I ju st like to have fun. I am not looking to r a n y th in g s e r io u s , ju s t som eone toh a ve fu n w ith Call Ext 816 610 BLUE EYES M ost o t all I enjoy spend­ ing quiet nights together Call Ext 63159 EASY GOING SF 19, brown hair, blue eyes, easy going, easy to talk to Enjoy horseback riding, fishing, movies, ani­ mals. music & love w a tch­ ing football Call Ext 63337 DANCING SF 20 years old I really SF Stop lo oking tor w hat­ ever in all the w rong places A le t's ta lk I 'm 5 3 ,2 7 ,1 5 3 enjoy the o u td o o rs and dancing I just want to get to know a bunch of d iffe r­ ent people Call Ext 62994 LIKE THEATER SF 5 3 .1 0 7 lbs brow n hair are s till at home A 1 is raised I m very you ng look­ ing and in great shape I believe In the Lord and be­ lieve In keeping his com ­ m andm ents I'm interested in som eone who believes in the same, who believes in treating a lady like a lady A Is n 't p o s s e s s iv e , oroverbearin g Someone A eyes I like theater, m u ­ sic. arts, outdoors I'm an old fashioned g irl Looking for a man that likes to treat a wom an like a wom an, who believes in letting wom an g ro w A be herself Someone w h o's not jeal­ ous. not possessive but who is very open m inded A believes in the Lord Please Call Ext 63278 lb s , w ith w arm medium brow n hair A blue eyes Call Ext 63360 T o R e s p o n d or B ro w s e A d s or R e trie v e M e s s a g e s . C a ll 1 -9 0 0 -7 2 5 -4 3 4 3 ($ 1 .9 8 /m in ) 18 + Then: a like to have fun. Leave message CallExt 816610 LOVE OUTDOORS OF 41. tu n loving, old fash­ ioned Love the outdoors, theater , arts A m usic I'm a singer I have 3 children 2 Single Men FUN TO BE AROUND SM I'm new to the area A d o n 't know where to hang o u t to m eet in te re stin g people. I'm 27, w ith brown hair A dark piercing blue eyes I weigh 200 lbs , but I'm w orking on that My Interests include cycling, tennis the gym A paint ball. I'm looking to r a height w e ig h t p ro p o r tio n a te single or divorce female In their late 20 s. who are ex­ citing. has a irreverent look on life, etc. W ould ask that you don't smoke, have a fresh outlook on life, ener­ getic A tun to be around Call Ext 63653 LIKES TO TRAVEL SW M 43. red hair, beard, To Record w » d o r Change Your Exletlng Ad To Hear L ateen Ad« Sorted By Area Codee PRESS: 3. To Respond To A Specific Printed Ad Shown Here PRESS: 4. To Retrieve Your Meeeages PRESS: 9. For Customer Service COMPANIONSHIP SWM 28, brow n eyes, dark SOMEONE OUTGOING SM Retired A in m y 60 s com plexion, con stru ctio n w o rk e r, have c h ild r e n L o o king to r anyone be­ tween the ages o f 21-28. I'm lo oking fo r an o u tg o ­ ing, unin h ib ite d fem ale 40- 60. to r frie n d sh ip A travel. Looking to r som eone who ju s t w a nts to have fun. com panionship, friendship A maybe it can w ork in to som ething serious. Call Ext 816931 OPEN M IN DE0 S M 6 ’4, brow n hair A eyes. 210 lbs I enjoy any kind of w om an as long as she Is open m inded A loves to have tun. I love fishing but m ost of all I love to enter- tainw om en CallExt 63567 VERY OUTGOING SM Very o utgoing rom a n­ tic. Love beautiful women, the o u td o o rs , a th le tic s , sports Call Ext 63593 SEEKS A WHITE FEMALE crabbing, estate sales, auc­ tions. m u s ic a n d th e fru g a l G ourm et's attitude about SPORTS ORIENTEO SM 30, 5'9. 180 lbs, long SM t9 . tall, brow n eyes Looking fo r a W hite female, 18-19 Call Ext 63586 food I 'd like to maybe take som e trips to Holland. Ja­ maica and Australia. Look­ hair I enjoy sports, skiing, hiking, lishing. going to the beach, w orking and play­ ing basketball I am pretty ing for a single or divorced, open m inded W hite female between 30-43 w ith a great m u c h s p o r ts o rie n te d Looking to r som eone w ith the same interests w ho is very old fashioned Call Ext 63278 GO TO CLUBS sense ot hum or and possi­ bly no children interested in the arts, cats and ou t­ doo r activities Call soon. Call Ext 634 64 TIREOOFTHE BAR SCENE in to m ovies, conce rts and m usic Call Ext 63580 WANTS COMPANY SM 23 I'm kind of lonely and want som e com pany. Looking to meet. talk, go SF Early 30 s Looking tor single men that w ould go out A have agood tim e I SM 6'1. 165 lbs, blonde, beard, m ustache I’ m a m usician and I'm tired of out and do th in g s together Call Ext 63572 LOOKING FOR FUN like to dance, go to clubs also like to go sw im m ing A the bar scene and girls al­ ways hitting on me at the SM 20 .5 9 .1 9 5 lbs blonde cam ping A just about any­ thin g that gets me out of bar Looking to r a girl be­ tween 25-40 to date and go uut and have a good tim e w ith Call Ext 63573 the house Leave a m es­ sage Call Ext 62903 R e m e m b e r, these ads are only a small portion of the ads available to you. Use the Browse option to listen to the ads not yet in print. 1 -9 0 0 -7 2 5 -4 3 4 3 $ 1 .9 8 /m in PRESS: 0. For Information Y o u ’ll a u t o m a tic a lly g e t a v o ic e b o x n u m ­ b e r. R e m e m b e r: W e s c re e n o u r a d s re g u ­ la rly . b u t w e a r e n o t r e s p o n s ib le t o r a d v e r ­ t is e r s Y o u n e e d to "s c r e e n " p e o p le y o u r ­ s e lf; t a lk b y p h o n e , a n d m e e t in a p u b lic p la c e . Y o u m u s t b e 18 o r o ld e r t o u s e t h is s y s t e m . G o o d lu c k a n d h a v e t u n ! open m inded I make a liv ­ ing by creating carto on sculptures at flea markets and art show s around the country I enjoy home made beer, choking, clim bing, PRESS: 1 PRESS: 2. DPR is an equal opportunity employer and we offer excellent salary, paid Medical/Dental coverage, holiday & vacation. For consideration, mail or fax resume & salary history to: if? th e in s tr u c t io n s . If y o u n e e d h e lp u s in g t h e s y s t e m , c a ll o u r B U R E A U O N E c u s t o m e r s e r v ic e a t 2 1 3 - 9 5 7 - 7 3 8 0 . T h is is o n ly a T o P la c e Y o u r F R E E V o ic e P e rs o n a l 1 -8 0 0 -8 1 3 -0 5 5 3 DPR is currently seeking qualified PC Support Specialists who are experienced with all or most of the following software: Oregon Arena Corporation is hiring Alcohol Monitors for B la z e r g a m e s and o th e r events at the Memorial Coli­ seum. Seeking alert, people oriented, physically fit indi­ viduals to monitor alcohol con­ sumption in the arena. OLCC server training or TEAM train­ ing an advantage. $6.50/HR. Must be at least 21 years of age. Please submit letter of application and resume to: Oregon Arena Corp. 1401 N. W heeler Port. OR 97227 Attn Ben Pearl. Oregon Arena Cor­ poration is an equal opportu­ nity employer. 9’ À • S4518 - $6361/Month The Oregon Department of En­ vironmental Quality in Port­ land is accepting applications for the position of Agency Di­ rector. The position manages and directs the agency’s pro­ grams to regulate air, water and land pollution, to adminis­ ter authorities delegated by U S. EPA including the Clean Air, Clean Water, and Re­ source Conservation and Re­ cover Acts; to administer state statutes regarding pollution control and cleanup; and to serve as a member of the Governor’s cabinet. This is an Executive Service position which receives a com­ petitive benefits package in­ cluding contributions toward family health, dental and life insurance, optional short-and long-term disability insurance; a retirement plan and paid holiday, vacation and sick leave. To request an announcement and additional information, please call the DEQ jobline at (503) 229-5785. Equal Opportunity Employer POPE & TALBOT, INC. Equal Opportunity Employer Portland INSTRUCTIONS PC S U P P O R T S P E C IA L IS T &Í A g en cy D ire cto r Alcohol M onitors M an u factu rin g tractive. tall, built men. who love to have tun, entertain & dance Call Ext. 63600 BEACH WALKS FMAMCttL AO A VAMÄ.E. fOA THOM WHO OUALfV P o rtla n d 5 0 3 281 4 1 8 1 (Elie (Ob s er u er 1 8« « pert ot a PrctesaonaJ Medeal Team Get mariutaM skills TNt « M in Caat w in re v at MJ’ N a M maana«« ¡ t Canina Advertise In » J - - .• o ld e r 18 o r hair, blue eyes em ployed In my spare tim e I like rac­ ing cars A liftin g weights Looking to r a fun loving, intelligent lady who w ants a m eaningful relatio nship dow n the road enioys night life A enjoys quiet rom a n­ Call Ext 63021 BLUE EYED BLONDE SM 24, blonde hair, blue eyes. 180 lbs, attractive Enjoy sports, dinner, danc­ ing A a variety o f o u td o o r activities Loo king to r a fe­ male w ho enjoys the same Call Ext. 63 4 9 9 CLASSICAL CONCERTS SM 6 3 .3 3 . C atholic Look­ ing to m eet ano ther Catho­ lic Like so ft m usic, classi­ cal m usic classical co n ­ certs Call Ext 63 4 2 6 SPORTS A DINNER SM 24. blonde hair, blue eyes. 180 lbs, attractive Enjoy sports, dinner, danc­ ing A a variety o t o utdoor activities Loo king fo r a fe ­ and h u m o ro u s Enioy a lot of th in g s, cam pin g, going great SM 32. em ployed going, have a great sense o f hu m o r, never been m a r­ ried Looking to meet a very special lady 26-31 Som e­ one w h o 's lo oking to r a teddy bear CallE xt 63407 LIKE CLAM MING SM 43. self em ployed a rt­ is t / c a rto o n is t I'm ex­ trem ely open m in d I enjoy m icro b re w s quality herb clam m ing A crabbing A I'm an excellent chef I'm seek m inded A a great sense of h um or is an absolute must C allE xt 6 3 4 6 4 3pan«or«cJ By; 8 l T ! L oo k­ ing for any w om an w h o ’s interested ein xotic th in g s C allE xt 626 44 M TEDDY BEAR SM 37. teddy bear, easy ested in the arts A outdoor activities 'm not a skier I prefer inner tu b in g Open nice figure is»?« erably w ith a nice figure to date A have tu n w ith I like to cuddle A do a lo t ot th in g s Race is u n im p o r­ tant Leave a message Call Ext 634 5 9 SWM 36. black hair, blue personality A kids are great Call Ext 63 5 2 8 EXOTIC THINGS ".«A. ’ ‘»TSV- to the beach, din in g out Looking to r a nice g irl un­ der 30 or thereabouts, pref­ •ng a sin gle or divorced W hite fem ale about ages 30-43, no child re n , inter under , ( t* ? male w h o enjoys the same Call Ext 6 3 4 9 9 CUDDLE A HAVE FUN SW M 5'11, physically fit, tic evenings on the beach A dinner Call Ext 635 46 HAS A HARLEY eyes have a nice hom e a good jo b nice car . a Harley Davidson Seeking a single W hite fem ale 2 3 -3 5 .5 '6 or i í É ’V ' W » . 14 CM» g u g g f e . 8 L $ s