Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 14, 1994, Page 12, Image 12

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    P age fió
D ecember 14, 1994 • T he P ortland O bserver
‘Ñfurincj of&lfcdys
The Congress o f National Black
Churches (CNBC) convene its annu­
al convention in Memphis, on De­
cember 5-8, 1904. The subject ofthis
year's meeting is "Creating Hope
and Healing Amidst a Violent Soci­
ety.” The three day conference was
held at The Peabodv Hotel with over
200 delegates attending the meeting.
The economic impact for the area is
expected to be around SI 12,000.
The CNBC's annual conference
is where religious leaders meet with
noted scholars and experts to discuss
an issue o f importance to the African-
American community. The opening
speaker this year was Dr. Joceyln El­
ders, United States Surgeon General.
Other noted speakers included:
Honorable Flovd D. Flake. (D) New
York. 6th District, U.S. Congress;
Dr. M ari lyn H . G aston, A s s i stant U . S.
Surgeon General & Director o f the
Bureau o f Primary Health Care; Dr.
Elaine Johnson. Director, Center for
Substance Abuse Prevention, Depart­
ment o f Health and Human Services;
H onorable John W ilder, D eputy
Mayor for Criminal Justice Services
in P h: ladelphia; Dr. George Gerbner,
Annenburg School o f Com m unica­
tions, University o f Pennsylvania;
and John J. Wilson, Acting Adminis­
trator, Office o f Juvenile Justice and
Delinquency Prevention, Department
o f Justice.
“ We are not only interested in
fashioning appropriate interventions
to address violence in our com m uni­
ty and among our youth, but we also
seek to identity prevention strategies
which encourage our churches to
protect and to claim our children as
our children," says Reverend H.
Michael Lemmons, CNBC execu­
tive director.
Part o f the co n feren ce was
C N B C ’s Annual Leadership Award
Dinner to which the public was invit­
ed. During the dinner, the CNBC
presented its 1994 Leadership Award
to Bishop William H. Graves, pre­
siding bishop to the First District o f
the Christian Methodist Episcopal
Church and chairman of the CNBC.
The dinner was held on D ecem­
ber 7 at 7 p.m. in the Memphis Ball­
room o f The Peabody Hotel. The
keynote speaker was H onorable
Maxine Waters, (D) California, 35th
District, U.S. Congress. Her address
was “ Policy and Legislative Models
for Creating Hope and Healing.”
Mistress o f ceremonies was Mearl
Purvis Smart, news anchor for WMC
Founded in 1978 and headquar­
tered in W ashington. DC, the CNBC
currently operates six national initia­
tives: Black Family Program, Lead­
ership Development Program, Eco­
nomic Development Program. N a­
tional Anti-Drug Campaign, N ation­
al Health Program, and an Affiliate
Relations Office.
For more information, contact
Sullivan Robinson at (202)371 -1091.
The Memphis Convention &
Visitors Bureau is a private, non­
profit, membership corporation re­
sponsible for marketing Memphis and
Shelby County as a convention site
and visitor destination. Visitors to
West Tennessee have an estimated
impact o f $ 1.6 billion annually, gen­
erating nearly $105 m illion in local
and state taxes and providing 37,000
jobs with a $808 million payroll.
J o J h e C om m un.it
To Help Church Youth
A pizza party to help the young people o f Bethel African
Methodist Episcopal Church, 5828 N.E. Eighth Ave., will be held
this Friday from 6 p in. to 10 p.m. at Pietro’s Pizza at Jantzen
The Young Peoples Division o f the church will receive 20
percent o f the total receipts received during the party. Just
mention “ Bethel Youth” when making your purchase.
Area residents are invited to help the church
youth by coming to the evening o f fun and
Saturdays; 10AM - 5PM
Sundays: 11AM - 4:30 PM
Neelam N. La
B aby’s N am e: Neelam N. Lal D ate o f B irth: 12/2/94 Sex: Female
M o th e r’s N am e: Surita K Lal
F a th e r ’s N am e: Hirdesh K. Lal
A ll o f Portland, Oregon
W eight: 7# 4 ounces
L ength: 20 inches
B roth ers/S isters: None
G ra n d p a re n ts /P a te rn a l: Hira & Shamla Lal, Portland
G ra n d p a re n ts /M a te rn a l: Pahalad & Veena Kumar, Fiji Islands
G re a t G ra n d p a re n ts/P a te rn a l: Rahan Prasad, Portland
Donations Down At Salvation Army Kettles
M id-w ay through its critical
holiday fund-raising season, the Sal­
vation Army is seeing a 40 percent
decrease in kettle and mail-in dona­
tions in the Portland area compared
to last year, reported Rowanne Haley,
Salvation Army city program coor­
“ W e’re puzzled by this drop in
donations, because the local econo­
my actually is much stronger than
last year,” said Haley.
“ It’s likely people don't see the
need as much on a personal level.
Yet, demands on Salvation Army
services actually are increasing -
w e’re now serving more than 1,000
people a day. Money raised during
the holiday funds assistance programs
not only help during the winter, but
throughout the year. In many cases,
the Salvation Army provides the safe­
ty net that keeps families, seniors and
children o ff the streets.”
While kettle donations are down
I f you would like to send cards, gifts or m oney to M attie Ann, they
can be sent to the Portland O bserver N ewspaper c/o M attie Ann Cailier
Spears, 4747 N. E. MLK Jr. Bird., Portland, OR 97211.
Vessels Offers Kwanzaa Demonstrations
Portland Saturday Market
Fun shopping; U nique, hand­
made gi fts; Open for C hri stmas Shop-
Myles Jonathan Oliver Glover
^Iortlaxii» (©bseruer Staff
M onday-Friday, Dec. 19-23:11
AM - 5PM
Saturday, Dec. 2 4 : 10A M -3PM
Parking validated at Old Town
Garage, on Front & Davis with $15
purchase from a bona fide Portland
Saturday M arket vendor.
Vessels is offering Kwanzaa and
Holiday table decoration demonstra­
tions on Saturday. December 17, to
assist your cultural holiday entertain­
ing. From 11 a.m.-2 p.m., Geneva
Jones, Portland’s best known hostess,
will demonstrate how to create an ele­
gant holiday table. Jones is well known
for her cooking demonstrations on
KATU’s AM Northwest program and
has a wealth of knowledge to share.
In addition, Joyce Harris, a
well-know authority on Kwanzaa,
will be on hand from 2-3 p.m. to
discuss this celebration o f life princi­
ples. Kwanzaa is Swahili for “first
At the first of the month, 326
families were matched with adopters.
“Our goal is 750 families,” said
Jonica Lynn, program coordinate i
Those interested in “adopting" a
family should call 23-A D O PT (232-
3678). Support for the program can
also be made by a donation sent to
V olunteers o f America, 537 S.E.
Alder St., Portland, OR 97214. The
Adopt-A-Family program has been
made possible by the generous sup­
p o rt o f N eil K elly D e sig n e rs/
Remodelers o f Portland.
Myles Jonathan Oliver Glover, son o f John M. Glover and Marlene
Toponivey o f Portland, was bom Nov. 27, 1994 at Emanuel Hospital.
He weighed 8 pounds 5 ounces and was 21 inches. G randparents are
Polly Archer and Otho Holiday o f Portland and Louise Nicks o f Rich­
mond. A great-grandparent is Olie Jones o f Richmond.
Our beloved Sister Mattie Ann Callier-Spears has been every ill and
she needs our payers and our blessing to get through this.
Your prayers are needed, she needs to know the community she’s
given so much too through her church and community activities, and many
charities will be there for her. On the onset o f this Holiday Season say a
prayer, tell your friends and family to say a prayer, she will be oh so
Thank you
Open daily The week before
Christmas, includes:
Volunteer help is urgently need­
ed to help families during the holiday
The Oregon chapter o f the Vol­
unteers o f America needs people and
organizations for its holiday “Adopt-
A-Family” program.
The program matches low-in­
come families w ith individuals, fam­
ilies, groups or businesses to provide
food, clothing, gifts and toys for the
holiday season. The adoptions help
poor families with children under 18
or low-income seniors over 60.
fruits o f the harvest" and was created
in 1966 by Ron Karenga, currently
chair o f Black Studies at California
State University. Since then, many
have embraced Kwanzaa as an alter-
r M iir p n I''
d ir ic tr m c
However, Kwanzaa is not intended
to replace Christmas or any other
religious holiday, and is not itself a
religious holiday. Instead, it is a
cultural celebration which refocuses
on ancient value systems.
The “kinara” or candleholder,
one o f the prim ary sym bols o f
Kwanzaa, is available for sale at
Vessels as a fundraiser for the BEC.
We Welcome You to The
by at least 11 percent across the
Portland area, they’re down 47 per­
cent in G resham and 41 percent in
Clackamas County. Haley attributes
a lack o f volunteer bell ringers in
outlying suburban areas as part ofthe
“ D u rin g th e h o lid a y ru sh ,
peo p le m any not b eliev e th a t they
have the tim e to v o lu n te e r at a
k e ttle site. O n the a v e ra g e , one
fo u r-h o u r sift w ill raise eno u g h
to feed a fam ily o f fo u r at C h ris t­
m as, plus p ro v id e to y s. W e e n ­
co u rag e p e o p le to v o lu n te e r even
for a c o u p le o f h o u rs and to m ake
it a fam ily o r n e ig h b o rh o o d tra ­
d itio n ,” H aley said.
To volunteer, contact the Salva­
tion Army at 234-0825. People wish­
ing to make a donation can contrib­
ute at any kettle site, or mail a check
to the Salvation Army, Cascade Di­
vision, P.O. Box 8798. Portland, OR
Anni ve
(Greater ^ a i n t Stephen
ittissiortartT ^Baptist
“Serving The Lord With Gladness” Psalm 100:2
Sunday School 10am
Morning Worship 11:05
Prayer & Bible Study 7pm
Rev. G.L. Black I Pastor
3605 N.E. Mallory Ave.
(503) 281-8117 Portland, OR 97212
Beginning January 1st, 1995
Mt Olivet
Baptist Church
4224 S.E. 62nd Avenue
(between Powell «& Foster)
Portland, Oregon 97206
Sunday School 9:30am
M orning Worship 10:45am
Evangelistic Service 7:30pm
Tuesday Pastoral Teaching 7:00pm
Evangelistic Service 7:00pm
Prayer 12:00pm & 6:00pm
New & used books on
Business, Music, &
African-American Studies
8501 N. Chautauqua Blvd.,
at Willis Blvd.
W orship Services 8:00am & 1 1:00am.
Church School 9:30 to 10:30am,
Bible Study, W ednesdays, 10:30am & 7:00pm
Radio Ministry each Sunday, 8:00am on KBMS
A T e a c h in g C h u rc h W ith A R e a c h in g M in istry
(503) 774-5470
PA STO RS: Bishop Robert Simpson, Jr. • Dr. Ida M. Simpson
D r. J a m e s E. M a rtin , S e n io r P a sto r
C h u r c h O ffic e 116 N E S c h u y le r S t. • (5 0 3 ) 2 8 4 -1 9 5 4
Ji>t- ^ a u l ¿fWtssttmartJ
IBaptiit (Zhuxafi
103 NE Morris St., Portland, OR 97212
9 AM - 11 PM Monday through Saturday
9 AM - 9 PM Sundays
Used books bought every day till 8:30 PM
On the #20 Bus line • One hour free parking
1005 West Burnside Street
^Baptist (Ætjurctj
Sunday School - 9:30am
Sunday Morning Worship Service - 11:00am
Sunday School Teacher’ s Meeting Tues - 6:30pm
Bible Study Wednesday 6:00pm
Prayer Meeting Wednesday - 7:00pm
8101 N. Fiske Avenue • Portland Oregon 97203
Church Phone: 289-0147 • Study Phone: 289-1911
Sunday Service 10:45
Sunday School 9:30
Bible Study 6:00
Evening Service 7:00pm
Church Phone Number
We Invite You To Come And Worship With Us.
The Church Where Everybody is Somebody And Chris! Is All.
Dr. Joe S. Hardie, Pastor
Pastor, Re. James C.E. Faulkner