Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 07, 1994, Image 9

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Volume X X IV Number 49
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Serving the eommunit\ through cultural diversitx
tLlu' ^ o rtla n h (©bserxißr
December 7, 1994
n in m u n i t y
a 1 c tt ò ;t r
Kwanzaa At Firehouse
The Interstate Firehouse Cultural
Center, 5340 N. Interstate Ave., is creat­
ing special festivities during the month
o f December to educate and explain the
holiday season o f Kwanzaa. An art ex­
hibit, community' marketplace, theater,
storytelling, workshops and a lecture will
also be featured during the month. All
events are open and free to the pubic.
Volunteers from the
National Electrical
Association (NECA)
and the International
Brotherhood of
Electrical Workers
(IBEW) Local 48
donated labor and ,
matenals to light The
Grotto for the
sanctuary’s annual
‘Festival of Lights ’
Christmas celebration.
The 27-person
volunteer crew
included IBEW Local
48 Electricians from
Sunset Electric, Cherry
City/Morrow Electric,
Electrical Construction
Company. Chandler
Electric, Far West
Electric, Christenson
Electric, Tice Electric,
and Atlas Electric, all
members of NECA.
Area Women To Model
Twenty area women wi 11 model fash­
ions from Sheba’s House o f Elegance
during a fashion show to benefit Albina
Youth Opportunity School. The event
will be held Friday, 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. at
the House ofElegance, 3223 N.E. Broad­
way. The show will feature offerings
from Roslyn H ill’s Shades o f Color Art
Gallery, door prizes, cakes and catering
by Von Theroux and others, and many
other gift and sty le ideas for the holiday
season. Tickets are $10 per person and
are available at Sheba’s, the Shades o f
Color G allery at 316 N.E. Thompson,
the school at 3710 N. Mississippi Ave.
and at the door o f the event.
Childrens Museum
Hosts Party
A birthday party to celebrate The
Gilbert House Children’s M useum 's fifth
birthday will be held Saturday, Dec. 17
from 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The muse­
um is located at 116 Marion St., N.E. on
the riverfront in downtown Salem. Five-
year-olds and 55 year olds will be admit­
ted free for the party . Cake, ice cream,
prizes and party favors will be featured.
The museum offers innovative hands-on
exhibits, activities and classes in the sci­
ences, arts and humanities.
Kuumba Festival Held
At Dishman
Art works, food and entertainment
will be featured this weekend at the
Kuumba Festival at the Matt Dishman
Recreation Center, 77 N.E. Knott. The
festival is presented by the Lazarus Art
Society. Highlights include the Hot shot
Dancers, performing Friday evening. Sat­
urday afternoon adults and children can
participate in hands on arts projects, Sat­
urday night there will be a special music
anthology presentation and Sunday, more
entertainment, awards and a raffle are
scheduled. Call 281-0746 or 727-2694
for more information.
Salvation Army Seeks
The Salvation Army needs volun­
teers to fill “Banquet-In-A -Box” food
boxes which provide food for a tradition­
al Christmas dinner and a w eek’s supply
o f groceries to meet the needs o f families
o f all sizes. Individuals, families, school
children, church groups, businesses and
neighborhood groups are invited to take
part in the program. Call Nan Haan at the
Salvation Army at 234-0825.
Group Sponsors
Holiday Bazaar
Practical gifts and rummage at work­
ing class prices will be offered Dec. 17
and 18 during a holiday benefit bazaar
sponsored by Radical Women The event
takes place beginning both days at 10
a m . at the M usicians Union Hall, 325
N.E. 20th, between Burnside and Sandy.
P i ease S end A ll C ommunity
C alendar I nformation T wo
W eeks I n A dvance O f E vents
S tarting D ate
or the seventh consecutive
Festival of Lights at The Grotto.
year, volunteers from the
T y p ic a lly betw een 24 and 30
International Brotherhood of
volunteers from Local 48, many of
Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local whom
48 return each year, devote their
and the National Electrical Contractors
Saturday to provide the electrical and
A s s o c ia tio n
(N E C A ),
O reg o n -
human resources necessary to light
Columbia Chapter, will donate time,
ap p ro xim a te ly ten acres of The
services, and materials to provide
G rotto's 62-acre garden grounds
electrical power for the Christmas
including the central plaza area where
Urban League To Accept ACLU
Award For Outstanding
Leadership In Civil Rights
The Urban League o f Portland will
receive the American Civil Liberty Union
Foundation ofO regon s E.B. MacNaughton
Award at the A C LU ’s annual dinner on
D ecember 7. The ACLU award recognizes
the League’s long history o f outstanding
leadership and service to the cause o f civil
rights for Oregonians.
Lawrence J. Dark, the League’s Presi­
dent and CEO, expressed the organiza­
tion s gratitude. “Getting awards is always
an honor," Mr Dark said. “ But when the
award involves issues as fundamental as
civil rights and is granted by an organiza­
tion diligently working for many o f the
same principles we advocate, it is truly
“It is a special honor to receive an
award named after a founding board mem­
ber o f our organization," Mr. Dark added.
E.B M acNaughton was a publisher o f The
Oregonian, a dedicated civil libertarian,
and a member o f the first board o f directors
o f the Urban League o f Portland in 1945
ACLU o f Oregon Executive Director
David Fidanque stressed the significance o f
the League's selection in 1994, the 40th
Anniversary o f the U S. Supreme C urt’s
Brown v. Board o f Education decision,
which desegregated public schools. “The
lessons o f Brown v. Board o f Education
teach us that the struggle for racial justice
take place not just in courtrooms, but in the
classrooms, in the workplace and in our
communities as well. The Urban League
has been a bridge-builder among groups
and communities and a source o f hope for
all Oregonians who believe racial harmony
is possible.”
Founded in 1945, the Urban League o f |
Portland has worked to improve the quality
o f life for the poor, oppressed and disen­
franchised in the greater Portland commu­
nity. The League has, over time, extended
its advocacy efforts to include equal rights
and opportunity for many groups in addi­
tion to African-Americans.
The ACLU League o f Portland is a
non-profit, community-based human ser­
vice, economic and social justice agency
serving at-risk youth and families, students,
jo b seekers, and seniors in the metro area.
The League is one o f 113 local affiliates o f |
the National Urban League.
much of the festival's lighting and
entertainment is located.
For the seventh straight year, electrician
Lynn Romfo will coordinate the installation
o f electric service for the festival.
In c o n ju n c tio n w ith the e le c tric ia n s
w ho v o lu n te e r th e ir tim e, N E C A -m em -
ber e le c tric a l c o n tra c to rs d o n a te needed
m a te ria ls, h ig h -lift v e h ic le s, and serv ice
vans. N E C A c o n tra c to rs w ho have c o n ­
trib u te d include: Rose C ity E lectric, who
have play ed a vital roll since the e v e n t’s
in c e p tio n ; B ro a d w a y /C o c h ra n E le c tric ,
w ho jo in e d the team in 1992; C ap ito l
E le c tric , w ho p a rtic ip a te d for the first
tim e in 1993; and C h riste n so n E le c tric ,
w ho c o n trib u te d d u rin g the e v e n t’s e a r­
ly y e a rs.
Forum To Address Legislature
State Rep. Margaret Carter, D-Portland,
will hold a public forum to discuss
ideas for the upcom ing Oregon
Legislature. Tuesday at 7 p.m. at the
King Neighborhood Facility, 4815 N.E.
7th Ave.
Community involvement is crucial as
Carter makes plans for the legislative pack­
age she will introduce when the Legislature
convenes in January. Carter is seeking input
on ideas an issues o f importance to residents
o f her House D istrict 18 and all the people o f
inner North and Northeast Portland.
I expect to see a lot o f people come with
good ideas," Carter said. “ We needed to
make sure that the 1995 Legislature address­
es those issues that are critical to our commu­
The W om en’s Health and W ellness Act,
which was introduced in the last legislative
session, but not adopted will again be intro­
duced in January, Carter said.
A coalition o f legislators and leaders
from around the state are organizing in sup­
port o f this measure. Draft copies o f the bill
Rep. Margaret Carter, D-Portland.
is available through Carter’s office.
“ I'd expect to get input on this legisla­
tion from those working on w om en's health
and family issues within our community,”
said Carter. “ If we need to add to these bills,
now is the time to do it.”
C arter can be reached at her Portland
legislative office at 282-1585.
F r e d ^ e y e r T r u c k s O r S a n t a ’s S l e i g h ?
fred Meyer trucks are likely to be mistaken for Santa's sleigh as they once again
deliver their loads o f Christmas cargo to Salvation Army Centers across 6 states.
fred Meyer trucks will be delivering over $700,000 worth o f food, toys, housewares
and apparel products to 21 Salvation Army Centers in Oregon, Washington. Idaho, Utah.
California and Alaska this holiday season.
Food Drive To Help Portland’s Hungry
ill our foyer with food,” invited
gomery. Monday through Friday from 9 a m
Palmer Pardington, coord­
to 5 p.m. Contributions o f non-perishable
inator of the Holiday Food
grocery items to feed the hungry will be
Drive sponsored by the Portland State
distributed through the Northeast Emergen­
University Campus Ministry. “In doing
cy Food Program, a program o f Ecumenical
so, you'll help fill our empty cabinets,”
M inistries o f Oregon.
says Cynthia Hall, program assistant.
Pardington hopes the lobby o f the min­
The food collection takes place through
Dec 16 at the ministry at 633 S W Mont-
istry will overflow with such canned goods as
chili, tuna, fruit and vegetables Also needed
are cereals, pasta and large and medium
diapers. Storable fresh vegetables such as
potatoes and onions are also welcome.
It s an especially good time to give unto
others as you would have them give unto
you,” he said.
The Northeast Emergency Food Pro­
gram will serves 5-10 families per day at the
beginning o f December, but more than 25
families per day at the m onth's end.
Hall said demand is high.
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“W e've seen an increase in client refer­
rals but a decrease in contributions,” he said.
“For Thanksgiving we received only 16 tur­
keys, usually we have enough for everyone.
But I think charitable organizations are hurt­
ing all around the city this year, for some
1 he northeast program has been in exist­
ence for six years. For more information
contact Hall at 284-5470.