Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 07, 1994, Page 10, Image 10

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    P age
D ecember
B y D an B ell
t was a game that
O.S..U. was expected
to w in. But the
University of Portland
basketball team had other
plans in mind other than to
simply role over and play dead.
Auto Accident
Seahawk Mike Frier proba­
bly will never walk again after
suffering injuries in car accident
last Thursday night. He has a
broken and dislocated neck be­
tween the fifth and sixth vertebra
and his spinal cord is severely
Teammates Chris W arren
and Lamar Smith were also in­
jured in the crash.
No one has determined who
was driving although initial po­
lice reports indicated that it was
C hris W a rre n 's O ld sm o b ile
Kirkland police said that
Chris W arren had been arrested
for investigation o f vehicular as­
sault and was released.
S tiff Penalties
Players guilty offlagrant late
hits on quarterbacks would be
force to sit out 14 to 16 plays
during a game under proposal
submitted totheN .F.L . com peti­
tion committee by San Francisco
4 9 e rs v ic e p re s id e n t Jo h n
Presently late hits are as­
sessed 15 yard penalty as a deter­
rent. In extreme cases players
have been thrown out o f a game.
O ffending players are also sub­
ject to after-the-fact fine assessed
by the league.
Nebraska, Penn
St, 1-2 Alabama
N ebraska and Penn State re­
main the only undefeated NC A A
1-A teams in the country were 1
and 2 respectively in all major
Pools. N ebraska (12-0) will play
Miami in the Orange bowl which
may well determined the mythi­
cal national tittle. Penn State (1 1-
0) will play Oregon rate #12 in
the Rose bowl.
Famous Horse
Foolish Pleasure the winner
o f the 1975 Kentucky Derby,
died at the age 22 on Nov. 17 at
the Horse Shoe Ranch in Dayton
W yoming.
Viking Lose At
Elite Eight
The no 10 ranked had to dig
deep to pull out a five game
match they just couldn't manage
to dig deep enough in their bid to
pull o ff a come-ffom-behind win
over Central Missouri State in
th equarterfinalsofN C A A Divi­
sion II Elite Eight.
The No 12 Jennies 3 1 -3 de­
feated Portland State(26-13) 15-
Central Missouri State will ad­
vance to the semifinals to face
defending national cham pion
Northern Michigan
In front o f a crowd o f 3,769
The Pilots (2-2) won in a squeakier
74-71 and posted their first win
against Oregon State (1-2) since
The Pilots rallied from 12
points in the first half and held to­
gether in an emotionally intense
game to come up with the big win.
“1 don’t know if there was a
tremendous amount at stake,” Port­
land coach Rob Chavez said. “ Its
just the in-state rivalry and the situ­
ation o f the game for us and our
Our Kids showed a lot o f heart.
We were down and then welcomed
back to get in a situation where we
could win in the second half.”
Portland made 12 o f 19 free
throw attempts, more importantly
they made free throws when they
needed them.
Another decisive factor was the
play off the bench, only two Pilots
did not score and all but one of eleven
players who suited up contributed
minutes to the win.
Early on in the game it looked as
though Oregon State was going to
dominate the game. They had a 12
point lead three times in the first half.
The last time with 5:56 left in the first
half with the score 37-25. Then with
the score 40-30 the Pilots made their
move to slowly get back in the game,
with a little help from the Beavers
who missed 5 o f 6 free throws that
allowed The Pilot to get with in 43-
37 at the half.
From there on it was a dog fight
with numerous lead changes. With
11:30 left in the game SharifM ctover
hit a three point shot to give Portland
its first lead since the opening min­
utes o f the game.
O.S.U. went back in front with a
9-3 run capped by M ustapha H o ff s
free throw. H off scored 26 team high
po in ts for the B eaver and was
uncontainable for the Pilots through­
out the night.
The Beavers last lead o f the
game was with 7:26 left on a H off
shot from in close. UP forward
Canaan Chatman tied it with a free
throw then Lemont Daniels scored
from the inside with 6:45 left to
give the Pilots the lead.
O.S.U. tied it four more times
but were unable to surmount to the
However neither did Portland
get out o f danger. With the score
72-71 and seven seconds left fresh­
man point guard Dionn Holt made
two free throws for the final m ar­
gin, and Kasey Flicker had just 28
seconds earlier made 2 o f 4 free
throws he shot and made for the
night to bring the game to 72-70.
The B eavers had one last
chance but Brent Barry desperation
20 foot 3 point shot went awry.
C oach Jim A nderson said.
They played a very nice and played
They pretty much ran us out o f
our offense and forced us to go one
on-one. And that was the difference
in the game.
D anny B ell
The Democrats survived a late
game barrage with the aid of se­
nior Erika Mashia and junior for­
ward who poured 13 pointseach to
beat the visiting non-league Tigard
44-41 in last Friday’s game.
T igard th reaten ed to upend
Jefferson when they made 10 o f 13
free throws in the fourth quarter.
Rallying to erase a six point defic it to
bring them within a point with two
minutes remaining making the score
42-41 on a lay-up by junior Angela
The Tigers called a time-out and
were, assessed with a two shot tech­
nical for callinga time-out when they
had none remaining.
Mashia who also contributing
six assists to her team ’s effort made
the two free throws. After making the
two crucial points the Dem o’s were
able to run the clock out.
“ We made some clutch shots at
the end o f the game and thats a good
sign” Jefferson’s coach Milt Adams
said “And anytime you can beat a
class team like Tigard you have to be
Senior guard M olly Haskell
pumped in 13 pointsforTigard, soph­
omore forward Sharon Rissimiller
added 12 and senior Deanna Stearns-
Johnson scored 10.
Tigard had a difficult time with
Jefferson’s aggressive defense which
accounted for 26 turnovers and led to
numerous easy baskets.
On the other hand Jefferson had
trouble with the many defensive looks
Tigard threw at them and were able
to muster only 11 o f 30 shots put up
in the first half. Although they were
able to get on track in the fourth
quarter and make 6 o f 13.
Tigards fourth quarter ran into a
crucial snafu when Haskell was fouled
with 27 seconds left shooting a 3
point shot. She was only awarded a
two shot free-throw . Coach Ken
Johnson was assessed tim e-out for
arguing the call utilizing the teams
last time-out. Haskell made both free
throws, making the score 42-39 set­
ting the final scenario for the game.
p u t them aw ay w ith our great
team d e fe n s e .”
G o in g into the fo u rth q u a rte r
n a game that exuded
dow n by 1 1 p o in ts. T he Ram s
play o ff in te n s ity
ra llie d b e h in d S a n ta g e lo w ho
Benson met defending
p o u re d in 15 p o in ts in the second
state champ Central Catholic,
half. Th e D e m o ’s ho w ev er e x ­
last Friday night at Central.
tin g u ish e d the Ram s hopes by
Three senior perim eter players
s c o rin g tw o b ig b a sk e ts a fte r
produced double digits each, for a
D an B ell
total o f 62 points, as Benson over­
came an early deficit to earn an 88-76
win in the boys high school season
“This was a play-off type game,
especially considering it was the first
o f the season, said Rams coach
Halligan. "They kind o f took control
o f the game in the second quarter.
They’re my pick for No. 1 (in the
G u ard E arl C la rk pum ped in
a c a re e r high 24 p o in ts co m in g
o f f the b e n c h , Ja so n F ra n k lin
sc o re d 21 p o in ts, d e sp ite tw is t­
ing an an k le in th e q u a rte r, and
G ary B u rk s a c c o u n te d fo r 17
m ore fo r the T ech m en .
Matt Santaugelo, Central Cath­
olics stand out guard scored 20 points
for the game but was only 1 o f to for
his first 10 shots.
All while Clark was exerting
constant pressure on him.
The Rams led 21 -17 early in the
second quarter but were outscored
23-7 the rest o f the first half.
As B enson to o k a d v a n ta g e
its s u p e r io r q u ic k n e s s , C la rk
co m m ented “ we w ent to h alf-tim e
and knew w e had c o n tro l o f the
gam e, but co ach (D on E m ry) told
us th e first th re e m in u te s o f the
th ird q u a rte r w ere the key. C lark
did not sta rt b e c a u se o f a team
in fra c tio n o f ta rd in e ss fo r p ra c ­
tice e a rlie r in th e w eek. C lark
fin ish ed by say in g th a ts w hen we
C e n tra l C a th o lic got up 73-67
w ith fo u r m in u te s le ft, C la rk
m ade an a c ro b a tic b lo c k and then
c o n v e rte d a th re e p o in t play at
the o th e r end.
Santangelo sank a three point
shot with 1:05 left to make 80-76 but
Clark made a lay-up on the fast break
to put the game out o f reach.
Applications are being sought
forthe 1995 Minority Internship Pro­
gram with the Professional Golfers
Association Tour.
Sixteen paid internships will be
available June 5 through Aug. 4 for
qualified male and female college
students o f African American, Asian
American, Native American and His­
panic descent.
Ten o f the internships will be
based in or around PGA Tour Head­
quarters in Ponte Verda, Fla. Three
internships have been established
with the tour’s promotions area and
will involve traveling the tour week-
to-week. The remaining three posi­
tions are based in Los A ngeles,
Trumbull, Conn, and Atlanta, Ga.
Local internship positions are in
areas ranging from communications
to journalism , to data processing,
go lf course design and tournament
Work one today.
Donate blood this holiday season
when the need is great but donations are down.
It's a gift only you can give.
Q u a lify in g c rite ria v ary , but
in g en eral the pro g ram seeks c o l­
lege stu d e n ts w ith an in te re st in
g o lf and w ho have a so lid a c a ­
dem ic history.
“This internship program, cur­
rently in its fourth year, offers stu­
dents the opportunity to gain valu­
able work experience and exposure
to the business side o f golf,” said
Richard Bowers, the tour’s director
o f government relations. “Several o f
our former interns are now employed
with the golf industry as a result o f
this program.”
Students may pick up applica­
tions at their career placement office
or by writing to PGA T our, c/o String­
er Marketing Group, 8251 Greens­
boro Dr., Suite 1150, McLean, Va
22102. The application deadline is
Feb. 15.
M ore than 3,500 Portland area
youth will participate in a drug free
basketball league this winter thanks
to a grant from the Robert Wood
Johnson Foundation and the co­
sponsorship o f Louisiana-Pacific
and the Trail Blazers.
T he L o u is ia n a -P a c ific /
B lazers All A m erican D rug Free
B a sk e tb a ll L eag u e is d e sig n e d
to give a t-risk yo u th in g rad es
4-6 the o p p o rtu n ity to play b a s­
k e tb a ll, im p ro v e a th le tic sk ills,
learn team w o rk , c o o p e ra tio n
and d isc ip lin e w hile d e liv e rin g
a stro n g a n ti-d ru g , a lc o h o l, s te ­
ro id and to b a c c o m essage.
The league is a cooperate ef­
fort involving more than 250 teams
coordinated through the Boys and
Girls Clubs o f metropolitan Port­
land,, the C olum bia-W illam ette
YMCA. Police Activities League
and Portland Parks and Recreation.
FormerTrail B lazerplayer Jim
Paxon is the league’s honorary com­
P a rtic ip a tin g youth w ill re ­
ceiv e a sp e c ia l T -sh irt and a
o ffic ia l m e m b e rsh ip c a rd . As
p art o f the pro g ram , p la y e rs and
co ach es w ill be re q u ire d to re ­
cite a drug free p le d g e at c e n te r
co u rt p rio r to each co n te st.
Games will be played Satur­
days from Jan. 7 through March 11.
For more information or to partici­
pate, contact one o f the participat­
ing youth programs or the Trai IB laz-
er office at 234-9291.
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