P age B? N ovember 16, 1994 • T he P ortland O bserver BRIEFS FOOTBALL Class 4A First Round Second Round Franklin Gets By Tualitin Upper Bracket Franklin the second seeded team in the P.I.L. blew away Tualatin from the Metro League 35-14 on their home field Satur­ day night. This made it two P.I.L. teams to advance into the next round of play. Wi Ison pul led out a squeaker 24-26 against Hillsboro. Jefferson and Benson both lost. Linfield Outshoots S. Oregon NAIA, No 10 Linfield man­ aged to out gun a pesky and per­ sistent Southern Oregon in 55-42 shoot-out. Linfield (8 -1, 5-0) earned its fo u rth stra ig h t M ount H ood League cham pionship and its N.A.I.A. leading 15th appearance in the national playoffs this Satur­ day - • SOCCER University o f Portland wom­ en defeated their playoff nemesis Stanford 2-1 in overtime to move on to the final four round o f Wom­ en ’s Soccer. U o f P now faces #1 ranked Dame Nov. 19 at U o f P M erlo's field. P.S.U. Invited to Regionals The No 10 Vikings usually a mainstain in post-season play-offs had to anxiously wait this year to see if they were to be invited to the regional play-offs. Sunday night they got the call and they will face Hawaii Hilo in the N.C.A.A. Di­ vision II regional playoffs to be held at Regis University in Den­ ver on Friday. «4 CONE". W LT Oregon 6 10 Southern Cal 6 10 Arizona 5 2 0 W ashington 4 3 0 Wash. St 4 3 0 Oregon St 2 5 0 UCLA 250 Stanford 2 5 0 Arizona St 2 5 0 California 2 5 0 Season W LT 8 3 0 7 2 0 7 3 0 7 3 0 6 4 0 4 6 0 460 3 6 1 3 7 0 3 7 0 Saturday Results Oregon 55, Stanford 21 Oregon State 21, Wash. State 3 W ashington 31, California 19 Southern Cal 45, Arizona 28 UCLA 59, Arizona State 23 Franklin (9-1) vs. Gresham (10-0) Lakeridge (9-1) vs. Grants Pass (10-0) Jesuit (9-1) vs. Marshfield (104)) Silverton (7-2) vs. Pendleton (8-1) Saturday, Nov. 19 Lower Bracket Oregon at Oregon State W ashington at Wash. State California at Stanford Southern Cal at UCLA Redmond (7-3) vs. Sprague (9-1) Sheldon (8-2) vs. Glencoe (10-0) West Linn (64) vs. Thurston (8-2) Wilson(lO-)) vs. C anby (8 -2 ) Ducks One Step From Roses In agam e that ultimately anti- clamatic in its scoring Oregon de­ feated Stanford 55-21 Saturday in Stanford. W orried about Stanford po­ tent offense Gang Green manage to shut down the PAC 10 's lead­ ing scorers, and hold them to just 3 touchdowns. The only obstacle in O regon's way is their neighbor and rival Oregon State Beavers who they meet Saturday in C or­ vallis. Pacific 1» High Schoool Football Playoffs These Standings were brought to you by: jL ALBERTA STREET MARKET Open 365 days, 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. • 915 N.E. Alberta Darrick Holmes carries against S.U. enroute to 128 yards rushing. Trojans Win P.S.U. WINS BIG bv D annv B ell The Portland State Vikings had a bye last week and when they came back in their last regular season game against Southern Utah they showed everyone that they came to play. In a 4 8 -16 rout the Viking dis­ played an impressive air attack as well as dominating the line o f scrim ­ mage defensively turning in 12 sacks. P.S.U. quarterback Kyle Allen after a shaky start, put on an air show that delighted the stands o f 14 ,0 16 fans by completing I 9 o f3 2 passes for 335 yards and 4 touch­ downs. Reliable Matt James was the recipient o f 3 o f those T.D. passes. Mean while, the defense - led by linebacker Jeff Bochert with 13 tackles and 2 sacks - gave Rick Robins o f Southern Utah the blues. P.S.U. ended the game with 5 05-137 in total yardage advantage l imiting the Thunderbirds to 34 yards rushing on 52 carries. Despite 14 penalties for 119 yards and 5 turnovers. The Vikings were able to dominate in their tune up game for next weeks playoff. The going was pretty even in the first half with Southern keeping it relatively close going into the half 2 0 -I0 P.S.U. Southern was first to strike at the beginning o f the game when they drove the ball 55 yards to the Viking 15 and had to settle for a 25 yard field goal. P.S.U. answered with 2 :13 left in the quarter when Allen connected with James for a 78 yard T.D. The Thunderbirds w ouldn’t roll over at this point and on the first play o f the second quarter Robins tossed a 35 yard pass to Micah Deckert the tight end for a touchdown. That gave Southern Utah a tem­ porary 10-7 lead. Portland was in the midst ofnutting together another scor­ ing drive when Holmes fumbled on Southerns 34 yard line and it was recovered by the Thunderbirds free safety Derrick Yantis. The Thunderbirds returned the favor when substitiute long snapper David Benedict (who usually plays linebacker) snapped the ball along the ground and punter Ron Lindberg fumbled the ball. Two plays later Allen found James for the 11 yard touchdown. That made the score 14-7. With Bockert, linebacker Jas on H efley and free safety Nei Fendall making a series o f big de­ fensive plays for the Viking. The Thunderbirds offense slowly disin­ tegrated. By halftime, Robins had been sacked seven times. W ith the clock tic k in g dow n u n d e r tw o m in u te s P .S .U m arched 86 y a rd s w ith 68 o f th o se y ards co m in g on A llen to A n to n ia C h a n d le r w h o w a s dow ned at 8 yard line o f South ern U tah. H olm es w ho rushed fo r 128 y ards on 25 c a rrie s got a b ig b lo ck from c e n te r A lan o C ilib e rto and ran up th e m id d le u n to u c h e d for th e to u ch d o w n . T h at w as the d e c id in g to u c h ­ dow n and the b e st th a t U tah co u ld do from th e re w as to get w ithin 4 w hen R o b in s ran a l 7 yard k e e p e r m aking the sco re 2 0 - I 6 in the th ird q u a rte r. bv D anny B ell Wilson redeems the P.I.L. from first round state playoff losses as they were able to narrowly squeak by the Hillsboro Spartan 26-24 at Civic Stadium Saturday night If not for point after conversion heroic open field tackle by Nathan Lundby the out come o f the game would have been dramatically differ­ ent. Lundby tackle and fumble re­ covery on a Hillsboro two point con­ version try with 5:05 remaining saved Wi Ison as they were able consequent­ ly were able to run out the clock. Wilson 10-0 was the first P.I.L. win in the state playoff first round since 1990. L ater on S atu rd ay evening Franklin went on to win against Tualitin 35-14. “They were good but we were better, (Hillsboro) they got a lot re­ spect being in the metro with Glencoe and them. But now its time to give us respect, the way we played tonight“ said Wilson quarter back, Jermaine Thompson. Wilson drew first blood when BLAZERS TIP-OFF “ STAY IN SCHOOL” CAMPAIGN The National Basketball Asso­ ciation declared Wednesday, Nov. 2, 1994, as a National Stay in School Awareness Day, a league-wide effort to draw attention to drop-out preven­ tion. NBA players and coaches across the country encouraged students to focus on the three A 's for success in school: attitu d e, attendance and achievement, while also stressing the importance o f pride and self-esteem. Jim Paxon, Blazers special assis- tant/scout, attended a special assem­ bly at Harriet Tubman Middle School in Portland accompanied by Blazers community activities coordinator, Nick Jones. Between December and April, Blazers team members plan to make special visits to 10 middle schools in the greater Portland/Vancouver area as part of the NBA’s Stay in School program. Middle schools in the great­ er Portland/Vancouver area interest- ed in holding a Stay in School assem­ bly should submit their request in writing to: Traci Rose, Team Liai­ son, Portland Trail Blazers, 700 N.E. Multnomah, Suite 600, Portland, OR 97232. All requests must be post­ marked by Nov. 18. A drawing will be held on Nov. 21 for a Blazers visit. they scored in the first quarter driv­ ing 59 yards and capitalizing on a I yd run by David Jackson. For the T.D. Aaron Rudishauser a stalwart running back all night ran for a 38 touchdown next and the point after failed. Thompson passed for two touch­ downs 60 yards to Lindby and 31 yard to William Holloway but even with 18 to 26 lead going into the fourth quarter things were uncertain for the Trojans. Sam Bechtold and Joe Dierickx made key stops in a Wilson goal line stand. However minutes later Jalaam Roberson Fumbled and Miller re­ turned the ball tot he Wilson I yd. M ille r w ho in his first start for the sp a rta n s ran fo r three to u c h d o w n s, and p a sse d for 19 y ard s to A rlo G om es for an o th er c ra sh e d o v er for w hat a p p eared to be the ty ing score. But on the e n su in g p o int a fte r co n v e rsio n a tte m p t L undby m ade an o u t­ sta n d in g open field ta c k le . Hilhi accumulated more yard­ age the Wilson 332-315 in total yard­ age however mistakes and bad breaks hounded them all night. Miller ran for 102 yards on 17 carries. The Trojans couldn’t quite hold the Spartans ground game ex­ cept when it counted, the Wilson defense stepped up. What hurt Hilhi the most is that they were unable to capitalize and convert on any o f its two point con­ version attempts. 12247079 SCHONZ” NAMED OF THE YEAR; SCHOLARSHIP ESTABLISHED T he O regon A ssociation o f Broadcasters (OAB) have selected the voice o f the Portland Trail Blaz­ ers, Bill Schonely, as their 1994 B roadcaster o f the Year. Schonely was recently honored at the O A B 's Fall Conference in Bend. “ Selecting The Schonz’ as re­ cipient o f this annual award marks a notable departure from broadcasters selected in the past,’ said Gordon Bussey, OAB executive director. "In the 11 -year history o f the Broadcast­ er o f the Year award, he is the only w inner picked outside the ranks o f O regon radio and TV station owners or managers. For 24 years and well over 2.000 broadcasts. Bill has been bringing Blazers basketball to radio and television fans from California to Alaska to H aw aii--he's unques­ tionably the dean o f Oregon sports­ casters." Additionally, OAB broadcast­ ers have established the OAB Bill Schonely Broadcasting Scholarship ... £*<• . ’ it --' ■ .. t Fund with funds being provided to students pursuing a career in the field o f broadcasting. OAB has made an initial commitment o f $6,000 a year for the next five years to establish the Schonely Scholarships with plans to seek additional contributions on a regular basis. “To say this honor caught me by surprise would be the understate­ ment o f the year," said Schonely. “ I 'm deeply appreciative ofthe OAB for the honor they've bestowed on me and grateful for all the wonderful people from all over our region who have supported my self and the Trail Blazers all these many years. Y ou've all helped make Rip C ity’ a very special place for me." A native o f Norristown, Penn., Schonely served in the U.S. Marine Corps before settling in Seattle where he worked as sports director o f KVI radio for seven years. He served as the voice o f the Seattle T otems o f the Western Hockey League, the N a­ tional Hockey L eague’s Oakland Seals, University o f Washington foot- ball and the Seattle Angels and Seat­ tle Pilots baseball teams. This year, after 22 years o f Trail Blazers radio, and another two on TV, Schonely returns to the radio play-by-play mi­ crophone for all home and away broadcasts.. W ith 2 ,2 3 6 B lazers b ro a d ­ c a sts. S ch o n ely ranks 2nd am ong a c tiv e n a tio n a l B ask etb all A sso­ c ia tio n ra d io a n n o u n c e rs in lon­ g e v ity , b eh in d C hick H earn o f the Los A n g eles L akers. On Ja n ­ uary 24, 1992 S chonely b ro a d ­ cast his 2 ,0 0 0 th B lazer gam e, a 125-117 B la z e rs w in over the A t­ lan ta H aw ks. Schonely is also active in the community regularly lending his sup­ port to many charitable organization including the American Heart Asso­ ciation, D oernbecher C h ildren's Hospital and the Kidney Association o f Oregon C A L L O U R C R E D IT G E N IU S B O B W IL S O N AT 2 5 2 - 2 4 3 8 Call Now For Emmediate Approval By Phone On The Car Of Your Choice!! TO Q UALIFIED APPLICANTS Are you tired of being turned down for credit? 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