P age A5 T he P ortland O bserver • N ovember 9, 1994 Houses Remodeled for North Portland Bible College Pounding Of Hammers, Saws To Make Way For Spiritual Center The pounding of hammers and high scream of an electric saw may have been noisy to other people but it was music in the ears of staff and friends of North Portland Bible Col­ lege. It meant that the long-delayed remodeling of two old houses to make facilities for the college had begun at last. Thanks to the generous dona­ tions of local businesses and the work and sacrifice of many friends the dream was becoming a reality. Two decrepit houses which had been eye­ sores for a long time, the dumping ground for trash and the hiding place of drug deals, were about to be con­ verted into a training center for spiri­ tual leadership for the community. New signs went upon Saturday, November 6th, listing several of the companies that were making the transformation possible: W.G. Moe and Sons, Western Partitions, Friburg Electric,Total Mechanical, Kingsley Lum ber, M arkman M echanical, Northwest Natural Gas, Mercer In­ dustries.. Dan QuatierofBaughCon- struction and Bill Moe of W.G. Moe had coordinated the recruitment. There was a basic consensus that the remodeled buildings would not only look better, but they would house programs that would make the last­ ing changes in people’s lives “from the inside out.” North Portland Bible College is a unique institution in that it is an interchurch, NE community-based center for Biblical studies, devel­ oped with the needs of N/NE Port­ land particularly in mind. It has been housed in borrow ed facili­ ties, first at M aranatha C hurch, now at Berean B aptist Church, but possibly this spring will be in a hom e of its own. Its goal is to help train leadership for the kind of com m unity renew al that will really last. Its students can be found in many different churches. Ken Ruble of “Hard Hats for Christ” has been working for several weeks as Building Superintendent. Looking like a Santa in work clothes, Ken has quietly and efficiently worked to prepare the structures for the various skilled crews that are coming. Sometimes he has had some volunteers to help; more often he has worked by himself. Volunteers have included NPBC Board members, stu­ dents, faculty, friends. Ken has had wide experience putting volunteer crews to work, and would like to do it again. There will be much to celebrate when the college and friends gather at O ’Callahan’s on Friday, Novem­ ber 1 1th for the A nnual B anquet. Board C hair, Rev. Fred W ilson, will introduce some o f the key persons on the construction team, and funds will be raise for the ex p e n se o f m a te ria ls . D ean M ichael Lindsey is scheduled to address the gathering on the sig­ nificant subject, "Welcome to the Next Level”. Rev. James Coleman will present the annual “Student of the Year” and Christian Leadership awards. Ken Ruble, Building Superintendent (left), Fred Wilson, North Portland Bible College Board Chair, and Dan Juatice of Baugh Construction pose beside newly installed sign at college site on Vancouver Avenue north of Alberta Street. PHONE DISCONNECTED? Can You Live Without It? t EONS ELECTRIC We Restore Your Service In 3 Days Regardless of Back Bill CHANICAL CENTER y EUM&R Recognizing businesses who made the construction posible. T elephone R estoration Workers show some of the new windows to be used in construction project. J am N etwork (T R N ) 238-7110 .r w. t « -*■ ré-*- «- * * * » -ir 'A' -A A ' ★ A B M W M B W W W lH i A PORTLAND’S LARGEST INSTALLATION CENTER FOR ALL YOUR VEHICLES • AUTO • R.V. • MOTORCYCLE • BOAT, MARINE • TRUCK • TRAILER • ELECTRONICS • MOBILE AUDIO SYSTEMS . 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