r /rfcf- * T he P ortland O bserver • O ctober 5, 1994 P age A5 lank Of America To Oregonians September 15, 1994-Bank of America introduced major service enhancements and guaranteeing to beat its competitors' consumer loan and CD rates as part of an aggressive statewide initiative to improve bank­ ing for Oregonians. "W e’ve listened carefully to what people want in a banking rela­ tionship and we’re going farther than any bank in the state’s history to deliver it,” said BofA Chairman W Charles Armstrong. "We’re asking Oregonians to compare our services with those of their current bank and simply choose the better bank,” Armstrong said BofA hopes to attract customers with an unprec­ edented set of offers most beginning this month and good through 1994. Leading the list is the bank’s promise to beat any published rate on auto, home equity, boat or RV loan in the state by 10 percent (10 basis points). The offer applies to any secured fixed- rate installment loan. The bank also will beat the published CD rates of its Oregon competitors by the same mar­ gin. Other offers include two years of personal or business checking with­ out fees. The bank is also adding a long list of service enhancements: Extending Home Loan By Phone service by four hours daily. Home buyers can now apply for mortgages seven days a week from 7 a.m. to 9 pm . — virtually anytime they find the home they want. BofA introduced Home Loan By Phone to Oregon last year and now four of five customers choose to apply for mortgages by telephone. The response has helped win BoA the largest share of the state’s home lending market. Adding money-back service guarantees. BofA has extended its list of service guarantees, including a new $5 to customers who wait more than five minutes for services at its branches. “Customers like the fact that we put our money where our mouth is,” said Armstrong, who said the guarantees were among the bank's most popular service innovations ever. L aunching B ankA m ericard Photo Care. Intended to cut down on credit card fraud, the photo card in­ cludes the card holer’s color portrait and signature to discourage unautho­ rized use. Armstrong said the card, available as Visa or MasterCard, is proving a hit with Oregonians. Opening accounts by telephone. BofA’s popular 24-hour telephone banking service will allow custom­ ers to open checking and savings accounts from their home or office anytime. They need only call 1-800- USE-BofA (1-800-873-2632). Adding ATMs one a week. Bank of America already operates the most free ATMs and will add another lo­ cation every week through the end of 1995. The new Versateller machines build on BofA’s distinction as hav­ ing the largest ATM network in the West. The bank’s enhancements and offers are being announced in an aggressive advertising campaign that suggest to Oregonians: .Improve Your Banking: Choose Bank of America.” The campaign—the most extensive in BofA’s four-year his­ tory in Oregon-highlights what the bank is hearing from consumers and how it is responding with ways they can improve their banking. Although the newly announced improvements and offers present a challenge tocompetitors, Armstrong emphasized that BofA’s attention is focused on meeting consumer de­ mands. “W e’ve been listening closely to what consumers need and want from their bank, and these new rates and service innovations are just our latest response,” Armstrong said. He added that other enhance­ ments and offers are planned through the end of the year and into 1995. Trainings Offered To Enable Childcare Providers To Serve Disabled Children The Arc of Multnomah has an­ nounced that it has been joined by Oregon Health Sciences University in offering their innovative KICS training to childcare providers throughout the state of Oregon. As part of this unique partnership and for a limited time, the trainings will be offered at no charge, with the cost to participants absorbed by OHSU. KICS, or Kids in Community Settings, is acomprehensive training which enables childcare providers to acquire skills needed to include chil­ dren with developmental Disabili­ ties in childcare programs already in place. The training, which was de­ veloped by The Arc of Multnomah under a grant from the Oregon De­ velopmental Disabilities Council, is equally adaptable for childcare cen­ ter staff including those in work-site facilities, and family childcare pro­ viders. — — Din«« Your CDCC To Place FREE Voice Personal Call 1-800-813-0553 Single Women COLLECTS BEARS SFIam 28 years old,brown hair and hazel eyes I col­ lect bears, but I am still missing that perfect grizzly out there Ifyouarearough but gentle and kind grizzly bear that knows how to have a good time, we can climb a tree and have a grizzly of a good time. I have three cubs and more are welcome This bear likes to fish and I can even be a dancing bear at times if you wind me the right way Can you be my Grizzly. Please call. Call Ext 63043 LOOKING FOR MEN SF We are two single fe­ males looking for men to have some fun with We enjoy dancing, pool and the outdoors Call Ext 630 42 SHOW ME A GOOD TIME S F Ia m 28 years old, hazel eyes and brown hair. I am looking for some new men in my life to sit on the bank and do some fishing Go camping, hiking, candle­ light dinners, beaches and going dancing. I am not looking for a commitment right now but would like to meet someone that will treat me like a lady and show me a good time. I have children, you can too. Call Ext 63041 To Place Your FREE Voice Personal 1-800-813-0553 To Respond or Browse Ads or Retrieve Messages, Call 1-900-725-4343 ($1.98Zmin) 18 + Then; LIKES TO DANCE SF Early 30 s Looking lor SONG WRITER SM 33, 165 lbs . red hair, blue eyes, nice build, ath­ letic & a song writer Look­ ing tor a woman that knows how to act like a lady in fun, exciting, charming and goal orientated, for friend­ ship. possible relationship Call Ext 630 18 ENJOYS DANCING single men that would like to go out & have a really good time I like to dance, go to clubs, also like to go swimming & camping & just about anything that gets me out of the house Call Ext 62903 LOVES TO PARTY SF I am 20 years old. I SF 5 ’6 I have short brown really enjoy the outdoors and dancing I just want to get to know a bunch of different people Please call. Call Ext. 62994 ROMANTIC DINNERS hair I love the outdoors and I really love to party, meeting new people and trying new things It your rock and roll music, sports tall. dark, handsome and and riding a Harley motor­ like to have lots of tun cycle I have two kids that please reply Call Ext 62852 live in California. I am look­ ing tor a female over 30 for WE LIKE HARLEYS W e are 2 beautiful single a relationship that possible sisters looking for 2 beau­ could turn into something tiful single men who drive more serious down the beautiful Harleys We are line I am laid back, easy interested in fun loving going person who is inter­ gentleman who can have a esting Call Ext 630 65 LIKES TO HAVE FUN good time. If you want to go on a double date give us SM l live in the Salem area I am looking for someone a call. Call Ext 62726 RED HEAD to spend time with and have SF Red haired, green eyed a lot of fun. My interest POSSIBLE RELATIONSHIP S F Ia m 18 years old. dark hair and green eyes Seeks single White male, 18 to 25 Looking for someone who is honest, likes to have S F I a m 5 6 . 1 1 5 lbs., blue eyes, blondish-brown hair. I like to have fun, I like camping. I like hiking. I like dancing, I like football. I like baseball. I like all kinds of sports I also, love ro­ mantic dinners and walks on the beach. I just like to have fun I am not looking for anything serious, just someone to have fun with Call Ext 816 6 1 0 NEW TO SALEM OWE Professional, 3 4 .1 am new to Salem I am seeking adventure, passion, ro­ m ance, co n versatio n , companionship, laughter, new friend. If you are witty, wise, warm, open minded, comfortable with yourself, enjoy music, dancing, my cooking or gardening or have something that you think that someone new to this area has to see. please call After, living in Salem for two and a half months I'm sure I am the only single person left, please prove me wrong. Leave a mes­ sage Call Ext 62925 IS WILD SF 2 6 . 5 6 . 1 2 0 lbs. Look­ ing for someone to have fun with. I'm wild, I like to have fun. Please leave a message Call Ext. 816610 PRESS: 2. To Hear Latests Ads Sorted By Area Codes PRESS: 3. To Respond To A Specific Printed Ad Shown Here PRESS: 4. PRESS: 9. For Customer Service PRESS: 0. For information Low- and middle-income home buyers having difficulty with the down payment can now finance with as little as 3% down through GMAC Mortgage. The program was recently offered on a test basis in nine cities to determine its appeal to first-time home buyers. "W e've been delighted with the response since the program's intro­ duction in the nine cities,” says Mark Korell. president and chief executive officer of the GMAC Mortgage Group. "W e’ve now decided to com- mit $50 million to offer the program nationwide.” The 3% program is sim ilar to Fannie M ae’s popular C om m u­ nity Home B u y er’s Program , in which GM AC M ortgage also p ar­ ticipates. Like C om m unity Home B uyer’s, the program allow s bor­ row ers easier qualifying through flexible debt to incom e standards and low er closing costs. It also shares the hom e buyer education requirem ent that m ade C om m u­ nity Home B uyer’s unique. But the 3% down option is different in that Com m unity Hom e B uyer’s allow s down paym ents to be that low only if additional down pay­ ment money is supplied from a gift or unsecured loan or if the property is located in one o f sev ­ eral targeted urban centers. This is aco n v en tio n al fixed rate m ort­ gage not involving governm ent housing program s. “The 3% down program is open­ ing the housing market for more and more families,” says Korell. “The principal challenge for most people who want a home is still coming up with the money for closing costs. Reducing a down payment is one of the strongest steps we can make to help home buyers.” For information on the 3% down program, call the GMAC Mortgage location nearest you. ■ BLACK CLUB OWNER’S ASSOCIATION ■ ■ i l TERRIFIC INFORMATION BOOTHS! FANTASTIC VENDORS! LIVE ENTERTAINMENT! MEL BROWN, KURT GREEN BAND, R&D BLUES BAND, MICHAEL COOPER, NEW SONG JAZZ ENSEMBLE, SOUL SYNDICATE GREAT BAR-B-QUE! MARVELOUS PEOPLE! SEE YOU THERE! NOON TO 7:00 PM sible, understanding 4 has a heart. I like the Grateful Dead, have fun in the out­ doors Call Ext. 62725 Single M en PRETTY ATHLETIC S M I am 22 years old and I am from England I like to short blonde hair and blue eyes I am looking for a nice girl 1 8 to 21 Agirlthat dark hair, dark mysterious eyes muscular, and very handsome Seeking single White female 18-22 years of age Looking for a per­ son who likes walks on the beach candle light dinners going out and having fun. and partying. Please call Call Ext 62858 SOMEONE 20-30 SM 28, kind of new to the likes to hang out party and have lots of fun I am look­ ing for someone who is about as tall as me, athletic and has the almost the same interest as me Call me Call Ext 62928 LIKES TO TRAVEL S M la m in m y 6 0 s 5'9and The Boy Scouts of America is sending out its new message and mission with its new 1994-96 na­ tional theme, “CharacterCounts! Be prepared for the 21st Century.’ The Boy Scouts of America con­ tinues to commit itself to developing character, citizenship, and mental and physical fitness in young people. Our belief in America’s youth and our commitment to preparing them for their future will remain of utmost importance to the BSA. The 1990’s present a host of challenges for today’s youth. With­ out steady leadership and guidance from caring adults, many youth will never develop the moral foundation that allows them to make sound, ra­ tional decisions when faced with overwhelming peer pressure. Have/ you/ ever used/ a heffiv h a ir bru&h/? Sometime^ tho$e/ hard/ nylon/ otwi your cor. The/ hotfi' h a ir it i