Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 05, 1994, MINORITY ENTERPRISE EDITION, Page 3, Image 3

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« M mm JMIN*
P age A3
Voters To Decide North/South Light Rail
tu rn in g to m o d ern m a ss tra n sit
sy stem s and aw ay tro m b u ild in g
R obert N. T aylor
Black Wealth
Seminar Set For
October 1 In
Buffalo, N.Y.
Buffalo, N.Y. (N BN S) - The
next in a series o f forums designed
to show African Americans how to
| build personal and family wealth
has been set for October I in Buf­
falo, New York. The all-day semi-
| nar details self-help topics includ­
ing hom e-based businesses and
buying real estate with little and no
money down as well as financial
planning, short term investing and
making profits in the 900-number
business. Credit repairsessions will
| also be held. The seminars are
being sponsored by the national
black wealth building organiza-
| tion known as the Better LiteC lub.
, Persons interested in attending the
day-long event can receive pre-
| registration material by calling 1-
Rangel Defeats
Powell In Harlem
New York, N.Y. (NBNS) -
Veteran Congressional Black Cau­
cus m ember Charles Rangel last
I week beat back an impressive chal­
Left: A map shows the proposed North/South
Transit Corridor. The new public light rail system
would serve North and Northeast Portland carrying
passengers from Southeast Portland to Vancouver.
lenge by the son of the late Adam
| Clayton Powell to hold onto his
seat in the U.S. Congress. Rangel
I represents new Y ork’s 15th con­
Above: Tri-Met’s Max light rail line carries
commuters from Gresham to Portland without the
gressional District which is essen­
tially the world famous commu-
I nity o f Harlem. Prior to Rangel,
congestion of traffic.
ing, in “ strik in g w hile the iron is
| Adam Clayton Powell winning
around 38%. Nevertheless, it was
the first sig n ifican t ch allenge
Rangel had faced in years.
Continued from front
Black Boarding
School Association
Targets Parents
ï,«A'So* L.«-< Cw-4- S k A 9/ll/W
H eadmasters at five of the
| nation’s historically black boarding
| ington, D.C.
“African American boarding
I schools provide an alternative to the
public schools forblack parents who
seek a quality education, values and
] discipline for their children,” said
Dr. Sherman Jones, an AAABS
founder and Headmaster of South­
ern Normal School in Brewton, Ala.
Five Blacks On
Entertainers’s List
New York, N.Y. (NBNS)
-orbes magazine has released its
innual list o f the nation’s richest
•ntertainers and there are five Af-
ican Americans on the list. They
ire Oprah W infrey ($ 105 million),
3 i 11 Cosby ($60 million). Michael
lackson ($38 million), Whitney
Huston ($33 million), and Eddie
Murphy ($30 million). Last year
Winfrey headed the list but this
year she was knocked from first
place by movie producer Steven
Spielberg who generated $335
million over the past two years
D ropping completely off the list of
the top 40 highest paid entertain­
ers was Prince who last year placed
in the number five slot
< p m E C T IG |g
Continued from front
influence the decisions that affect us
“When you can 'I ask yom boss
fastest uas
io s e w rm o -e r
Checks Cashed Any Kind • No ID Required
Fax Service • Notary • P.O Box« s
Utility Payments • 2 Day I ax Refund
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71902 SE Stark / 2 S S -2 2 7 *
-p.ptav »a»»»«*
w»'«*'* v»nc»««w.
Financial Services for America ’« toe«/ Communities
in an attempt to mediate
Hill is a member of the National
A ssociation of State T reasurers
(NAST) Force on Integrity in the
Municipal Marketplace. The Task
Force proposed resolutions calling
for specific standards of conduct and
campaign finance reform, as well as
disclosure of agreements between
financial professionals for negoti­
ated transactions. The resolutions
were unanimously approved by the
state treasurers from across the na­
tion, drawing praise from the finance
To learn more about advertising in W
a n k in g
o n
m e r ic a
media. Hill served as chair ol the
Subcommittee on clearinghouse tor
Information Regarding abuses in the
As state tre a su re r. H ill is the
c h ie f in v e stm e n t o ffic e r for the
sta te and c h ie f debt m an agem ent
o ffic e r. H is office is re sp o n sib le
for the prudent investm ent o f trust
funds in c lu d in g the P ublic E m ­
ployees' Retirement System which
outperformed the stock market dur­
ing the last fiscal year. H illis the first
state treasurer to serve on the na­
tional advisory council for the Em­
ployee Retirement Income Security
W alsh has served at the helm of
Tri-M et for three years. He previ­
ously was em ployed for 30 years in
private construction, building such
projects as the residential Ri verplace
complex along the W illam ette River
in Southwest Portland.
A nativ e of N ew Y ork state,
W a lsh a tte n d e d L in c o ln H igh
S chool in P o rtla n d and has nev er
left the city .
P rio r g o v e rn m e n t e x p erien ce
in c lu d e s se rv ic e on the O regon
T ra n sp o rta tio n C o m m issio n and
O reg o n L and C o n se rv a tio n and
D e v elo p m en t C o m m issio n .
Rider Advocates
Rise From Storm Of
Continued from front
The positions were created with
the help of neighborhood represen­
tatives, the youth gang task force
and former Multnomah County Sher­
iff Don Clark, W alsh said.
Clark worked with Tri-M et for
three months as a volunteer.
He had experience cleaning up
violence and crime at the Columbia
Villa public housing project in North
Portland and helped put a com m u­
nity-based plan into effect, Walsh
Act of 1974.
> o rtla n b O bserver, call (503) 288-0033
“ I was am azed
at the deal I got
National Black
Chamber Of
Commerce Plans
Washington, D.C. (NBNS) -
The situation in what potentially is
one of the richest blackruled na­
tions in the world took a further turn
away from democracy last week.
Military rulers in the west African
nation of Nigeria assumed absolute
power. The regime has also refused
to recognized democratic elections.
U.S. black political leader Jesse
Jackson visited the country recently
struction phase, extending its G re­
sham to Portland rail line to the west
side from downtown to Hillsboro.
"W hy are we a c c e le ra tin g so
qmpfcly'?’’ W alsh said, is the m ost
fre q u e n t q u e stio n e d he s asked.
W alsh sees the an sw er in tim ­
h o t.”
T here’s opportunity to build a
transportation system that's not just
linked by a series of lines but one
which is cohesively tied together.
R u tla n d has been su c c e ssfu l
in w in n in g fed eral m onies ahead
o f m any o th e r m ajor c itie s for by
Western State Treasurers
Elect Hill As Vice President
schools have announced the estab­
lishment of the Association of Afri-
I can American Boarding Schools
(AAABS). The organization was
created at a Myrtle Beach, S.C. con­
ference in early August and will
| host a panel on the black boarding
school experience in September at
I the annual conference of the Con­
gressional Black Caucus in Wash-
freew ay s.
I t’s a p o p u la r c o n c e p t for
public le a d e rs w ith e n v iro n m e n -
ta lly -c o n sc io u s c itiz e n s .
T ri-M e t’s first so -c a lle d M ax
train w as fu n d ed w ith funds first
a p p ro p ria te d to the c o n s tru c tio n
o f a M t. H ood freew ay th ro u g h
S o u th e a st P o rtla n d . T h e city has
been a fre q u e n t m o d el fo r m e e t­
ing m ass tra n sit needs, ev er since.
T he local sh a re o f the p ro ­
posed S o u th /N o rth c o rrid o r is
$475 m illio n . T he to ta l $2 .4 b il­
lio n p r o je c t w h ic h w o u ld be
sh ared b etw een the fe d e ra l g o v ­
e rn m e n t, C la rk C o u n ty and the
states o f W ash in g to n and O regon.
T he c o st o f the bond levy
w ould a v erag e ab o u t 31 ce n ts per
$ 1 ,0 0 0 o f a sse sse d p ro p e rty tax
v alu e, o r ab o u t $31 per y e a r for
the o w n e r o f a $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 hom e.
T h e T r i- M e t c o n s tr u c tio n
w ould ex te n d its m u lti-m illio n
d o lla r c o n stru c tio n sc h e d u le to
the y e a r 2005 and b rin g w ith it
p ro v isio n s fo r m in o rity c o n tra c t­
ing and hirin g .
O f the $33 m illio n sp en t on
the w e s ts id e c o n s tr u c tio n , 17
p e rc e n t has been for m in o rity
e m p lo y m e n t and 12 p e rc e n t to
su b -c o n tra c to rs w ho are m in o r­
ity, w om en or sm all and e m e rg ­
ing b u sin e ss ow ned.
" I f th e N o r th /S o u th g o e s
th ro u g h , you can e x p e c t the v o l­
um e o f w ork to stay h ig h ,” W alsh
— zzcm ’
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Bank of Am erica
T o becom e a custom er, visit any branch o r call 1-8OO-1ISE-B ol A.
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