Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 05, 1994, MINORITY ENTERPRISE EDITION, Page 23, Image 23

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U m A h M M M M
P age C7
T he P ortland O bserver • O ctober 5, 1994
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Westside M A Y
RO AD S & RAILS t war — —
Upcoming Business Opportunities — 1994 - 1 995
Date Advertised
Type of Work
January 5, 1995
Earthwork, Site Clearing, Landscaping,
Placing Aggregate Base & Asphalt, Concrete,
Related Curbs, Inlets, Islands, Striping, Brick
Paved Crosswalks and Architectural Crossing
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Station Finishing
Washington Park
Zoo Parking Lot
January 5, 1995
Earthwork, Site Clearing, Striping, Sign
(painting), Landscaping, Placing Aggregate
Base & Asphalt, Concrete, Related Cur rbs,
Inlets, Islands
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Civil and
Trackwork to
W 185th
October 3, 1994 D em olition, Photography, Metal guardrail,
Excavation/hauling, Concrete paving, Placing
rebar, Striping, Paving, Disposal/hauling,
Curbs, gutters & sidewalks, Brick & stone
pavers, Asphalt paving
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is is a partial listing of opportunities. Numerous opportunities for small purchases exist
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agencywic on an on-going basis. Please note project schedules may vary.
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W h en it com es to the W estside M A X project,
T ri-M et is w orking to ensure the greatest
possible participation by O regon businesses —
particularly m inority and fem ale-ow ned
T ri-M et also seeks o u t o p p o rtu n ities for u n d er­
em ployed and unem ployed local workers.
T ri-M et is co m m itted to:
• aggressive outreach and m atch-m aking
betw een prim e contractors and m inority-
ow ned businessess
• technical and general business assistance to
D isadvantaged Business E nterprises(D B E)
• helping w ith D B E certification
• establishing m en to rin g relationships
• setting trade-by-trade em ploym ent and
apprenticeship goals su p p o rtin g the T ri-M et/
C ity o f P o rtlan d /O reg o n D ep artm en t o f
T ransportation W orkforce C learinghouse
Free information and technical assistance
Tri-Met has arranged fo r fo u r groups to provide FREE information
a n d technical assistance to help small and disadvantaged businesses
a n d workers participate in Westside project construction.
Operating Engineers, Carpenters, Laborers,
Electricians, Cement Masons, Plumbers
Tri-Met wants your help building
Westside MAX
Bonny M cKnight
W orkforce Clearinghouse
739 N Killingsworth
Portland, O R 97217
(503) 240-5342/FA X (503) 240-5306
Job Hotline: (503) 240-5425
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W e re looking for individuals interested in jobs and apprenticeship
training opportunities in the construction industry. A referral
process has been set up at the N ortheast W orkforce C enter. Call
the Job H otline at 239-6789 for inform ation.
W e w ant to exceed our D isadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE)
goals on W estside MAX. So far, o f the 141 contracts on W estside
MAX, 35% are w ith very capable, accom plished DBEs.
W h en Tri-M et built Eastside MAX, 22% o f contract dollars w ent
to disadvantaged business enterprises. I h ats a record high for
O regon and well above the goals we set.
Gale Castillo
Im pact Business C onsultants, Inc.
8959 SW Barbur Blvd., Suite 102
Portland, O R 97219
(503) 245-9253/FA X (503) 246-3841
Financial management, business management, capital access and
bonding assistance, insurance licenses and certificates, engineering,
project management a n d administration, construction
Gisela Etheridge
Oregon Association o f M inority Entrepreneurs
1130 N E Alberta St.
Portland, O R 97211
(503) 245-7744/FA X (503) 249-2027
Outreach to disadvantaged business enterprises a n d matchmaking
with prim e contractors
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Jesus Borboa
D epartm ent o f C onsum er and Business Services Office of
M inority, W omen and Em erging Small Businesses (O M W ESB)
(503) 378-5651
D B E Certification