O ctober 5, 1994 • T he P ortland O bserver P age C4 Black Market Co-Op Forms To Support Black Business Development b \ Pin llis G ains It isn't often that someone with an idea for a new business can find an outlet to test their theory and try to find the right market. This is especially d ifficu lt and true for m inorities who may struggle for years trying to work out of their basement or spare bedroom , se e king o u t the occasional craft show to sell their products. The Black Market Co-O p was organized specifically to address this frustration. The founding C o-O p members met earlier this year while participating in the Black Business Expo, sponsored by PCC Cascade Campusevery February during Black History Month. They were disap­ pointed in the attendance at the event, as well as the fact that it occurred only once a year. They began to discuss ways to improve the Expo and ended up deciding to create their own. "It made no sense for us to com ­ plain about an activity over which we had no control,” said Phyliss Gaines, one of the founding members and owner of Vessels, 'T ablew are With M eaning.’ "It s PCC’s budget and staff, and we just pay our money to have a space. Some of us volunteered to help, but it was difficult to have any impact on the decisions." For these reasons, a number of the vendors met the very next month to plan another marketplace. After a couple of meetings, a core group of business owners formed the Black M arket Co-Op. dedicated to provid­ ing a regular series of marketing events to promote and encourage minority business development. In addition to Gaines, founding mem­ bers include Roslyn Hill, Shades of Color Ethnic Art Gallery; Donnie Lewis. Donnie's; Raymond Quinton, the Herald-Times new spaper; Evelyn W arren. W earable Accessories; and Robert Livingston. Diane’s Gems. The Co-Op committee pooled their funds to rent a building and buy advertising. They invited more than 150 minority-owned businesses to participate by renting a space for the day. Their first Market Co-Op was held June 18 at the OAME Cascade Plaza building. A community cel­ ebration of Juneteenth. the event fea­ tured good food, many popular local musicians and community groups, as well as 34 African-American busi­ (r (Celebrati ing rv I moruy 9 ness owners selling a wide variety of products, many of them Afro-centric and hand-made. The event was a community success with over 400 people attending. The next Black M arket Co-Op will be held October 14 and 15, again at the OAM E Cascade Plaza build­ ing. At the "Pre-Holiday Extrava­ ganza," businesses will have the op­ portunity to celebrate the up-coming holidays and begin to capture those spending dollars early. Cost to par­ ticipate in the 2-day event is $50; a few spaces are still available. Inter­ ested business ow ners should pick­ up an application at the Shades of Color Gallery, located at 316 NE Thompson Street. A deposit o f $25 is required to reserve a table. The Black M arket Co-O p runs from 6-9 P.M. on Friday, October 14, and 10 A M. - 6 P.M. Saturday, October 15. The event will feature holiday entertainment and raffles held throughout the day. Admission is free, and the public is asked to bring two canned food items for holiday baskets for the needy. For more in­ formation. call 288-3779 or 249- 1849. The Co-O p committee intends to hold at least four M arket Co-O p’s throughout 1995. ß nSbneSS THE TRAIL BLAZERS & O regon A rena corporation ACTIVELY SUPPORT & ENCOURAGE M IN O R IT Y B U S IN E S S E N T E R P R IS E S & E M E R G IN G S M i \ L L MWWMWWMMIIMWûCimi B u s in e s s e s > ¿Enterprise ßor the wee Septem ber 28th & Octoh er 5th. Call (503) 288-0033 to learn about Advertising in * ' :c f > ; Y* S ’ » V1? < k C* . . * , x> /.? * *. -v i / z • ’ Proudly Acknowledges, Salutes, Support And Utilizes Minority Business Enterprises On The Oregon Arena Project. ■• r' - ' - : <• .. » Ï 7 Drake/Turner, Joint Venture is an Equal Opportunity Employer and requests subcontractor bids from Disadvantaged, Minority, Women Business Enterprises and Viet Nam Veterans. Disabled Veterans and Emerging Small Business Enterprises Are encouraged to apply. . . ' : ‘ 7 .* 1 • •»'"«. « . ■ • <- c , -j X ‘ ■ x * / ■ ' • , «-«J *• s t fW 'ïÆr •v ■ ‘ .. O regon A ren a C o rp o ra tio n Oregon Arena Project Drake/Turner, Joint Venture ’ J A • s •r MAIMS ®lje ^jlortlanb (Observer "» ’■ "" * r '• FOR THE FUTURE - * 4