Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 05, 1994, MINORITY ENTERPRISE EDITION, Page 15, Image 15

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    T he P ortland O bserver • O ctober 5, 1994
Informational Advertisement
Department Of Transportation
Call For Bids
Sealed bids will be received until 9 a.m. on O ctober 20,1994,
for these projects listed below:
Linn, Lane,
and Marion
Hood River
Clackam as
Overpass Protective Screening Program 1994
Section of the Pacific Highway (ROUTE I-5).
M iscellaneous Highway Appurtenances.
S.E. 174th Ave. at S.E. Stark St. (Gresham)
Section of County Road. 14% DBE GOAL.
Traffic Signals.
Neal Creek Road Bridge Section of County
Road No. 315, South of Hood River. 5% DBE
GOAL. Reinforced Concrete and Structural
Steel Bridges and Grade Separation Struc­
Pacific Highway East Pedestrian Refuge Is­
lands Section of the Pacifie Highway East
(Route OR-99E) located between Gladstone
and Milwaukie. 20% DBE GOAL. Earthwork
and Drainage.
Oswego Hwy. at Jolie Point Road (W est Linn)
Section of the O swego Highway (ROUTE
OR93), in W est Linn. 12% DBE GOAL. A g­
gregate Base and M iscellaneous Highway
Stag Hollow Bridge and Chehalem Creek
Bridge Section of the Yam hill-Newberg High­
way (Rt. 0151). 14% DBE GOAL. Reinforced
Concrete and Structural Steel Bridges and
Grade Separation Structures.
M edford-Vilas Road Section of the Crater
Lake Highway (Rt. 62) beginning at Vilas
Road and ending near the intersection with
the Rogue Valley Highway. 14% DBE GOAL.
A.C. Pavem ent and Oiling.
Dixonville Intersection - Little River Br. (W.
Unit) Section of the North Um pqua Highway
(OR 138). 12% DBE GOAL. A.C. Pavement
and Oiling.
Douglas and
Azalea - Jum poff Joe (Structures) Section of
the Pacific Highway, (Rt. 1) north of Grants
Pass. 17% DBE GOAL. Reinforced Concrete
and Structural Steel Bridges and Grade Sepa­
ration Structures.
3lans, specifications, and bid docum ents may be obtained in
3m. 1, Transportation Building, Salem, OR 97310. Plans
may be ordered by phone at 986-3720. Prime contractors
must be prequalified ten days prior to the bid opening day.
For additional information regarding prequalification, please
contact Fran Neavoll, Program Section, (503) 986-3877.
f your business is not certified as a Disadvantaged Business
enterprise (DBE) or a W omen Business Enterprise (WBE),
please contact the Office of Minority, W omen, and Emerging
Small Business at 155 Cottage, Salem, OR 97310, phone
'50 3 )3 7 8 -5 6 5 1 .
Invitation For Bids #145-94-265
Multnomah Education
Service District
Notice of Opportunity
for Public Hearing
Notice is hereby given that a public hearing, if so requested
by any interested person, will be held by the Tri-County
M etropolitan Transportation District of Oregon (Tri-Met) at
3:30 pm, W ednesday, O ctober 26, 1994, at the Public
Service Building, 3200 SE Harrison St., Milwaukie, Oregon,
for the purpose of considering projects for which federa
assistance under the Intermodal Surface Transportation
Efficiency Act of 1991 as am ended (ISTEA), and Sections 3
and 9 of the Federal Transit Act as amended, is being sought.
Persons requesting that this hearing be convened shoulc
contact Tri-M et’s Grants Administrator, by telephone at 503/
238-5849, or in writing at 4012 SE 17th Ave., Portland, OR
97202 by Friday, O ctober 14, 1994
The main project under consideration is W estside-Hillsboro
Light Rail. Tri-M et received federal approval in September
1992 to design and construct the W estside rail project from
downtown Portland to SW 185th Avenue in W ashington
County. The Federal Transit Administration and Tri-M et are
currently negotiating an agreement am endm ent to extend
the rail line from SW 185th into downtown Hillsboro by Fall
Fiscal year 1995 funds requested in this grant application for
continuation of the rail project include $90,350,000 in federal
assistance under Section 3, and $21,128,480 under Section
9 of the Federal Transit Act; and $11,000,000 in regional
funding available through the ISTEA Surface Transportation
Program. These federal funds would be m atched with
$46,178,497 in local and state dollars.
Project expenditures will support right-of-way acquisition;
final design; procurem ent of vehicles, track, signals and
com m unication equipment, fare collection equipm ent, and
other system requirements; construction; and project adm in­
A separate grant application to be considered by the Tri-M et
Board on October 26 concerns the Banfield MAX Station
Platform Retrofit. This project consists of modifying existing
platform s to accom m odate the introduction of low floor light
rail vehicles into current MAX system. The height of the
platform s must be increased by about two inches. Total
funding of $8,500,000 ($7,650,000 federal; $850,000 local
match) requested in the grant application would finance
design, construction and adm inistrative activities related to
the project.
A discussion of displacem ent persons, families and busi­
nesses associated with the W estside-Hillsboro Project is
included in Final Environm ental Impact Statem ents on file at
Tri-M et offices. Projects described above are in conformance
with com prehensive land use and transportation planning in
:he area and are program med in regional and state Transpor-
ation Improvem ent Programs.
n the event a hearing is held, Tri-M et will afford opportunity
or interested persons or agencies to be heard with respect
:o social, economic, and environmental aspects of the projects.
A person requesting a sign language interpreter shall give
Tri-M et at least 48 hours notice of the request by contacting
Tri-M et at 238-4952 or TDD 238-5811, Monday through
Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm .
A copy of the grant applications, W estside-Hillsboro environ­
mental docum ents, and Tri-M et’s transit developm ent plan
are available for public inspection at the Tri-Met Grants
departm ent, 4th floor, 4012 SE 17th Ave., Portland, OR.
Bruce C. Harder
Executive Director
Tri-M et Finance & Administration
For Lamps: Fluorescent, High-Intensity Gas
Discharge, Incandescent, and Photographic
Bids are solicited to furnish fluorescent, high-intensity gas
discharge, incandescent and photographic lamps under a
requirem ents contract. Bids will be received by Michael
Mlynarczyk, Purchasing Agent, at 11611 NE Ainsworth
Circle, Portland, OR 97220-9017 (PO Box 301039, Portland,
OR 97230-9039) (Phone: 503-257-1791) until no later than
4:00 PM, Pacific Standard Tim e (PST), O ctober 20,1994, at
which time and address the bids will be publicly opened but
will not be read aloud.
The successful bidder will not be required to be licensed for
asbestos abatem ent under section 7 of ORS 468.883.
Specifications may be obtained at the above office. The
District may reject any bid not in com pliance with all pre­
scribed public bidding procedures and requirements, and
may reject for good cause any or all bids upon a finding of the
agency it is in the public interest to do so. No bids will be
considered that is received after the appointed date and time.
Informational Advertisement
Department Of Transportation
Call For Bids
The construction of sidewalk im provem ents at approxi­
mately 14 different addresses throughout the Hough
Neighborhood. The work includes removal and replace­
ment of approxim ately 350 S. Y. of concrete sidewalk, 15
S.Y. of concrete driveway, 130 feet of concrete curb, 84
S. Y. of asphalt pavement, installation of a storm drainage
inlet, and other associated w ork as described in the plan
and specifications for Project No. Z-9319 and Z-9419,
Hough Neighborhood Sidew alk Improvem ents.
Bids shall be in accordance with the specifications and other
contract docum ents on file in Contract Administration, lower
level, City Hall, phone (206) 696-8125, where copies may be
All bids shall be addressed to the attention of the Purchasing
Agent, Vancouver City Hall, 210 East 13th Street, P.O. Box
1995, Vancouver, W ashington 98668. All bids delivered
shall be delivered to the Purchasing Agent, Lower Level, City
Hall, 210 East 210 East 13th Street. Bids shall be placed in
an envelope which is sealed and which clearly states the
name of the bidder, the date of the bid opening, and
appropriate wording to indicate definitely the nature of the
contents. Do not send bids by Fax. Bids subm itted via Fax
will not be accepted.
The following is applicable to federal-aid projects. The City of
Vancouver, in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act
of 1964, 78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000d to 2000-4 and Title
49, Code of Federal Regulations, Departm ent of Transpor­
tation, subtitle A, Office of the Secretary, Part 21, non­
discrim ination in federally assisted program s of the Depart­
m ent of Transportation issued pursuant to such Act, hereby
notifies all bidders that it will affirm atively insure that in any
contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, m inority
business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to
subm it bids in response to this invitation and will not be
discrim inated against on the grounds of race, color or na­
tional origin in consideration for an award.
The city of Vancouver is com m itted to providing equal
opportunities to State of W ashington certified Minority, Dis­
advantaged and W om en’s Business Enterprises in contract­
ing activities. (Section 4 of Chapter 56, Laws of 1975,1 st Ex.
Sess., State of W ashington)
This project is financed through the Comm unity Develop­
ment Block Grant Program with funds obtained from the U.S.
Departm ent of Housing and Urban Development. The con­
tract will be subject to regulations of the Departm ents of
Labor and Housing and Urban Development.
Each bid shall be accom panied by a certified check, cashier's
check, or bid bond in the am ount equal to 5 percent of the bid.
The City of Vancouver reserves the right to reject any or all
bids subm itted or to waive any m inor form alities of this call if
in the judgm ent of the City Council the best interest of the city
would be served. No bidder may withdraw his bid after the
hour set for the opening thereof, unless the award of contract
is delayed for a period exceeding thirty (30) days.
Marcelyn Jandreau
Purchasing Agent
Call For Bids
Multnomah County
Walters Road - From SE Powell Blvd to SW 6th Street
Bid No: B968-76-0118
Due Date: October 13,19 94
Prequalification: Required in Municipal Street Construction
Hood River 2nd Street Interchange (Hood River) & Hood
River Bridge Sections of the Colum bia River
Highway. 18% DBE GOAL. Reinforced Con­
crete & Structural Steel Bridges & Grade Sepa­
ration Structures.
Sealed bids will be received until 2:00 PM on the specified
date above and will be publicly opened and read at 2:15 P.M.,
the same day, by M ultnomah County Purchasing, 2505 S.E.
11th Ave., Portland, Oregon.
The State of Oregon, Departm ent of Justice, is requesting
proposals from consultants interested in providing diversity
training services to the departm ent. Interested persons may
request further information or copies of the Request for
Proposals by contacting:
If your business is not certified as a Disadvantaged Business
Enterprise (DBE) or a Women Business Enterprise (WBE),
please contact the Office of Minority, W omen, and Emerging
Small Business at 155 Cottage, Salem , OR 97310, phone
(503)378 -56 51.
The departm ent reserves the right to reject any and all
proposals received and, upon a finding of good cause, to
cancel this solicitation if doing so would be in the public
In compliance with the Am ericans with Disabilities Act, the
RFP will be available in audio or large print format, upon
Notice is hereby given that the City of Vancouver, W ashing­
ton, will receive sealed bids up to the hour of 11:00 a.m.,
Pacific Local Time, Monday, O ctober 17,1994, and publicly
opened and read aloud at that time on the same day in the
Council Chambers, 1st Floor of City Hall, 210 East 13th
Street, Vancouver, W ashington, for:
Pre-Bid Conference: None
Public Notice
Proposals must be received by the departm ent no later than
5:00 p.m., PST, Friday, O ctober 14, 1994. A pre-proposal
conference is scheduled for O ctober 6,1994, at 3:00 p.m., in
the departm ent’s first floor conference room; departm ent
personnel will be available to answer questions.
1994 Hough Neighborhood Sidewalk Improvements
(HUD Project)
Sealed bids will be received until 9 a.m. on Novem ber 3,
1994, for these projects listed below:
Plans, specifications, and bid docum ents may be obtained in
Rm. 1, Transportation Building, Salem, OR 97310. Plans
may be ordered by phone at 986-3720. Prime contractors
must be prequalified ten days prior to the bid opening day.
For additional inform ation regarding prequalification, please
contact Fran Neavoll, Program Section, (503) 986-3877.
Donna Archam bault, Personnel Officer
Departm ent of Justice, Administration
1162 Court Street, NE
Salem, Oregon 97310
Telephone: (503) 378-5555
Facsimile: (503) 378-8732
TDD: (503) 378-5938
Notice To Bidders
Notice of Intent
The Oregon Departm ent of Transportation, Information Sys­
tems Branch is seeking qualifications from consulting firms to
provide assistance in the "adm inistration" of Novell Servers.
Services will include, but not be limited to: add and delete
users; relocate Novell servers; troubleshoot; backup and
restore files; load and configure MS Mail; install MS office;
load and configure NOW and Extra LM; install remote print
share devices, and resolve other technical problem s as
deemed necessary.
If you are interested in being considered, a Request for
Q ualifications can be obtained by calling or writing Program
Services, 309 Transportation Building, 355 Capitol Street
NE, Salem, OR 97310; telephone (503) 986-3400.
Statem ent of Q ualifications are due 5:00 p.m. PST, Monday,
O ctober 24, 1994.
Plans and Specifications are filed with M ultnomah County
Purchasing and copies may be obtained from the above
address for a $5.00 non-refundable fee. Checks And Money
O rders Only. Plans and Specifications Will Not Be Mailed
within the Metropolitan, Tri-County area.
Prequalifications of Bidders may be required pursuant to the
Multnomah County Public Contract Review Board Adm inis­
trative Rules (AR 40.030). See specifications for project
classes of work. Prequalification application, or proof of
prequalification by the Oregon Department of Transporta­
tion, must be received by, or postm arked to, Multnomah
County Purchasing no later than 10 days prior to the bid due
date (October 3, 1994).
All bidders must com ply with the requirements of the prevail­
ing wage law in ORS 279.350. Details of com pliance are
available from M ultnom ah County Purchasing, 2505 S.E.
11th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97202, (503) 248-5111, by
contacting Jan M. Thompson.
Contractors and subcontractors must be licensed for asbes­
tos abatem ent w ork if the project involves working with
asbestos as set forth in ORS 468.833.
No proposal will be considered unless accom panied by a
surety bond, certified check, or a cashiers check payable to
Multnomah County for the am ount equal to ten percent (10%)
of the aggregate proposal. The successful bidder shall
furnish a bond satisfactory to the board in the full am ount of
the contract.
M ultnomah County reserves the right to reject any or all bids
if not in com pliance with all prescribed bidding procedures.
Lillie W alker, Director
Purchasing, Contracts, and Central Storey
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