P age A5 T he P ortland O bserver • S eptember 28, 1994 And Still We Rise T rue to the w ords o f poet laure­ ate M aya A ngelou’s inaugural pocm - -A nd Still W e R is e - lh e N A A C P, a bastion o f the civil rights m ovem ent for 85 y ears, is still at the helm and true to its m ission desp ite having com e through som e storm y w aters recently. S till, w e rise...to continue o u r m issio n o f advancing equality for peo p le o f color. W e know that the N A A C P c a n ­ n o t stay aflo a t in stag n an t w aters, b u t m u st m ove w ith the chu rn in g m asses o f ou r people to address the issues o f the day. O ur “C ivil R ights” w ork now is econom ic em pow er­ m ent, in n er city crim e an d violence an d d ealin g w ith the in frastructures o f o u r cities. W e have to reach out into those areas, not only to continue to ex p an d our m em bership base, but to establish new N A A C P branches and program s. W e ’ve had som e su c­ cesses d u ring the past year w hen w e ’ve reached out to new constitu­ en cies. W e w ill co ntinue those in i­ tiatives. W e w ill co ntinue to w ork an d g en erate m em b ersh ip s w ithin By Dr. William Gibson any segm ent of the community that we can., .black or wliite, rich or poor, young and older, inner city or suburban. W e undeisland there is only so much you can get within any one set o f parameters. "We know that the NAACP cannot stay afloat in stagnant waters, but must move with the churning masses of our people to ad­ dress the issues of the day". In the afterm ath o f the recen t controversy, the N A A C P N ational B oard has p u t a m a n ag em en t team in place that is carry in g on w ith daily operations. C om m ittees o f that board are w orking to m ake su re they are ap prised o f w hat the interim term is doing. T his m akes fo r an effectiv e an d p ro p er re la tio n sh ip b etw e en B oard and ad m in istra tiv e staff. W e are also happy to rep o rt th at the adm in istrativ e team has ju st b e ­ gan an aggressive m em b ersh ip c a m ­ paign w ell as an ag g ressiv e fund rising effo rt - w ithin the stru ctu re o f the N A A C P branches. U sing a fo r­ m u la th at has p ro v en su ccessfu l in the past, w e are in effect soliciting N A A C P b ranches to m ake special co n trib u tio n s. W hen we used this approach before, w e su cceed ed in risin g o v er a h alf m illio n d o llars. T h is tim e, we plan to g en erate funds o f o v er on e m illion dollars. In ad d itio n , o u r fo u n d atio n and corporate sponsors have m ad e som e po sitiv e overtures. T he F o rd F o u n ­ d atio n has m ade a co m m itm en t to m e, to help w ith o u r funding p ro ­ cess. N ot to help us w ith fund raising an d an interim staff. M em bers o f the B oard, interim sta ff an d I w ill be m eeting in the co m in g w eeks w ith various co rp o ra­ tions an d fou n d atio n s to en su re that w e erase o u r cu rren t d eficit, and g e n e r a te fu n d s fo r th e v a rio u s N A A C P p ro g ram s that are so im ­ p o rta n t to the A fric an -A m erica n co m m u n ity an d to A m erica. In the co m in g w eeks I w ill co n tin u e to rep o rt on that, an d try to an sw er som e o f the m ore prevalent q u es­ tions you m ay have. Beal The Odds When Remodeling For Resale ally between 77 and 97 percent return on the investm ent - over aluminum and vinyl w indows, according to the article. “The natural beauty and en ­ ergy efficiency o f wood windows are recognized by buyers. It makes wood w indows a worthwhile investment for ho m eo w n ers,” said D ave C u lv er, President. Pella W indow & D oor Co o f Oregon In, a local representative o f long-term benefits. Forexam ple, installing wood win­ dows delivers a higher payback - usu­ Pella W indows and Doors. “By com bining the energy effi­ ciency o f to d a y ’s w indow s w ith d e­ sign features like shades, blinds or w ood grilles betw een the panes of glass, rem odeling can really add a A D V E R T IS E IN ¿ T |,c bottom line im pact at resale tim e,” C u lv er said. C ulver suggests gathering infor­ m ation about the features current hom e buyers in the area are d em an d ­ ing before undertaking a rem odeling project. “T alk w ith local realtors or neighbors selling their hom es. O ther hom eow ners w ho have been through the process can shed light on w hether future buyers w ill pay m ore m oney for the rem odeling project you are co n sid erin g ,” said C ulver For free literature about m aking w indow decisions, call 1-800-847- 3552. lavish H ors D ’Ourves. Plan to do all your holiday shop­ ping at the Fair Share Holiday A uc­ tion. A uction item s include; G eta­ w ays at O regon’s Coast, hundreds of item s from P ortland’s Saturday M ar­ ket, a party at the W hite C A P Brew Pub. A dinner and show at Darcelle XV, and A utographed Blazer P en­ nant and m any many other wonder­ ful items. Don’t get caught in the Holi­ day Snare - shop Fair Share!!! to reserve your Auction tickets call 239-7611 ke/ land area. T he new sto re s re p la c e the co m p an y ’s form er M init-L ube cen ­ ters and incorporate redesigned inte­ riors and exteriors w ith the trad e­ African-A m ericans to A merican wars and m ilitary service in the 20th cen­ tury will be exam ined in a four-part series o f talks and films this fall. The series will be presented free of charge m onday nights O ct. 17 and 24 and N ov. 7 and 21 by Rutgers and the C rossroads Theatre Com pany in New Brunsw ick. T he Rutgers C enter for H istori­ cal A nalysis and C rossroads are co ­ sp o n so rin g the se rie s, “ A frican - A m ericans in the Military: Race and D em ocracy in A m erica at W ar.’ It will bring som e o f the nation’s lead­ ing scholars to N ew Brunsw ick for ta lk s to g en e ral a u d ie n c e s. T h e speakers will use films to illustrate their p oints and generate audience d iscussion. All four program s begin at 7:30 p.m . in C rossroads’ facilities at 7 Livingston Ave. Each will conclude cTVe-e&. My showerhead is as old as my husband. m ark Q uaker State “Q ” logo. “C onverting to Q Lube will help us differentiate our service from o th ­ ers in the industry,” said Jail O ’N eill, Q Lube president. Before em barking on the change, consum er research, revealed that cus­ tomers saw m ost quick lubes as about the sam e.” A t the sam e tim e, the research show ed consum ers had co n ­ fidence in the Q uaker State brand nam e, evoking high custom er ex p ec­ tations. Q L ube stores offer co n su m ­ ers a quick lube service center, p ro ­ viding an effective m easure o f how the com pany is m eetingexpectations. Q Lube has reinforced its co m m it­ ment to custom er satisfaction through Would it pay to get a new one? Showerhead that is! em ployees. The com pany has m ade each center an ongoing oil reclam ation site. Local “do-it-y o u rselfers” can bring their used oil to a Q Lube center, w here it w ill be properly handled, free o f charge. KITCHEN-BATHROOM “ Instant Hot Water D isp e n se r'-S e e your KitchenAid Dealer or call toll-free 1 800 422 1230. “ Moving, Storing and W interizing Ap- pliances”-W rite to: Whirlpool Corp., Box 405, St. Joseph, Ml 49085 “ Remodeling A K itc h e ri’-C all 1 800 451 7007 for copy of two 48 page maga­ zines. The cost is $3.00 for each, “A m erica’s Favorite K itchens" and “Frigidaire Kitchen Improvement Work­ book." Introducing Answers You Can Live With: The Home Energy Savings Center. Featuring booklets on how to better manage your energy dollar: » Improving Your Home's Heating & Cooling. » Managing Your Home’s Energy Bill. » Assessing Your Home’s Energy Use. »Maintaining Your Home’s Energy Safety. Call Today 1-800-222-4335 We’re ready to help you put energy saving ideas to work. Just call toll-free 1-8OO-222-4335 to get a guidebook - free - to make your home even more energy smart and efficient. PACIFIC POWER THE RIGHT KIND OF ENERGY Store 503-331-1718 Call: 1-800-222-4335 3415 NE Broadway Portland, OR 97212 Pacific Power, A Dnwion of PacifiCorp Oregon Teams are Alive and Kicking Rutgers and Crossroads Present Free Series On African-Americans N ew B ru n s w ic k /P IS C A T A - W A Y , N J . -- The relationship o f O ’) ! , é c r i t e f Q uaker State has opened 13 Q Lube oil change cen ters in the P o rt­ Fair Share Auction O regon Fair Share, the state s largest citizen action organization, w orking for affordable health care for all O regonians, is holding its 15th Annual H oliday A uction Fundraiser on S aturday, O ctober 15th at 5 PM at St. Phillip Neri Catholic Church, SE 16th & Division in Portland. Ticket price is $12.50 each and includes l . ì 'o v t l a i i ò c a ll 5 0 3 - 2 8 8 - 0 0 3 3 the installation o f one o f the m ost advanced com puter system s in the industry and has added new training and custom er service program s for Wood Windows Are A Profitable Choice S to p th a t s le d g e h a m m e r . Homeowners rem odeling for the sake af resale finally have a list o f sure­ fire hom e im provem ent projects. A recent M etropolitan H om e m agazine article states that new w ood w in­ dow s, state-of-the art kitchens, m od­ ernized bathroom s and exterior d e­ v e lo p m e n ts s u c h as d e c k s o r screened-in porches can translate into long-term resale value gains. G ains tu rn e s p e c ia lly fa v o ra b le w h en rem odelers focus on projects with Q Lube Enters Change Market about two hours later. “We hope this series will shed light on the often ne­ glected service of African- Americans, who havefought in every American war,” T hanks The talks are part o f a tw o-year public hum anities program on war, peace and society being conducted by the center under grants from the N ational E ndow m ent for the H u­ m anities (NEH ) and the N ew Jersey Council for the H um anities, a state to O regon L ottery P roceeds program o f the NEH. “W e hope this series will shed light on the often neglected service o f A frican-A m erican s, w ho have fought in ’every American w ar,” said John W hiteclay C ham bers II, pro­ fessor o f histo ry at R u tg ers and project director. H e teaches under­ graduate and graduate co u rses at Rutgers on war, peace and the m ili­ tary in U.S. history. Self Enhancement Inc. Launches “Buy-A-Brlck Program “ In SE1 we greet each other ev­ ery day with a sm ile and a handshake to strengthen the relationship between us,” says Tony Hopson, president of Self E nhancem ent Inc., a non-profit organization dedicated to providing P ortland’s inner city youth with con­ structive alternatives to drugs, gangs and violence. “T his is one of six 'stan d a rd s’ we teach the kids, and I c a n 't w ait until 1 get to greet our young people at the door SEI s new C e n te r.” SEI launched its Buy-a-Brick/ Build-a-Future program to help raise funds for the construction of the Cen­ ter for Self-Enhancem ent in north- cast Portland. T hrough the program , donors pay $25 for a building-brick person­ alized with the contributor s nam e ihat will create the entry-w ay to the Center. The donor will also receive a ‘certificate o f ow nership.” SEI es­ tablished a “ Brick H otline” to handle inquiries. Interested people should call 503/282-4309. “ W e th in k th a t en c o u ra g in g Portlanders to contribute a physical piece of the Center offers a w onder­ ful way for them to tangibly under­ stand how they’re m aking a differ­ ence in their com m unity, and gives them a sense o f com m unity ow ner­ ship and involvem ent.” The C enter for Self E nhance­ m ent will be a 60,000 square-foot facility containing classroom s, com ­ p u te r a n d m u sic la b o ra to rie s , a m ulticultural library, athletic facili­ ties. a dance studio, an auditorium and adm inistrative offices. It will serve youth on the w eekends and every w eekday until 10:00 p.m ., and will be used by other civic groups while children are in school. »- • A A portion of Oregon Lottery proceeds is dedicated to helping Oregon's state colleges and universities remain competitive at the national level. Since 1989, these schools have received more than $6 million in Lottery proceeds to provide academic scholar­ ships and strengthen their athletic programs. With the help of Lottery dollars, women’s ath­ letics and non-revenue sports such as soccer, gymnastics, volleyball, and wrestling are able to attract some of the best student athletes in the country, In addition » giate athletic programs benefit from Lottery pro­ ceeds, adding to their success. Without these Lottery funds, the thrill of victory would be hard a goal to achieve - because players don t win if schools can t field a team. The Oregon Lottery - helping Oregon’s student athletes compete with the best. I, Does Good Things