T he P ortland O bserver • A ugust 31, 1994 P age A3 A nother V iew From Harlem To Soweto African Americans ... Coming Home to the GOP By Haley Barbour Chairman. Republican National Committee A United Front Of Consciousness as Arrested Development Release Their Second Single “ I call on the red, and the black and the green... United we stand united we fa ll” The lines are from “ United Front” and w ith the release o f the second single from their acclaimed Zingalamadni, Arrested Develop­ ment take their m ulti faceted, m ulti cultural vision to the next logical and soulful step. Inspired by the co n tin u in g struggle for justice around the globe, “ United Front’” s u p liftin g message took on an added urgency when the Grammy Award w inning A D had the h o n o r o f p e rfo rm in g in Johannesburg, South Africa this past June as part o f that c ity ’ s annual Soweto Day concert. T ra v e lin g to the n e w ly lib ­ erated South A fric a and m eet­ ing President N elson M andela was an experience that p ro ved to be both e du ca tio n a l and in s p i­ ra tio n a l fo r the m em bers o f the A tla n ta based A rreste d D e v e l­ o pm ent. S peaking fo r the gro up , c h ie f s o n g w r ite r and ra p p e r Speech com m ented, “ It was pow - e r f u l to h a v e m e t N e ls o n M an de la. H is d e te rm in a tio n and w isdo m is w hat made it so pow er­ fu l.” For the further empowerment o f the A frican people. Arrested De­ velopment presented a $10,000.00 check to Nelson Mandela which w ill aidtheN ational Youth Development C oordinating committee and Na­ tional C h ild re n ’ s R igh ts C o m m it­ tee. The wisdom and heart, inherent in the South African Struggle and the music o f A D has flavored the video fo r “ United Front.” which was shot in South A frica and Harlem, USA. In a sly and telling reflection on the current state o f freedom, the se­ quences that were film ed in Harlem are in somber black and white, while the footage from the M otherland is bathed in a glow o f trium phant color. A stirring exaltation to keep­ ing the faith and a renewal o f pride, “ United Front” is a clear, v iv id portrayal o f the spiritual connec­ tions between A frica and the US, a connection that A D profoundly felt. “ Shooting Untied Front in South A frica was like doing a video in the neighborhood,” remarked A D ’ s Headliner. Asked to sum up the vibe be­ hind “ United Front” dancer/vocal- ist Montsho Eshe replied, “ I t ’s d if­ ferent cultures, races and musics, all united together, into one united m ind.” A United Front. Fairs: A Visit Through Time (N U ) - Tim e machines were a highlight o f the old A lle y Oop com ­ ic strip, but a sim ilar scenario takes place each year at the local fair. M any o f these annual events fea­ ture horse-pulling contests, antique farm machinery, spinning wheels, q u ilt m aking and other pra ctically lost arts o f the way our forefathers same for entertainment, from horse­ shoe pitching to musical programs on the main stage using all the up- to-date lighting and sound technolo­ gy- So, step on the time machine and make the annual fa ir the place to be. made their way through life. Crank the tim e machine a cou­ ple o f notches fo rw a rd and the newest and often prototype models o f farm equipment, automobiles and appliances show up right before your eyes. Turn the tim e machine to a d if­ ferent mode and you can fin d the R e m e m b e r in g W h e n It was a formal reception fit for diplomats and heads of state - but the event th at followed this recep­ tion was one the world would not soon forget. One of the honored guests at the event was a young dancer - a dancer who could only pretend to enjoy the evening’s festivities - a dancer who desperately wanted to leave the re­ ception but could not. To do so could ruin his family, end his career and maybe even his life. After the reception ended, while being escorted to a waiting bus the dancer suddenly turned and fled into the dark Canadian night. Pursued by his Russian guards, he narrowly avoided capture by flinging himself into a waiting Canadian police car. The event took place ju st 20 years ago. The dancer who escaped his So­ viet guards to freedom that evening is ballet star Mikhail Baryshnikov. C onsum er Brief Protect Yourself Against Telephone Credit Card Fraud Each year thousands of unsuspecting consumers have their personal tele­ phone calling card numbers stolen while they are making phone calls from public telephones. The numbers are taken by someone looking over a caller's shoulder while they dial. Once a thief knows your private au­ thorization numbers he or she will sell them to others who then charge phone calls to your account. By the time your next telephone bill arrives, the thieves and their accomplices across the country can have charged thou­ sands of dollars to your telephone bill. You can protect your card by becom­ ing more aware of people around you and shielding the numbers you are dialing from others. (N U ) - Earlier this year in a stir­ ring speech to the Republican Na­ tional Committee, Tony Brown, the nationally syndicated columnist and GOP convert, spoke on the need for the Republican Party to reach out to m in o rity voters, saying that fo r too long Republicans conceded the black vote to the Democrats and let them define and misportray our par­ ty in the black comm unity. He is right. Yet one o f the unwritten stories o f the Republican victories in 1993 and this year is the m ajor increase in m in o rity support gained by GOP candidates. For too long, many m in o rity groups have been overw helm ingly Democratic in their voting. A frican- American voters in particular have often given Dem ocrats almost m onolithic support. Some Republicans fe ll into the trap o f not pursuing the support o f black voters because the com m uni­ ty was viewed as unreachably loyal to the Dem ocrats. T his created a kind o f circle in which the Republi­ cans ignored the African-Am erican vote, and African-A m erican voters felt alienated from the Republicans. It was bad fo r everyone. people who agree w ith you. While Republican candidates na­ tio n a lly have ty p ic a lly received about 10 percent o f the black vote — and appreciably less in many areas — virtually every poll shows 25, 35 or even 40 percent o f African Am er­ icans agree w ith the Republican po­ sitions on most issues. A sim ilar per­ centage o f A fric a n Am ericans identify themselves as conservatives. W hy then did GOP candidates w in the votes o f half or fewer o f the black voters who agree w ith them on issues? I ’ m not sure I know all the reasons, but one reason was ob­ vious to me: lack o f effort. M any Republican candidates s im p ly w rote o ff the black vote. They decided Guest not to “ waste the Commentary e ffort.” This is wrong­ headed thinking; and the good news fo r Republicans is many o f our can­ didates and party leaders not only believe we can trem endously in ­ crease our share o f the A fric a n - American vote, they are proving it. Success Stories M ayo r Tom Fetzer o f Raleigh, N.C., State’s Attorney Jack O ’ M a l­ ley o f Cook County, III., and G ov­ ernor Christie W hitman o f New Jer- sy, were all elected w ith the margin o f victory supplied by an increase in the number o f black votes they got versus what President Bush received in 1992. None o f these candidates had a different message for the black com ­ m unity than for whites, but all three Common Ground As a R epublican from M issis­ sippi, the state w ith the highest per­ centage o f black voters in the coun­ try, I always thought conceding the African-Am erican vote in toto to the Democrats was stupid. To me, it is more than a matter o f mathematics. It is a matter o f w inning the votes o f aggressively marketed their message to African-Am erican voters. In this they joined a growing number o f Re­ publican candidates across the coun­ try who realized there is significant support for their candidacies among black votes i f they w ill seek it. We urge our candidates to be like Jersey C ity M ayor Bret Schun- dler, the Republican who won 68 percent o f the vote in a 65 percent m in o rity p op ulatio n c ity. We te ll them to take their message into the black co m m un ity and advocate it w ith passion. Let A fric a n -A m e ric a n voters know why low er taxes, less spend­ ing. more police on the street and school choice are in the best inter­ ests o f the black com m unity and o f ind ivid ua l black fam ilies and v o t­ ers. As they do so our candidates find a sizable group o f A fric a n -A m e ri­ can voters who share our views on issues and many others who see De­ mocratic. big-government solutions have fa ile d and are w illin g to try som ething else. By aggressively seeking th eir support. Republican candidates can double or triple the percentage o f the black vote fo r GOP presidential candidates. Republicans w ill not go from 10 percent to a m ajority o f the A frica n- American vote overnight. But there is a s ig n ific a n tly large black vote available to GOP candidates, and we are learning that a c tiv e ly seeking those voters and advocating our p rinciples and values in the c o m ­ munity produces positive results at the ballot box and in governing. A D V E R T IS E IN Information Just a Phone Call Away ¿ T lic ( O lis i'in c v c a ll 5 0 3 - 2 8 8 - 0 0 3 3 (N U ) - Americans are taking a stand to stop crime and create safer neighborhoods and schools. T hirty specific actions against violence are outlined in "Stop the Violence, Start Som ething," a booklet that is part o f the National Citizens Crim e Pre­ vention Campaign. For a free copy, call 1-800-W E-PR EV EN T. (News Black Officers Added To Police Force Three African-Am ericans police officers are jo in in g the Portland Police Bureau, among five new employees hired. The additional support increases the number o f sworn officers in the bureau to 963. O fficials said the officers w ill be assigned to the department’ s training division and w ill attend the Oregon Police Academy in Monmouth. The new hires were identified as Leo M yron Besner, 31, T im m y Evans, 29, Tonya Renee James, 22, M ark W illia m Kruger, 26 and Dawn Angela W ilson, 22. Kruger, Evans and Besner have law enforcement experience. Evans, Wilson and James were tested through the African-Am erican M inority Recruitment Program operated by the Police Personnel D iv i­ sion. Wilson and James attended South Carolina State together and graduated w ith a Bachelor o f Science degree in crim inal justice. U$A) • The Hands On Science O u t­ reach program emphasizes discov­ ery and try in g to fig u re out how things w ork fo r children from pre­ kindergarten through 6th grade. For in fo rm a tio n , ca ll 301-881-1142. (News U SA ) Quick Cross Challenge In The Supermarket Across: 1. You probably spend the most time with this supermarket employee 2. A spread made from refined vegetable oils 4. A drink or type of cracker 1. This food company used to feature two chubby cartoon kids in its advertisements 3. A cereal grass seed widely used for food 5. If you are looking for something, it will be in one of these 7. Ethnic food from the East or West the Wonder of Words Bartizan (a) A medieval dance celebrating a wedding (b) A form of primitive currency, e.g., sea shells (c) A structure which protrudes from a building and is used as a lookout or for defense (d) A round brass footrest found in British pubs A ns w e r s 1. Checker 2. Margarine 4. Soda Auto Painting Pearl Platinum Chips Vinyl Dies Side Moldings Pin Stripes Detailing N o ! There is a severe scarcity of heart donors, and hundreds of law-abiding individuals are desperately waiting for the opportunity to receive a lifesaving heart transplant. How can we justify giving an incarcerated criminal a new heart just to beat out precious life behind prison walls, or maybe help extend his or her life to commit an­ other crime? The moral character of a heart transplant recipient must be included in the criteria of who will, or who will not, receive a new heart. A n y Car Painted F o r $390! Pager: (503) 870-5994 • Vancouver: (206) 418-9985 PEGGY JOSEPH - Officer Travel Consultant Yes! To deny someone a lifesaving heart transplant simply because they are serving time in jail is the equiva­ lent o f sentencing them to death. The medical establishment cannot ration a life-sustaining procedure based on moral principles. Any transplant deci­ sion must be based only on medical criteria, nothing else. P o tp o u rri What is a Across: Should Prisoners Be Eligible For Heart Transplants D ow n; 1. Campbell's 3. Rice 5. Aisles 7. Indian A bartizan (c) A projecting building struc­ ture used as a lookout or turret An early religious practice evolved into a sport that is now widely en­ joyed around the world. h hie Jídíi C u p ( f a M in d V Historians have traced modern bowl­ ing to a religious ceremony dating back to 3rd century Germany. The practice centered around the wooden club which people carried for self­ protection. During the ceremony, the club, which represented the uncivi­ lized, was set up at the end of a "lane." The club's owner would then roll a stone down the lane trying to topple the club. To be successful represented a symbolic overthrow of the heathen. "im enean •U m lnife ■ U M e i(> : ( ' ( n m - f i : f > (/i n t While this religious practice was soon discontinued, the basic game contin­ ued to be enjoyed outside of church and eventually fluorished into the modem sport of bowling. 28(>8 ' 1$ , Mntfin M if/te) W in y f h ie '<■ '. U t c o a y richten ) ) 2 8 8 -5 2 4 6 V