Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 31, 1994, Page 18, Image 18

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    P age B 12
A ugust 31, 1994 « T he P ortland O bserver
Local Scouts
Local Bov Scout Troop 373
began their fundraising campaign
this summer for a planned outing to
California. The scouts who are el­
egin Fundraising
ementary and m iddle school students
hope to travel to California to widen
their horizons, experience uplifting
things and become better scouts and
citizens. The scouts are not content
with jus, asking parents and other
adults for money, they worked very
hard this summer at a car wash at the
Burger King restaurant on Weidler
Many more fundraising events are
planned and the scouts hope the en­
tire community will support them in
their constructive efforts.
The Troop is headed by Aleem
Shabazz and Anthony O ’Neil. Dur­
ing the car wash the scouts were
supported by volunteers Herman
Brame, Fareeda Muhammad, and Ali
Muhammad. The troop was char­
tered through the efforts o f members
ofthe Muslim Community Center o f
Portland which is headed by Imam
Mikal Shabazz.
Independent Candidate For Oregon’s
3rd District U. S. House Seat
M ark B runelle, In d ep en ­
dent C andidate for O re g o n ’s
3rd D istrict U. S. H ouse seat,
has successfully co m pleted an
all volunteer petition effort; and
will be on the ballot for the
November 8th G eneral election.
Mark Burnelle has been en ­
dorsed by, Space: The Future
Frontier, Liberty Netw ork, Bike
PAC o f O regon, the “ O regon
sp ectato r” ; and is a m em ber o f
the A m erican Legion.
Last M arch, M ark B urnelle
was in W ashington, D .C ., and
lobbied against H R.6; the bill
that would have th reaten ed p ri­
vate education altern a­
Mark has been m ar­
ried to his w ife, Pam ela,
for 23 years, they have
tw o grow n d au g h ters,
and live in M ilwaukie.
Mark Brunelle
Kraft USA
Names New
Executive VP
L. Don Brown
Kraft USA has announced
that L. Don Brown, 49, has
been promoted to Executive
Vice President, Operations. He
was most recently Vice Presi­
dent, Operations, for Kraft Gen­
eral Foods Canada. Brown suc­
ceeds Richard Bailey, 47, who
is now Senior Vice President o f
Manufacturing for Kraft Gen­
eral Foods.
In his new position. Brow n
reports to James M. Kilts, Presi­
dent of Kraft USA.
“Don has extensive opera­
tions experience throughout the
Kraft General Foods organiza­
tion,” said Kilts. “His leader­
ship and knowledge o f opera­
tions will be a tremendous asset
to Kraft USA.”
Brown joined Kraft in 1971
has held a number o f senior
operations positions within the
company. Besides plant man­
ager positions at some o f Kraft's
major facilities, he has served
as Vice President, Production
for Kraft, and Vice President,
M anufacturing for G eneral
Foods USA.
Brown has a Bachelor’s
degree in biological sciences
and mathematics from the Uni­
versity o f Arkansas at Pine
Bluff. He will be relocating
from Montreal, Canada, to the
Chicago area.
Work With
The C enter for Research
on O ccupational and E nvi­
ro n m e n ta l
T o x ic o lo g y
(CROET) at O regon Health
Sciences U niversity opened
its laboratories for three lo­
cal high school students to
gain hands-on ex p e rien ce
studying the biom edical e f­
fe c ts o f to x in s . O H S U
hosted an eight week S atu r­
d ay A c a d e m y p ro g ra m
called A p p ren ticesh ip s in
S cien ce and E n g in e e rin g
s p a n n in g fro m J u n e 20
through Aug. 26. F aculty
m em bers guided the work
o f these students currently
u n d e r-re p re s e n te d in the
field o f science.
The 1994 Saturday Acad­
emy participants. Hans Tritico
o f Beaverton High School par­
ticipated in a study with CROET
scientist Dr. Glen Kisbyon tox­
ins and the mechanisms that
cause damage to DNA.
Rebecca Dean o f Grant
Union High School assisted
s c ie n tis t
Mohammed Sabri in his re­
search to determine if environ­
mental toxins affect the brain's
nerve cell degeneration.
Matt Nelson o f Lakeridge
High S chool w orked with
CROE r scientist Dr. Dwijendra
Roy in isolating toxins in plants.
B ut now , at le a s t th e ir h e a lth
c a re
c o s ts c an be c o n tr o lle d
S o u n d th e tr u m p e ts , h e a t th e d ru m s. S o m e o n e has f i n a l l y co m e up w ith a ffo r d a b le h e a lth c a r e
c o v e ra g e f o r y o u r c h ild r e n . L ik e a ra te o f j u s t $ 2 9 .5 0 p e r k id , p e r m o n th . B est o f a ll, th a t so m eo n e
is B lue C ro ss B lu e S h ie ld o f O re g o n , th e la r g e s t, m o st r e s p e c te d n a m e in th e b u s in e s s . W h a t w e ’ve
done is base p re m iu m s s tr ic tly on the average m edical expenses a n d needs o f kid s, u n lik e m ost program s.
W e’ve also fo r m e d an alliance w ith the SO a ffilia te d p h y sic ia n s o f L egacy E m a n u el C h ild ren ’s H ospital.
F or d e ta ils, c o n ta c t y o u r lo ca l in d e p e n d e n t in su ra n c e a g e n t or ca ll 1 -8 0 0 -7 6 2 -4 8 3 1 o r 2 2 5 -4 9 1 0. B ut
d o n ’t p u t it o ff. The o n ly th in g p r e d ic ta b le a b o u t k id s is th e ir u n p r e d ic ta b ility .
I Hlur< :m M R lurS blrld
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Legacy Emanuel
C hildren's Hospital