T he P ortland O bserver • A ugust 3 1 , 1994 P age B 7 s» < . » - f i ■ »zZ '.i • «Aï BLAZERS ANNOUNCE 25TH ANNIVERSARY SEASON PLANS •r -j • A The Portland Trail Blazers are granted an NBA franchise in 1970. m arking their 25th year as a member Fans will have the opportunity o f the National Basketball Associa­ to share in some o f the nostalgia on tion. In honor o f the milestone the Nov. 17 as Portland will play it’s team has a num ber o f festivities first ever “Turn Back The C lock” planned over the course o f the silver game as the Blazers take on the C le ve- anniversary season. land Cavaliers at “O ver th e M emorial C oli­ y ears th e re have seum. The game been so many w on­ will be a rematch d e rfu l m e m o rie s o f the B lazers highlighted by the very first game c h a m p io n sh ip in on Oct. 16, 1970 1977 and tw o other w hen P o rtlan d cham pionship runs edged the C av’s in 1990 and 1992, 115 to 112. Both b u t a lso th e 12 teams will wear straight playoff ap­ 1970 replica uni­ pearances, the sell­ forms which will out string at M emo­ The Blazers 25th Anniversary logo be d o n a te d to features the traditional Blazers rial C oliseum , all area non-profit logo, a basketball, a shield, and a the great players organizations to ribbon. and coaches and, of be used as fund­ course, getting to know the greatest raising tools in auctions or raffles. fans in the world through the thou­ “ We w anted to find a w ay to give something back to the com m u­ sands o f conversations, cards and letters,” said Harry Glickman, presi­ nity for their 25 years o f support,” dent emeritus o f the Blazers. “Not said Glickman. “ It’s our hope that only is this our 25th Anniversary these uniforms will be able to help season, but also our last year in the generate thousands o f dollars for coliseum , so the 1994-95 season will charity.” Interested non-profit organiza­ be a time to look back, but also a time tions need to submit a written pro­ to look forward, it promises to be posal to: Charity Review Coordina­ very exciting.” tor, Portland Trail Blazers, 700 N.E. Fans will have the opportunity Multnomah, Portland, OR 97232. to select the 10 greatest Blazer play­ Proposals must be subm itted no later ers and coach o f all time. Ballots will than Nov. 1,1994. The uniform s will be available Oct. 31 at all Bank o f be presented to the designed non­ A m erica locations through Dec. 5. profit recipients during the Blazers Form er players and m em bers o f the game on Sunday, Nov. 20 vs. the m edia w ill cast ballots in a separate vote that will carry equal weight Detroit Pistons. Award w inning reporter and with the public’s. columnist Steve Cam eron is w riting The all-tim e team will be un­ a special 25th A nniversary book - veiled at the Blazers vs. Houston Rip City! A Q uarter Century with game on Feb. 6 the coliseum, the the Portland Trail Blazers. The 240- same date Portland was officially tâ 'r «y ' ?» •' i ï . > * • ’ ¿?. •, * . : -, 1. .*' • » _ ......... ............................................&----------.8....Z.«. -a-----------------------------------------~ ------- ---------- --------------------JE------------ Berlyn Hodges (from left) Harry Glickman, and Bill Schonely, original staff members of the Portland Trail Blazers unveil a new logo and plans to mark the Blazers’ 25th year in the National Basketball Association. page book chronicles the Blazers 25- year history through photos and in­ terviews with the players, coaches, front office staff and fans. The book is available in three different editions. The collector’s edition, features a genuine leather c o v e r, e m b la z o n e d w ith silv e r stamped, and sculptured Blazers 25th Anniversary logo. Plans call for the book to be available in November. Additionally, Rip City M aga­ zine will feature a 25th anniversary “ Reflections” column in every issue during the 1994-95 season. Over the course o f the season fans will get plenty o f glimpses o f the past though Blazer Broadcast­ ing. Flashback vignettes are planned during the broadcasts and on Bamk- Ameri Vision screen at the coliseum . Finally, the Blazers and Bank of America are in the planning stages of a major exhibit at the Oregon His­ torical Society. “ We are w orking closely with the Oregon Historical Society on what would be a m ajor exhibit o f the Trail Blazers 25-year history,” said Glickman. “ We have some great concepts in mind and w e’re feeling very positive about the exhibit being on-line sometime in the spring. It would be a fantastic culmination to the 25th anniversary season. GOLF TOURNEY HELPS MCDONALD CHARITIES Tiger Woods concentrates on the shot during a previous golf tournament in Portland. Woods has made golf history, winning the U.S. Amateur Golf Championship. M ore than 140 M cD onald's ow ner/operators raised more than $ 1 4 ,0 0 0 for R onald M cD onald C hildren’s Charities in Oregon and Southwest W ashington, in the Third Annual M cD onald’s Miles ofSm iles G o lf T o u rn am en t at P o rtla n d ’s Colw ood G olf Course. Fund raising events included silent auctions for such prizes as a basketball autographed by NBA All- star and Portland Trail Blazer Clyde Drexler, a giant neon M cD onald’s clock and a case o f wine from an Oregon viney ard. O ther fund raising events included a putting contest. individual hole sponsorships and a raffle. Ronald M cDonald Children’s Charities’ main objective is to help the children o f our area lead happier, healthier and more productive lives. RMCC reaches these goals by giv­ ing grants to non-profit organiza­ tions in three areas: education and the arts, civic projects and social services and health care and medical research which includes the Ronald M cDonald House. The big w inner on the course in the tournam ent was Roger Snelling, owner and operator o f M cD onald’s in N e w p o rt, L in c o ln C ity and Tillamook, and his family.-Anabelle, Stacy and Allen, in the Big Mac Flight who scored a 9 under par, 63 for the course. In the Ronald M cDonald Flight, the team o f Sally Darmody, Gay Simplot Ottor, Paula Freeman and Renee Landolt took first prize with an 8 under par, 64. The Miles o f Smiles Flight saw Mary Ellen Meeh, Bob Lunetta, Jeff Gorman and Jeff Morla take first place with a 7 under par, 65. Planning has already begun forthe Fourth Annual M ilesofSm iles G olf Tournament. A GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO BRING A FRIEND F E A T U R IN G A.C. Green Buck Williams David Wzood in the to u rn a m e n t h isto ry . N ew s w ire re p o rts, said it w as also th e m ost d ra m a tic . It reported that. W oods played the last 12 holes o f the 36-hole match in 4 under par, making pars from the trees with the tenacity o f a young Steve Ballesteros. “ 1 have never been 6 down and won," Woods who is from Cypress, Calif, told news reporters. “ It’s an amazing feeling to come back from 6 down against a great player It’s indescribable. I have been that far and lost. Coming back from that far back, hanging in there, is the best Æ « .w ti I»’'» WOODS WINDS UP IN GOLF RECORD ROOKS T ig er W oods, w ill fo re v e r be rem em b ered as the first black m an and the y o u n g e st g o lfe r to e v e r w in th e w o r ld 's m ost p re s­ tig io u s a m a te u r g o lf to u r n a ­ m ent. P lay in g w ith th e c o n c e n ­ tra tio n o f a g o lf v e te ra n . W oods. 18, cam e from 6 stro k es dow n to b eat T rip K u eh n e, 22, tw o up in th e U .S A m a te u r G o lf C h a m p io n sh ip . His. c h a rg e from 6 h o les dow n to a 2 -u p v ic to ry , a c c o rd ­ ing to th e U .S. g o lf a s s o c ia ­ tio n , is th e g re a te st c o m eb ack «• thing about w inning.” W oods w h o se first n am e is E ld rick and w ho w ill be fre s h ­ m an th is fall at S ta n fo rd U n i­ v e rsity has w on se v e ra l g o lf to u rn e y s. At age 15, he w on the U .S. Ju n io r A m ateur C h a m p io n sh ip , and has been the o n ly p la y e r to w in th re e a m a te u r title s . He also is the o n ly p la y e r to have w on both a m a te u r title s. T his v ic to ry g a v e W oods e n tre e into the U .S and B ritish o p e n s and the M asters to u r n a ­ m ent. Avery .Johnson Scott Haskins Wavman Tisdale SEPTEMBER 9TH & 10TH, 1994 TWO DYNAMIC NIGHTS OF HOPE MEMORIAL COLISEUM 7:00 FREE ADMISSION AC. Green • BASKETBALL DEMONSTRATIONS • ATHLETES CHALLENGE TO THE CITY • DYNAMIC MIJSIC • MESSAGE OF HOPE BY STEVE JAMISON ■.* i » „••• -