A ugust 24, 1994 • T he P ortland O bserver P age Bö A by L REL M. I saacs Kingship or pauper, believers or g e n tile s , fo o ls o r w ise people; that is the question for in te lle c tu a ls and illite ra te s alike? Why must Christians act as gen­ tiles act? Christians are no longer outside the covenant o f God, aliens without the anointing o f God, if ye be Christs, you are children of God, joint heirs with Jesus, the Christ. Changed, bom again into the family of God. No longer spiritually dead; alive in mind, emotions and body. Jesus suffered these deaths (of mind, emotions and body) as an incorrupt­ ible sacrifice for the sins o f all people. He conquered hell and death; there being no sin in Him for which he T E could be condemned; He arose vic­ torious over deaths and hell, break­ ing the curse of sin brought about by the disobedience o f Adam, the first created man. Christ, therefore, being the first bom from hades, makes possible the rebirth o f al 1 people who believe in Him; proclaiming Him­ self Redeemer with all power and authority over all creation. Eph Ch. 2= This testament of Christ Jesus is true, binding; a Cov­ enant, signed in the righteous blood o f the Son o f God. True Christians believe in deaths, burial and resur­ rection of Jesus, therefore, are no longer strangers from the Covenant o f God, with no hope, without God; no longer gentiles, aliens to the cov­ enant o f God. Believers are free of the bonds o f sin, under the protection What About A Drug Free Zone In Inner N/NE Portland??? Come, Let 's talk about it! Inner-City Community Forum Time: 7 PM Date: Tuesday, August 30. 1994 Place: The Community Room NE Community Policing Facility 449 NE Emerson Portland, OR 97211 Agenda: a) Inspirational/Informational Video: Drug Free Zones... . ..Taking Action! b) Guest Speakers c) Group Discussion Special Guests: Pastor John Rodgers, Vernon Presbyterian Church Commander Bruce Prunk, NE Precinct Imam Mikal H. Shabazz, NE Muslim Community Officer Kim Ell, Gresham Police Department Mr. Al Jasper, Marco Polo Restaurant Ms. Patricia Koft, Vocalist REFRESHMENTS SERVED Sponsored By: The inner-City Coalition for a Drug-Free Community ICDC. Inc. (A Non-Profit Corporation). (503) 335-8305. Project Neighborhoods Alive! Promoting Drug-Free Zones...the “Back Bone’ of efficient neighborhood reclamation. R N o f Jesus, members of His family, ordained to good works by God; rich, fruitful and joyous; knowing (believing) there are always alterna­ tives to better living; this knowledge making it possible to deny and reject the plan of satan, which seeks the destruction o f mankind. Christians are not alone nor lonely for God is always there. God has provided guidelines to salvation and provides all people with the abil­ ity to choose a better way. Why must man be without hope, drinking fully o f the goblet o f sin; liars, cheaters, neglecters o f duty, users o f other substance, manipulators, users and abusers o f children, despises o f Saints, without honor, full o f guile, devious, lovers o f self? Guidelines to the glory o f God, to honor, salva­ A T tion and kingship with God are easy to follow: 1) Believe with the heart on God, the Father. 2) Stay (choose) the second birth o f Jesus, your double portion, your priesthood. 3) Know (believe) that all people are made in God’s image, but not all are children of God. 4) Pray! God direct me into the/my second birth. 5) Know (be­ lieve) that you have a Redeemer, Jesus Christ. 6) Know (believe) that emotions do not connect us with God. 8) Know that belief, hope, and love dependence on God causes God to bless with double portions all/ everything that believers ask of him. 9) Know that He is God, the Father to the unsaved person; be he is God, my Father to all who have been bom again. 10) Know that the ‘will o f God’ will be done in all the heavens FAITH TEMPLE CHURCH 4224 S.E. 62nd Avenue (between Powell & Foster) Portland, Oregon 97206 SUNDAY Sunday School 9:30am Morning Worship 10:45am Evangelistic Service 7:30pm Tuesday Pastoral Teaching 7:00pm FRIDAY Evangelistic Service 7:00pm DAILY Prayer 12:00pm & 6:00pm (503) 774-5470 PASTORS: Bishop Robert Simpson. Jr • Dr. Ida M. Simpson ¿zA/la’ilz jBaptLit (Ituviafi 103 NE Morris St., Portland, OR 97212 • • • • • Sunday School - 9:30am Sunday Morning Worship Service - 11:00am Sunday School Teacher’ s Meeting Tues - 6:30pm Bible Study Wednesday 6:00pm Prayer Meeting Wednesday - 7:00pm Church Phone Number 287-7457 We Invite You To Come And Worship With Us. The Church Where Everybody is Somebody And Chris! Is All. Dr. Joe S. Hardie, Pastor 4. E and the earth. T here is no need to k ill, maim , abuse and m isuse others who like you are m ade in the im age o f G od, thereby, putting yourselves in jeo p ard y under the laws o f God and Man. Sim ply by believing and trusting in God, and asking o f Him, all things your heart desires, and it will be given unto you. A ccept the alter­ natives for a better life and bet­ ter living o ffered through b elief in C hrist Jesus. Only a fool rejects a free gift. Rebirth from hades is assured through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Christ, himself has paid the price for the sins o f all people. Therefore, there is no condemnation for all who believe in Him, but a cleansing o f sin S as if it never happened. Established programs have not worked to stop the killings, the abuse, the cheating and stealing, the distrust, the cults and all other vile happenings. More government, state and community projects and programs are not the answer, but bandages that keep hid­ den the corruption beneath for awhi le. The challenge goes out to each indi­ vidual who is hopeless and lost, suf­ fering low self esteem, greedy, un­ loved, fearful and depressed to not remain fools but accept the plan of God offered as a free gift o f abun­ dant life through Christ Jesus. There is much evidence that this plan has had great success through out his­ tory and it is free. Only a foolish man uses a broken plow, when a tractor is available for free. Debate Over The Origin Of Life When it com es to exploring the origins o f life, have most scientists put the cart before the horse? Have they prem aturely a c c e p te d C h a rle s D a r w in ’s theory as fact and scram bled for evidence? Have they, in fact, turned their b elief in Darwinism into their own religion? Yes, contends a law p ro fes­ sor from the U niversity o f C ali­ fornia. He will explain his p o si­ tion in a P ortland-area ap p ear­ ance Sept. 22. Prof. Phillip Johnson will be the principal presenter at the first sem inar for the 1994-95 aca­ dem ic year conducted the Insti­ tute o f S cience and C hristian F aith at W estern E van g elical Sem inary. The event, free and open to the public, will be 7 to 10pm in the WES C hapel at Hampton Plaza, 12753 S.W. 68th Ave. in Tigard. The institute was form ed in 1993. It seeks to equip people to c o m m u n ic a te th e co m m o n ground o f science and the C h ris­ tian faith, and also provides an arena for discussion on m atters o f faith and science, says D irec­ tor Dr. Nate Olson. In addition to sponsoring sem inars, the in sti­ tute w ill provide courses as part o fth e WES curriculum , will build a resource center o f videos and books, and also plans an even­ tual sum m er program for high school science teachers. Olson is a business en trep re­ neur, a form er college professor and president, and directo r o f n o n - tr a d itio n a l p ro g ra m s at WES. Dr. R ichard Parker, the in stitu te ’s associate director, is professor em eritus o f m icro b io l­ ogy and form er departm ent chair at O regon Health S ciences U ni­ versity. Under a grant from the M.J. M urdock C haritable T rust, the institute is sponsoring the sem i­ nar series on science, ethics and m inistry. Sem inars held earlier this year looked at the biblical basis for creation and at the eth i­ cal questions surrounding eutha­ nasia. Jo h n so n ’s ad d ress will be Clinton Addresses Crime Bill President Bill Clinton attends Sunday services at the Full Gospel A.M.E. Zion Church in Temple Hills, Md. He urged passage of his crime bill for the sake of communities and children. I V President C linton spoke to 2,000 m em bers o f the Full G os­ pel A.M .E. Zion C hurch, Tem ple H ills, M d., stressing the need to pass the n a tio n ’s larg est-ev er crim e bill to save the co u n try ’s com m unities and children. T Follow ing the p resid en t’s Aug. 14 address to the church m ore than 40 A frican-A m erican m inisters released a statem ent supporting the crim e bill. In their statem ent, the religious leaders said, “ W hile we do not agree w ith every provision in the crim e “The E stablished R eligious P hi­ losophy o f A m erica,” and will be follow ed by a tim e for d iscus­ sion and audience interaction. Johnson is a graduate o f Harvard U niversity and the U niversity o f C hicago. He was a law clerk for C h ief Justice Earl W arren o f the U.S. Suprem e C o u rt, and has taught for m ore than 20 years at B erkeley. He is the au th o r o f Darwin on T r ia l (S e c o n d e d itio n , Intervarsity Press, 1993) and has w ritten m any papers and lectures criticizin g D arw inian ev o lu tio n ­ ary theory. He took up extensive study o f that theory because he felt that books defending it were dogm atic and unconvincing. He looks at the evidence the way a law yer w ould — with a cold d is­ p a ssio n a te eye for logic and proof. A c c o rd in g to J o h n s o n , to d a y ’s scien tific orthodoxy is that all living things evolved by a gradual, natural process — from n o n -living m atter to sim ple m i­ croorganism s — leading ev en tu ­ ally to man. But he notes that m any dissid en ts, some with ad ­ vanced scientific degrees, deny bill, we do believe and em phati­ cally support the b ill’s goal to save our com m unities and m ost im portantly, our ch ild ren .” The statem ent supported spe­ cific provisions o f the crim e bill including $8 billion to fund p re­ ventive program s, drug treatm ent pro g ram s, the ban on assau lt w e ap o n s and an a d d itio n o f 100,000 w e ll-tra in e d o ffic e rs for the n atio n ’s police d ep art­ m ents. BRIGHT BEGINNINGS CHILDREN’S CENTER 5335 N. WILLIAMS PORTLAND, OR. AGES: 6 WEEKS TO 12 YEARS AFFORDABLE QUALITY CARE IN A CHRISTIAN ENVIRONMENT I U We Welcome You to The (greater J»aint Jstepljen dJItaBtortarg IBapHsi CCIptrcij “Serving The Lord With Gladness” Psalm 100:2 Sunday School 10am Morning Worship 11:05 Wednesday Prayer & Bible Study 7pm Rev. G.L. Black I Pastor 3605 N.E. Mallory Ave. (503) 281-8117 Portland. OR 97212 Mt Olivet Baptist Church Has moved Sunday services to Family Life Center, 8725 N. Chautauqua Blvd., at Willis Blvd. Worship Services 8:00am & 11:00am, Church School 9:30 to 10:30am, Bible Study, Wednesdays, 116 NE Schuyler, 10:30am & 7:00pm Radio Ministry each Sunday, 8:00am on KBMS A Teaching Church With A Reaching Ministry Dr. James E. Martin, Senior Pastor Church Office 116 NE Schuyler St. • (503) 284-1954 that evolution is a fact and insist that an intelligent creator caused all living things to com e into being. He acknowledges that much media attention has been given to those Christians who follow an ex­ tremely literal interpretation of the Bible, and who thus insist the Earth is no more than 10,000 years old and that its creation occurred in only a matter of days. But, he adds, there are also C hristians who believe the c re ­ ator em ployed a more gradual process that some m ight even term evolution — even though Johnson considers that too im ­ precise a term — but that has been specifically directed by a higher, purposeful intelligence. Joining Johnson on the p ro ­ gram will be John W iester, a g e­ ologist and author who has taught at W estm ont C ollege in C alifo r­ nia. He will speak about errors he alleges are in an “ E vidence for E v o lu tio n ” museum exhibit p re s e n te d by th e C a lifo rn ia Academ y o f Sciences. For m ore inform ation about the Sept. 22 program or the in sti­ tute. p h o n e (5 0 3 )6 3 9 -0 5 5 9 . CALL 239-1241 FOR MORE INFORMATION Sfifie ¿/Á é? d u n e ta / Ctänne ^ente/ei^ - rÂiemoièa/ fa n ie n Lombard Chapel 3018 N. Lombard Portland, Oregon 97217 503-283-0525 Killingsworth Chapel 430 N. Killingsworth Portland, Oregon 97217 503-283-1976 $IanI (Mtaauntarg iSapitsi (ftljitrclj 8101 N. Fiske Avenue • Portland Oregon 97203 Church Phone: 289-0147 • Study Phone: 289-1911 Sunday Service 10:45 Sunday School 9:30 Bible Study 6:00 Evening Service 7:00pm Pastor, Re. James C.E. Faulkner