Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 17, 1994, Page 14, Image 14

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    A ugust 17, 1994 • I he P ortland O bslrv
P age BS
A nationally accredited center
w/NAEYC is looking for qual­
ity Teachers on a part-time
basis. We have 1 opening in
our Toddler room from 4-6 M-
F on a regular basis. Also look­
ing for great substitutes, you
would assist our lead teacher
in providing fun, enriching ac­
tiv itie s for c h ild re n 2 -2 ,/a.
Please stop by to fill out an
application, or call for addi­
tional inform ation. A ppl/re-
sume: VOA-SECCC, 234 SE
7th, Portland, OR 97214. Tel:
236-8492 Equal Opportunity
Job Announcem ent
The Private Industry Council is
a private nonprofit organiza­
tion dedicated to em ploym ent
and training for economically
d is a d v a n ta g e d yo u th and
a du lts in W ash in gto n and
Multnom ah Counties.
Child Care Aide
Responsibilities: assists in the
care of children assigned to
TPIC Youth Employment In­
stitute child care unit. This is a
part-tim e tem porary position
(approxim ately 6 months), 30
hours per week.
Job preparation: Three years
direct experience in infant and
child care; knowledge of child
safety; abil ity to com m u n ¡cate
effectively with young children
and their parents; ability to
remain calm in stressful situ­
ations. Requires lifting of ba­
bies and toddlers. Successful
applicants must pass clear­
ance through a police records
Wage: $6.50 per hour
C losing date: 5pm M onday,
August 2 9 ,1 9 9 4
Required applications available
at The Private Industry Coun­
cil, 720 SW Washington, Suite
250, Portland, OR 97205.
(503) 241-4600; Fax 241-
4622; TDD 241-4632.
NE Portland Center
Planned Parenthood
Put your skills to work for a
cause you believe in. We are
looking for a motivated center
m anager responsible for op­
eration and supervision of a
busy ambulatory reproductive
health center in NE Portland.
We offer a com petitive salary
and a com prehensive benefits
package. Spanish speaking
ability, previous healthcare/
m anagem ent experience re­
quired. Forward cover letter
and re s u m e to M a rg a re t
Z e broski, Planned P arent­
hood, 3231 SE 50th, Portland,
OR 97206 or phone to inquire
at 775-4931.
Equal Opportunity Employer
Master Control Air
F u ll-T im e , S w itc h /M o n ito r,
Video/Audio Signals, Keep
FCC Logs, Control Transm it­
ter. Waveform monitor under­
standing preferred. Close 9/7/94.
(503) 252-0792
Equal Opportunity Employer
Project Managers/Engineers/
SDL/McCarthy, a general con­
tractor, seeking PM with B.S.
in Construction Mgmt, Civil
Engineering or related and a
min. of 3 yrs. exper. in con­
tract admin., owner relations
and company personnel, sub­
contractor supervision. Supt.
with same supervisory skills
and 5 yrs of exper. with con­
crete work and mechanical/
electrical systems, both on
p ro je cts in $2-$50 m illion
range. PE needs B.S. required
above and 2 yrs exper. in me-
chanical/electrical coordina­
tion, scheduling and subm it­
tals. Salary range $550+/wk -
1250+/wk DOE. Openings are
in WA and OR - willingness to
relocated preferred. Forward
resume (position specific) to:
H.R. 005-7, P.O. Box 1685,
Bellevue, WA 98009. Dead­
line 8/26/94. No phone calls,
please. EOE/M/F/D/A/V.
Associate Product
Growing mgf com pany seeking
Associate Product Manager
for our sales and marketing
dept. Responsibilities include:
support new product devel­
opm ent; product and cu s­
tomer marketing info.; sales/
market analysis; and projects
as directed. Qualifications in­
clude: four year degree in
marketing or equiv.; two years
in marketing or sales support
functions in consumer goods;
proficiency in PC Windows,
Excel and Graphics; and ex­
cellent communication skills.
Competitive salary and ben­
efit package. Please send re­
sume to: P.O. Box 13480 Port­
land, OR 97213. We are an
equal opportunity employer.
M a in ta in and re p a ir tra n s it
buses, automobiles and as­
sociated equipment. Detailed
description and application
available at Salem Area Mass
T ra n sit D istrict, 3140 Del
Webb Ave. NE, Salem, OR
97303. Com pleted applica­
tions must be received at Dis­
trict Personnel Office by Au­
gust 19, 1994.
offer is only open to resident councils and community-based nonprofits with at
least 50% residen, support who agree to maintain low-income affordability
restnctions on the property
For the next six months it is also open to all nonprofit
organizations and State and local government agencies.
Otters from other
qualified purchasers will not be considered until the end of a twelve month period.
The following information is provided for informational purposes only:
Name and address of owner:
Unit Composition:
Jay Wentz
Hampstead financial
LaJoila. CA
(619) 456-6500
Earnest Money Deposit;
Transfer Preservation Value:
12 Units
12 Units
8 Units
All potential purchasers must contact the owner(s) directly, however,
interested nonprofit purchasers must submit an expression of interest to:
Rob Prasch, Housing Management Division
U.S. Department of HUD
520 Southwest Sixth Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97204-1596
(5 0 3 )3 2 6 -2 7 8 8
Potential purchasers may send their names to receive copies of
prescribed notices to the above HUD offic e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Expressions of interest will include: (1) a statement that the purchaser is a Resident
Council, a nonprofit organization or a State or local government agency: (2) a copy
of the organization's articles of incorporation, charter or bytaws; (3) a list of
officers or directors; (4) evidence of Section 501 (c) status or application thereof,
(5) any owner affiliation, or (6) establishment of a subsidiary purchaser, if any
A successful offeror must submit a Plan o, Action to purchase the
property and must agree to maintain low-income use restrictions at
the project tor its remaining useful life._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
for Administrative Services
The Oregon Public Utility Com ­
mission is seeking an experi­
enced professional to over­
see and direct agency budget
operations; participate in ad­
ministration of the agency as
a member of Executive Staff;
lead, direct, and supervise fis­
cal, information, and human
resources; assure systems
credibility, and; represent the
Commission in legislative and
inter-agency matters related
to areas of responsibility. Re­
quires six years of proven
m a n a g e m e n t e x p e rie n c e
demonstrating skill in devel­
opm ent of program rules and
policies, development of long-
and short-range goals and
plans, program evaluation,
and budget preparation and
a d m in is tra tio n ,
p lu s
Bachelor’s degree in a busi­
ness-related field or three
more years of experience. For
application materials, contact
PUC Personnel Services at
(503) 373-7949, TDD 1 -800
648-3458, or write 550 Capi­
tol S treet NE, Salem OR
97310. Closes September 6,
1994, Equal opportunity em ­
Full time. Oregon licensed jo u r­
neyman needed for student
housing organization. Excel­
lent benefits including medi­
cal, dental, 24 days leave, 9
paid holidays plus. Regular
hours, occasional overtime,
variety and team atmosphere.
Starts at $14 per hour. Appli­
cations available at College
Housing Northwest 2121 SW
B ro a d w a y , P o rtla n d , O R
97201. Phone number 4 97 -'
1188. Closing date is 8-19-
94. Equal Opportunity Em­
Full time mechanical utility po­
sition. Light plum bing and
boiler maintenance. Excellent
benefits including medical,
dental, 24 days leave, 9 paid
holidays plus. Regular hours,
occasional overtime, variety
and team atmosphere. Starts
at $9.50 an hour. Applications
available at College Housing
Northwest 2121 SW Broad­
way, Portland, OR 97201.
P hone num ber 497 -1 1 88 .
Closing date is 8-19-94. Equal
Opportunity Employer.
Residential Care
Portland Houseof Umoja is look­
ing fo r o n-call R esidential
Care Facilitators. Job respon­
sibilities include supervision
of a d ju d ica te d a do le sce n t
males In a residential treat­
ment environment.
Youth care worker experience
desired. Valid Oregon Driver’s
License required. Obtain ap­
plication packet from 1626 NE
Alberta. No resumes or phone
calls please.
Seeking dynam ic director for
nationally known nonprofit or­
ganization supporting commu­
nity-based developm ent in
Portland. Responsibilities In­
clude fundraising, grant pro­
g ra m a d m in is tra tio n a n d
evaluation, public policy de­
velopment, training, and tech­
nical assistance. Resume and
cover letter by 8/26/94 to The
N e ig h b o rh o o d P artn e rsh ip
Fund, 621 SW Morrison, Suite
725, Portland, OR 97205. Call
(503) 295-9995 for job de­
scription. An equal opportu­
nity employer.
Cook needed for NE Portland resi­
dential facility. Must have expe­
rience in menu preparation, or­
dering supplies, and maintain­
ing inventory. Hours will vary,
must be available weekends
and evenings. Current food
h a n d le r's c e rtific a te , drug
screening, and references re­
quired. Com petitive wag es,and
benefits after required hours.
Contact the Portland House of
Umoia at 282-3296.
Alternative High School Princi­
pal and Special Education In­
structor positions. Must have
experience with at risk youth.
Fax resumes to (503) 281-
Affirmative Action Equal O ppor­
tunity Employer
Job Announcem ent
Maintenance Person
Portland House of Umoja is look­
ing for a part-time (20 hours
per week) maintenance per­
son. O btain an application
from 1626 NE Alberta. No re­
sumes or phone calls please.
can assist most clients with home equity, personal business and
also death consolidations.
Do you need help on your computer?
Call me I can help you!
24 Hours Support • Installation
Hardware • Software • Training
Ash Creek
10025 Southwest 58th
Beaverton, Oregon 97075_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The above property is offered by the owner pursuant to the Low Income Housing
Preservation and Resident Homeownership Act of 1990. For six months, this
Job Announcement
(503) 282-8758
Call now for special rates.
Job Opportunity
City of Portland
Clerical Specialist
Monthly wage: $1,693 at entry to $2,031 after 1 year.
This loosition is responsible for public contact, explaining clerical
procedures & expected results; adjusting errors or omissions in
procedures and coordinating information. Tentative closing
date: Friday, August 19,1994.
Legal Assistant
Annual salary: $33,675
This is specialized legal assistant and legal secretarial work
within the Office of the City Attorney. Legal Assistants are
responsible for all legal assistant support to litigation and non-
litiqation attorneys. Tentative closing date: Friday, August 19,
Environmental Soils Specialist
Approximate monthly salary: $2,463 at entry
This position is in the Bureau of Buildings. Employees in this class
evaluate sites for acceptability and com pliance with OR State
On-Site Sewage Disposal Rules. Tentative closing date: Fri­
day, August 19,1994.
Apply at City Hall, Room 100,
1220 SW 5th Ave. Portland, OR 97204
Applications also available at local TPIC branch offices (NEET/
SEET), NE W orkforce Center and Urban League.
Job information call: (503) 823-4352 and TDD (503) 823-3520.
The City of Portland is an AA/EEO employer.
For Affirmative Action Outreach Recruitment Information call:
Com puter Technology
S tandard I nsurance
C ompany
People. Not just policies.™
W e need people with a wide
range of talents to join us as
we help families and busi­
nesses achieve financial se­
curity through S tandard’s
products and services.
Qualified individuals are en­
couraged to apply for the
following job opportunities.
LAN Administrator
Three key LAN Adm inistrator
positions have been cre­
ated. Two positions in the
Data Center will implement,
adm inister and m onitor lo­
cal area networks and serv­
ers to provide operational
support. A third position will
primarily support end users
in the Corporate Financial
S ervices and Investm ent
d iv is io n s , a d m in is te rin g
LANs which run financial
and in ve stm e n t a p p lic a ­
tions. Each position will en­
sure optimal functioning and
security of the systems, and
prepare documentation.
All positions require dem on­
strated Novell LAN adm in­
istration experience (1 or
m o re y e a rs p re fe rre d );
w o rk in g k n o w le d g e o f
Novell 3 .1 1 ,3 .1 2 , DOS op­
erating systems and W in­
dows 3.1. Candidates must
be able to instal I and trouble­
shoot software and hard­
w a re . E x p e rie n c e w ith
W ordPerfect, Lotus, and/or
Excel applications software,
peripherals and data file
transfer processes desir­
able. Ideal candidates will
be self-directed and pos­
sess effective interpersonal,
written and verbal skills re­
quired to interact with inter­
nal custom ers and techni­
cal staff. Data Center posi­
tion will be required to work
varying shifts; all positions
will provide on-call support
as needed, and work hours
may vary with minimal ad­
vance warning. Occasional
lifting of equipm ent weigh­
ing up to 30 pounds will also
be required.
Our job openings represent
associated with a growing
company proud of its finan­
cial strength.
Standard Insurance offers a
smoke-free work environ­
ment and a com prehensive
benefit program which in­
cludes a family package with
child care subsidy and re­
ferral service, medical, den­
tal, and vision insurance.
Our hom e office is conve­
niently located downtown
and we provide a transit
subsidy for our employees
who take advantage o f pub­
lic transportation.
A p p lic a tio n d e a d lin e is
W ednesday, August 24th at
1pm. Business hours are
8am to 5pm and a room is
available from 9am to 1pm
for com pletion of applica­
tions. Applicant packets may
be picked up and dropped
off before or after business
hours at our guard station
on level 1.
Standard Plaza
7th Floor, Human Resource Office
1100 SW 6th Avenue
Portland, OR 97204
Job Hotline # 3 2 1 -O PEN (6736)
Equal Opportunity Employer
Attention Teachers
Utilize your talents, obtain fi­
nancial independence while
contributing to the environ­
ment - call Anita 641-5547.
Alternative High School Princi­
pal and Special Education In­
structor positions. Must have
experience with at risk youth.
Fax resumes to (503) 287-
Affirmative Action Equal O ppor­
tunity Employer
Part-time on-air anner. Must have
3 years of on-air radio exp.
Send T and R to Apogee Com ­
munications, 4614 SW Kelly,
Portland, OR 97201. EOE.
Garlington Center, a fourteen
year old organization offering
mental health services to chil­
dren, fam ilies and chronically
mentally ill adults, seeks a
CEO with dem onstrated skills
necessary to cooperatively
lead an organization of more
than one hundred; who can
work in a culturally diverse
urban community; and who
can m anage multiple service
and housing facilities.
Our new CEO should possess a
relevant Masters degree and/
or sufficient experience to lead
the Garlington Center into the
com petitive environm ent of
m anaged health care. The
CEO should be com fortable
participating in the develop­
m ent o f public policy on m en­
tal health care. The CEO
should be able to provide fis­
cal leadership in managing the
continued prosperity of the
Garlington Center and have
at least 5 years of senior level
management experience.
A com petitive salary and gener­
ous benefits are offered. Re­
sumes with a letter of interest
should be sent to:
CEO Search Committee
The Garlington Center
4950 NE Martin Luther King Blvd.
Portland, OR 97211
Closing date: Positionopenuntilfilled.
Equal Opportunity Employer
W omen and minority applicants
are encouraged to apply.
Office Assistant
(Public Safety Facility)
City of Milwaukie, OR. Salary
$1664 - 2125/mo., DOQ., plus
excellent benefit package. We
are seeking a reliable person
to perform a variety of m oder­
ately com plex clerical and
secretarial tasks in a support
of operations and adm inistra­
tive units, with emphasis on
receptionist duties.
Requires: High School Diploma
or GED equivalency, supple­
m e n te d w ith a d d itio n a l
coursework in office and sec­
retarial sciences. W ork expe­
rience must include 2 years
p ro g re s s iv e ly re s p o n s ib le
prior work experience directly
involving data processing and
clerical duties including: typ­
ing at 50-60 wpm, filing, record
keeping, and em phasis on
public contact. Must be able
to pass background checkdue
to access to confidential po­
lice information. Applications
Must Be Picked Up at City of
Milwaukie, Human Resources
Dept., 10722 SE Main Street,
Milwaukie, OR 97222; (503)
6 5 9 -5 1 7 1 . M in o ritie s and
w om en are encouraged to
apply. Completed City A ppli­
c a tio n and s u p p le m e n ta l
q ue stio nn a ire m ust be re­
ceived by 4pm, Monday, Aug
22, 1994, in H um an R e ­
sources at the above address.
TDD #659-5171, Fax #(503)
652-4433. Resumes Will Not
Be Accepted. EEO.
Night Shift Manager
R apidly expanding consum er
goods mfg. needs 2 qualified
managers to supervise our fast
paced multi plant operations
on swing and graveyard. Strong
leadership skills, 5 years su­
pervisory experience and a
broad knowledge of mfg. &
operations required. Excellent
growth potential and benefits.
Please apply or send resume
with salary history to: PO Box
#13480, Portland, OR 97213.
W e are an equal opportunity
Social Services
Early Childhood
Education Assistant
W ork with children between the
ages of 0 - 30 months in home
and center settings. Provide
parents with developm ental^
a pp ro p ria te a ctivitie s, and
educational materials with the
goal of increasing their pa­
renting skills. AA in ECE or
related field. Minimum o f 1
year exp. working with chil­
dren. Apply at The Boys and
G irls Aid Society, 018 SW
Boundary Ct., Portland. Equal
Opportunity Employer.