Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 10, 1994, Page 5, Image 5

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    P age A 5
V e’
T he P ortland O bserver • A ugust 10, 19 9 4
National Marrow Donor
Program Joins Forces
Many African Americans con­
tinue to die from fatal blood diseases
like leukemia. Often, their only hope
for survival is a marrow transplant
from a volunteer donor. During the
85th Annual Convention o f the N a­
tional Association for the Advance­
ment o f Colored People (NAACP),
Dr. Benjamin F. Chavis, Jr., the civil
rights organization’s executive di­
rector and CEO, sounded the call for
the African American community to
“unite and take action to save our
brothers and sisters." Along with
Craig W.S. Howe, M.D. CEO o f the
National Marrow Donor Program
(NMDP), and Cal Davis, president
o f the Judie Davis Marrow Donor
Recruitment Program (JDP), Chavis
announced the formation o f a part­
nership under the N M D P’s recruit­
ment campaign titled African A m eri­
cans Uniting for Life (AAUL).
The three organizations have
joined forces to save African A m eri­
can lives by working to increase the
number o f African American volun­
teer marrow donors. Because o f the
genetic characteristics o f marrow,
any patient in need o f an unrelated
transplant is most likely to hnd a
co m p atib le m arrow d o n o r from
som eone within his or her own racial
group. However, because the num ­
ber o f African Am ericans listed on
the N M D P Registry is low, many
more volunteer donors are needed.
D u rin g N M D P ’s th re e -d a y
m arro w d riv e h e ld d u rin g the
C o n v e n tio n in C h ic a g o , 136 in ­
d iv id u a ls m ade the c o m m itm e n t
to h elp sa v e liv es by jo in in g the
N M D P R e g is try . N M D P p r o ­
v id e d a d d itio n a l te s tin g on the
day o f th e p a rtn e rsh ip a n n o u n c e ­
m en t. A fte r h e a rin g a b o u t the
u rg e n t n eed for m in o rity d o n o rs
from D r. H ow e and liste n in g to
the c o m p a ssio n a te p lea o f Cal
D av is (w h o lo st his w ife to le u ­
k e m ia b e c a u se a m a tc h in g m a r­
row d o n o r w as n e v e r fo u n d ), an
a d d itio n a l 63 c o n v e n tio n a tte n d ­
ees jo in e d th e re g istry w ith in a
tw o an d a h a lf-h o u r p erio d .
To becom e part o f the NMDP
Registry, volunteers need only take
a simple blood test like the kind
given during a routine physical in a
doctor’s office. The AAUL partner­
ship will encourage every healthy
African American between the ages
o f 18 and 55 to take this first step in
saving African American lives.
Through local donor centers and
NAACP branches across the coun­
try, NM DP and JDP will participate
in N A A C P -sponsored events to
spread the word about the urgent
need for African American donors
through donor awareness and recruit­
ment activities. To date, o f the more
than 1.3 m illion names on the Regis­
try, only 77,488 are African A m eri­
The NM D P is authorized by
Congress to maintain a registry o f
volunteers willing to be marrow do­
nors if m atched w ith a patient.
N M D P’s minority recruitm ent cam ­
paign, African Americans Uniting
for Life, was launched in 1993 to
increase the num ber of A frican
American donors.
Health Briefs
Pregnancy Does Not
Rule Out Travel
Foryoungchildren, settling into
a steady homework routine is a good
lesson to learn.
The early years are the best time
for parents to lay the foundation for
good study habits, said Dr. Florence
Eddins, a child psychiatrist at Baylor
College o f Medicine in Houston.
Eddins recommends teaching by
example. “ When it is time to do
homework, sit nearby with some
work o f your ow n,” she said. “ But
remember that a child 's attention
span is shorter; a child will need
short breaks more frequently.”
Some children like music or tele­
vision in the background or need a
play period before settling down.
Pregnancy does not have to stop travel plans. If a p re g n a n t w om an
has no co m plications, she can tra v e l d u rin g the first 28 w eeks as long
as she rem em b ers a few rules, said Dr. K enneth J. M oise J r ., an
o b stetrician and gynecologist a t the college. M oise recom m ends:
• C o n su ltin g h e r physician before making travel plans. If she intends to
be gone more than a day or two, she can ask her physician to recom m end
a colleague in the destination city in case som ething goes awry.
• T a k in g exercise b re a k s every hour or two to stretch legs and back and
to improve circulation.
• D rin k in g plenty o f w a te r and juices to avoid dehydration when
traveling by plane.
• “ B uckling u p ” in the air or on the ground. More fetal injuries are caused
by injuries the m other receives because she was not w earing a seat belt
than by seat belts themselves, Moise said.
O ne item p a ren ts can add to th e ir c h ild r e n ’s b a c k -to -
sc h o o l list is p r e v e n tio n a g a in st a com m on skin in fe c tio n .
Im p e tig o is a c o n ta g io u s b a c te r ia l in fe c tio n th a t, left
u n tr e a te d , can go d ee p e r into the skin and c a u se c o m p lic a tio n s.
It is sp rea d e a sily via sk in -to -sk in c o n ta c t, e sp e c ia lly in su m ­
m er and ea rly fa ll, sa id Dr. A ndrea D o m in ey , a p e d ia tr ic
d e r m a to lo g ist at B a y lo r.
M inor scra p es and skin cu ts can c o n tr ib u te to the in fection s
sp rea d . For th is rea so n , sm a ll e p id e m ic s can o c c u r in sc h o o ls at
the sta r t o f the sc h o o l yea r.
T w o b a c te r ia can ca u se im p e tig o . G ro u p A str e p to c o c c u s
c a u se s sm a ll red d o ts w ith honey c o lo r e d c r u stin g : s ta p h y lo ­
c o ccu s c a u se s sm a ll to la rg e red b liste r s on the le g s, face and
tru n k . C h ild ren w ho m ay have im p etig o sh o u ld see a p h y sic ia n .
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The Grandniters left Portland PDX
at 7:30 a.m. Friday, August 6th for
Miami MIA for a night at the Holiday
Crowne Plaza, where they were treated
to a party by Barcardi. Saturday they
were taken by bus to C arnival’s
Superliner “Celebration”. The first
night at sea they were treated to a
cocktail party at the Red Hot Piano Bar
by their travel agent Peggy Joseph and
New Adventure Travel Service. A”
Welcome Aboard” Rum Swizzle Party
was also in store for them and A Gala
Captains Dinner on the second nightat
sea. Monday the Celebration stopped
at San Juan, Puerto Rico... the pearl of
the Caribbean. From historic streets to
dazzling floor shows, San Juan’ s a mix
of the old and new in sunny Puerto
Rico. The excitement flows through
the streets with pulsating Latin music
in a city that never sleeps.
Tuesday St. Thomas, U.S. Vir­
gin Islands...a shoppers delight, St.
T hom as o ffers
the p e rfe c t
combination. ..duty-free shopping and
some of the best beaches in the world.
White powder sands, crystal ocean
and spectacular underwater scenes
are the setting for snorkeling, while
everything form leather to liquor is
duty free.
Wednesday St. Maarten, Neth­
erlands Antilles. The Grandniters
save on a trip to Europe when they
visit this charming island. Half Dutch,
half French, St. Maarten offers the
fashions and flavors of Europe in a
tropical paradise. They can swim cool,
emerald waters or snorkel off one of
many secluded shores.
This cruise included Free Round
Trip Fare from Portland to Miami,
round trip transfers between the air­
port and the Celebration And Over­
night room accommodations in M i­
If you are interested in going on
a Reunion Cruise on the Celebration
or a 3-Day Cruise to another destina­
tion, Call Peggy Joseph 288-9590
and plan a cruise night for you and
your friends.
Commerce And SBA To
Host National Minority
Business Conference
Thousands ot people in this
country aren't afraid of a little
commitment. They belong to
local chapters that support City
of Hope: a renowned medical
and research center that's been
leading the fight against cancer
and other life-threat­
ening diseases for
years. To volunteer,
call us at the n u m b e r_
below. And help make City
sure everyone lives
happi ly ever after.
Without your help,
there is no Hope.
Call 206-646-9530
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The Com m erce Departm ent’s Minority Business Development Agency
(M BDA) and the U.S. Small Business A dm inistration (SBA) will sponsor the
12th annual national observance o f Minority Enterprise Development (M ED)
Week, Oct. 10-13, 1994, at the Omni Shoreham Hotel, in W ashington, D C.
The national MED Week conference convenes over 1,000 minority
business ow ners, corporate representatives and elected officials to recognize
and promote the achievements o f minority business enterprises and their
MED Week 1994 conference events include business seminars, net­
working sessions, a congressional reception, award ceremonies, a trade fair
for minority vendors and a symposium on youth entrepreneurship featuring
workshops on entrepreneurship, panels o f youth entrepreneurs, netw orking
with successful entrepreneurs, and a Youth-M art offering products and
services for sale by youth-owned businesses.
MED W eek observances will focus on the theme, “Minority Business:
A m erica’s Com petitive Edge.”
For additional information on the 1994 MED Week national conference,
call MBDA at (202) 482-5196, or SBA at (202) 205-6421
C r im e S t o p p e r s :
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Crime Stoppers is offering a cash
S '.
Willie Dunn Robinson III
reward o f up to $ 1,000 for inform a­
tion, reported to Crime Stoppers,
that leads to an arrest in this case, or
any unsolved felony crime, and you
can remain anonymous. Call Crime
Stoppers at (503) 823-HELP.
¿The j . l o v t I n n b ( O b s e r v e r
c a ll 5 0 3 - 2 8 8 - 6 0 3 3
improvement in reading. Its reading
score in 1991 was 225, a score ex­
pected o f 8th graders. This year it
climbed to 232 which is near the
11th grace average.
M ike H ry ciw , p rin c ip a l o f
Roosevelt, said the reform invest­
ment at his school is paying divi­
dends. “Kids see more relevance in
their education and they're paying
more attention to academ ics.”
Reading and writing improved
at all four grades as average scores
reached new highs at grades 5 ,8 and
11. “The reading and w riting results
are the products o f a decade s em ­
phasis," said Paulus. “These areas
are a high priority in all grades and
students get lots o f practice and en­
couragem ent."
Math remains the area o f con­
cern. “ We need to do for math what
w e’ve done for reading and w rit­
ing,” said Paulus. “This means m ak­
ing it a high priority and teaching
math in ways that engage students."
She said 30 percent o f Oregon high
school students do not take algebra
and 58 percent o f Oregon math teach­
ers do not have a math or math edu­
cation degree, 10 percent below the
national level.
P h y sical e d u c a tio n k n o w l­
edge w as te ste d for the first tim e.
B etw een 70 and 85 p e rc e n t o f
th e stu d e n ts m et or e x c e e d e d
grade level e x p e c ta tio n s.
Paulus said the results provide a
foundation for the next several years
o f school reform. “They call atten­
tion to the need for staff develop­
ment -- our current emphasis — and
for opening school doors to parents
and other Oregonians who can help
improve education.
Results provide important in­
formation about how individual stu­
d en ts are doing and p o in t out
strengths and weaknesses in various
skill areas locally and statewide.
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The 10th Annual
Chef’s Gourmet
Tuesday. August 16th is the 10th
Annual C h e fs Gourm et Dinner. The
A.C.F. Chefs de Cuisine Society o f
Oregon w ill prepare a “ French Tour
ofN ew O rleans" multi-course meal.
“O pus V" a local jazz band will play,
Sak s Fifth Avenue will put on a
fashion show. Gourm et Cuisine, live
music, dancing and fashion; the 1 Oth
A nnual C h e f s G ourm et D inner
should be ajazzy, sum m er night. For
tickets to the 10th Annual C h e f s
G ourm et Dinner and/or event infor­
mation please call Loyis Van Scoy at
226-4211 ext. 3516.
This annual sum m er event ben­
efits The Salvation Army G reen­
house. Greenhouse provides em er­
gency services fordow ntow n’s street
youth. Every year G reenhouse helps
about 180 young people leave the
c ity 's streets.
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Scores Increase On State Tests
ing and math.
This is the fourth year o f the
assessment. Students in grades 3, 5,
8 and 11 took reading, math and
physical education tests, and those
grades 3 and 8 took w riting tests.
“The results reveal some en­
couraging news for our school re­
form program ," said State School
Supt. N orm a Paulus, “ especially
when you look at five high schools
that are piloting the reform effort.”
Those schools are Roosevelt and
David Douglas in Portland, Crater in
Cent Point, W illamette in Eugene
and Cottage Grove. All five schools
recorded gains on the reading test
and three o f the five im proved on the
math test while math scores at the
other two schools held steady.
A case in point is R oosevelt's
solving a homicide.
On W ednesday, July 20, 1994,
at approxim ately 11:25 at night,
Willie Dunn Robinson III, a 19-year-
old black male, was found shot to
death in the 4000 block o f N Haight
D etectives believe R obinson
encountered a vehicle in the area of
N. Williams Avenue and N Shaver
Street and that shots were fired from
the vehicle at that location, and again
at N Shaver and N Gantenbein.
One suspect, an 18-year-old
black male, has been arrested on
m urder charges. Police are currently
looking for additional occupants of
the suspect vehicle, described by
witnesses as a large, gray, A m eri­
can-made sedan, with a box-like
Portland, Police Bureau D etec­
tives, in cooperation with Crim e
Stoppers, are asking for your help in
Oregon eleventh grade math stu­
dents this year improved their per­
formance or m aintained previous
gains on state tests in reading, w rit­
Eddins suggests experim enting to
leant what works best for an indi­
vidual child.
“ If children have trouble estab­
lishing good routines, help them set
limits for com pletion,” Eddins said.
“You will gradually find what w orks
Impetigo Can Mar New
School Year
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