A ugust 3, 1994 • T he P ortland O bserver P age B2 MOTION PICTURE RIGHTS FOR THE HARLEM GLORETROTTERS Start whistling “Sweet Georgia Brown,” America’s world famous “Magicians o f Basketball" will soon be hitting the big screen... Columbia Pictures has optioned the motion picture rights for the Harlem Globetrotters story Under development, the project will be produced through Davis En­ tertainment in association with Lord Weaver Productions. Producers John Davis (“The Firm,” "Grumpy Old M en” ), Tony Lord and Mathew W eav er, ap p ro ach e d H arlem G lo b e tro tte rs ’ C hairinan/ow ner Mannie Jackson about the prospect in January. Highlighting the courageous contributions of the pioneers of bas­ ketball, the Harlem Globetrotters' Chairman/owner Mannie Jackson about the prospect in January. Highlighting the courageous contributions of the pioneers ot bas­ ketball, the Harlem Globetrotters story will dramatize the role of Afri­ can Americans whose influence on the thriving basketball industry and an ever-changing society will not be forgotten. A contemporary commer­ cial project o f an historical signifi­ cance and rich with drama, the film promises an emotional look at a true American story that goes beyond sport to impact our culture and people the world over. Under Jackson’s leadership, the Globetrotters of today have discov­ ered an entirely new legion of fans and will tour 30 countries this season. The Globetrotters have renew ed their contract with “ABC Wide World of Sports," and appeared in a national television commercial for Target stores, as well as on a Wheaties cereal box. “O ver the past six decades the G lobetrotters have crossed cultu ral, gender, g eo g raphical, and racial boundaries to entertain more than 100 m illion fans around the world. Their story is as unique as their style o f play, and the m ovie will offer insights into the pride and essence o f what it means to w ear the signature red, white and blue u n ifo rm ,” says team owner Jackson, him selt a form er player and an executive producer o f the film. Form the original Globetrotters team of five players barnstorming from city to city packed in a 1927 Model T, to commanding the largest audience o f over 75,000 fans in Berlin’s Olympic stadium, and the first black athlete to play in the NBA, the Harlem Globetrotters legacy has all the scoring elements ot an unfor­ gettable Hollywood motion picture. Producers Davis, Lord, and Weaver reveal, “ When we initially discussed the project we viewed it as a sports movie. As we researched further, we discovered that it is so much more. It has significant social values that intertwine with adramatic story and powerful characters. Our co llab o rativ e relatio n sh ip with Mannie gives us the opportunity to tell the story o f the pioneers of bas­ k etb all and the co u rag eo u s Globetrotter athletes that turned dreams into reality.” John Davis is currently produc­ ing "Ritchie Rich” for Warner Bros., starring MacCauley Caulkin, and “ W aterworld” at Universal with Kevin Kostner. Davis and Lord/ Weaver are also producing "The Ice Queen” at Columbia Pictures, star­ ring Michelle Pfeiffer. For the G lobetrotters story, writ­ ers are under consideration for story adaptation, with production slated to begin in early 1995. PORTLAND SOCCER TEAM WINS NATIONAL YOUTH CHAMPIONSHIP F.C. Portland, Oregon’s under 18 boys state championship soccer team demonstrated its hunger to win at the Snickers U.S. Youth Soccer National Championship, Snickers Cup, the premier youth soccer tour­ nament in the United States. F.C. Portland defeated D al­ las Inter form Texas in a 2-1 o v er­ tim e victory during the final p lay ­ offs at the national Sports C enter in B laine, M innesota, site o f the 1994 Snicker Cup held July 27- 3 1. F.C. Portland, led by forw ard A ndrew G re g o r s s p e c ta c u la r so lo -effo rt goal in the 115th- m inute, becam e the first team from O regon to win a U.S. Youth Soccer N ational C ham pionship. Both teams swapped first-halt Did You / Know MAGIC SMILES- Basketball superstar, Magic Johnson, joined Miss Hennessy, Renee Rice at a recent Hennessy Martini promotion at the Shark Bar in New York City. Miss Hennessy is currently on a 20-city ... that an essential step to be­ coming better organized and mak­ ing the best use of your time is to each evening take a few minutes to plan, organize and put things in place for the next day. Planning expert Dolores Cotter Lamping adds that the next day ’ s activities should be written down on a “Things to do list” and you should refer to the list several times a day. goals, but the game’s best action oc­ curred in the final minutes of regula­ tion. Gregor, a two-year veteran of the youth national team player pools had an opportunity to end the game early but his 84th minute penalty kick rattled off the cross bar. The next six minutes saw Dallas Inter goal­ keeper Vincent Cantu make two world-class saves and F.C. Portland hit another crossbar. Gregor’s magic came just five minutes before the game would have been decided by penalty kicks. Deep in his offensive comer, Gregor gathered a short throw- in and dribbled laterally through three defenders, before unleashing a six- yard shot over the shoulder of Cantu Snickers Cup makes it possible for outstanding athletes from across S H O O TO U T FOR CHRIST! THREE-POINT SHOOT-OUT CONTEST 128 NE Russell, Saturday, Aug 13, 1994 fro m 2 :0 0 p.m . to 5 :0 0 p.m . FREE Chicken & Hamburgers Speaker: J.W. Friday Portland Public Safety Dept. Trophies a n d Prizes O.S.U. F ootb all Movie tour on behalf of Cognac Hennessy. OREGON DONOR PROGRAM’ S RENEFIT GOLF TOURNAMENT TheOregon Donor Program will hold it’s first Benefit Golf Tourna­ ment on Friday, September 23, 1994 at Glendoveer Golf Course. It will be a team scramble with a BBQ to fol­ low along with spectacular prizes all for the entry fee o f $55.00. All o f the funds raised at the to u rn am e n t will be used to in­ crease aw areness and education to en co u rag e m ore people to b e­ com e donors. Each year there are m ore than 500,000 bone grafts nationw ide, over 35,000 cornea transplants, and more than 15,000 internal organ transplants. Yet there are still over 34,000 men, wom en and children in the U.S. w aiting for an organ transplant, and nearly one-third o f them will die before a suitable organ is available. Fore more information, please call 1-800-452-1369. (The o r t la nò 03bs rr n r r the country to compete for the youth soccer championship of the Untied S ta te s,” said Dr. S. R obert Contiguglia, Chairman, U.S. Youth Soccer. “We believe that this event show youth soccer at its best and will allow it to become the preeminent sport in the United States." In an effort to support the n a tio n ’s y o u th , th e S n ic k e rs Brand has m ade a 2 0-year com ­ m itm ent to U.S. Youth S occer to be the title sponsor o f the S nick­ ers U.S. Y outh Soccer N ational C h a m p io n s h ip . T h e 2 0 -y e a r ag re e m e n t co in cid e s w ith the Snickers B ran d ’s long-term goals to encourage athletic excellence and help d evelop the n a tio n 's youth to th eir full potential. « Come for a fun tim e ages 9 - 20 plus Leisure Hour Golf Club 50th Anniversary 1944 -1 9 9 4 August 12, 13 & 14 Schedule of Events Buffet Dinner Menu FRIDAY AFTERNOON Fish Fry & Jam Session Soul Syndicate Band Blues and R&B 6 PM...until. $10.00 Baron of beef, choice of fish. RSRV for tickets. Make check or money order payable to. LEISURE HOUR GOLF CLUB, Tournament Headquarters. P .0. Box 11942. Portland, OR 97211 1-503-287- 5212. Your donation goes toward the Junior Golf Fund and College Scholarship Fund NO REFUNDS. SATURDAY MORNING 6:30 AM to 7:30 AM Buffet Breakfast $6 95 Tee-off 8:00 AM SATURDAY EVENING Presentation Dinner & Awards starting at 6 PM Dance starts at 9 PM to the music of Norman Sylvester Blues Band in St. Andrews Hall. Dinner and Dance $34 Dance only: $10 lodging reservations Please make all arrangements for lodging directly with “The Resort At The Mountain," telephone 1-800-669-7666. fo r Info, call Danny at 2 49-3750 all participants m ust stay fo r co m p lete program fo r food & prizes sponsored by Grace C ollins M em orial C o m m u n ity C e n te r^ T.C. ROCKMASTER In Conjunction With THE FAB 4 presents the Mid-Summer Fest 1st Annual Dance 4* at The Melody Ballroom 6I5S.E. Alder • Portland, Oregon (off Grand Avenue) Saturday, August 6th, 1994, 9:00 pm until. . . Remember how we used to Party' in the good old days at On The Rocks? This Is For You - The Real Party' People ADMISSION: $6.00/single - $8.50/couples DRESS CODE: Semi-Eormal Cash & Door Prizes Every Hour UNCF 1994 Walkathon We hope you will give us your support and work with us on this year s UNCF Walkathon scheduled for September 24. 1 9 9 4 Please. Please join the effort by agreeing to form a team to walk in the Walkathon Call Katy Cash at 284-4638 (Res.) or 232-9575 (Bus ). •» Brought to you by THE FAB 4 Andrew, Terry, Ronnie & D.J. T.C ROCKMASTER THIS IS THE PARTY OF THE YEAR DON’T MISS IT 21A OVER AFFAIR