A ugust 3, 1994 » T he P ortland O bserver P age A 4 n rtla n ir b s e rlw r Protect Yourselt Against Electrical Scams If your home needs electrical work, be smart and cautious. There are a small number of companies in the Portland area who are engaging in illegal practices, often overcharg­ ing consumers by huge amounts. The Oregon-Columbia Chapter of the National Electrical Contractors As­ sociation (NECA) recently assisted the Oregon Attorney General’s of­ fice with their investigation of these scams in the electrical industry. NECA provided information which the organization had been compiling on the unscrupulous practices to the Attorney General’s office, served as consultants during the investigation, and provided a standard of conduct against which the attorney General's office was able to measure the con­ tractors they were investigating. To protect yourself from such illegal and unethical practices, here are some tips from the Oregon-Co­ lumbia Chapter of NECA and the International Brotherhood o f Elec­ trical Workers (IBEW) Local 48P: 1. Always get at least two com­ irehensive bids on the work you need neea prehensive done. “And be sure to get your quotes large telephone director ad with many in writing,” advises Geoff Gotham, phone numbers listed. Listing mul­ Vice President of NECA-member tiple numbers does not necessarily Rose City Electric. “Then, when mean that contractor actually has a you’re ready to actually have the location in your area. The number work done, a contract which clearly may all be directed to one central spells out everything is your best number. “You really can’t jude the bet.’’ In addition, there is no need to size of a company by the quantity of pay a fee for any estimate. “Very, telephone numbers they list in an ad, very few professional contractors says Timothy Gauthier, Executive Manager of NECA. “As a matter of would ask a fee for an estimate, comments Vicky Bacon, Vice Presi­ fact, the largest contractor in the city dent of Marketing for Christenson only has one number.” “You may Electric. “All the contractors I know also want to be cautious if the com­ pany doesn’t list a street address,” of Provide free estimates.” 2. If you’re calling an electri­ adds Jim Ferris, of NECA-member cal contractor from a telephone di­ o f Red’s Electric and Past President rectory ad, check to see the Oregon o f the Oregon Remodeler’s Associa­ Construction Contractor s Board tion. 4. Contact the Better Business (CCB) number is in the ad. Legally, it Bureau for a report on the contractor should be. Then you can check with you’re considering. For your conve­ the Oregon State Board of Contrac­ nience, the BBB system is now auto­ tors to make sure the contractor is mated. All you have to do to get a licensed to do business in Oregon. If report is to enter the telephone num­ the number is not listed in the ad, ask for it. you can also check the ad, or ber of the business you wish to in­ ask, to make sure the contractor is quire about. 5. Find out if the contractor is licensed, bonded, and insured. a member of a self-policing organi- 3. Be cautious when you see a j. D evauuvua zation such as NECA and IBEW. That information may be listed in their ad, or you can ask for it on the phone. Not only do these types of organizations hold their members to high standards of ethical conduct and expertise, but a company’s member­ ship in these organizations provides you with another place to check cre­ dentials. 6. Call the Oregon-Columbia chapter o f NECA for a listing of member contractors in your area. NECA will gladly provide you with the names of professional member contractors in your area who do the type of work you need. You may contact NECA at (503) 233-5787. 7. You may also wish to get references from the electrical con­ tractor you’re considering. Usually references are selected that are simi­ lar to the one a particular customer needs done. 8. You should never feel threatened or uncomfortable for any reason. If you do, call someone else. Professional contractors, especially contractors who do a lot o f residen- tial work, are very sensitive to the fact th at they are w o rk in g in someone’s home. The want you to have a positive experience and will work to accommodate your needs. 9. Be wary of false discounts. And be especially wary of discounts offered to senior citizens. Remem­ ber... your best bet is to get two or more comprehensive bids for the spe­ cific work you need done. When you Insurance Refund Awaits Home Owners If you have ever bought a home or owned real property, the United States Government is holding money on a nationwide data file for unpaid claims that may belong to you, or one of your family memebers. It d o e s n 't matter if you pur­ chased this prop­ erty several years back, even back to 1940, you can still file a claim for your refund. This does not only apply to people who might have bought their house or property through the H. U D program, it covers any and all persons that might have purchased real property and had it finance with a bank, mort­ gage company etc. If you paid off or have sold your mortgage, you probably did not know that you are entitled to several hun­ dreds of dollars from the Federal Government. This is your money. All you have to do to collect it is to write a letter to H.U.D. and ask for your refund. O f course you will have to include the following information in your letter. 1) your F.H.A. Mort­ gage Case Numbers, 2) the address of the property and 3) the state in which the property is located. You can find the case number on your mortgage papers. You must submit your re­ quest to the Department of Housing and Urban Development, Distribu­ tion Share Branch, P. O. Box 23699, W a s h in g to n , D .C ., 20026- 3699, Attention: F.O.I.A. Within Omari 60daysofreceipt Kenyatta, of your letter by J.D. this department, —1 you should re­ ceive a U.S. Treasury check from H.U.D. in the mail in your name or your parents name if they are de­ ceased. This is how easy it is for you to collect the funds that are owed to you. You are probably wondering why is this money owed to me? The reason you are entitled to this money is that if you will recall when you purchased your home or property, you were required by law to purchase an F.H.A. Insurance Premium for this mortgage. The first one is M.M.I. which means Mutual Mortgage In­ surance. The second kind is M.I.P. Mortgager Insurance. You had to have one of these premiums in order to obtain a loan for your mortgage. This is where your refund is coming from. The funds may have accumulated doing the time the mortgage insur­ ance was in effect. Now that his mort­ gage is paid off or sold, you should have a refund coming to you from this premium. I want you to have it well fixed in your mind that you do have money owed to you by the Federal Govern­ ment. There are perhaps some excep­ tion to this general rule, but they will take care of themselves when they arise. So, if you want your refund you must start the process by filing your papers along with your request to H.U.D. for your M.M.I. and your M.I.P. Premium Insurance Refund. do, you may find that the so-called discount was no discount at all. 10. Don’tletyourselfberushed. Sometimes unscrupulous companies pressure consumers to agree to the work immediately because we might not be available later. The best ad­ vice? Take your time. There are enough professional local contrac­ tors and electricians in the area to do your job on your schedule. A-ZEBRA Realty Inc. ¿ s ' " ' High Quality Living * 3640 N. WINCHELL- $129,000 Spacious, Brick sided 4 Bedroom, 2 1/2 bath. Total 2946 Sq. Ft. Reverse living plan Hardwood floors, under carpet 2 Fireplaces Deck, Patio, Newish roof Security system Intercom, Sprinklers & lots more 700 NE Multnomah, Suite #400 Portland OR, 97232 GEORGE HENDRIX • Office (503) 230-1390 • Res. 287-6837 • Pager 818-5343 DREAM S FO R SA LE / f y o u ’v e a l w a y s h a d t h e d r e a m o f o w n in g y o u r o w n h o m e , y o u r d re a m m a y h a v e ju s t c o m e t r u e . F o r a s lit t le a s y o u 'r e p a y in g in m o n th ly r e n t a n d a m o d e s t d o w n LISCENSED IN OREGON SINCE 1975 “fsf Class Gaurantee" p a y m e n t , y o u c o u ld b u y a H U D H o m e . T h a t s r i g h t . T h e A-ZEBRA U . S . D e p a r t m e n t o f H o u s in g a n d U r b a n D e v e l o p m e n t RMLS Realty Inc. REALTOR 700 NE Multnomah, Suite #400 Portland, Oregon 97232 George A. Hendrix MBA, GRI, Broker T H E D R EA M O F O W N IN G Y O U R O W N H O M E C A N C O M E T R U E FO R A B O U T W H A T Y O U ’RE PA Y IN G IN R EN T . (503) 230-1390 • (Res.) 287-6837 ( H U D ) h a s p r o g r a m s t h a t m a k e o w n in g a h o m e e a s i e r McMurphy's Appliance Center t h a n y o u t h in k . P r o g r a m s t h a t w ill e v e n h e lp y o u c o v e r m o s t if n o t a ll o f y o u r c lo s in g c o s t s . If y o u 'd lik e m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n Washer & Dryer *199“ Refrigerators From *129“ a b o u t t h e h o m e y o u 'v e a lw a y s d r e a m e d o f, c o n t a c t y o u r r e a l e s ta te a g e n t. O r, fo r a fr e e Ranges From *129“ b ro c h u re o n h o w to b uy a H U D h o m e , c a ll 1 - B O O - 7 6 7 - 4 H U D . Op«n Mon. - Fri. 9 T h e r e 's n e v e r b e e n a b e t t e r Saturday 10:00am t i m e t o f o llo w y o u r d r e a m , b e c a u s e n o w y o u c a n a f f o r d it Sunday Oosad 4011NÊMLK 288-3233 Sales • Sêrvice « Parts ,, < w, fQUAl HOUSAK OFFORTUurrr -U- W E ’LL HELP Y O U O W N A PIECE O F AMERK :A To qu»lrf»d b u y re only on hom w wth FHA m«und t'nuncmg d o tin g coti» and lees add.nonal