- • P age B5 CLASSIFIEDS Mental Health Job Announcement Rider Advocate Coordinator Individuals with outstanding su­ pervisory, management and community program coordina­ tion experience, familiar with North and Northeast Portland neighborhoods, should apply for the Rider Advocate Coordi­ nator position with the North­ east Coalition of Neighbor­ hoods (NECN). The Coordina­ tor will supervise a team of 8 Rider Advocates employed to assist Tri-Met customers and bus operators. Applicants must have a minimum high school diploma or equivalent. A col­ lege degree or equivalent ex­ perience is preferred. A mini­ mum of 3 years experience administering programs, bud­ get and staff, with excellent written and verbal communi­ cation skills. The Coordinator must be reliable and available to work 40 hours per week from mid-afternoon to late evening. In addition, the Coordinator must have a valid Oregon or Washington drivers license and positive driving record. Compensation begins at $13.00 per hour plus benefits. The Coordinator must successfully complete a post offer physical examination and drug test and subsequent training program. Applications can be obtained between 8:00am and 5:00pm weekd ay s at the N EC N off ices, 4815 NE 7th Ave., Portland, OR. No telephone calls or re­ sumes accepted. Completed applications will be accepted until 5:00pm on Friday, August 19,1994. NECN is a non-profit organization and an equal op­ portunity employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. roc KIRTLAND DEVEI.QI’MEXT COMMISSION- C O M M IS S IO N M EETING Date: August 11,1994 Place: King Neighborhood Facility 4815 NE 7th Avenue Portland, Oregon Time: 7:00 p.m. Commission meetings are open to the public. A complete agenda is available at PDC or by calling 823-3200. Citizens with disabilities may call 823-3232 or TDD 823-6868 for assistance at least 48 hours in advance. PDC is the City of Portland's urban renewal, housing and economic development agency. Case Manager; Mental Health Associate/ Specialist Job Announcement Job Opportunity City of Portland Rider Advocate Clinical Psychologist 2 Auto Body Restorer Two full-time positions available Citizens familiar with North and Approximate Hourly Rate: $16.25 at entry & $17.66 (6 mos.) in JCAHO accredited long term Northeast Portland neighbor­ This is skilled work in repair, reconstruction, painting and retouch­ hospital. One is a permanent hoods who have positive com­ ing of vehicles, bodies and fenders. Work includes inspections, position on 20-bed adolescent munity or public service expe­ Job #94-69 ward. One is a limited duration alignments, replacement, repairs, molding, cleaning, priming, rience should apply as Rider Immediate opening to become a sanding, masking and spraying of automobiles, trucks and other p o sitio n on 30-be d Advocates with the Northeast member of an enthusiast pro­ large size equipment. Tentative closing date: Friday, August 5, geropsychiatric ward. Duties Coalition of Neighborhoods fessional team. Duties of this include assessment, psycho­ (NECN). Advocates will ride 1994. position include providing ser­ therapy, behavioral program­ Tri-Met bus lines, providing vices to consumers with se­ Water Lab Technician ming, IDT member, and staff customer information and as­ vere and persistent mental ill­ Approximate Hourly Wage: $13.13 at entry & $15.27 (6 mos.) clinical supervision. Ph.D. and sistance and working coopera­ ness. While involved with all This is entry level skilled technical work in laboratory analysis of 4 years post-master experi­ tively with bus operators and adults, this position will develop water samples. Employees responsible for collecting prepara­ ence required. Salary range is other T ri-Met personnel. Appli­ a caseload that is comprised of tion and testing of samples of potable water supply. Tentative $3154-$4209. Excellent ben­ cants must have positive so­ a majority of senior citizen. closing date: Friday, August 5,1994. efits. For announcement and cial skills, be reliable and avail­ Position will provide individual Building Inspector application: Employee Rela­ able to work 40 hours per week and group therapy ; skills train­ Monthly wage: $3,116 to $3,560 after 1 year. tions (503) 945-2815. Oregon from m id-afternoon to late ing; on-call crisis rotation; and Building Inspectors enforce compliance with building related State Hospital, 2600 Center St., evening and have acceptable coordination of day center ac­ codes and ordinances covering the erection, alteration, or repair N.E., Salem, Oregon 97310. written communication skills. tivities; and other related du­ of structures. Tentative closing date: Friday, August 5,1994. Respond by 8/15/94. EEO. Compensation begins at $8.50 ties as may be assigned. per hour plus benefits. All Ad­ Police Sergeant Master’s degree and experi­ Housing Officer Promotional opportunity for qualified City of Portland Police vocates m ust successfully ence in related field preferred; The Oregon Housing and Com­ complete a post offer physical Officers. Closing date: Friday, August 5,1994. or BA with 2 years related ex­ munity Services Department is examination and drug test and Apply at City Hall, Room 100, perience. Demonstrated phi­ accepting applications for a subsequent training program. 1220 SW 5th Ave. Portland, OR 97204. losophy in consumer empow­ Housing Resource Officer. Re­ Applications can be obtained Applications also available at local TPIC branch offices, erment; and ability to work com­ sponsible for coordinating and between 8:00am and 5:00pm NE Workforce Center and Urban League. fortably in the office and com­ administering the State’s Low Job information call: (503) 823-4352 and TDD (503) 823-3520. weekdays at the NECN offices, munity setting. Bilingual (Span­ Income Rental Assistance and 4815 NE 7th Ave., Portland, ish) preferred. $2076-$2507/ The City of Portland is an AA/EEO employer. Tenant-Based Assistance Pro­ OR. No telephone calls or re­ month (MH Assoc 1) or $2175- grams. Provides training and sumes accepted. Completed 2628/month (MH Spec 1), plus Job Opportunity Clinical Dietician technical assistance to the applications will be accepted excellent benefits. For a more City of West Linn Department's network of rental until 5:00pm on Friday, August Self-directed individual to assess, detailed job announcement and monitor nutritional status of Accounting Clerk assistance subgrantees. Moni­ 19,1994. NECN is a non-profit required Umatilla County ap­ MRDD clients. Provide nutri­ $1530 - $1998/mo. tors subgrantees' operation of organization and an equal op­ plication contact: U m atilla tion education, write therapeu­ Position requires high school programs designed to assist portunity employer. Women County, 216 SE 4th Street, tic diets, document in medical graduation or GED supple­ farmworkers. Bilingual skills and minorities are encouraged Pendleton, OR 97801. Phone charts, work as IDT member. mented with College/business required and bicultural back­ (503) 276-7111. TDD (503) to apply. MQ: BA with major coursework school training in accounting, ground preferred (Hispanic). 276-9162. Open until filled. in dietetics or nutrition related computer science and book­ Annual salary range is $31,272- Mental Health Equal opportunity employer. field. Must be RD or registra­ keeping. Requires two (2) years $41,664. Announcement and A & D Mental Health tion eligible. experience in accounting, gen­ State application can be se­ Housing Resources Associate/Speclalist Contact: FairviewTraining Cen­ eral bookkeeping preferably in cured at Local Employment ter, 2250 Strong RD SE, Sa­ governmental agency. Key­ Job #94-70 Manager Division Offices throughout lem, OR 97310; (503) 378- board training/experience on Immediate opening providing in­ Oregon. Also call if disabled Oregon Housing Community 5241; Fax (503) 378-8986. mainframe and mini-comput­ dividual and group therapy to and need an alternative format Services Department is accept­ Closes: 8/5/94 at 5:00pm. EO/ ers essential. Must have ability outpatient correctional clients. to complete application form. ing applications for Housing AA Employer. and experience coordinating Duties include intake, screen­ Hearing impaired - TDD (503) Resources Section Manager. multiple accounting tasks with ing, assessment, evaluations, 986-2100. Applications, (PD Responsibilities include coor­ other staff members. Position and outpatient treatment ser­ Manufacturing 100 and e xa m in a tio n re ­ dinating Federal and State Tax performs a wide variety of ac­ Quality Assurance vices to adults, adolescents, sponse), must be received at Credits, and Federal and State counting functions requiring families, and groups. Maintain the Departmentby 8/10/94. An­ housing development grants to Inspector great diversity, prioritization Clinic records to meet federal assist low-income Oregonians. nouncement No. OC940521. and organizational skills. Key­ and stat standards/require- Local Mfg. company seeking QA The position also plans and Inspector to inspect packaging boarding and 10-key by touch Manufacturing ments. High school diploma/ develops long-range housing lines. Six months exp. quality skill tests will be part of the GED. B.A. and two years ex­ Supervisor goals and short-range opera­ assurance or quality control interview process. Completed Local Mfg. company is currently perience in the A & D field tional objectives. The position required. City of West Linn application preferred. Bilingual (Spanish) supervises a staff of nine em­ seeking a Label Room Super­ Hours Monday - Wednesday and supplemental question­ preferred. $1802-$2281 /month ployees. Annual salary is visor. Duties include: train, su­ 6:45pm to 7:00am. $6.60 hour. naire must be received at City (M H Assoc 1) or $217 5-$2757/ $36,648 - $51,612. Application pervise personnel; set up and Benefits after 90 days. Quali­ Hall, 22825 Willamette Drive, month (MH Spec 1), plus ex­ recruitment announcement can work label equipment; main­ fied applicants please apply or W est Linn, OR 97068, by cellent benefits. For job an­ be obtained from your local tain reports; etc. Must have send resume to 3580 NE 4:30pm, August 12,1994. (503) nouncem ent and required Employment Department office minimum of two years college, Broadway Portland, OR 97232, Umatilla County application 656-4518 (TDD) EEO. under Principal Executive Man­ two years superv. exp. at a M-F between 1 & 5pm. We are contact: Umatilla County, 216 ager D. or by calling Susan dept. level and three years mfg an equal opportunity employer. Promotions Assistant exp. Must be self-motivated. SE 4th Street, Pendleton, OR Bailey at 503-986-2098. Appli­ Immediate opening for Full Time 97801. Phone (503) 276-7111. $8-$10hr DOE. Excellent ben­ cation and examination re­ Radio Prom otions Assistant. Top TDD (503) 276-9162. Closes sponse must be received at efit package after 90 days. Part-time on-air anncr. Must have Portland area radio station. August 12, 1994. Qualified applicants please the Department by 8/26/94. 3 years of on-air radio exp. Send resume to P.O. Box apply or send resume to 3580 An equal opportunity employer. Send T and R to Apogee Com­ 14957 Portland, OR 97214. NE Broadway Portland, OR munications, 4614 SW Kelly, Attn: Station Manager - no 97232, M-F between 1-5pm. Portland, OR 97201. EOE. phone calls - Equal Opportu­ We are an equal opportunity nity employer. employer. S a v e M o re A t S a fe w a Prices effective Aug. 3 through August 9,1994 at Safeway. Fresh Northwest Sweet Corn • Yellow corn Beef T-Bone ¿99 or Rib Eve Steak • Valu Pack, 4 or more Bone-In steaks. • SAVE UP TO 1.80 PER LB lb E n jo y E x tr a S a v i n g s W it h T h e N e w ’In -S to re* S a fe w a y S h o p p in g G u id e Look In The This Week Magazine for your Safeway Shopping Guide for a complete list of specials on sale this week at Safeway! w ie at your Safeway store. Avallai JL • • ■ *•*-. *1 ‘ <» • * » I « •. ■