A ugust 3, 1 9 9 4 • T he P ortland O bserver P age B 4 Children In Need Of New Family playing in water are among her fa­ vorite pastimes. Naomi also enjoys outings to the beach, and is interested in rocks and seashells. A bright child, Naomi is eager to begin Kindergar­ that others make, and tracks well with her eyes. Ann has a wonderful disposition, and only cries when tired Ann (four months old) Sweet baby Ann is one of ap­ proximately 180 Oregon children in need of adoptive parents. At age four months, Ann has already developed a bubbly person­ ality. This petite, dark-eyed little girl was bom full term, and has been in good health. She joined her foster family at age two days when she left the hospital. The foster mom describes Ann as perky and bright. Ann is roll­ ing over, lifting her head, and hold­ ing out her amis to indicate she wants to be picked up. She mimics sounds or hungry. Adoptive parents are needed for school aged children, pre-schoolers and toddlers, and occasionally a baby like Ann. Foster parents are needed for children of all ages. Oregon agen­ cies waive adoption fees for families who adopt children in care of the state, and foster families receive a monthly stipend to help with ex­ penses. Singles as well as couples encouraged to consider adoption or foster care. Do you have room in your heart and home for a child who needs you? To learn more, call The special Needs Adoption Coalition at 222-9661. Meet a pair of attractive, de­ lightful children in need o f a new family. Six-year-old Malachi and his five-year-old sister Naomi are just two of approximately 180 Oregon children currently awaiting adoptive parents. ten. Naomi (Five-year-old), and Malachi (Six-year-old) An active child, Malachi enjoys who know Malachi believe he has at least average intelligence. He is ready to start first grade, and has good per- academic skills. A petite, feminine little girl, Naomi likes to wear pretty dresses and hair barrettes. Being read to and most “little boy” toys, such as hot wheel cars and Ninja Turtles. He is especially skilled at acrobatics. Un­ usually neat for a child his age, Malachi likes to keep his hair combed and his hands and face clean. Those these two! Oregon agencies waive or re­ duce fees for families adopting "wait­ ing” children, and pre-adoption classes are offered statewide. 1 o learn more, call The Special Needs Adop­ tion Coalition at 222-9661. New Pastor Guides Immaculate Heart d&hllt r dnntiunMWienfó Priest Comes From Tanzania, Africa Baby N am e: Theodore M ackenzie Puentes D ate o f B irth : 7/14/94 F a th e r ’s Full N am e: Arnulfo Puentes, Jr. M o th e r’s Full N am e: Jennifer Lynn Puentes o f Beaverton, OR W eight: 7 lbs 4oz L ength: 21 inchs O ld e r Sister: M ichaela Christina P a te rn a l G ra n d p a re n ts: Arnulfo & Vivian Puente of Solidad, C A M a te rn al G ra n d p a re n ts : Ted & Linda Moore of I igard, OR A p riest from T anzania, A f­ ric a has begun serving the p ar­ ish o f Im m acu late H eart C a th o ­ lic C h u rch at 2926 N. W illiam s Ave. T he Rev. N icolaus M arandu is a know led g eab le priest w ho w ill be an asset to the p a rish , said R ev. C huck L ien ert, v icar for clergy for the Portland A rch- dio cese and a form er p aster at Im m aculate H eart. M arandu replaces R ev. J o ­ seph H eu b erg er w ho w as re a s­ signed to the C atholic parish in V erboort. T he new pastor has been teaching a w eekly B ible study class at St. A ndrew C hurch in N o rth ea st Portland. m unity really happens. O ur m as­ The last in a series o f outdoor te r o f c e r e m o n ie s , E u g e n e African-American gospel musical B lack m o n , can re ally get the festivals takes place Saturday from crow d going with a real o ld -fa sh ­ noon to dusk at Dawson Park, across ioned com m unity singalong. It from Emanuel Hospital in the North/ rem inds me o f the days before Northeast Portland community. television when com m unities re ­ The festival benefits the Afri­ ally did get together to sin g ,” she can-American Clergies, a non-profit said. group chaired by Rev. Joe Hardie. The festival will include a wide Festival Producer Joyce Boles array o f food, arts and crafts vendors, announced that Meier and Frank is as well asmany public agencies bring helping support the series. their message to area neighbors. “ We are particularly pleased that More than two dozen local busi­ this major Oregon company is dem­ nesses and foundations have contrib­ onstrating its comm itment to its long­ uted to the festivals, Boles said. time relationship with the Northeast A m ong the m any talen ted community by donating to these fes­ groups and soloists singing at this tivals,” said Boles. festival are G enesis, the N o rth ­ Boles said the event is full of east C om m unity F ellow ship En­ groups and soloists, all eager to raise sem ble, H arm ony E xpressions, up the Holy Spirit, but there is still Pam P atterson, B rian Sim s, the room for interested artists to per­ S erm onettes, W anda Pugh, the form . The scheduled program will be V o ic e s o f S o u l, th e G o ld e n follow ed by the increasingly popular Eagles, and S hirley S treeter. open microphone and open stage pe­ O f special interest will be the riod. presence of Heaven Bound Gospel “ People come up and sing as Music Ministries, the popular large the s p irit m oves th e m ," said choir, whose leader Minister Lonnie B oles. “ T h at’s when real com- flke SPMte ^/infiel M e fames ¿h< n e ta / ¿Home (HemeYer^ - oilem olia/ 'jaic/en Killingsworth Chapel 430 N. Killingsworth Portland, Oregon 97217 503-283-1976 Mt Olivet Baptist Church Has moved Sunday services to Family Life Center, 8725 N. Chautauqua Blvd., at Willis Blvd. Worship Services 8:00am & 11:00am, Church School 9:30 to 10:30am, Bible Study, Wednesdays, 116 NE Schuyler, 10:30am & 7.00pm Radio Ministry each Sunday, 8:00am on KBMS A Teaching Church With A Reaching Ministry Dr. James E. Martin, Senior Pastor Church Office 116 NE Schuyler St. • (503) 284-1954 H e cam e to P ortland three years ago along w ith another A frican p rie st, F a th er N icholas N ilem a. He said he w ould like to im plem ent m ore B ible study p ro g ram s, but any ch an g es are likely to occu r only a fte r e x te n ­ sive d iscu ssio n w ith the c o n ­ gregation. Hosley will also preach the Word of God. Also present will be Goldie Irby and Bobby Garnett, and many other artists as well. The show will be broadcast live on KBOO, the community radio sta­ tion. and mental health counseling. It is staffed by Rev. Art Ellickson, a li­ censed professional counselor, who received his masterofscience in coun- selina degree from Portland State Lutheran Fam ily Service o f O regon and Southw est W ashing­ ton have opened a new office in O regon City. The office at Prince o f Life Lutheran C hurch, 13896 S. M eyers Rd., is accepting a p ­ p o in tm e n ts fo r T u e s d a y and W ednesdays. Inform ation and ap­ pointm ents can be made by c a ll­ ing 297-6263. The office will offer pastoral ‘ attcC 4224 S.E. 62nd Avenue (betw een Powell & Foster) P o rtla n d , O regon 97206 SUNDAY Sunday School 9:30am Morning Worship 10:43am Evangelistic Service 7:30pm Tuesday Pastoral Teaching 7:00pm FRIDAY Evangelistic Sendee 7:00pm DAILY Prayer 12 :00pm & 6:00pm University and a master o f divinity for Luther Theological Seminary, St. Paul, Minn. With over 19 years of experience. Paster Ellickson is skilled in providing counseling. Featuring ■ BBQ Pork ■ BBQ Beef Ribs ■ BBQ Chicken Portland's Best Catfish D eb ien te” 2924 N. Lombard PORTLAND 240-6050 (503) 774-5470 PASTORS: Bishop Robert Simpson, Jr. ct(6e*tt¿c Soutaen«. (^atecac FAITH TEMPLE CHURCH DINE IN OR CARRY OUT Dr. Ida M. Simpson M allory Avenue Christian Church j& t ¿fMiïsaùmarç o p t i s i Cljurclj 8101 N. Fiske Avenue • Portland Oregon 97203 Church Phone: 289-0147 • Study Phone: 289-1911 "Come to me oil you uuho ore weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest." 9 :45a m 1 1 :00am 7:30pm Father Nicolaus Marandu Lutherans Open Family Service Office Gospel Festival Scheduled For Dawson Park Lombard Chapel 3018 N. Lombard Portland, Oregon 97217 503-283-0525 Like most of the children who await adoption, Malachi and Naomi were victims of abuse and neglect. Both display behaviors typical with psychological services to help them address their pasts and prepare for their futures. New parents for these beautiful pair must be comfortable seeking out and working with com­ munity mental health resources. Re­ sponsive, understanding parents who can provide positive time and atten­ tion to two very needy and deserving children, please consider adopting Sunday School Morning Worship Tuesday Bible Study and Prayer Sunday Service 10:45 Sunday School 9:30 Bible Study 6:00 Evening Service 7:00pm Inter-racial Congregation 126 NC Riberta Portland, OR 97211 (503) 288-5173 Denise Bell, Pastor Pastor, Re. James C.E. Faulkner We Welcome You to The edl/laifc íBapiLit (Hiusidi (Greater jSaint ^teptfen