Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 27, 1994, Page 4, Image 4

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    J uly
P age
27, 1994 • T he
P ortland O bserver
McMwrphy s
Appliance Center
Local 48 Team Supplies Airshow’s Ground Power
; 3
tm? m m :
; ; í, *
Washer & Dryer $199°°
Refrigerators From $ 129'
Ranges From $129°°
Open Mon. - Fri. 9:00am to 5:00pm
Saturday 10:00am to 2:00pm
Sunday Closed
» i« lt »I
IS 11« H
bo ^
A NECA/IBEW Local 48 team from Friberg Electric supplied the electrical power needed for the 1994 US Bank/Rose Festival Airshow at i
Hillsboro Airport. The annual challenge of supplying power to the media, chalet line, sound system, exhibit areas, pavilions, and the field
8 1 W $ W lce> parts
kitchen takes a crew of 8 to 12 electricians each year.
New Mothers Often
Return To Smoking
Obese Black
Teens Unaware
Of Health Risks
re tu rn to th e h a b it fo llo w in g p re g ­
Many overweight black teens
n an cy .
do not realize obesity is a health
O ne h u rd le fo r p re g n a n t
risk. "They know they have a weight
w om en w h o q u it sm o k in g is the
problem, but they don’t think o f the
ch an g e in a ttitu d e s o f those aro u n d
health consequences," said Dr. John
them o nce th e bab y is b o rn , said
Foreyt o f Baylor College o f Medi
Dr. M a ria n n a S o c k rid e r, a p e d ia t­
cine in Houston.
ric p u lm o n o lo g ist at B a y lo r C o l­
M isconceptions about obesity
leg e o f M e d ic in e in H o u sto n .
differ greatly among black and white
“ D u rin g p re g n a n c y , p e o p le
teenagers. Studies show that 40 per
State and city officials, housing
are se n sitiv e a b o u t sm o k in g ," she
cent o f obese black females and 36
advocates, senior citizens, financiers said . “ T hey d o n 't sm o k e a ro u n d
percent o f the males perceived them
and downtown advocates gathered
th e p re g n a n t w om an o r o ffe r her
selves as heavy com pared nearly
today to officially open the Twelfth
c ig a re tte s. B ut, once the bab y is
100 percent o f white females and 78
Avenue Terrace located at S. W. 12th
b o rn , the p re ssu re to sm o k e r e ­
o f w hite males.
and M arket Streets downtown. The
su m e s.”
is a critical time
newly constructed building will offer
S o c k rid e r su g g e sts th a t new
118 studio apartm ents for homeless m o th e rs w h o w ish to q u it sm o k ­
individuals, or those in danger o f be- in g p e rm a n e n tly e x a m in e w hy
com ing homeless, w ho are 62 years ot th ey sm o k e and look at d iffe re n t
Foreyt said. It is important to edu
age or older or disabled.
p o s t- p r e g n a n c y c o p in g m e c h a ­
cate teens about the health risks o f
The $6.5 m illion project will be
n ism s. T hey can also seek th e c o ­
obesity, he said.
owned by the Elderhope Limited Part­
o p eratio n o f sm okers aro u n d them .
nership with REACH Com m unity
Development, Inc., as the General
Partner. Financing for the project was
completed through a $2 million loan
Name Braiuls • Wholesale Prices
from PDC; a $2.6 million loan from
canned • packaged • frozen Itxxl
the Oregon Housing and Com m unity
Deli Items • Pel I oods
Services Department; and the sale ot
• lX'lergenis • Much More!
$1.9 million in low -incom e housing
tax credits to the Oregon Equity Fund.
The lice Company, Inc.
Apartments will rent for $337 per
Groceries at Wholesale prices
month with the Housing Authority o f
SCO N. Killingsworih • Portland, Oregon 97217 «(503) 2X3-5171
Portland p roviding rent subsidies
through the U S. Departm ent of H ous­
ing and Urban Development.
Speakers at the opening event
inc luded C ity Comm issioner Gretchen
K afoury; PDC H o u sin g D irector
Neyle Hunter; Baruti Artharee, Di­
rector, O regon Housing and Com m u­
n ity S e rv ic e s D e p t.; D e b o ra h
Saw euyer-Parks, Executive Director,
Oregon Equity Fund; W endell Johns,
Vice-President for Housing Invest­
ments, Fannie M ae; Dan Cooper,
REACH Board President and Susan
Emmons, Executive Director, N orth­
Appraisal C osts....... ----------------- 0
Title Insurance....... ___________ 0
Credit R e p o rt........ ----------------- 0
Settlement Costs*....... __________ 0
Recording F e e s ....... ---------------- 0
Loan Origination F ees.... ----------
P re g n a n t w om en m ay be g e t­
ting th e m e ssa g e ab o u t th e d a n ­
gers o f sm o k in g , b u t the m a jo rity
118 New
For Seniors
Spend money on your
nome, not your loan.
Introducing The
Loan from Washington Mutual A new kind of home loan that eliminates many of
the costs that lenders usually charge. Things like loan-origination fees, appraisal costs, and title insurance
fees. The
Loan can save you thousands of dollars on your closing costs. W h ic h means you can put
your money into useful things like wallpaper, carpeting, or a new deck. (We do require a $500 appli­
cation deposit, but you get it back once your loan closes.) F o r details call the friend o f the family " And
tell us you want to pay less for your next home loan. That s Different, that’s Washington M utual.
Loan\Jrom Washington Mutual
1 800-756-8000
’ Your settlement charge w ill be waived when you close your loan with
Washington Mutual. (The seller scosts are not waived ) A pre payment fee may apply
fw> Equal Housing Lender
FDIC Insured
Udlng energy widely can be ad
eady ad changing a light bulb.
If y o u can c h an g e a light bulb, y o u can use energy'
m ore efficiently- It s ju st th a t sim ple. All y o u have to do
is replace y o u r s ta n d a rd light b u lb s w ith th e new er,
west Pilot Project.
com pact flu o rescen t bulbs.
C o m p a c t flu o rescen ts a re ideal anyw h ere y o u keep
lights on for 3 h o u rs o r lo n g er - like in a living room
lam p o r a p o rch light. U sed
Portland General Electric
a p p ro p riately , co m p act fluorescent
lights pro v id e the sam e am o u n t ol
Ru.id,ng <>ur rmrgy fuiur» toge.h.r
fight as o rd in a ry bulbs, last nearly
12 tim es longer a n d use u p to 75% less energy'.
In ad d itio n to co sting less to o p erate, co m p act
Speedy Service
Friendly Call
For Quote
flu o rescen ts a re b e tte r for the en v iro n m en t because
they use energy' m ore efficiently.
Ixxtk for m ore energy-efficiency ideas at the P ow er
S m art" displays at y o u r local retailer. O r, lo r m ore
heating oils
Best Cash Prices
104 NE Russel
Portland, OR 97212
inform ation on how P o w er S m a rt' can b rig h te n y o u r
living e n v iro n m en t, c o n ta c t P o rtla n d O e n e ral Ulectric
at 1-800-722-9287. W e ll be h a p p y to illum inate y o u .
P o w e r S m a rt* is based o n • p r o d u c ts re la tiv e e n e rg y e flic ie n r.v c h a ra c te ris tic s
in d iv id u a l p ra c tic e a ffe cts e n e rg y use. A sk .vour r e ta ile r f o r m o re in fo r m a tio n . P o w e r
S m a r t' is a re g is te re d tra d e m a rk o l P o w e r S m a rt