P age B9 T he P ortland O bserver • J uly 27, 1994 Call For Bids Multnomah County Call For Bids Multnomah County SW 49th Avenue; Construct 12" Storm Sewer Pipe Diversion Stormline at SW 49th Bid No: B968-68-9002 Due Date: August 4,1994 Prequalification Required: No Historic Columbia River Highway - Phase II; Reconstruct & Widen Road Bed Bid No: B968-56-9004 Due Date: August 9,1994 Prequalification Required: Yes - Municipal Street Construction Sealed bids will be received until 2:00 PM on the specified date above and will be publicly opened and read at 2:15 PM, the same day, by M ultnomah County Purchasing, 2505 S.E. Proposal No: RFP #P95243003 Proposal Due by 4:00 PM on: August 17,1994 Sealed proposals will be received until, but not after, 4:00i PM. by the Multnomah County Director of Purchasing, 2505 1 1th, Portland OR 97202, for: Multnomah County Com m unity and Family Services Division is seeking proposals from non-profit agencies to be the operator/case m anagem ent service provider for a Q uint Transitional Housing Program for High RiskG irls. The agency will provide case m anagem ent services to 8 teen m others ana their children in order to help them become independent. Funding is estim ated at $60,000 in the first fiscal year. There will be a mandatory pre-proposal conference August 5, 1994,10:00 AM, 421 SW 5th, 2/F conference room, Portland, 11th Ave., Portland, Oregon. Plans and Specifications are filed with Multnomah County Purchasing and copies may be obtained from the above address for a $5.00 non-refundable fee. Checks and Money Orders Only. Plans and Specifications Will Not Be M ailed within the Metropolitan, Tri-County area. Prequalifications of Bidders Pursuant to the M ultnomah County Public Contract Review Board Adm inistrative Rules (AR 40 030) See Specifications for project classes of work. Prequalification application, or proof of prequalification by the Oregon Departm ent of Transportation, must be received by, or postm arked to, Multnomah County Purchasing not later OR. ,4 M ultnomah County reserves the right to reject any or al proposals if not in com pliance with Request for Proposals (RFP) procedures and requirements. ^n p rifica tio n s mav be obtained at: Multnomah County Pur- chasing 2505 SE 11th. Portland. OR 97202. (503) 248-5111. than 10 days prior to the bid. All bidders m ust com ply with the requirements of the prevail­ ing wage law in ORS 279.350. Details of com pliance are available from M ultnomah County Purchasing, 2 5 0 5 o . t . 11th Avenue, Portland, Oregon, 97202, (503) 248-5111, by contacting Jan M. Thompson. Contractors and subcontractors must be licensed for asbes­ tos abatem ent w ork if the project involves working with asbestos as set forth in ORS 468.833. No proposal will be considered unless accom panied by a surety bond, certified check, or a cashiers check Paya“ '®J° Multnomah County for the am ount equal to ten percent (10 /<>) of the aqgregate proposal. The successful bidder shall fur­ nish a bond satisfactory to the board in the full am ount of the Fax (503) 248-3252. Lillie M. W alker, Director Purchasing, Contracts, and Central Stores The Solid W aste Departm ent of Metro, a metropolitan service district organized under the laws of the State of O regon and the 1992 Metro Charter, located at 600 NE Grand Avenue, Portland, OR 97232-2736, is requesting proposals for provid­ ing tem porary consultant(s) to assist with m apping and spatial analysis (RFP# 94R-21 -SW). The project will involve the following tasks: (1) Data entry; (2) G eocoding of address records to support several projects, including the W aste Characterization Study; (3) G eocoding of em ployer records, (4) Editing digital files; and (5) Research of address inform a­ tion. Proposals must be received via mail or hand delivered to Metro no later than 3:00 p.m. PDT. August 8 ,1 9 9 4 in M etro’s business office at 600 NE Grand Avenue, Portland, OR 97232-2736. Address all responses to Keith Massie, Solid W aste Departm ent, Metro, 600 NE Grand Avenue, Portland, OR 97232-2736. All interested parties may obtain a copy of this request for proposal by contacting the Solid W aste Department, (503) 797-1650. Each Proposal must contain a statem ent as to whether the proposer is dom iciled or registered to do busi­ ness in the State of Oregon. Metro may reject any proposal not in com pliance with all prescribed public proposal procedures and requirements, and may reject for good cause any or all proposals upon a finding of the agency that it is in the public interest to do so. Notice To Waterline Contractors Public Notice Notice is hereby given that Clark Public Utilities is requesting quotations form contractors to provide labor, m aterials and equipm entto install an 8 inch water main in Am boy, W ashing­ ton for approxim ately 3,450 feet (Phase 3). The work will be processed under the Utilities' Small W orks Roster procedure for public w orks projects under One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) strictly in accordance with Quotation #1086, specifications now on file in the U tilities’ Purchasing Office (address below). If a contract is let, the successful contractor shall furnish a perform ance bond in the am ount of one hundred percent (100% ) of the contract amount. This announcem ent will serve as notice of W ashington State Departm ent of Transportation's (W SDOT) annual Disadvan­ taged Business Enterprise (DBE) goals for the year begin­ ning O ctober 1,1994. W SD O T proposes an overall goal of 16 percent DBE participation in each of the following areas of its ederally funded contracting opportunities: Hiqhways planning, research, design and construction projects funded by the Federal Highway Adm inistration. This project is financed through the Com m unity Developm ent Block Grant Program with funds obtained form the US Departm ent of Housing and Urban Developm ent The con­ tract will be subject to regulations of the Departm ents of Labor and Housing and Urban Development. Attention is called to Federal provisions for Equal Em ployment Opportunity, HUD Section 3 requirements, and the minimum wages as set fort Transit Adm inistration. Airports system planning projects funded by the Federal contract. Multnomah County reserves the right to reject any or all bids if not in com pliance with all prescribed bidding procedures. Lillie Walker, Director Purchasing, Contracts, and Central Stores Notice To Contractors State of Washington Department of Transportation Southwest Region 4200 Main Street, Vancouver, WA 98668 P.O. Box 1709; Vancouver, Washington 98668 Bid Opening August 11,1994 I Sealed bids will be received by the State of W ashington, Departm ent of Transportation, at Southwest Region Head­ quarters in Vancouver, W ashington until Thursday, August 11 1994 at 10:00 a .m .a n d w ill then and there be opened and publicly read for the construction of the im provem ent listed below. This is a Southwest Region contract. Performance and bid bonds will be required. I Any person, firm, or corporation not currently prequalifiedw ith the D epartm ent of Transportation and desiring to subm it a bid on this project must file a Standard Prequalification Question- ' naire and Financial Statem ent with the Prequalification'Engi­ neer at the Departm ent of Transportation, Transportation | Building, O lym pia, WA. 98504-5201. The questionnaire must be properly filled in, executed, and rece'vad not less than fifteen (15) days prior to the date of bid opening to be i considered for prequalification. Prequalification is required before a proposal can be obtained. Prequalification forms may be obtained upon written request to the above address or by calling (206) 705-7018. Plans and contract provisions may be obtained from the Southwest Region Plans O ffice upon written ^ e s t to the Plans Engineer. Southwest Region Headquarters P O. Bo 1709, Vancouver, WA. 98668, or by calling (206) 905-2184. I A copy of the plans and contract provisions m ay be inspected in the Chapter Offices of the Associated G eneral Contractors of Am erica in Seattle, Tacoma, and Spokane. The im provem ent for which the bids will be received follows: I iC Ia r k l ANDRESEN ROAD TO SR 503 (CL 4, $2,500,000 - £3 000 000) CONTAINS MWBE GOAL, A State project on 2 49 m iles of SR 500. MP with asphalt concrete, instalhng Guardrail raised pavement markers, cantilever sign bridge. I De?manen signing. Illumination and signal system m odifica- to n retocating cantilever sign, constructing cem ent concrete 1 ancI sidewalks, and other work. 100 w orking days, ffiv d v e s 120 items. 9160 C.Y. roadway excavation incl. haul; 9250I S Y. shoulder preparation: 27280 TO N gravel borrow Incl h a u l’ 11410 C.Y. em bankm ent com paction, 2650 L.F. u n d e ^d ra in p ip e S in .d ia m .;1 8 E A catch b a s to typ e ^;9 9 6 L .F ^ □lain cone storm sewer pipe 18 in. diam ., 10400 I UN crusnea f i g top course; 22069 S.Y. planing W am .nous pave^ m ent' 10500 TON asphalt cone, pavem ent Cl. A, 9500 TON I men/ ’ 1 uou tC | E . 6773 l .F. cem ent cone, barrier I c u S ’ 1338 L F beam guardrail type 1; 22765 L F. paint stripe; 11442 S Y cem ent cantilever sign structure, 5 illum ination sys . r . „ t: „ nc q traffic sianal display & detection sys, 3 traffic I m odifications, 3 traniC Sign« ay 9 n 0 7 flV 4 5 0 0 9 3 B 1 signal control sys, interconnect sys. (O L20278)(450uyjtJ) Gerald E. Smith, P.E. Regional Adm inistrator Legislative Fiscal Analyst t u Advertisement For Proposals I Pierai Office of the Oregon Legislative Assembly is Fiscal Analyst. Position reotui’ ing c’ ations performs fiscal research and fiscal “ ?du ^ S l T T n d m S e s oral presentations to the Legislative M Ìe m b fir Position requires strong background in use of quantità- A5semuiy. u --22r.llfftre ¡n analyzing and evaluating public " ve " Ä ? Ä s per month. For application in the contract documents. Quotations and Applications will be received up the hour of 2-00 PM, W ednesday, August 10, 1994, at which time the quotes will be read aloud. Quotation and aPP|lcation form s may be obtained from and returned to Clark Public Utilities, Purchasing Department, PO Box 8900, Vancouver W A 98668 (or hand or courier delivered to. 8600 NE 1 1 7 t Avenue, Vancouver, W A 98662). Telephone 206-253-8838. The Utility reserves the right to reject any and/or all quotations subm itted or to let the contract int he best overall interest o thq Utility under the requirem ents by law. Ronald L Fincher, Materials M anager Public Notice State of Oregon Commission on Children and Families Public transportation planning, technical assistance, pur­ chase of goods and services, term inal im provem ents, and marine vessel refurbishm ents funded by the Federa Railroad Adm inistration. Rail line rehabilitation projects funded by the Federal Railroad Adm inistration. In addition, W SD O T proposes an overall goal of 8 percent DBE participation in its concession leasing opportunities associated with federally funded marine term inals and ves sels funded by the Federal Transit Adm inistration. This notice is published in accordance with the Code o Federal Regulations 49, Part 23, Subpart C. The method used to establish the goals included consider ation of past historical experience and statewide overal annual goals established by the State Office of M inority and W om en’s Business Enterprises. The support docum entation for determ ining these goals will be available for inspection £ a.m. to 5 p.m. at the W ashington State Departm ent of Transportation Building in Olym pia, W ashington, for 30 days following the date of this notice. W SD O T will accept com ­ ments on goals for inform ation purposes oNy, unt'l Augus 31 1994. W ritten com m ents should be subm itted to Harold G. Moss, Manager, External Civil Rights Branch, Office o Equal O pportunity, Departm ent of Transportationi Transpor­ tation Building, Olym pia, W ashington 98504-7314. Request For Letters Of Intent "Reducing Minority Overrepresentation in the Juvenile Justice System” The State of O regon’s Comm ission on Children and Families is inviting Letters of Intent to apply for grants to develop and e n h a n c l c o m m u n ity -b a s e d p ro g ra m s to re d u ce the overreDresentation of m inority youth in secure facilities and the juvenile justice system. In addition, the State Comm ission is interested in supporting system s change which moves towards im proving the juvenile justice system to positively im pact this issue. If you are interested in receiving this request, please contact: Kristen Seitz Comm ission on Children and Families 800 NE Oregon St., Suite 550, MS #13 Portland, Oregon 97232 __ (503) 731-4671 or Fax # (503) 731-4227 Important Note: Letters of Intent (non-binding) must be su b m it ted to the address above no later than August 8 ,1994 by 5. p.m. (postmarked not accepted). Letters o lnt®n^ ^ J .. accepted after this deadline. Applications w illonly bei maded to those responding to the Request for Letter of Intent to apply. All responses must be submitted on the form provided y Oregon Commission on Children and Families. Sub-Bids Requested Oregon State Capital Renovation Bid Date: August 10,1994 at 3:00pm CCB #63435 Pence Kelly Construction, Inc. ■ 2747 Pence Loop S.E. Salem, OR 97302 Phone: (503) 399-7223 (Salem) Phone (503) 224-8681 (Portland) Fax: (503) 585-7477 We are an equal opportunity employer and request Sub-Bids from small, minority, women owned and disadvantaged business enterprises. Sub-Bids Requested Oregon State Capitol Seismic Upgrades Phase 1 Salem, Oregon Bid Date: August 10,1994 • 3:00 p.m. S.D. Deacon Corp. General Contractor CCB# 38138 6 4 4 3 S W. Beaverton-Hillsdale Hwy., #432 P.O. Box 25392, Portland, OR 97225 (503) 297-8791 Fax (503) 297-8997 Invitation To Bids The Vancouver Housing Authority w ill receive bids for the project Install Metal Siding, Soffits, Fasc '« .G u tte rs & Downspouts at 3 Buildings At Boise Court - ,94°29. unt 2:00 p.m. Pacific Daylight Savings Tim e on thei 23rd day n f A u a u s t 1994 at Vancouver Housing Authority, 500 O m aha way, Vancouver, W ashington 98661 at which time and place all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Proposed form s of contract docum ents including plans and specifications, are on file at the office of Vancouver Hous " 9 Authority at 500 Om aha W ay, Vancouver, W ashington 98661 • • /M Copies of the docum ents may be obtained by depositing (No Deposit Required) with the Vancouver Housing Authority U.S. G overnm ent bonds, or a satisfactory bid bond executed by the bidder and acceptable sureties in an am ount equal to five percent of the bid shall be subm itted with each bid, . r separate perform ance and paym ent bonds, each fo . percent or more of the contract price, or a 20 percent cash escrow, or a 25 percent irrevocable letter of credit. For all bids of $25,000 or more, provide the following bid s e c u rity A certified check or bank draft, payable to V ancou­ ver Housing Authority, U.S. G overnm ent bonds, or a satisfac­ tory bid bond executed by the bidder and.accePtable in an am ount equal to five percent of the bid shall be subm itted with each bid, or separate perform ance and paym ent bonds each for 50 percent or more of the contract price, or a 20 percent cash escrow, or a 25 percent irrevocable letter of credit. F o r all bids of $25,000 or more, provide the following: The successful bidder w ill be required to lum isr, andI p ay for satisfactory perform ance and paym ent bond or bonds. Attention is called to the provisions for equal em ploym ent oDDortunity, and paym ent of not less than the mimmu salaries and wages as set forth in the specifications must be paid on this project. As perm itted by state law and required by the U.S. Depart­ m ent of Housing and Urban Development, a. Retainage is 10 percent not 5 percent c' LTndf o ^ s ^ ^ as an Authority reserves .he right to reject any or all bids or to waive any inform alities in the bidding. No bid shall be withdrawn for a period of 60 days subsequen to the opening of bids w ithout the consent of the Vancouver Housing Authority. We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from Women and ? S i i . X S o T i i p ' i c a f i o n is September 9 ,1 994. Minority Business and Emerging Small Business enterprises. * • ’ «?'•