J uly P age P ortland O bserver B8 - Administrative/Secretarial Portland Development Commission l i 27,1994 • T he .aJ te i Material Handlers Environmental Specialist 4 Admlnlstratlve Director Career Opportunities Port of Portland Administrative Coordinator Public Aftalrs/Executive Departments Closing Date: July 29,1994 If interested and qualified, apply in person at the Port of Portland Employment Office, 700 NE Multnomah, 14th floor. Apphcanjs residing outside the Portland metropolitan area and physically disabled applicants may request application materials by cal ing 503-731-7400. Preemployment drug screening is required. A ll applications must be received by 5pm on the closing date. Information about career opportunities with the Port can be obtained by calling the Job Hotline at 503-731-7480. Part-Time 20-30 hrs/wk Oregon Children’s Foundation Join Grainger, one of the world's Toxic Air Pollution Analyst The Oregon Children’s Founda­ largestdistributors of industrial $2814 - $3826 Monthly $2814-$3826 Monthly tion, a non-profit organization equipment and supplies. We’re QregOn Department of Envi- which operates the statewide looking for dependable indi- rOnmental Quality (DEQ) is Administrative Specialist II SM AR T (S ta rt M aking a viduals with a strong work ethic currently seeking qualified ap- $20,000 • $28,400 Reader Today) program, is to provide important support at pncants for the position of Toxic looking for a uniquely talented our fast-paced facility . Respon- ^ ¡r po||utjon Analyst located in Administrative Specialist II and skilled person to serve as sibilities include picking stock, our Ajr Qua|jty Division in Port- Housing Dept - (NHP) Executive Director of the Foun­ loading/unloadingfreight, han- |and( Oregon, Perform s support duties for dation. The SMART program dling orders, assisting custom- y Q qualify, applicants must have neighborhood lending opera­ has been accepted in schools ers with merchandise as well a \ \joam tions. Data entry, filing, tele­ four i (4) years fiynnrience experience in in through the state; is growing as handling a variety of branch phones. Requires good orga­ environmental protection, en­ faster than expected; and is Career Opportunities functions. Lifting capabilities nizational and time manage­ vironmental control, or natural contributing to measurable im­ Port of Portland and strong attention to detail m ent skills. Proficiency in resources management pro­ provements in test scores for Operation Supervisor - PDX are required. Warehouse and WordPerfect for Windows re­ grams; children in grades 1-3. The shipping experience a plus. We ___ Aviation Department quired. Quattro Pro for Win­ and immediate challenge facing the Closing Date: August 15,1994 offer a competitive salary. Ap- a BaCheior's degree with major dows desirable. Minimum 2-4 new Executive Director is to If interested and qualified, apply in person at the Port of Portland ply in person, weekdays at: studv years secretarial, or related study (thirty (thirty quarter quarter hours hours or or meet existing program needs Employment Office, 700 NE Multnomah, 14th floor. Applicants Grainger, 6335, North Basin loan processing experience twenty semester hours) ■ • in - En­ while positioning the program residing outside the Portland metropolitan area and physically Ave., Portland. No phone calls vironmental or Physical Sci­ required. and staff to manage growth disabled applicants may request application materials by calling please. We promote a drug- Administrative Specialist II ence, one of the natural sci­ successfully. 503-731-7400. Preemployment drug screening is required. A ll free, smoke-free work environ­ Development Dept ences, E n g in e e rin g , or a The Executive Director will be applications must be received by 5pm on the closing date. Administrative Specialist needed ment. EOE. closely related field; or three responsible for the design and Information about career opportunities with the Port can be Grainger to manage calendar, compose (3) additional years of respon­ implementation of: obtained by calling the Job Hotline at 503-731 -7480. _____ and prepare documents, tele­ sible pertinent experience. • Focused results-orientedfund- To receive an application and phones, process invoices, co­ Cable TV raising strategies & sponsor­ Installation announcement, call the DEQ ordinate meeting and travel ships management programs Career Opportunities jobline at (503) 229-5785, TDD • Effective, creative volunteer arrangem ents and perform Technician Port of Portland other administrative and cleri­ (503) 229-6993, no later than recruitment & retention strate- Paragon Cable Senior Aviation Planner cal d u tie s. P ro ficie n cy in Wednesday, August 3,1994. Great Opportunity available to Aviation Planning Division WordPerfect for Windows and an enthusiastic, self-motivated Equal Opportunity Employer • Responsive, supportive school Closing Date: August 12,1994 Quattro Pro for Windows. Po­ & community relations strate­ individual to educate and in­ if intprpstpd and aualified, apply in person at the Port of Portland Project Coordinator sition requires good organiza­ gies that can be adapted to " Em pb men, o S , 700 NE L l i o m a h . 14,h floor W ? stall cable services. Qualified tional and time management Start up and management of a local needs applicant must have a high residing outside the Portland metropolitan area and Physicajy skills. Minimum 2-4 years of Parent Child Development . M anagem ent program s to school diploma or equivalent, disabled applicants may request application materials by calling related experience. meetthediverse needs of sala­ Center serving families with 0 - valid driver’s license, and good 503-731-7400. Preemployment drug screening is required. All Please pick up application packet 3 in Mid-Multnomah County. ried and volunteer staff driving record. Bondable, ex­ applications must be received by 5pm on casing date. and return with resume by Au­ Education and experience in • Strategic plans for long term cellent customer relation skills, Information about career opportun.t.es with the Port can be gust 5, 1994. Indicate which Early Childhood Education. growth and expansion able to lift 75 lbs, able to work obtained by calling the Job Hotline at 503-731-7480. position you are applying for Ability to work in a collabora­ The successful candidate will flexible hours including eve­ on return packet. tive way with the community. have appropriate experience nings and weekends, able tow We value diversity. $19,500 - in operating and managing a Portland Development Commission work in high heights, on lad- Job Opportunity 29,500. Apply at The Boys and non-profit program and/or a 1120SW 5th Ave., #1100 ders/poles up to 40 feet. Previ­ City of Portland Girls Aid Society, 018 SW proven track record as a school Portland, Oregon 97204 ous customer service/sales Boundary Ct., Portland, OR administrator with course work Auto Body Restorer experience and experience The Portland Development Com­ 97201. Equal Opportunity Em­ and/or experience equivalent Approximate Hourly Rate: $16.25 at entry & $17.66 (6 mos.) working on ladders or related mission values diversity in its ployer. No Phone Calls. to a Bachelor’s degree in a This is skilled work in repair, reconstruction, painting and retouch- field strongly preferred. Pre­ work force and is committed to related field. inq of vehicles, bodies and fenders. Work includes inspections, employment physical exami­ Equal Employment Opportu­ Clinical The position w orks for the nation and drug screening is aliqnments, replacement, repairs, molding, cleaning, pnming, nity and Affirmative Action. Foundation’s Board of Direc­ sanding, masking and spraying of automobiles, trucks and other required. We offer an excellent Psychologist 2 tors and reports to the Board large size equipment. Tentative closing date: Friday, August 5, training program, piece rate Tw0 fu||_time positions available Manufacturing President. Salary is commen­ pay, and great benefits. Please jn JCAHo accredited long term 1994. Quality Assurance surate with experience and a apply at 3075 NE Sandy Blvd, h ospjta| O ne is a permanent Water Lab Technician Inspector comprehensive benefit pro­ Portland. position on 20-bed adolescent Approximate Hourly Wage: $13.13 at entry & $15.27 (6 mos.) gram is included. Local Mfg. company seeking QA We are an Equal Opportunity/ ward-One is a limited duration This is entry level skilled technical work in laboratory analysis of To apply, please submit resumes Inspector to inspect packaging ADA Employer.______ _ __ p o sition on 30-bed water samples. Employees responsible for collecting prepara­ by July 29.1994 to: lines. Six months exp. quality tion and testing of samples of potable water supply. Tentative Accounting Specialist geropsychiatric ward. Duties The Oregon Children's Foundation assurance or quality control A C U U u iH iiiy v-’K ______include assessment, psycho­ closing date: Friday, August 5,1994. Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue is required. Attn: S. Wynne therapy, behavioral program­ Building Inspector looking for an accurate, hard Hours Monday - Wednesday 99? SW Columbia ming, IDT member, and staff Monthly wage: $3,116 to $3,560 after 1 year. 6:45pm to 7:00am. $6.60 hour. working and personabl eperson Suite 1850 clinical supervision. Ph.D. and Building Inspectors enforce compliance with building related for Finance Dept. Variety of Benefits after 90 days. Quali­ Portland, Oregon 97201 4 years post-master experi­ codes and ordinances covering the erection, alteration, or repa|r work in reconciliations, AP, AR, fied applicants please apply or ence required. Salary range is The Oregon Children’s Founda­ of structures. Tentative closing date: Friday, August 5,1994. send resum e to 3580 NE GL budget and audit prepara­ $3154-$4209. Excellent ben­ tion is an Equal Employment tion and special projects. Re­ Broadway Portland, O R 97232, Police Sergeant efits. For announcement and Opportunity Employer. quires: 2 yrs accounting/book- M-F between 1 & 5pm. We are Promotional opportunity for qualified City of Portland Police application: Employee Rela­ keeping exp; some college a an equal opportunity employer. Officers. Closing date: Friday, August 5,1994. tions (503) 945-2815. Oregon State Audit Sta,eHos¿tal.2600Cen,erSt plus Proficiency in computer- Apply at City Hall, Room 100, Job Opportunity Administrator ized 1220 SW 5th Ave. Portland, OR 97204. sheets (Excel) andw ord pro- City of West Linn Applications also available at local TPIC branch offices, Audits Division cessing (WP 5.2 w/Windows); »esponu uy ------------- Accounting Clerk NE Workforce Center and Urban League. Oregon Secretary of State 10-key with mathematical apti Forestry Analyst Job information call: (503) 823-4352 and TDD (503) 823-3520 $1530- $1998/mo. $3718-$4984/Month . -i- ____ Mue» ho 1 R Uf! tude a must. Must be 18 yrs Timber investment firm has an To Qualify: Requires under­ Position requires high school The City of Portland is an AA/EEO employer. old, have HS/GED diploma, graduation or GED supple­ immediate opening for a full­ graduate degree in accounting and hold valid driver’s license mented with College/business time one-year forest planning or related field with six years Housing Officer in the state of Oregon. Salary school training in accounting, analyst. The position requires experience performing finan­ H.R. Secretary/ range $1901 -$2661. Employer The Oregon Housing and Com­ computer science and book­ background in forest manage­ cial, compliance, management, Accounting paid benefits. Required Dis­ munity Services Department is keeping. Requires two (2) years ment and strong computer operation or program audits in Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue is trict appl available July 18th, 8- accepting applications for a experience in accounting, gen­ skills. A B.S. in forestry strongly a public or private organiza­ 4:30 at Admin Office, 20665 looking for a high energy per­ Housing Resource Officer. Re­ eral bookkeeping preferably in preferred and knowledge of tion. Three (3) years of this son who is an independent SW Blanton St, Aloha, 649- sponsible for coordinating and governmental agency. Key­ experience must have included Lotus 1-2-3 and DOS is re­ thinker, extremely flexible, with 8577. Closing date: July 29th. administering the State's Low board training/experience on quired. Work will include har­ supervising the activities of a exceptional interpersonal and Equal Opportunity Employer Income Rental Assistance and mainframe and mini-comput­ vestscheduling, longterm plan­ professional staff. organizational skills! Will pro­ Tenant-Based Assistance Pro­ ers essential. Must have ability ning and e va lu a tio n of For forms and information con­ Help Wanted vide secretarial support to Fi­ grams. Provides training and and experience coordinating silivicultural opportunities. The tact Secretary of State Person­ University of Oregon nance and Human Resources technical assistance to the multiple accounting tasks with position is in Portland, Oregon. nel, (503) 986-1527 or TDD Depts., including design and Editor, faculty/staff newsletter Department’s network of rental other staff members. Position Please send resume and cover (503) 378-5812. Recruitment maintenance of spreadsheets assistance subgrantees. Moni­ performs a wide variety of ac­ University of Oregon Office of letter to: Vicki Reber, One SW closes Friday, August 12,1994. and data bases to accomplish Communications and Market­ tors subgrantees' operation of counting functions requiring Columbia, Suite 1720, Port­ ing. Oversee development, mathematical tasks as well as programs designed to assist great diversity, prioritization land, OR 97258. We are an Multnomah County reports; typing of correspon­ production and d'str,b^ ‘° " ° ^¿Tal opportunity employer, farmworkers. Bilingual skills and organizational skills. Key­ Violence Prevention Resource bi-weekly newsletter, calendar dence and reports, transcrib­ required and bicultural back­ boarding and 10-key by touch Coord: $31,774; apply by Au­ UO fa cu lty and staff ing of machine dictation and ground preferred (Hispanic). fo r - - --------- Manufacturing skill tests will be part of the gust 5. Bachelor's degree and experi­ office filing. Requires: 2 yrs Annual salary range is $31,272- interview process. Completed Shop Floor Displaced Youth/Teen Parent ence in editing, writing, proof­ secretarial exp; excellent skills $41,664. Announcement and City of West Linn application Prog Spec; $14.88 per hour; Supervisor reading, desktop publishing in PC software programs in­ State application can be se­ and supplemental question­ apply by August 5. and graphic design. Salary Local Mfg. company is seeking a cluding spreadsheet (Excel), cured at Local Employment naire must be received at City $16,500 (3/4 time). For full con­ d ata bases (A cce ss), Shop Floor Supervisor for Affirmative Action Specialist; Division Offices throughout Hall, 22825 Willamette Drive, $33,362; apply by August 5. sideration applications must be WordPerfect 5.2 w/Windows; packaging dept. Must have Oregon. Also call if disabled W est Linn, OR 97068, by Library Early Childhood Re­ received by A ugust 1 2 ,1994. skill in 10-key with mathemati­ two+ years of supervisory ex­ and need an alternative format 4:30pm, August 12,1994.(503) sources Asst; $12.25 per Call 503-346-3134 for informa­ perience in pkg or mfg and 2+ cal aptitude. Must be 18 yrs to complete application form. 656-4518 (TDD) EEO. hour; apply by August 5. years of related college work old, have HS/GED diploma, Hearing impaired - TDD (503) tion. or equivalent. Hours are M-F Minority and bilingual candidates EEO/AA/ADA In stitu tion and hold valid driver’s license 986-2100. Applications, (PD Manufacturing encouraged to apply. Call 248- com m itted to cultural in the state of Oregon. Salary day shift floating 40 hours, plus 100 and e xa m in a tio n re ­ Supervisor 5035 (248-5170 TTY) for job range $1411 $2115. Employer diversity. every other Sat. Starting pay is sponse), must be received at Local Mfg. company is currently information or visit Employee paid benefits. Required Dis­ $7 - $9 hr. plus excellent ben­ the Department by 8/10/94. An­ seeking a Label Room Super­ Clinicai Dietician Services, 1120 SW 5th Ave., trict appi available July 18th, 8- efits package. Please apply or nouncement No. QC940521. visor. Duties include: train, su­ Room 1430, Portland. Equal Self-directed individual to assess, 4:30 at Admin Office, 20665 send resum e to 3580 NE pervise personnel; set up and monitor nutritional status of Opportunity Employer.______ SW Blanton St, Aloha, 649- Mental Health Broadway Portland,OR97232, work label equipment; main­ MRDD clients. Provide nutri­ 8577. Closing date: July 29th. Case Manager/Theraplst and M-F between 1-5pm. We are tain reports; etc. Must have Traffic Assistant/ tion education, write therapeu­ Equal Opportunity Employer. Residential Case Manager/ an equal opportunity employer. minimum of two years college, tic diets, document in medical Intake Worker for a day treat­ Log Editor two years superv. exp. at a charts work as IDT member. ■ ment program. Requires exper. Radio Computer experience and broad­ dept. level and three years mfg mq : BA with major coursework Promotions Assistant working with personality disor­ Part-time on-air anncr. Must have cast traffic knowledge a must exp. Must be self-motivated. in dietetics or nutrition related |mmeCjiate opening for Full Time ders and chronically mentally 3 years of on-air radio exp. for this job which requires care­ $ 8 $ 1 Ohr DOE. Excellent ben­ Prom otions Assistant. Top field. Must be RD or registra ill adults. MSW or master s Send T and R to Apogee Com­ ful attention to detail in daily efit package after 90 days. Portland area radio station. tion eligible. . degree in human services re­ munications, 4614 SW Kelly, Droqram log production. Clos- Contact-.FairviewTrainmg Cen­ Qualified applicants please Send résumé to P O. Box Portland, OR 97201. EOE. q u ire d . Send resum e to: ina date 8/12/94. Send resume apply or send resume to 3580 ter 2250 Strong RD SE, Sa- 14957 Portland, OR 97214. to?Personnel/TM,910NEMLK C C M H .6329N EM .L. King Jr. iem, OR 97310; (503) 378- NE Broadway Portland, OR Attn: Station Manager - no Blvd., Portland, OR 97211. Attn: Jr. Blvd., Portland, OR 97232. 97232, M-F between 1-5pm. 5241 ; Fax (503) 378-8986. pnOne phone uaiia calls - Equal Opportu- Alice Bergman. Deadline: 8/5/94. EEO. No phone calls, please. We are an equal opportunity Closes: 8/5/94 at 5:00pm. EO/ n^y employer e m p lo y e r .______________ AA Employer.