P age B3 T he P ortland O bserver • J uly 20, 1994 THE DISNEY INTERNATIONAL YOUTH SOCCER CUP GEARS UP Y o u th so c c e r te a m s from at le a st 20 c o u n trie s w ill c o m p e te fo r th e D isn ey C u p , Ju ly 18 - 24 , 1994, in P a sa d e n a , C a lifo rn ia . I t ’s the fir s t w o rld w id e y o u th s p o r t­ ing e v e n t u n d e rta k e n by D isn ey in a d e c a d e . B ill C a rro ll, th e A Y S O T o u r ­ n a m e n t D ire c to r fo r T h e D isn ey C u p , a n n o u n c e d th a t th e to u r n a ­ m en t so fa r in c lu d e s te a m s form B ra z il, Ja p a n , G e rm a n y , C h ile , Ita ly , D e n m a rk , R u ssia , T a iw a n , H u n g a ry , S e n e g a l, U n ite d K in g ­ d o m , A rg e n tin a , M e x ic o , A u s tra ­ lia , C a n a d a , a n d o f c o u rs e the U n ite d S ta te s. A n e stim a te d 6 ,0 0 0 b o y s and g irls, a g e s 1 0 -1 9 , w ill c o m p e te in an o p e n to u rn a m e n t. M ore th an 4 0 0 te a m s w ill p lay a m in im u m o f fiv e g a m e s ea c h d u rin g th e sev en d ay s o f c o m p e titio n . T eam s w ill h av e a o n c e -in -a -life tim e o p p o r ­ tu n ity to p lay th e ir fin a l g a m e s at P a s a d e n a ’s R o se B o w l fie ld a w eek a fte r th e W o rld C up. T h e to u r n a m e n t is b e in g h o ste d by th e A m e ric a n Y o u th S o c c e r O r g a n iz a tio n (A Y S O ) A re a C in S o u th e rn C a lifo rn ia . T h is D isn ey C u p is th e first- e v e r D isn ey ju n io r sp o rts e v e n t to be p a rtn e re d w ith a v o lu n te e r b a se d o rg a n iz a tio n . T h e p a r tn e r ­ sh ip is d e sig n e d to in c re a se in ­ v o lv e m e n t by y o u th in so c c e r th ro u g h in v o lv e m e n t w ith N a ­ tio n a l S o c c e r F e d e ra tio n s a ro u n d the w o rld . S aid A n d re a B e a m , D ire c to r o f W o rld w id e E v e n ts M a rk e tin g for D isn ey C o n su m e r P ro d u c ts In ­ te r n a tio n a l, I n c .: “ E a c h y e a r , D isn e y h e lp s c o n d u c t m o re th an 60 ju n io r s p o rtin g e v e n ts in v a r i­ o u s c o u n trie s a ro u n d th e w o rld . T he D isn e y C u p ta k e s D is n e y ’s in v o lv e m e n t in so c c e r to a new le v e l. W e ’re v ery e x c ite d th a t the e v e n t it u n itin g D isn ey w ith the m o st p o p u la r y o u th s p o rt in the w o rld . R e sp o n se to d ate in d ic a te s the c o n n e c tio n is w o rk in g ,” B eam said . “T h e D isn e y C u p w ill be a to p -n o tc h e v e n t an d w ill o ffe r th e se yo u n g p la y e rs u n fo rg e tta b le so c c e r c o m p e titio n an d a w eek o f sh a re d fun w ith k id s from all o v e r and slaughtered before ever appear­ ing befo re the ju d ic ia l sy stem . O nce again we are w itnessing Through the pow er o f the controlled the assassination o f another Black medias the victims are portrayed as man, whereby O.J. Simpson is ac­ villains. America now stand before cused of double m urder and he has the international bar o f justice and is been tried and convicted by the accused o f the practicing o f inhu­ w orld’s press. O n Monday June 20th. man and unjust deeds perpetrated 1994, O.J. Simpson appeared before against African Americans who have Judge Patty Jo McKay and he de­ been m ajor contributors to the build­ clared before the universe that he is ing o f this great nation. The w orld is innocentof th em urderof hisex-w ife being called upon to break their si­ N icole Sim pson and her m ale com ­ lence and their failure to speak out panion Ronald G oldm an. W e should against the atrocities against an inno­ take him at his word until proven cent, righteous and presently powerless otherw ise in a court o f law, it has people. We are crying out, but no man, been reported that Nicole’s male com ­ no woman or nation heard our cry. Form er W orld H eavyw eight panion Ronald G oldm an was bi­ Boxing Champion Mi keTyson,never sexual, and there is speculation that knew what hit him, he was flying high G oldm an’s lover should be a suspect in the double m urder, unfortunately and in mid air he was struck down, this aspect o f the case are not being dragged through the arena, placed on pursued in the zeal of the Los A nge­ the alter falsely accused and judged, he was tried and convicted by the media les D istrict Attorney to ’G ET O .J.’ even before the case against him were The w orld is witnessing another heard by a judge. His punishment would high dram a in the theatre o f persecu­ send a message to the rest of men in tion as A m erica moves to destroy a America that rape would not be toler­ former African A m erican Football ated. Mike Tyson was sacrificed, yet star, O.J. Simpson, popularly know William Kennedy was not sacrificial as the Juice. A m erica in living up to and for the same offence he was acquit­ the zeal of the w orld’s cup football ted, because of his white skin and his com petition excitem ent, flashed her connection. White women across the race card as we continue to witness United States rejoiced when Mike the hum iliation o f another success­ Tyson was accused and convicted, al­ ful m em ber o f the African American though his accuser was a black woman, com m unity. A m erica parades her­ self around the world as a model for they feel vindicated. The Sim pson’s scenario exem ­ human rights and dem ocracy, but in plifies the image portrayal of Beauty her own backyard, her cities, coun­ and the Beast, the m edia constantly ties and local governm ental authori­ describe Nicole Simpson as the so ties are bashing, killing and destroy­ called beautiful elite, w hile at the ing the soul and will o f its Afro same time O .J.’s im age is portrayed American citizens who since 1492 as tw o sides to every story, the 911 have becom e victim s o f injustice tapes which were played up by the under the judicial system and character m edia is an illustration o f a typical assassination perpetrated by the media. quarrel between a man and a woman. From time im m em orial there N icole Simpson may have felt pow ­ has been a pattern o f false evidence erless when com paring her physical being created, witnesses, due to greed, are being coerced and rew arded for strength to O .J’s, yet she as well as lying under oath and fingerprints are all women know how to rip out a n ic n e v C atche s Soccer Fever - The California boys soccer team, "Pasadena Fire, '' warmed up with forged, as a result our m others, fa­ m an’s heart with words. A w om an thers, sons, daughter, sisters and can be more painful with w ords on bothers are executed and incarcer­ m any occasions than a man can with Soccer Cup at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena. ated for life, all for the boosting o f the physical pain. She can feel the great­ s ta ff an d v o lu n te e rs to a s s is t w ith A ll re g iste re d p la y e rs w ill re c e iv e a s s is ta n c e in r “ is? n « SupP° r t f° F personal individual’s ego and glori­ est hum iliation o f being powerless fication o f another. Thousands of under a Black man who society have th e o p e ra tio n s o f th e to u rn a m e n t, p a ssp o rts to D isn e y la n d P a rk p lu s th e ir trip to C a lifo rn ia . Black people are beaten, maimed, taught her that she is superior. th e w o rld .” As title sp o n so r o f T h e D isney C u p , D isn ey is p ro v id in g te le v i­ sio n e x p o su re , m a g a z in e a rtic le s , RODRIGUEZ CUTS HAND IN DOMESTIC ACCHIENT International Boxing junior welterweight champion Jack (The Snake) Rodriguez cut his over the weekend» forcing a post­ ponement of his August 6 title fight against Sweden’s George Scott to Saturday, August 27. Still slated for the Fer nwood R esort in B u sh kill, Penn., Rodriguez (2S-2-2, 6 KOs) de­ fends his crown for the second time since upsetting Charles (The Natural) M urray on Feb. 13. The 28-year-old motorcycle me­ chanic slipped on some steps at his St. Islip, N .Y. home, putting his hand through the window. The injury required 14 stitches. Scott, 27, is originally from Liberia and is ranked fifth by the World Boxing Organization and 10th by the IBF. Reared in a foster home io Stockholm, Swe­ den, Scot (2 3 -0 , 11 K O s), outpointed Homer Gibbins on Feb. 17 to capture the World Boxing Council Continental Americas crown. The savvy southpaw is trained and man­ aged by Angelo Dundee. The 12-roundmaineventbe- gins at 5pm F.DT and is pro­ moted by Top Rank, Inc. « - THE SAHA OF 0 J . SIMPSON ly D r . E rnesto A. M oshe M ontgomery : "HANDS ACROSS PORTLAND The YMCA Columbia-Willamette will hold its fourth annual "Hands Across Portland" event benefiting ^he Sunshine Division Food Bank at Sellwood Park July 22 starting 1pm. Over 300 ^ e n ages 5 to 12 from all over Portland and the YMCA’s eight Branches will participate in this event. E^ ch ^ ar the 300 plus children bring a can of food and form a chain holding hands to the Sunshine D ivisio This is our 2nd Annual Event Alberta Park Aug. 20th 12 to 6pm Truck. This event celebrates YMCA Summer Discovery Days. ÿ « o « « « » M « « '> x < -x -X v X -x < « -x -» X M < "» x < w x ,x-:-î'X < «««i-:<«-x-x DOUBLE _____ We need volunteers and your help with donations, send donations to P.O. Box 11006 Portland, OR 97211 TIRE CENTER Mon - Fri 9am - 6pm Sat 9am - 4pm çFTvm* Q& g M™ P.O. Box 11006 Portland, OR 97211 Summer Fun F o r You may contact L.C. Oddie at 284-2569 Kids is a non -p rofit organization. _____________ 3 5 YEARS IN BUSINESS • 2 0 YEARS AT TH IS LOCATION New Recaps In Stock 100% Warranty to 50% Of Tread N E W ALL TIRES SALES Free Mount and Balance Split Rims $5.00 • U SED NITTO SELL OUT 155-80-R13............... $36.32 165-80-R13............... $37.76 175-8O-R13............... $38.46 185-80-R13............... $39.84 185-70-R14............... $40.68 2O5-75-R15............... $45.00 215-75-R15............... $46.39 225-75-R15............... $49.10 215-85-R16............... $65.00 225-75-R16............... $65.00 245-75-R16LT............ $74.10 • RECAPS AURORA SELL OUT 165-SR13...................$33.41 205-75-15................. $42.85 215-75-R15............... $44.10 225-75-R15...............$46.70 185-70-R13...............$38.88 195-70-HR14............ $43.65 215-60-HR15............ $55.35 245-60-HR14............$58.59 Flat Repairs $3.00 and Up Split Rims $10.00 used stock steel rims $5.00 and u p + $5.00 to m o u n t and balance. 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