J uly 20, 1994 • T he P ortland O bserver P age A2 U ïw  W NATIONAL’ C O A L IT IO N NRC To ABC’s “20/20: Focus On “Primetime”, “Nightline” And “This Week” [The following article appeared in the Style Section of the Washington Post on Saturday, July 9.] “ S o m e o f A B C ’s h ig h e st- tic e ‘ o u tr a g e o u s ,’ sa y in g . F o r p aid c o rre s p o n d e n ts are p r o ­ them to look like th e y ’re c o m p ro ­ te stin g th e new n e tw o rk p o licy m isin g th e m se lv e s ta k e s a w a y the b a rrin g them from sp e a k in g for v alu e o f w h at they do as p ro fe s ­ pay to c o rp o ra tio n s an d trad e s io n a ls .’ “ B ut G re e n fie ld said the is ­ a sso c ia tio n s. sue is m ore c o m p lic a te d . 'T h e “ S o u rc e s sa y th a t D av id w h o le id ea o f a v o id in g c o n flic ts B r in k le y , S a m D o n a ld s o n , o f in te re s t is e x a c tly r ig h t,’ he C o k ie R o b e r ts ,'N ig h tlin e ’ c o r ­ said . 'W h e n you sta rt try in g to re sp o n d e n t J e ff G re e n fie ld an d fig u re o u t w h at is a n d w h at is n ’t, W h ite H o u se r e p o r te r s B rit it gets really trick y . Y ou can speak H um e an d A nn C o m p to n are to n o n p ro fit g ro u p s--th e y d o n ’t am ong th o se w ho h av e sig n e d a h av e a le g isla tiv e a g e n d a ? T hey le tte r o b je c tin g to th e b an . T h e lobby all the tim e. W e ’re ju s t tr y ­ le tte r w ent to S en io r V ice P re si­ ing to g e t a p o lic y th a t m akes d e n t R ic h a rd W a ld , w ho d e ­ se n s e ” (o r is it 'C E N T S ’). c r e e d in a m e m o th a t su c h [S p e a k in g o f jo u rn a lis tic in ­ m o o n lig h tin g o fte n a m o u n te d te g rity , w e ’re w aitin g fo r ‘2 0 /2 0 ’ to “a se c o n d h ig h -in c o m e jo b ” and ‘N ig h tlin e ’ to do a h a rd h ittin g a n d c r e a te d an a p p e a r a n c e in v e stig a tiv e re p o rt on this issu e . p ro b lem fo r A B C . W ald , w ho W estern R eg io n al D ire c to r, E ddie h as a g re e d to m e e t w ith the W o n g , is sp e a rh e a d in g the F a ir ­ d is s id e n ts , d e c lin e d to c o m ­ n ess in M edia C o m m issio n for m en t. H efty fees are at stak e. the R a in b o w . If you are in te re ste d D o n ald so n h as g iv e n a $ 3 0 ,0 0 0 in g e ttin g in v o lv e d c o n ta c t E d d ie sp eech to an in su ra n c e g ro u p ; at 5 1 0 -4 6 5 -0 1 2 0 .] R o b e rts sp o k e to th e G ro u p T H E G R E A T F L O O D O F 1994 H ealth A sso c ia tio n o f A m e ric a T h o u sa n d s o f flood v ic tim s b u t d e c id e d to d o n a te h er fee, u su a lly $ 2 0 ,0 0 0 to ch a rity . O ne h av e b een le ft p e n n ile ss, h o m e ­ A BC in sid e r c a lle d th e p ra c - le ss, jo b le s s and even in a sta te o f m o u rn in g . R ev. C .M . A le x a n d e r , P r e s id e n t o f th e G e n e r a l M is s io n a r y B a p tis t C o n v en tio n o f G e o rg ia , is sp e a r­ h e a d in g a re lie f e ffo rt for flo o d v ic tim s. B e g in n in g F rid a y , Ju ly 8, the B a p tist c o n v e n tio n has been a b le to d is trib u te an a v e r ­ age o f 10 tons o f n o n p e rish a b le item s th ro u g h o u t m id d le and so u th G e o rg ia . O n Ju ly 13th, R ev . C .M . A le x a n d e r a n d M r. J o s e p h B e a sle y , the S o u th e rn R e g io n a l D ire c to r o f the N a tio n a l R a in ­ bow C o a litio n , m ade a v is it to the d is a s te r a re a s to fu rth e r a s ­ sess the n e e d s o f its c itiz e n s and m eet w ith A m e ric a n R ed C ro ss, m in iste ria l and lo c a l c iv ic le a d ­ ers to c o o rd in a te e ffo rts an d to in su re th a t in fo rm a tio n and r e ­ so u rc e s are a v a ila b le to all v ic ­ tim s. In d iv id u a ls and o r g a n iz a ­ tio n s in te re ste d in assistin g w ith th is r e lie f e ffo rt ( e .f., fin a n c ia l c o n trib u tio n s or any o th e r s u p ­ p o rt se rv ic e s) can c o n ta c t M r. J o s e p h B e a s le y a t 4 0 4 - 7 5 5 - 5685. V a n ta g e P o in t Black America Should Rally Around Ben Chavis 31 Muhammad affair. Refusing to buckle to outside pressure (as many Black leadersdid),D r.C haviscouragcously called fora Black Leadership Summit conference to discuss and agenda and unified approach to solving the crises afflicting the Black community. Dr. Chavis made it clear that M inister Farrakhan would be included in the i d . v * > From Fairie Tales To Television, II educational structure for the world stage by year 2000, unbelievable! Linda Ellerbee, a colum nist for King Features Syndicate Inc., has had some pertinent com m ents on the m atter (she m oderated the hearings at the request o f the FCC). “N either the C hildren’s Television A ct nor the FCC w ent so far as to say how much educational program m ing a network or station m ust W ell, neither put on th e had I until such air...broadcasters thoughts struck me By have not been ea­ a b o u t th e sam e Vte & Professor ger to load their time that my a t­ Mckinfey sc h e d u le s w ith te n tio n w as e n ­ Burt e d u c a tio n a l gaged se v e ra l c h ild re n ’s pro- years ago by con- gram m ing for the sim ple reason that gressional hearings on movie and com m ercial broadcasting in America television violence. As I have re­ is just th a t—commercial! ” W e know; marked, “ So far, television’s enter­ advertisers pay for high ratings. tainment gurus haven’t put forward And, o f course, there is the other G rim m ’s Fairy Tales as a defense” - m atter - that o f gratuitous violence, - being as traditionally Am erican as with networks and writers seeming to 'm other and apple pie’. However, accelerate their fierce efforts to com ­ during the recent Federal C om m uni­ m and attention and ratings with on cations C om m ission hearings on around-the-clock orgy o f blood-let­ “children’s television” , even more ting. The public seems to have been so fatuous argum ents were offered up in paralyzed by media accounts of how defense o f video mayhem — or at least m any thousand m urder, assaults and the broadcasters argued beside the rapes each child will see in a year that following point. B eing w ell aw are th a t ‘T he they no longer have the will or energy Childrens Television A ct,’ passed in for effective protest (do you?). Here, we have that long-ongoing 1990 was supposed to encourage the and contentious argum ent between people who own networks and/or sta­ the industry, congress and the public tions to put m ore “educational show s” -- “ tu rn it o f f ....m o n ito r the on for kids, nevertheless some sta­ program s...control and censor the tions w ere getting around the act by product with strict codes.” O f course, invoking some rather contem ptible plays; for in stance c a llin g “ T he nothing is ever resolved and the rivers Jetsons” science program m ing. This o f videotaped blood flow on and chil­ crap from the m edia giants who are to dren quite obviously becom e inured play a key role developing A m erica’s to the concepts o f killing, pain and ast week, we opened th is d ia lo g u e w ith a _ survey of the violence and bloodshed found in the classic fairy talesas exemplified in the works of the brothers “Grimm” . Some readers swore that they had never evaluated these “ virtue in stilling” tales for children in such a light. human tragedy, w hile the gangs re­ cruit them in ever-increasing num ­ bers. There is not m uch surcease from our pain and worry as concerned par­ ents and grandparents,even when we consultthe myriad psychiatrists,coun­ selors, psychologists, behaviorist, criminal justice and others who seem to have so much to say on this subject­ if only they had solutions in propor­ tion to me it seems that the only effective instrumentality for the d e­ velopment of workable solutions is the U.S. Congress, and of course that means we-the-people have to get that body in gear - hopefully before our civilization collapse around us (quite like Rome). I know, they mostly pas­ ture, don’t they? Those o f us from other genera­ tions look back and try to determ ine the sources and influences that struc­ tured our own socialization and m atu­ ration. W e assess early T. V. and radio o f past times, search our m em ories, trying to recall the heroes and villains of early dramas and now these actors went about their business of portray­ ing reality (?). And of course, in the final analy­ sis, did these popular arts motivate us, influence our ambitions, govern our role-playing, and to whatextent? After all Shakespeare had it, “ the play is the thing”. Is it possible to analyze one’s self in a fair and unprejudiced m anner? W as the European fairy tale account o f “ unrestrained m urder m utilation, cannibalism , infanticide, and incest” a case of “art imitating life, or life im itating art? And which is it in the case o f modem day television? better (SLÏÏitor Send your letters to the Editor to: Editor, PO Box 3137, Portland, OR 97208 by L ouise L. J ames When The House voted 216-214 to ban 19 types of assault weapons, members apparently were suggesting that weapons left unbanned would not cause further crime, or make people feel less threatened. W ho’s kidding who? «115 $ a h p e rsp e c t z ves new look at the NAACP. More than 60% o f these new NAACP members are under 30 years old. Dr. Chavis s tenure at the helm has not been without difficulties, however. Some within the N AACP who were/are comfortable with the old A M E R IC A . NAACP have consistently resisted All guns arcassault weapons. As Black people were looking for a the new direction charted by Dr. assault simply means attack, every new direction for the NAACP. Dr. Chavis. And certain elem ents o f the person hit by a bullet has been as- Chavis has not disappointed. He Summit. M ost recently, Dr. Chavis took media, particularly the New York saulted/attacked by that bullet. To immediately set the tone for his ad­ Times, have been severely critical of ban 19 and leave thousands in circu­ another bold step in his cam paign to ministration by going directly to the Dr. Chavis in an obvious attem pt to lation, is to operate on a person with “hood” in South Central Los A nge­ promote unity in the Black com m u­ discredit him and his top associates. cancer and arbitrarily cut only part of les to await the verdict in the second nity by convening a meeting o f na­ Dr. C havis’s refusal to distance him ­ it out. W hat’s left, obviously, will kill Rodney King beating trial. He has tionalist, pan-africanist and progres­ self from Farrakhan and the D etroit as surely as that which was cut away. been a major inspiration for the sive leaders. Hosted by the 50,000 m eetin g w ith n a tio n a lis t, pan- Ergo, all guns should be banned. They Urban Peace M ovem ent which is member Detroit branc hofthcN A A C P africanist and progressives are par­ are the one thing in this society that (the largest branch in the A ssocia­ working to end the fratricide fueled ticularly troublesom e to his detrac­ we do not need. And when the system by gangs in Black com m unities tion), among those attending this his­ to rs in sid e and o u tsid e o f the is done telling us how cops have to across the nation. Indeed, the crisis toric m eeting w ere: Dr. C onrad NAACP. Joe Madison, a board mem ­ have them, and how are we going to o f Black youth had becom e a major W orrill, Chairm an of the National ber who has em erged as a major defend ourselves against others who are focus for the NAACP. The struggle B la c k U n ite d F ro n t, C h a rle n e critic of Dr. Chavis, described the carrying them, this will not have changed. for “economic dem ocracy” has also M itchell, Co-Chairperson of the N a­ inclusion of Farrakhan in the call for If there arc no guns, where will been intensified as Dr. Chavis scored tional Alliance Against Racism and the Sum m it as an “extrem e move die “O thers” get them from? As for Political Repression, Dr. Maulana a milestone victory by signing a $50 and labeled the leaders who attended Karenga, Chairm an of the US O rga­ million Fair Share A greem ent with ., s - .. m s •?- nization and the creator of Kwanzaa, the Detroit m eeting as a group of ihe D enny’s corporation. “w ashed up radicals from the past.” But perhaps the m ost important Cornel West, Vice. Chairman, Demo­ Indeed, the D etroit m eeting has dimension o f the dynam ic new d i­ cratic Socialist o f America, Gwen caused such concern among some of rection set by Dr. Chavis has been a Patton, Director, Southern Rainbow the Board m em bers that Dr. Chavis new openness to reaching out to all Education Project, Adjoa Aiyetoro, may be in serious jeopardy. V ' L ' e - sectors o f the N ational African D irector, N ational C onference o f From my vantage point, as a B lack Law yers and Dr. L eonard “ ¡ £ 2 3 . American Com m unity. Given the lifetime m em berof N A ACP, its time Jeffries, Chairman of the Black Stud­ massive crisis ripping at the very to Rally Around Ben Chavis! Too fabric o f Black life in our com m uni­ ies Dept. at CUNY. many Black leaders who have had The meeting was an overw helm ­ ties Dr. Chavis has prioritized creat­ the courage to stand up for Black ing success. It is a tribute to the lead­ ing greater unity am ong the various people have fallen prey to fo.ces o p i p »? ership o f Dr. Chavis that leaders who leaders, organizations and constitu­ external to the Black com m unity would not have com e to a meeting encies in o u r co m m u n ities Dr. and their apologists inside the Black C havis has p rio ritiz e d creating convened by the NAACP a year ago community. Black A merica should sat around the table together to dis­ greater unity among the various lead­ not forget that no less a personage cuss ways and means o f working col­ ers, organizations and constituen­ than W .E.B. DuBois was tun oi.l of laboratively to cope with the crisis in cies in the Black community. Black the NAACP. All to often the B’aek the Black community. Black leaders America watched with great satis­ masses apathetically watch as cou­ [ * £ ¡ ¡ 7 to ue*- faction as Dr. Chavis participated in who in some cases had serious differ­ rageous Black leaders are c ul down deuef S’* a nationally televised Unity Forum en c e s w ith ea c h o th e r a g re e d to -rwe « W t* ! Ben Chavis should not becom e a | convened by Cong. Kwesi Mfumc, se t a sid e th e ir d iffe re n c e s to e x ­ sa « s >» t victim of our apathy and inaction, i C hairm an of the C ongressional p lo re c re a tin g o p e ra tio n a l unity The voice of the masses c f Black , Black Caucus. The new Executive for th e sake o f the g re a te r good o f people needs lo b e heard in a ringing i Director of N AACP stood on the th e B lack N a tio n . endorsem ent for the new leadership Ithas been thiskind of new direc­ same platform with Jesse Jackson, and new direction o f the NAACP j Maxine W aters and M inister Louis tion and bold new leadership which W ithout our support Ben Chavis and Farrakhan and entered into a co v ­ has been like a breath of fresh air the new direction he has blazed may ' enant to advance the struggle for revitalizing our oldest and largest be in danger. ?O« iMPOt?MAT¡od /kit justice for Black people. And, the civil rights organization. During the Persons interested in working last year the m em bership o f the masses of Black people beamed w ilh to support Dr. Chavis and his new enorm ous pride when Dr. Chavis N A A CPdram atically increased from direction for NA ACP should call the refused to break the C ovenant with 490,(MX) to 650,000 as Black people national office: 410-486 9100. M inister Farrakhan over the Khalid from across the nation have taken a HEN T H E N A A C P S E L E C T E D DR. B E N JA M IN F. CH A V IS AS E X E C U T IV E D IR E C T O R A W A V E O F O P T IM IS M AND E X PE C T A N C Y SW E P T BL A CK J iJ : s' cops, they do n ’t need them either. Let them rely on their sticks as th e ' Bob­ bies’ in London once did. Their jobs w ill be m ade easier and their own lives less endangered, because where there are no guns, they ’ll not be avail­ able to rob banks, arm ored trucks, stick people up; thus cutting out any possibility o f them, (the cops) being shot when attem pting to stop a rob­ bery. More importantly, since blacks, (in particular black men) are rou­ tinely shot to death in far greater num ber than cops, by cops, elim inat­ ing the gun will put these trigger-happy cops out of the trigger-pulling business! In addition, disgruntled workers could no longer goon shooting sprees, irate husbands/wives couldn’t shoot each other. All those people we read about, who get up in the middle of the night and wipe out their entire fam ­ ily... it all stops! In the absence o f the gun 13- year-olds w ouldn’t be killing other 13-year-olds, three year olds wouldn ’t blow themselves away because they got hold o f the gun their parents thought was “ Well out o f their reach,” and Colin Ferguson, no m atter how messed up in his head, would not have been able to go on that shooting ram ­ page on the Long Island train last December; a shooting that left six people dead, and 19 wounded. In addition to which all those other bod­ ies lowered into the ground because somebody had a gun... it all w ouldn’t be there. In point o f fact, so long as guns are in our m idst, we are all vulner­ able. Besides those whose names and faces we do not know, M edgar Evers is proof o f this, so is M alcolm and Dr. King. The brothers, one a president, the other a senator, John and Robert Kennedy respectively, arc proof of how vulnerable we are. And there are th o u s a n d s upon th o u s a n d s le ft maimed, crippled, hopelessly paraple­ gic as living testam ent to our vulner­ ability. Li ves arc not made safer where guns exist, lives are made safer where guns do not exist! Louise Jam es is a writer/lccturer. Comments and/or lecture inquiry may be addressed to: P.O. Box 13124, Philadelphia, Pa. 19104. ODbsertrcr (USPS 959-680) OREGON’S OLDEST AFRICAN AMERICAN PUBLICATION Established in 1970 by Alfred L. Henderson Joyce W ashington Publisher The PORTLAND OBSERVER is located at 4747 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Portland, Oregon 97211 503-288-0033 * Fax 503-288-0015 Deadline for all submitted materials: Articles .Friday, 5:00 pm Ads: Monday Noon POSTMASTER: Send Address Changes to: Portland Observer, P.O. Box 3137, Portland, OR 97208. Second Class postage paid at Portland, Oregon. The Portland Observer welcomes freelance submissions. Manuscripts and photographs should be clearly labeled and will be relumed. If accompanied by a self addressed envelope. All created design display ads become the sole property of the newspaper and can not be used in other publications or personal usage, without the written consent of the general manager, unless the client has purchased the composition of such ad. © 1994 THE PORT­ LAND OBSERVER. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, REPRODUCTION IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT PERMISSION IS PROHIBITED. Subscriptions:$30.00 per year. The Portland Obscrvcr-Orcgon’s Oldest African-American Publication-is a member of the National Newspaper Association-Founded in 1885, and The National Advertising Representative Amalgamated Publishers, Inc, New York, NY, and The West Coast Black Publishers Association • Serving Portland and Vancouver I ■ _ • • V - - 3aE i # _______ ■ __________________ :____