P age B7 T he P ortland O bserver • J uly 20, 1994 J -A » ? * f ' M ental H ealth Part-Time Temporary Employee Assistance Counselor D irector 20 Hours Per W eek Salary: $15.00 Per Hour C O D A , Inc. seeks a se n io r m en­ tal-health counselo r to w o rk 20 hours per w e e k providing Em ­ p lo y e e A s s is ta n c e se rvices. P osition is tem porary and of six m onths' anticipate d du ra ­ tion, a lthoug h it m ay conclude e a rlie r o r later. D uties include: a s s e s s m e n t of c lie n ts ; in d i­ vidual, co u p le and fam ily coun­ seling; e ffective tre a tm e n t of s h o r t- te r m c lie n ts ; lia is o n th ro u g h o u t the com m unity; as­ sisting clie n ts in p ro b le m -so lv­ ing techniqu es; client referral; instructing on a variety o f m en­ tal-health subjects; assist as re quested in program m arket­ ing and prom otion activities; pe rfo rm o th e r s ta n d a rd CAZ duties. P osition w o rks flexible s h ifts w h ic h o c c u r b e tw e e n 8am and 8pm M onday through Friday. T o Q ualify: a M a s te r’s D egree in a hum an services d iscip lin e and tw o y e a rs ’ su­ pe rvise d hum an services e x­ p e rience or equivale nt are re­ quired. C andidates m u s t d e m ­ o nstrate an ability to co m m u n i­ ca te inform ation and ideas ef­ fectively both orally and in w rit­ ing. E xperience /education in co rp o ra te structures and o rg a ­ n iz a tio n a l d y n a m ic s is p re ­ ferred. A valid d riv e r’s license, reliable transportatio n, and li­ ability insurability are required. In d ivid u a ls cu rrently serving any federal, state, or county parole or probation a re ineli­ g ib le for this position. C a n d i­ dates m ust c o n se n t to a c rim i­ nal b a ckgroun d check. T o ap­ ply, su b m it standard C O D A a p p lic a tio n fo rm , in c lu d in g screening question responses, to the address below . A p p li­ cation M aterials A re A vail­ ab le A t A n d M u st B e Re­ tu rn ed T o : C O D A , Inc., 210 NE 20th Ave, P ortland, OR 97232; T ele: (503) 236-2290 Ext. 254. C O D A is an Equal O p p o rtu n ity/A ffirm a tive A ction E m ployer. E ducation Admission Counselor O pening fo r full-tim e adm ission co u n se lo r responsible for rep­ resenting C oncordia C ollege, P ortland to p ro sp e ctive stu­ dents through college fairs, high school and church visits and o n -c a m p u s in te rvie w s. M ust have a b achelo r’s degree, a sensitivity to C hristian higher e ducatio n program s and fam il­ iarity o f adm ission procedures and strategies. T h e position requires o ve rn ig h t travel and a flexible w orking schedule. Send letter o f application, resum e and nam es, address and phone num bers of three references to D ir e c to r o f A d m is s io n s , C o n co rd ia C ollege, 2811 N.E. H o lm a n S t., P o rtla n d , O R 97211. Closing date is July 29,1994. Buyer B u y e r needed w ith prior govern­ m ent c o n tra c t experience in p ro cu re m e n t of supplies, ser­ vices a nd vendor contracts for v o c a tio n a l tra in in g fa c ility . B achelor's d e gree in business ad m in istra tio n or associated field and three years related e xp erience preferred. D irectly related experience m ay be con­ sidered in lieu o f form al educa­ tion requirem ents. S ubm it let­ ter o f in te re st and resum e no later than July 2 9 ,1 9 9 4 to: H um an R esources 31244 E. C row n P oint Hwy T routdale, O R 97060 Insurance F inance B ianca Kednay Logistics - M C 10 O regon H ealth S ciences U niv. 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd. Portland, O R 97201 Phone: (503) 494-7971 C lo sin g D ate: Ju ly 2 9 ,1 9 9 4 . O regon H ealth S ciences U niver­ sity is an affirm ative a ctio n / equal o p p o rtu n ity e m p lo ye r. W om en, people of color, people w ith disabilities, and o th e r non- traditional w o rke rs are en co u r­ aged to apply. BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon HMO Oregon BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon HMO Oregon Medicare Reimbursement Specialist (Position *1 5 1 ) Blue C ross and Blue S hield of O re g o n /H M O O regon is a c­ ce pting applicatio ns for M edi­ care R e im bursem ent S pecial­ ist. T his p osition, under the direction o f an a u d ito r or supervisor, co m pletes selected desk re­ vie w w ork necessary to certify th a t re im b u rsa b le c o s t d a ta s u b m itte d by p ro v id e rs are com plied w ith and reported in accordance w ith established r e g u la tio n s a n d a p p ro v e d health care financing adm inis­ tration procedure s. T he m edi­ care R eim bursem ent S pecial­ ist also perform s verifications and finalizations on M edicare c o s t re p o rts to en su re th a t M edicare rules and regulations are properly applied. Q ualified candidates m ust have tw o years of m ath and/or ac­ counting a t the college level; at le a st 2 yrs w orking know ledge o f M edicare reim bursem ent or equivalent, and be able to d ip ­ lom atically and effectively co m ­ m unicate, both verbally and in w riting w ith p ro vid e r personnel during w ork assignm ents. This position also requires the a bil­ ity to process w ork in a m ath­ e m atical, de ta ile d , and very accurate m anner and to m eet deadlines. LO T U S experience preferred, b u t not necessary. ASOSU Advocate, Oregon State University C orvallis, Oregon P rofessional sta ff position to a s ­ sist stu d e n t g o ve rn m e n t asso­ ciation (A ssociated S tudents of O regon S tate U niversity) rep­ resenting over 15,000 students. R esearcher and organizational policy a d viso r. M inim um q u a li­ fic a tio n s : b a c h e lo rs d e g re e , tw o years w o rk e xp erience in student, com m unity, o r o th e r o rg anizatio nal setting. M u s tb e able to w o rk w ith d ive rse stu ­ d e n t body. A pplicants w ill be evaluated on co m m unication skills, re fe re n ce s, a d vo ca cy experience, co n ta ct w ith stu ­ d e n t g o ve rn m e n t and students issues, o rg a n iz a tio n a l skills, and research background. N o R ank fa culty position, fixed term annual appointm ent. B en­ efits, vacation, and a su p p o rt­ ive w o rk environm ent. A nnual salary range $ 2 2,00 0-$23,000 for 12-m onths depen ding on skill and experience . R equest applicatio n pa cke t from M ary C hristian, A S O S U , M U East, O regon S tate U niversity, C o rv a llis , O R 9 7 3 3 1 -1 6 1 6 , (503)737-2101. P e o p le o f color and w om en are e n courag ed to apply. C om pleted application packets are d ue A u g u st 11, 1994, by 5pm . O regon S tate U niversity is an A ffirm ative A ctio n /E q u a l O p ­ portunity E m ployer and has a policy of being responsive to th e n e e d s o f d u a l- c a r e e r couples. Electrician/Lead Person This position w orks in th e C apitol Building for the O perations and M aintenan ce unit o f the L egis­ lative A dm in istra tio n C o m m it­ tee. A G eneral Jo u rn e ym a n E lectrician License is required. An Equal Opportunity Employer S a la ry is $ 2 0 6 5 -2 7 7 3 p e r M/FD/V m onth. D eadline for a p p lica ­ Laundry tions is 5:00pm July 2 9 ,1 9 9 4 . For applicatio n m aterials co n ­ Multnomah tact E m ployee Services, S-401 Athletic S ta te C a p ito l, S a le m , O R 97310 (503) 986-1373. T D D : Club (503) 9 8 6 -1 3 7 4 . F ax: (503) is seeking a part-tim e Laundry A ttenda nt. R equires previous 986-1684. EOE. institutional laundry exp., good hand-eye coordination, som e Radio heavy lifting, and able to w ork Part-tim e on-air anner. M ust have flexible shift. Call 223-87489-11am 3 years of o n -a ir radio exp. for an appt. Equal O pportunity Send T and R to A pogee C o m ­ E m p l o y e r . ________ m unications, 4614 S W Kelly, Portland, O R 97201. EO E. F or m ore in fo rm atio n ab o u t c u rre n t o p en in g s call our: Jo b In fo rm atio n Line: 1-800-231-1617 Blue C ross and Blue S hield of O re g o n o ffe rs an e x c e lle n t e m p lo ye e b e n e fits package, fle x-tim e w ork hours and co m ­ p e titiv e sa la ry. P re -e m p lo y ­ m e n t drug screening required. T o assure yo u r resum e is pro­ ce sse d im m ediately, place the position num ber or job title a t the top o f your resum e o r in yo u r cover letter. S end resum e to: B lue C ross and Blue Shield of O reg o n /H M O O reg o n H um an R eso u rces D ept. PO Box 1271 3rd Floor, 100 S W M arket S treet P o rtlan d , O R 97207 T D D #225-6780 Equal O p p o rtu n ity E m p lo yer Medical Claims Analyst (Position *1 5 8 ) Blue C ross and Blue S hield o f O regon/H M O O regon has an openin g for M edical C laim s A nalyst. T he c la im s a n a lyst e xa m in e s claim s and enters d a ta into the system , verifies ICD and C P T - 4 codes and determ ines a p ­ propriate action to be taken when a claim is to be pended. Q ualified applicants w ill possess the follow ing background: • A m inim um of six m onths p rio r front o ffice e xp e rie n ce in a doctor’s office/hospital/or insur­ ance industry. • ICD-9, C P T -4 coding e xperi­ ence o r class. • Prior experience in production oriented environm ent. • M edical term inology certificate. • The ability to type 35w pm . • The ability to w ork in depe n­ dently and w ithout public c o n ­ tact. • A co m m itm e n t to co n trib u te positively to the team concept. For m o re In fo rm atio n ab o u t cu rren t o p en in g s call our: Jo b In fo rm atio n Line: 1-800-231-1617 Blue C ross and Blue S hield of O regon o ffe rs an e x c e lle n t em ployee b enefits package, flex-tim e w ork hours and c o m ­ p e titive salary. P re -e m p lo y ­ m ent drug screening required. To assure y o u r resum e is p ro ­ cessed im m ediately, place the position num ber or jo b title at the top of your resum e o r in your cover letter. S end resum e to: Blue C ross and B lue Shield o f O reg o n /H M O O reg o n h&iman R eso u rces D ept. PO B ox 1271 3rd Floor, 100 S W M arket Street P ortland, OR 97207 T D D #225-6780 Equal O p p o rtu n ity E m p lo yer H ead Start/ECEAP - Econom ic Opportunity Com m ittee of Clark C ounty, Inc. Parent Involvement Coordinator B a c h e lo r's D e g re e in H um an D evelopm ent, A dult Education or H um an Services w ith 3 years experience w orking w ith adults from d iverse backgroun ds and 2 ye a rs su p e rviso ry e x p e ri­ ence. R equires skills in w ritten a nd v e rb a l c o m m u n ic a tio n , leadership and group process, m anagem ent, organization and resource develop m e nt. M ust be able to d evelop and im ple­ m ent a w ork plan, adult e duca­ tional program s and budgets, facilitate group m eetings, co n ­ d u ct needs assessm ents, and generate enthusiasm and m o­ tivation for pa re n t involvem ent w ith s ta ff a n d c lie n ts w h ile w orking as a team m em ber. P o sitio n re q u ire s d e p e n d a b le autom obile, driver’s license and insurance. M ust subm it cover letter, resum e, 3 letters of rec­ o m m e n d a tio n and an EO C application. O btain application package 9am - 4pm , M onday - Friday, at th e E conom ic O p­ p o rtu n ity C o m m itte e o ffic e , 10621 N E C oxley D rive, Suite 207, V ancouver, W A 98662, (206) 8 9 6 -9 9 1 2 . A p p lica tio n deadline is T hursday, July 28. Interview s are expected to be held A ugust 2-4. E E O C /A A N I.Hood l o liv o l ( )l Id/-/ AtkjuN dlh - /111 ' ' Career Services Assistant Director Mental Health Oregon Health Sciences University Director of Shipping, Receiving and Inventory Control P la n s , o rg a n iz e s a nd d ire c ts s ta te -o f-th e -a rt sh ipping , re ­ ceiving and inventory control a ctiv itie s fo r O re g o n H ealth S ciences U niversity (including patient care research, edu ca ­ tion, UPS, Federal Express and US M ail). C re a te s and m a in ­ tains e fficie n t and cost effec­ tiv e o p e r a tio n s and re e n g in e e rs p ro c e s s e s fo r low er costs. Q u alificatio n s: P ost B achelor's d e gree or e q uivale nt experi­ ence (tw o ye a rs e xperience for on e your study) in a related field. C e rtification in M aterials M anagem e nt by a professional society is d e sirable. F our or m ore years o f senior m a n a g e ­ m e n t e xp e rie n ce in M aterials M anagem e nt, H ealth C are in ­ dustry e xp e rie n ce d e sira b le . E xperience in organizatio nal re s tru c tu rin g /re e n g in e e rin g . Experience autom ating m anual system s. E xperience/trainingin C Q I/T Q M techniques. S alary c o m m e n su ra te w ith c o m ­ parable positions and exp. A p p licatio n P ro ced u res: For m ore inform ation o r to su b m it an application contact: ) Western Oregon T w o S kills T rainers (Q M H A) p o ­ sitions available in our a fte r­ State College school program ; one position is 3 /4-tim e and o ne 1/2-tim e. BA degree in m ental health or related field & personal tra n s­ portation a llow ing fo r transport A ssist in develo p m e n t/d e live ry of clients required. Salary is of career a d visem ent and jo b $8.00 per hour plus benefits. search system s and p ro g ra m ­ O btain position announcem ent m ing; co n d u ct ca re e r a d vise ­ and required application at J a ­ m ent, teach w orkshops, o rg a ­ nus Y outh Program s, 738 NE nize career/job fairs and spe­ Davis, Portland. Positions close cial program m ing, supervise 7/29/94 at 5:00pm . W e value paraprofe ssional staff. diversity. Q u a lific a tio n s : R e q u ir e d - M a ste r’s d e g re e in college stu ­ dent personnel or related field; Production 1-3 yrs. relevant experience ; Entry Level excellent organizational, p re ­ O regon C utting System s, an e s ­ sentation, w riting and interper­ ta b lis h e d O re g o n m a n u fa c ­ sonal skills; proficient w ith c o m ­ turer, currently has openings puter w ord-processing and d a ­ for tem porary production posi­ ta b a s e so ftw a re . P re fe rre d - tions paying $6.31 an hour. college cam pus experience in W e are seeking candida tes w ith career services to liberal arts th e fo llo w in g q u a lific a tio n s : students; supervisory e xp e ri­ flexibility to w ork day, sw ing, or ence desirable, 12 -m o n „ fixed graveyard shifts as needed in term appt., salary $24,50 0 - three area locations. S table $25,700. A p p lic a tio n s : S end w ork history, high school d i­ letter, resum e, statem ent o f plom a or G ED, and the ability yo u r view of role of ca re e r se r­ to w ork in a progressive team vices with liberal arts students environm ent. and nam es, a d d re sse s and Apply in person at 4909 SE Inter­ phone nu m bers of 3 references national W ay, M ilw aukie, O r­ postm arked by July 29, to Di­ egon, M onday through Friday, r e c to r , C a r e e r S e r v ic e s , 10:00am - 2:30pm , or the Em ­ W O SC , M onm outh, OR 97361 ; ploym ent D ivision, 506 High (503) 838-864 8 o r (503) 838- Street, O regon City, O regon. 8234 V/TD D . A A /E O E . B lount, Inc. Oregon Cutting Systems Division A d vertisem ent 24-H our Job H otline 653-4441 Branch Manager TTD /TTY 653-4247 $2773 - $3904 + Benefits N ursing BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon HMO Oregon RN (Position #120) The M edical A ffairs dep a rtm e n t o f Blue C ross Blue S hield of O regon is accepting applica­ tio n s for a P re -C e rtific a tio n C oordinato r position. T he Pre- C ertification C oordinato r co n ­ d u cts te lepho ne review s for adm issions to hospitals, reha­ bilitation centers, skilled nurs­ ing, psychiatric and chem ical depen dency facilities. The successful candida te m ust b e an R.N. cu rrently licensed in the S tate of O regon w ith a m inim um of 3 years clinical experience. Background in UR, Q A /Q I, c a s e m a n a g e m e n t, h om e health, hom e infusion a n d /o r h o s p ic e is d e s ire d . S tro n g oral and w ritten co m ­ m unication skills essential. F or m ore In fo rm atio n ab o u t c u rren t o p en in g s call our: J o b In fo rm atio n Line: 1-800-231-1617 Blue C ross and Blue S hield of O re g o n o ffe rs an e x c e lle n t e m p lo ye e b e n e fits package, fle x-tim e w ork hours and co m ­ p e titiv e sa la ry. P re -e m p lo y ­ m e n t drug screening required. T o assure your resum e is pro­ ce sse d im m ediately, place the position num ber or job title at th e top o f your resum e o r in yo u r cover letter. S end resum e to: B lu e C ross and Blue Shield of O reg o n /H M O O reg o n H um an R eso u rces D ept. PO Box 1271 3rd Floor, 100 SW M arket Street P ortland, O R 97207 T D D #225-6780 E q u al O p p o rtu n ity E m ployer /J Mediation C ase M a n a g e r III: w ritte n & phone contact w ith crim e vic­ tim s a nd o ffe n d e rs , re co rd ke e p in g , vo lu n te e r su p p o rt, com puter skills required. $6 - $8/hr FT. C lerlcal/O ffice A ssistan ts IV: tw o part-tim e entry level sup­ port positions, phones, files, co m p u te r skills required. $5 - $6/hr PT. P/U application m aterials from receptionist a t Juvenile C ourt, 1401 N E 68th, Portland. Mental Health T he S tate o f O regon V ocational R ehabilitation D ivision is re­ cruiting for a B ranch M anager in Pendleton. T he m anager will direct a professional staff of V o c a tio n a l R e h a b ilita tio n C ounselors and clerical staff in providing services to persons w ith d is a b ilitie s in a m u lti­ county service area. C all (503) 945-567 6 to obtain recruiting announcem ent X7004, O C 940410 and a state em ploy­ m ent application. A pplications m ust be received no later than 8/12/94, 5:00pm to be co n sid ­ ered for our cu rre n t vacancy. V R D is an A A /E E O Em ployer and com plies w ith Section 504 o f the R ehab. A ct o f 1973 and the A m ericans w ith D isabilities Act. M inorities, fem ales, and persons w ith disabilities are encouraged to apply. C linical S ervices D irector for Phoenix R ising Foundation (a sexual m inorities counseling c e n te r). H alf-tim e : $ 1 4 ,5 6 0 - $15,600 plus pro-rated ben­ efits. M u st be licensed clinical p s y c h o lo g is t, sta te c e rtifie d psychiatric nurse practitioner Clerical Position or LC S W by S tate of O regon. Part-tim e. D uties include: w ord M inim um tw o years supervi- processing, filing, copying, set­ sory/m anage m e nt experience ting up m eetings, and others preferred. 223-8299 for appli­ as assigned. B asic know ledg e cation. EOE. Deadline Aug. 5 ,5pm. of W P 5.1 40 wpm m inim um . A t least o ne year clerical e xpe­ rience. Ability to m anage tim e Mental Health and m ultiple tasks w ith m ini­ C ase M an ag er/T h erap lst and m um supervision. G ood w rit­ R esid en tial C ase M an ag er/ ten and oral com m unications In take W o rker for a day tre a t­ s k ills . A b ility to w o r k in m ent program . Requires exper. m u ltic u ltu ra l s e ttin g . S alary w orking w ith personality d iso r­ range $5.48 to $8.21/hr. DOE. ders a nd chronically m entally Benefits. D eadline A ugust 5, ill adults. M S W or m a ste r's 1994. C all Boys and G irls Aid degree in hum an services re ­ S ociety, 503-222-9661, X131 q u ir e d . S e n d re s u m e to : for application. EOE. C C M H , 6329 NE M .L. King Jr. Blvd., Portland, O R 97211 .Attn: A lice Bergm an. Deadline: 8/5/94. • A * • * I >* •* " \ F • I • . - <*»•> X 'ili »#* - t •••*<* , s * ** ? • 1 : ■ . ‘ f (■ \ '<5 • . v '* ■> • /X ':- * .-M, S i ■ ¿XA' <’v.< ¿ B r « * •V-A ■ ■■■ *■•**.** Ó Job O pportunity City of Portland Autom otive M echanic Trainee Approxim ate Hourly Rate $10.89 T his is an entry level trainee position for the repair and m ainte­ nance of autom otive and related equipm ent. T rainees w ill learn to perform preventive m aintenance and general overhaul w ork to insure the functioning o f all types o f diesel/gas vehicles. Expected closing date: July 2 2 ,1 9 9 4 . Public W orks Inspector Trainee Approxim ate Hourly Rate $9.00 This is an entry level trainee position in the field of public w orks construction inspection. E m ployees are responsible fo r partici­ pating in on-the-job training and directed self-study in o rd e r to acquire and m aintain proficiency in the know ledge and skills needed to perform the tasks o f PW Inspector I. Expected closing date: July 2 2 ,1 9 9 4 . Inform ation System s Manager Approxim ate Annual Salary $46,550 This is highly responsible technical a d m inistrative w o rk m anaging com puter system s. W ork involves develop m e nt, im p le m e n ta ­ tion, planning design, program m ing, directing, m aintenance and operation of a m ajor system s or area of system s. Expected closing date: July 2 5 ,1 9 9 4 . Apply at C ity Hall, Room 100, 1220 SW 5th Ave. Portland, O R 97204. A pplications also available at local T P IC branch offices, NE W orkforce C enter and U rban League. Job inform ation call: (503) 823-435 2 and TD D (503) 823-3520. T he C ity of P ortland is an A A /E E O em ployer. ■ 1