P age BS 9ian€(/ ¿fn us and will always have a place of (GAL. 5:22,23). came to me with his nice clothes, for being so old fashioned and out of by M. I saacs refuge. Proverbs 20:7 NASB, 14:26 These trials are only to test our home, business, and of course looks. touch with the nineties. I criticized faith, to see whether it is strong and KJV. If there was ever a time I needed This devil-man had it going on! He myself for not being able to meet his We go about our daily lives, The prayers of faith shall save pure. Our faith is being tested as fire content to face minor upsets, words of encouragement it was pursued me like Delilah pursued needs. the sick and the Lord shall raise him I questioned my wisdom, wom­ disappointments, setbacks in test gold and purifies it - and our faith on my bus ride to Seattle from Samson. Just reversed. up. James 5:15 KJV. The Lord will is far more precious to God than mere I was not only flattered that a anhood, and sexuality. I really felt finances, schedules, recreation Portland. sustain him upon his sickbed; in his gold; our faith must remain strong man of such caliber had such a great low! I knew that someone was prob­ and work plans; Even character illness, the Lord doth restore him to after being tried in the test tube of In my mind I was struggling with interest in me but that he was intelli­ ably wanning his sheets at that very maligning is not devastating. fiery trials; it will bring all believers health. Psalm 41:3 NASB. feelings of inadequacy, rejection, un- gent and had a sure future. He seemed moment as I sat on the bus and con­ In all crises, We, the believers, (those under attack and those praying B ut... when serious problem s worthiness, and bitterness. Why? Why to want the same things I wanted. templated over how it could and should never waver in our trust, faith and arise; d eath th rea ten in g situ a ­ for those under attack) much praise was I feeling this way? The devil This could get deep. However I knew be me. belief in God’s promises, for they are At that moment the spirit of the tions; The C hristian Fam ily com es and glory and honor on the day Christ I had to eventually let him know disguised as a man. true to all who serve the Lord. We (I) together in a bond, stren g th en ed returns. 1 Peter 1:7 LB. Eight years ago I made the deci­ where I stood on the issue of sex. I was Lord moved me to peruse the “Ob­ will serve the Lord only; for then He If we find life, we must find it by trust, faith and prayer. The sion to maintain my virtue until I was a little reluctant at first. I knew how server.” 1 then came upon the article will bless us (me) with food and with extended C hristian fam ily quickly through trusting God. Romans 1:17 married. I prayed earnestly before too many of my past had turned disas­ “Gateway to Life.” As I read it, my water, and He will take away sickness becom es aw are of the problem s LB. anything is possible if we have God. I said, “Lord if I wait for sex, trous after I ’d shared this part of me. understanding was opened. from among us. Exodus 23:25. The This was Satan himself working faced by the ones being attacked faith. Mark 9:23 LB. You can get please when I finally can have it, let it When I told him where I stood. He wounds of Jesus Christ on the Cross (their fellow C h rist-fo llo w ers), anything... anything you ask for in be the most beautiful thing that’ s ever said he respected that! We hung up in my life! He had come in with a nice and a cloak o f prayer goes up to prayer... if you believe. Mat. 21:22 have already healed us; our souls are happened to me!” Deep inside I hear the phone and I felt a sense of relief. face and all the other trimmings to His. 1 Peter 2:24. We (I) are not LB. the Lord say, “Fear not, I am thy God, Things would be different this time make me fall as he’d made my mother the throne o f m ercy to cover the We are a family of Christians discouraged. We (I) are not upset. We I will help thee. I will uphold thee around. I’d finally found someone Eve. Oh I was too hot. It dawned on ones under attack. that face crisis situations, not with (I) expect God to act! For I know that As God has allotted to each a me. That low down Satan has had it in with my righteous right hand.’’(Isaiah who could accept me. panic, defeated and lost; but with the I shall again have plenty of reason to After that conversation I didn’t for me since the day I made my com­ measure of faith. Romans 12:3NASB, 41:10) so they pray for recovery and restora­ knowledge that God will give us one praise Him for all that He will do. He I was ecstatic. It seemed so won­ hear from him for two weeks! When mitment to God. He heard me, and tion of the ill one in the flock of Jesus heart, and one Way, that we may fear is my help! He is my God! Psalm derful to have that blessed assurance. I did hear from him he began to lie now he wants to destroy me. “Thought Him forever, for our own good, and 42:11 LB. Christ. But not long after, I met the man of m y profusely about all the messages he’d you knew Satan!” God bless and anoint all prayers The gift of trust in God, (EPH. for the good of our children after us. On that bus, the Lord let me dreams. He was just way too fine. He lefton my answering machine. I guess offered in behalf of my daughter, know that I was blaming the wrong 2:8) is put into increased action by the Jeremiah 32:39 KJV. We must obey was “all that and a bag of chips.” The it was broke when I listened to i t Benita Lynne Payne, and for my sister the laws of God, so that all will be well The flame of his interest had person. Me. He led me to know that multitude of believers and the fruit of only problem was that he “needed” inChrist, MattyeCallier-Spears! God with us and our children. Deut. 4:30 the Spiritof God, love, peace and long sex in order to be in a meaningful suddenly died down to a flicker. After deciding to keep my virtue was the suffering invades those under attack LB. We Christians walk in Integ­ bless and sustain all who pray to the relationship. I was tom. I knew that I that conversation we talked in spurts. best thing for me and that as long as Living God, Creator of all. I was “operating within his [God’s] by satan and the evil hold is broken rity... so our children are blessed after had made a commitment to God. I One week here, maybe two weeks really did not want to break our cov­ later there. When I finally realized will, my seed would be blessed.” Ev­ erything I touched would be blessed. enant. I tossed and turned with the what was going on with him, my emotions were already deeply planted. I began to think on how wonderful it decision of should I or shouldn’t I. The deal was he found out I was was going to be for me and the man of In the meantime my boyfriend became so obsessed with the need for not going to be his bed partner and he God’s choice. I rejoiced! I decided that I liked myself very sex that he got sick! Literally had to be bailed o u t He could not deal with a says Community Relations Director much and that I did not need anyone taken to the hospital. He later told me relationship that was not going to The Northeast Emergency Food Alliance, and the Urban League, the of the Church of Scientology, Alicia who would make me feel differently he could not live without it, and if I have the benefits of intercourse. It Program has launched its annual program provides businesses and Reid. “There are families where both about me. I don’t need a man who was not even worth his time. We’ve couldn’t someone else would. “Christmas in July” food drive. The churches with a display “Christmas parents are working hard to make cannot respect me for the intelligent Unfortunately this turned out to been talking for two months and this downtown drop-off point is at the tree" loaded with paper ornaments ends meet. This program does help woman I am. What I need is a God brother couldn’t even tell you my be too true. Someone else did. The Church of Scientology of Portland listing an item. Members or employ­ those who help themselves.” fearing man who is committed to the birthday, what I like to wear, or if I man of my dreams turned out to be the 323 SW Washington Street. Collec­ ees take an ornament and replace it If your church or business wants word of God and to me. I know the man of my nightmares. We went our have corns on my toes or not! I’ve tions of perishable foods, toothpaste, with the item listed. to help, call Jack Kennedy, Program Lord is going to give me this desire of “This is an effective type of pro­ separate ways. I was sixteen then. worn sandals several times. soap and other necessities will be Director at 284-5470, or drop off food This is because this person could my heart. He promised! Until then, gathered throughout the month of gram in that the ornaments state ex­ However that situation scarred me. I items downtown at the Church of I’m waiting for my Prince. The sacri­ actly what is needed and the “Christ­ felt a sting of shame. Yes shame for care less. His basic interest was a sex July. Scientology of Portland, 323 SW fice is and has been long and hard. Sponsored by Ecumenical Min­ mas tree” display raises the aware­ the reason that I could not keep my toy! Me!? Heaven forbid. Satan I re­ Washington St. B ut somehow I know that it w ill all be istries of Oregon, Albina Ministerial ness level that hunger exists all year, man. I was not woman enough to buke you. worth it in the end. Praise God. No Yes, I should have rebuked Sa­ : v: .... $ «M W wholly satisfy him. V i : If-W - more fear, rejection and shame. I’m tan, but instead I internalized the Six years later I found myself rising up and strutting my stuff in the faced with the same old song just a whole situation and allowed the devil name of Christ! to make it my fault. I berated myself different b eat The new adversary by V alerie R enay D oakes fsji/ùbJ/wuiA ¿fHu/naefo A D V E R T IS E IN t r i t e J.l n e t lè t t it i ( O b s e r v e r Garlington Center’s Child and Family Services needs your help in b u ild in g a p la y g ro u n d fo r its preschoolers. Children, ages 3 to 6, attend Garlington’s Day Treatment program on a regular basis and work through their trauma caused by abuse. Many of the children have under-developed muscles, decreased balance and poor body awareness. Program therapists have found that outdoor therapy does wonders in building a child’s self-esteem and it facilitates physical growth. This in turn spells good news for teachers, family and the world-of-work. Physi­ cally and mentally fit children can grow up to become productive adults. Children at Garlington Center have only a small indoor facility with minimal equipment. Outdoor activi­ ties take place during non-rainy days on a vacant parking lot. Your assistance in helping the children build their very own - swings, climbing structures, towers and slides, friendly roads and pathways - safe and developmentally sound play­ ground, will enable them to grow up properly and have fun in the process. The playground will cost $22,000 to build which includes equipment. For information on how you can help, call Garlington Center’s Development Department at (503) 249-7990. c a ll 5 0 3 - 2 8 8 - 0 0 3 3 ST. MICHAEL’S LUTHERAN CHURCH JOANN WEBER EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER b a p tis t CLIjurcÎj NE 29th and Dekum 282-0000 • 3-year-oldsmeetonTuesdaysand Thursdays • 4-year-olds meet on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays . Classes begin the Tuesday fol­ lowing Labor Day each September St. Michael’s Preschool admits students of any race, color, or national or ethnic origin. For further information call the Church Office at 282-0000. e n r o ll n o w fo r fall P rovidence M ontessori S chool Ages 2 1/2 to 6 Monday - Friday • 7am - 6pm NEW! Morning Half-day Montessori C lass • Fxnerienced staff • Nutritious lunch/snacks • RN Expenenceu sui Creative Movement Class - Diversity among children