ÄMartteHM*-»’. - I I , . J uly 20, 1994 • T he P ortland O bserver P age B4 ________________________ ' ” A r ts ¿A ENTERTAINMENT Joe Henderson Neighborhood Welcoming Party For CSD Branch In St. Johns P o rtlan d -B u sin esses, n eig h ­ bors and com m unity leaders will be on hand to officially welcom e C h ild ren ’s S ervices D ivision to the St. Johns area in N orth P o rt­ land. C h ild ren and families from C olum bia Villa and surrounding neighborhoods are being invited to meet CSD workers during an: OPEN HOUSE CSD St. Johns Branch; Thurs­ day, July 21, 1994; 11:00 am to 3:00 pm; 7825 N. Lombard St.; Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at Noon On June 20, 1994, CSD b e­ gan o p eratin g from the St. Johns B ranch. It houses 85 staff; som e are assigned to schools in the area and to C olum bia V illa. The o p e n ­ ing o f St. Johns com pletes the transition of casew orkers into dif- Joe Henderson, Billboard's number one jazz artist of 1993, will open the Mt. Hood Festival of Jazz on Saturday. Aug. 6. Tickets for the festival are available through Tiketmaster outlets or by calling (503) 224-4400. Hot Friday Nights In July Kick-Off Results Announced Teen Entertainment’s “Hot Fri­ day Nights in July” kicked-off Phase 1 Friday July 1, 1994 at Portland’s Prince Hall Lodge (116 NE Russell). A dvertising, P u b licity , P ro ­ m otion. T o a business, “ Im ag e” is essen tial to its su ccess. To Teen E n tertain m en t P ro d u ctio n s, “ Im ­ ag e” is also essen tial to the s u c ­ cess o f our youth. "Hot Friday Nights in July” is a six-phase pilot project put together to offer teens in grades 9 through 12, the opportunity to engage in a social ac­ tivity that encourages safety in mak­ ing the right choice of how to spend their free time. We are promoting image awareness, enhancing social grace and just plain strengthening the hearts and minds o f other youths through evening events of dancing and entertainment. This fundraising event is pur­ posed to raise monies for the Colum­ bia Boys and Girls Club to clothe disadvantaged youth in our commu­ nity, as well as make a youth feel good about him/herself. Our goal is to raise over $3,000 which in our calculation would enable us to purchase 150 pairs of shoes. The primary sponsor of this event is Minute Maid, a Coca Cola product. Which by the way, comments regard­ ing the taste of the new product that was introduced “Fruitopia” which comes in six different flavors was the topic of conversation among youth as well as adults. “This juice is good!” says Teen coordinator Andy Holmes as he slows do wn for a thirst quencher. And the result was unanimous as not their m ission to reuse old b u ild ­ ings, the com pany paid for the renovation and co n tracted w ith the local firm s o f GBD A rch i­ tects, and R & H C o n stru ctio n . Sunday Brunch 8 a m -2 p m Traditional Breakfast favorites: Eggs Benedict, Home Baked Twats from Our Bakery, Ham, Roast Beef Seafood, Salads. and more. Ranch Romance, Thara Memory To Play At Music By Blue Lake a comment was missed by all who “Retro country” and “the roots of sampled the new flavors. jazz” are on tap when the Music by Also, Many thanks to all volun­ Blue Lake concert series features teers who came together to offer their Ranch Romance on July 28 and the support and helping hands. Thara Memory Allstars on Aug. 4. The Hot Friday Nights in July ” The eight-week concert series at Blue was a trem endous success,” said Lake Regional Park continues through D ee B aker, C h airp erso n . “T he Aug. 8. The two-hour outdoor con­ Teen C oordinators w ent above certs begin at 6:30 p.m. Admission is and beyond the call o f duty to 5 per car. Sorry, pets are not permit­ m ake sure th eir guests had a good ted. tim e. And the best part w as k n o w ­ Since Ranch Romance first ap­ ing th at the dollars raised w ill peared on The Nashville Network in support the C olum bia B oys and 1988, the group has captured the G irls C lub, and our fight ag ain st hearts of audiences across the nation. negative self im ages in our c o m ­ The five-member band consists of Jo m unity. Miller, Nancy Katz, Nova Karina At the end of this six-week pilot Devonie and David Keenana. project, we will evaluate the overall Described as “retro-country,” the success of “Hot Friday Nights in July to determine its future. band corrals honkytonk, rockabilly and western swing and shoots them through a modem offbeat filter, creat­ ing a style that has been called “the freshest, most enthusiastic sound in country music today” by Tower Records’ “Pulse!” magazine. The group has released three albums and has appeared on numerous radio shows including Garrison Keilor’s “American Radio Company” and National Public Radio’s “All Things Considered.” On Aug. 4, Thara Memory di­ rects an allstar cast for a “Roots of Jazz” concert focusing on the Afro- American heritage of jazz music. Part of Windjam '94, this concert is so- hosted by the city of Fairview. ’109S Adults Under Dinner 4 10 ■ Butt Bar NEW OUTDOOR DINING TERRRACEOPEN Ot'eatber Permitting) F or Reservations, Call 695-2376 Toll Free from Portland Highway 84 Bridal SeU, Exit 28 »m - K S t» - .-A, CELLULARONE’ L ive M esic EDGEFIEDD Friday & Saturday 8pm-Midnight NIGHTS Janice Scroggins w ith Mar;o De Priest Wednesday Jam Session ferent com m unities in the M etro area. B ranches are also located in E ast C ounty, A lbina, and near L loyd C enter along with an office for the Child Abuse Hotline. The locations match the school districts boundaries so that St. Johns will serve the Roosevelt, Grant, Lincoln & Wilson cluster. T h e w e lc o m e fro m b u s i­ nesses, schools and other groups in the area has been o v erw h elm ­ in g ,” says John Barr, St. Johns Branch M anager. “ From a social services stan d p o in t, we are clo ser to the fam ilies we work with. From an econom ic angle, we re v ita l­ ized a d ilap id ated , vacant b u ild ­ ing and ad d ed m ore to lo cal b u sin ess.”CSD leases the b u ild ­ ing from B enenson C apital C om ­ pany of New Y ork. As part of O pen A ir C oncert S eries O h T he L awn at M c M enahin ’8 K dobfieuo Proceeds from this concert series will go to schools in the Portland Metro area to help fund new Business e d u S n to " 8 in schools. Partnerships like these help students apply their education to various careers and real life business situations. w ith Ron Steen 7pm to llp m IN A S S O C IA T IO N W IT H fe a tu rin g Louisiana style cuisine a t its fin e s t i t Bourbon Street we're proud W ofier the fines’, nbs. freshest »stood, dehcicus leitucini and blat-e.'.ed dishes. Enjoy the big screen TV in our lounge. SUNDAY JULY 11 15900 Boones Ferry Road ** in Lake Grove. Oregon 636-0017 ril.lltH Hl 1 1 a I ivg I ( >t l