Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 20, 1994, Image 1

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    July 20. 1994
Serving the community through cultural diversity
Volume XXIV Number 29
Actors To Bring Drama
To The Parks
Protecting Your Home
Kaiser Employees
Accept New Contract
The Portland Actors Ensemble is
set to perform ‘Shakespeare In The
Parks’ for it’s 25th season.
A quiz on homeowners’ rights will
help you protect your investment.
A new labor contract with 2,000
workers at Kaiser was ratified
averting a strike threat.
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See Health, Page
See Housing, Page A6
See Metro, inside
African American
Heritage Celebrated
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P romise K ing
Northeast Community Tracksters
have qualified to compete in the
national USA Junior Olympics Track
and Field cham pionships in
Gainesviile, Fla., July 26-31.
U.S. Crime Bill At $163
Each year the U.S. is spending or
losing in excess o f 5163 billion because of
crim e, according to the Justice D epart­
ment, the insurance industry and academic
researches. The am ount is more than five
times as m uch as the federal governm ent
spends on education. Crim e costs include
more than 531.8 billion for police, 524.9
billion for corrections, 536.9 billion in
retail losses, 520 billion in insurance fraud
and 517.6 billion for individual property
losses and m edical expenses.
The national com petition follows their
success in regionals where the club won
m edals in the 100 m eter, 200 m eter and
long jum p. A Tracksters 400 meter relay
team, consisting o f Emy K ing, Susanna
M axw ell, E lissa W arren and B randy
Canada broke a state record, shaving 11
seconds off the previous mark. In all, 16 of
the athletes have qualified for JuniorO lym -
The tracksters, founded 13 years ago
by Dwight Ford, has been a haven for
talented kids from the inner city. It gives
children, age 7 to 18, a positive alternative
to gangs, violence and drugs.
“Right now we have about 60 kids in
Auto Mechanics Needed
Jobs are available for “ Mr. Good
W rench” and “Q uality C are” types across
the nation. T here is a shortage o f 60,000
m echanics in auto d ealers’ repair shops in
A m erica making m any high paying oppor­
tunities available for A frican Americans.
M echanics’ positions are being filled at
m any Ford C hrysler, G eneral Motors and
foreign dealerships across the U.S. The
training program s lasts for more than one
y ear. C o n ta c t A frican A m erican s on
W heels, 2054 N ational Press Bldg., W ash­
ington, D .C .20045.
Northeast Community Tracksters Club Founder Dwight Ford and Assistant Coach Robert Briggs (right), guide the team
to the USA Junior Olympics Track and Field championships in Gainesville, Fla.
our club and over the years w e’ve kept grow ­
ing,” Ford said. “ I d o n ’t believe we can say
’no’ to a kid who comes to our club.’
The preparation for track and field events
is not easy because of the,’units of money and
equipm ent available.
Ford said it takes about S500 to offset the
expense o f one athlete annually. The Portland
Police Athletic Club contributed about S2.500
for this year’s needs.
To pay for the Junior Olym pics, the club
has a goal to raise 59,600. T he m oney would
cover air fare, accommodations, and meals,
according to Larry W arren, Tracksters head
The Phil Reynolds Scholarship Awards
The Phil Reynolds Scholarship recipi­
ents have been announced for 1994. The
awards have been given to four deserving
young applicants qualifying this year. These
scholarships are awarded to Afro-American
High School Seniors preparing to enter a
College or University of choice.
Mr. Phil Reynolds helped many young
men and women during his life toward educa­
tion as a better way of life. It is to his memory
as a dedicated Oregonian and pioneer that
The Phil Reynolds Scholarship Fund was
established in 1983.
Miss Jameila Stewart is a graduate o f
W ilson High School. During her busy school
C ontroversial Nation o f Islam m inis­
ter Khalid Abdul M uham m and is encour­
aging support for form er football superstar
O.J. Sim pson who is accused in the m urder
o f his ex-w ife and a m ale companion.
Sim pson has pleaded not-guilty in the
double murder. According to M uhammand,
blacks in particular, “ Should alw ays fight
for the innocence o f the black m an.”
M uham m and was suspended earlier this
year as chief spokesm an for N ation o f Islam
leader Louis Farrakhan because o f the out­
cry over a speech in which he vilified Jews
Miss Jameila Stewart
Miss Haregu Kef le
Miss Monique Johnson
Continued to page B2
Miss Eliza Capuia
Walnut Park Leases Signed
and the Pope.
Thomas Leads Assault
On Voting
The U.S. Suprem e Court has issued
two decisions which deliver setbacks to
m inority groups seeking to expand their
pow er at the polls. The assault was led by
the high cou rt’s only black justice Clarence
T h o m a s. T h e c o n s e r v a tiv e T h o m a s
unleascd a strongly worded opinion which
argued that past court attem pts to create
predom inantly black or Hispanic voting
districts in order to insure that more m i­
norities were elected to public office had led
to “racial balkanization” or a division of the
nation along racial lines.
Farrakhan Urges Men To
Nation o f Islam leader L ouis Farra­
khan delivered a message o f spiritual uplift
to over 9,000 black men at the Baltimore
Arena. Farrakhan told the m cn-only gath­
ering, “W e m ust change the way we treat
one another. O ur women and children are
in need o f us to be made into the kind of men
that alm ighty God wants us to b e.”
D onations can be made to the N orth­
east Com m unity Tracksters in care of Ford,
W arren, assistant coach Robert Briggs and
D ebbie Brown, a volunteer p a re n t For
more inform ation you can reach Ford at
281-5320 or at 3725 NE Portland Blvd.
Muhammad Calls For
Simpson Support
T -J
our new stores have signed
leases to move into the new
Walnut Park Retail Center on
Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. and
Killingsworth Street.
M other D ear’s Tasty Pastries, W oods
and Reid Bridal Fashions, It’s My Kind of
Face and Super W ok Chinese Fast Food will
jo in the re ta il c e n te r ’s a n c h o r te n a n t,
Videoland and the adjacent N ortheast Port­
land Com m unity Policing Center.
The stores will open in November. An
additional agreem ent is said to be pending
with a nationwide sandw ich restaurant fran­
The Portland Police Bureau moved into
its new quarters, adjacent to the retail com ­
plex on Northeast Emerson Street last month.
“We are very happy that working with
the com m unity we have been able to sign up
these strong,local businesses,” said Mayor
Vera Katz. “W e are now nearly 70 percent
leased up, a very good sign o f the health and
viability o f this neighborhood project.”
The W alnut Park Leasing Panel, a com ­
m unity com m ittee consisting o f representa­
tives o f the King Neighborhood Association
and the Portland Development Com m ission,
reached the agreem ents with the tenents. The
businesses are all owned by minority resi­
dents o f Portland, an objective of the panel.
“ By finding the right combination of
tenants for W alnut Park, we are going to have
a neighborhood shopping center that serves
the needs o f our com m unity,” said Valerie
C urrie, a m em ber of the leasing panel and co-
chair o f the King Neighborhood A ssociation’s
W alnut Park Advisory Committee.
The tenants have agreed to hire local
em ployees through the PD C ’s Job Net Pro­
gram .
C ity officials said a 70 percent lease rate,
four m onths before opening, was impressive
for a new neighborhood retail center. Four
more retail spaces remain. PDC and the leas­
ing panel are optim istic additional tenants
will be signed by opening day.
T he p an el has re c e iv e d n early 24
appications for the 10 stores in the W alnut
Walnut Park Retail Center Profiles
Anorvia Hardy, a 35-year Portland
resident, owns M other Dear’s Tasty Past­
ries, a bakery specializing in pies and
cobblers. She will move her six-year-old
wholesale business from its current loca­
tion in her home to a 146# square-foot
store in Walnut Park. The move will
allow Hardy to move into retail sales,
adding cakes and muffins to her product
1 had been looking for a good location
in the area where I could serve people,”
Hardy said. “I just enjoy serving and
making people happy.”
Woods and Reid Bridal Fashions has
been in business since laid A ugust Marion
Reid, a native of the Bahamas moved to
Portland in 1986and Sandra Woodscame
to Portland a year later from her native
Tennessee. They will be moving their
business from Northeast Mason to a 40#
square foot shop in Walnut Park. The
store will offer the latest fashions in bridal
wear, evening gowns, prom dresses and
After 5 wear.
“W e have always liked Northeast
Portland and viewed it as a growmg area.
We wanted to find a highly visible store in
the heart of the community on MLK.
Walnut Park fits the bilk plus we will be
in an area with other growing small busi­
nesses. friends we can work with,” Woods
It’s My Kind O f Face « a photogra­
phy studio offering family, group and on
Continued to page B2
Continued to page B2
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