J uly 13, 1994 • T he P ortland O bserver P age A6 Reducing Racial Tension And Violence The memorandum of understand­ ing applies to ongoing cooperative activities between NOBLE and CRS for addressing problem s or concerns involving allegations o f discrim ina­ tory practices based on race, color, or national origin. These activities in­ clude: referring groups or individuals to one another, developing technical assistance packages on relevant sub­ ject m atters. and participating on spe­ cial task forces addressing matters of discrim inatory practices based on race, color, or national origin. T h e N a tio n a l O rg a n iz a tio n o f B lack L aw E n fo rc e m e n t E x e c u ­ tiv e s w as e sta b lish e d to im p ro v e th e re c ru itm e n t an d s e le c tio n o f q u a lifie d A fric a n -A m e ric a n c a n ­ d id a te s in to p o lic e c a r e e r s , to The Com m unity Relations Ser­ vice (CRS), and agency o f the U.S. D epartm ent o f Justice, and the N a­ tional O rganization o f Black Law Enforcem ent Executives (N O BLE), in an effort to reduce radial conflict and violence, signed a mem orandum o f understanding to cooperate in as­ sisting one another and referring ap­ propriate matters to each other. “T o achieve greater cooperation betw een the police and com m unities, CRS and NOBLE have worked to­ gether for a number o f years. This agreem ent strengthens our relation­ ship and we anticipate will lead to expanded roles for both organiza­ tions to address racial tension and violence,” said Acting CRS Director Jeffrey L. Weiss. e n h a n c e the p o s itiv e a tm o sp h e re w ith in p o lic e a g e n c ie s to re ta in q u a lifie d A fric a n -A m e ric a n s, and to a c h ie v e g re a te r c o o p e ra tio i. betw een the com m unity and c rim i­ nal ju s tic e a g e n c ie s. The Com m unity Relations Ser­ vice is an agency of the U.S. D epart­ ment o f Justice established by the Civil Rights Act o f 1974 to provide assistance to com m unities and per­ sons in resolving disputes, disagree­ ments, or difficulties resulting from discrim inatory practices based on race, color, or national origin (42 U.S.C. 2000g). It also assists in the resettlem ent o f Cuban and Haitian entrants to the United States under the Refugee Education Assistance Act and Executive Order 12341. Walk Benefit Volunteers The M ultnomah County Citizen Involvem ent Com m ittee is seeking volunteers to serve on Citizen Budget Advisory Com m ittees (CBACs) which advise the Board o f County Com m issioners on policy and budget matters. Everyone w ho lives in Multnomah County and does not work for the County, and who has the interest and tim e to participate is eligible for appointm ent. C B A C s usually meet once a month throughout the year, som etim es with extra meetings during early spring when they are develop­ ing their recom m endations. V acancies exist in the follow ing C B A C s: • D istrict A tto rn e y ’s O ffice - The District Attorney prosecutes offenders, collects child support, and provides victims assistance. • C o m m u n ity C o rrectio n s - This departm ent provides program s includ­ ing drug and alcohol treatm ent, probation and parol, and other program s for offenders who are not in jail. • E n v iro n m e n ta l Services - This departm ent provides a range o f services including transportation (roads, bridges, bike paths), elections, com puter services, animal control, etc. • N o n -D e p a rtm e n ta, - This grouping includes the County C hair and Com m issioners; A uditor’sO ffice,C itizen lnvolvem entC om m ittee;city/ county agencies such as the M etropolitan Arts Com m ission; the M etro­ politan Human Rights Com m ission and the Portland M ultnom ah C om ­ mission on Aging; and several organizations that receive county funds. Management Support Services includes services internal to the county such as personnel, budget office, finance, purchasing, county counsel and labor relations. Persons who are interested can call 248-3450 for information and applications. Persons of color, persons with disabilities, women, and residents of mid and east Multnomah County are specifically requested to apply. US West Denies Redlining ▲ Continued from front “ B S S S Ä S - S Ä S S S 5 S S Í - F S S “ " ' acknow ledge the value o f the infor- e a stP o rtla n d . sin the initial c o n s u m ­ mation pow er we have in the near d ° n p lan - future and to prom ote the creative inform ation superhighw ay uses o f the inform ation superhigh- *®co""ing' *? way as a local econom ic developm ent Northeast Po Î^o o k s. A 5 mile charity walk to benefit Aids groups is being planned! North Portland’s “ Kenton D istrict” along with “Friends o f People with A ids” and “Aids M inistries” have sched­ uled a walk to raise funds for these two w onderful organizations. Saturday August 20,1 9 9 4 10:00 a.m. at K enton Park (N. K ilpatrick & S cholfield). T he w alk w ill stroll through the historic Kenton area to end at the district’s first annual street festival. Register at 9:00 a.m. to enjoy gospel singing, inform ational booths and m eet new friends over coffee, juice and pastries. S u g g e ste d entry d o n a tio n is $10.00. For more inform ation call Paula 286-6474. W e hope to see you there! Alberta Street Cafe Opens Continued from front ▲ oversees the G arlington consum ers that work there. The Cafe functions as a sheltered deli w orkshop, the first o f its kind in the State o f O regon, and helps G arlington C enter consum ers become job-ready. T he center is a com m unity m ental health care pro­ vider. A lb e rta S tre e t C a fe is lo c a te d on A lb erta and G rand A v en u e next d o o r to th e r e c e n t l y - b u i l t G a rlin g to n P la z a a p a rtm e n ts. T he c a fe s ta ff in v ite s you to “ co m e on d o w n ” and sa m p le so m e g o o d ea ts M onday th ro u g h F rid a y , from 7 Guide Puts Focus On Health Of Heart M illions o f A m ericans now suf­ fering from heart failure, a debilitat­ ing , potentially fatal condition - could lead longer, more active lives under new guidelines released by the U.S. Public Health Service’s Agency for Health Care Policy and Research. The G uidelines, based on the re ­ sults o f the latest clinical trials and research, call for w ider use o f m edica­ tions proven capable o f preventing heart failure in som e high-risk p a ­ tients and im proving com fort and longevity in patients with established C rim e s to p p e rs Homicide Portland Police Bureau D etec­ tives, in cooperation with Crim e Stop­ pers, are asking for your help in solv­ ing a hom icide. On T hursday, M ay 19, 1994, shortly after 10:00 in the evening, Brian Duane H ill,a26-year-old black male, w ho lived in the 5400 block o f N. Gay A venue, was shotas he walked from his residence. Hill was transported to a local hospital where he died on June 14, as a result o f his w ounds. On the night of the shooting, w itnesses reported hear­ ing the sound o f gunfire and people were seen running from the scene. A vehicle seen leaving the area, at the tim e o f the shooting, is de­ scribed as a late 1980’sto early 1990 s, 4-door, Ford Taurus o r Tem po. The vehicle was silver or gray in color and had several occupants. Crim e S toppers is offering a cash rew ard o f up to 51,000 for informa- Brian Duane Hill tion, reported to Crim e Stoppers, that leads to an arrest in this case, or any unsolved felony crim e, and you can remain anonym ous. Cali Crim e Stop­ pers at (503) 823-HELP. by M ichael L eighton Students from North/Northeast Portland and other parts of the city go directly from the classroom to the job, with specialized training at the ConCorde Career Institute. The institute, a t 1827 N.E. 44 Ave., is a state licensed and accred­ ited educational school giving stu­ dents technical skills in high-dem and jobs of the health care industry. Current offerings at the Portland cam pus include instruction for be­ com ing aL im ited X-Ray Technician, Medical A ssistant and M edical O f­ fice Assistant. M ost o f C oncorde’s graduates go right into the work force after com ­ pleting the intensive training period. The schools w orks w ith a num ber o f medical providers in the Portland area. ConCorde officials said many students find the institute an attrac­ tive alternative to com m unity col­ leges because at ConCorde they can concentrate solely on the skills re­ quired for em ploym ent in their cho­ sen field. The faculty at C onCorde are also very attractive teachers because of to 19 years old, w ere recruited from com m unities in their circulation a r­ eas by editors o f The O regonian in Portland, T he Statesm an Journal in Salem , T he E ugene Register-G uard and the M ail-Tribune in M edford. Reporters, editors and photographers from these papers will join Gleason and assistant professors John Russial and C ynthia Colem an as the teaching faculty for the workshop. W hile they’re on cam pus, w ork­ s h o p p a r tic ip a n ts w ill stu d y newswriting and reporting, interview­ ing and feature w riting, news photog­ raphy, copy editing, new spaper d e­ sign and layout, opinion w riting, ad ­ vocacy journalism , legal issues and m edia careers. “T h ey ’ll also interview campus sources, participate in m ock news conferences and accompany working journalists on actual story assign­ m ents,” G leason said. “Throughout the week, the students will create and produce a lab new spaper that will be printed and returned to them the fol­ lowing w eek.” Nigerian Women’s Association “ Launching ” -FEATURING- Traclitional Dance Performances Speakers Fashion Show Film Good African Food plus much more... Julij 16,1994 2:00pm-until Polish Hall 3632 N. Inferitole $5.00 per person ^children 14 and tinder free) Parking in the reor of building (Kolser lot) in s ta n c e s . Free copies o f “ H eart Failure: M anagem ent of Patients with Left- Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction,” the guidelines’ quick reference guide for clinicians and the patient guide Liv­ ing with Heart Disease: Is It Heart Failure? may be obtained by calling 1-800-358-9295 or writing: AHCPR Publications Clearinghouse, P.O. Box 8547, Silver Spring, M D 20907. Concorde Paves Way For Medical Careers UO Journalism School Hosts Workshop For Minority Teens Fifteen minority teens from high schools and com m unity colleges in seven Oregon cities are learning about and polishing their journalistic skills at the University o f O regon School of Journalism and C om m unication. Funded by a grant from the Free­ dom Forum, the UO Journalism school and four participating O regon daily newspapers, the week-long session is providing instruction and hands-on practice in topics ranging from data­ base searches to digital im aging, ac­ cording to Tim e G leason, associate professor and workshop coordinator. “This is an opportunity for m i­ nority students from around the state to get a taste o f journalism as a career option w hile learning about journal­ ism as a social institution,” he said. “It’s im portant for the health of the profession as well as for the w ell­ being o f society that journalism at­ tract more people whose voices and perspectives are seen and heard too infrequently in new sroom s through­ out O regon and around the county.” Students, ranging in age from 14 1970 to 1990. T h e g u id e lin e s u rg e b e tte r p a ­ tie n t e d u c a tio n a n d c o m p lia n c e and c a ll fo r th e use o f b y p a ss su rg e ry o r a n g io p la sty in se le c te d heart fails to pum p enough blood to meet the body’s dem ands. Sym ptom s can include shortness o f breath, fa­ tigue, frequent coughing or swelling o f the feet, ankles and legs. M ore than 2 m illion A m ericans have heart fail­ ure, and about 400,000 new cases are heart failure. “These guidelines are a timely diagnosed each year. Heart failure and necessary step to improving qual­ contributes to over 200,000 deaths ity of life for A m ericans,” said HHS annually. The death rate attributed to A ssistant Secretary for Health Philip heart failure rose by 64 percent from a .m . to 4 p .m . resource,” Brooks said. R. Lee, M.D. who directs the Public Health Service. “ Heart failure is a treatable illness that can be m anaged. M ost persons with heart failure can adjust to the lim itations im posed by the condition and continue to lead active and rew arding lives.” H eart failure occurs w hen the Senior Citizens Targeted For Thefts Portland Police are investigat­ others go through the house. The suspects som etim es ask for ing several reports o f theft or at­ tem pted theft from senior citizens in change for a $100 bill, then short­ N ortheast and southeast Portland. change the victim , or observe where In these incidents, a group o f men they obtained the m oney, and then contact a resident in their home. In steal it. None o f the victim s have some o f the cases the suspects entice been injured. The suspects are described as the victim to ex it the hom e, using the adult m ales and arc associated with story that they arc doing tree trim ­ a four door domestic care, possibly m ing to a neighbors house, and need a M ercury, w hite in color. to be in the victims backyard. The People confronted by these sus­ suspects then enter the house while pects should not let them in their the resident is outside. hom es, and should call the police In other cases they contact the (911) immediately. Anyone with resident and ask if they are selling a inform ation on these incidents can car or other item, then w ithout invi­ call Southeast precinct Detectives tation they enter the hom e and while one suspect keeps the resident busy, at 823-2155. Daneola Moss is learning the technical skills needed to earn a living as a medical assistant at Portland's Concorde Career Institute. their own extensive experience both on-the-job and in the classroom . M odem equipm ent and instru­ m ents are used to give students the m o s t p r a c tic a l k n o w le d g e an d proficiencies. Students learn by dem ­ onstration, study and practice. The aim to provide students with the know ledge and technical profi­ ciency that will make them em ploy­ able for entry-level m edical positions upon graduation. T here’s also job placem ent assistance. O fficials said the school is open to anyone who possess the sincere desire to be trained for career oppor­ tunities in the allied health care field. A personal interview with an adm is­ sions representative is require before enrollm ent. Financial aid is also available. The school is an eligible participant o f the U.S. Department o f Education’s Federal Financial A id Programs. T he institute is a subsidiary o f Concorde Career Colleges, Inc. of K ansas City. Mo. For more inform a­ tion call (503) 281-4181. MEDICAL OFFICE ASSISTANT BE ONE IN LESSTIMETHAN YOUTHINK! TRAIN NOW! Be a pari of a Professional Medi- cal Team . G et m arketable skills... THE HEALTH CARE INDUS­ TRY NEEDS! Learn to do Medi­ cal Insurance Billing & Coding Transcriptions, Medical Recep­ tion Duties, Office Administra­ tion, Vital Signs NEW CLASSES ALSO FORMING in: • Medical Assisting • Limited Xray Financial Aid available for those who qualify. Placement Assistance, Day & Evening classes available! NEW CLASSES FORMING NOW, Call TODAY! ConCorde CAREER INSTITUTE 1827 NE 44th Ave * Portland, OR 97213 Portland 503-281-4181 Vancouver 206-750-7969 PEGGY JOSEPH - Officer Travel Consultant J