P age J uly A4 ing Mortgage M arket Celebrity Open G olf Tournament. The 1994 g o lf tournam ent is scheduled for Friday, July 15, 1994 on the G host Creek Course at Pum p­ kin Ridge. Celebrities scheduled to play this year include Peter Caruthers (Ice Skater), Forey Smith (G reen H ornet & Santa Barbara), Earl A n­ th o n y (B o w lin g ), C raig M orton (NFL), Maurice Lucus, Neil Lom ax, Bill Schonley, Paul Linnm an, Matt Brock, Terry Porter plus many more — one for each of the 64 teams. C eleb­ rities from all sports (golf, football, basketball, ice hockey), local media and national TV contribute their time to help raise money for our Portland youth. A volunteer com m ittee includ­ P ortland O bserver JIM BOOZER GOLF TOURNAMENT PORTUND’S PARTNERSHIPS FOR AT-RISK YOUTH P o rtlan d ’s businessm en, local and national celebrities, and over 200 volunteers join forces to support W est­ ern Youth D evelopm ent’s program s for at-risk youth. Portland does care about its youth! O ver 300 o f P ortland’s m ost suc­ cessful b u sin essm en rep resen tin g more than 60 b u sin esses such as M ortgage M arket, S m ith ’s H om e F u rn ish in g s, T rilliu m M o rtg ag e, Pepsi-Cola, A utom ated O ffice Sys­ tem s, C ontinental A irlines, A m erica Air W est, N orthw est N atural G as, Don Rasm ussen, C lackam as C om ­ m unications, P ete W ilson R ealty, C o lu m b ia D is tr ib u tin g C o ., A m ericold... are generously support­ ing Portland’s at-risk youth by play­ ing in and contributing to the upcom ­ 13,1994 • T he ing representatives from A m erica W est A irlines, Electric Lightwave, H oliday T ravel, L ockhart In v est­ m ents, Texaco, Entertainm ent ’94, W holesale Com m ercial Furnishings, and Mortgage Market works year long to plan the elaborate tournament. The early golfers are welcomed w ith lattes by B o y d ’s C offees and rolls by Cinnabon. R ose’s contributes box lunches for all golfers and, after the afternoon golfers have finished, adin- ner catered by Oswego Pointe awaits all participants and guests. O n the day o f the event over 200 volunteers spend a very long day from sun-up to well after m idnight attending to the detail necessary for a 64 team golf tournam ent with two shotgun starts and such outstanding hospitality. HARLEM GLOBETROTTERS SET TO TOUR SOUTH AFRICA The Harlem G lobetrotters will set yet another 1994 m ilestone be­ com ing the first professional basket­ ball team from the U nited States to tour South A frica with gam es sched­ uled for m id-O ctober 1994, it was a n n o u n c e d to d a y by H a rle m G lo b e tro tte rs In te rn a tio n a l, Inc., Chairm an and majority ow ner M annie Jackson. In a landm ark international ne­ gotiation with the free dem ocratic South A frica a letter of intent between H arlem G lobetrotters International, Inc.,andC edric Kushner Promotions, L td., has been signed that includes games to be played between October 13 and O ctober 22,1994. In a gesture o f support for the human rights m ove­ m ent in South A frica, 100% o f net p roceeds from special exhibition gam es and clinics townships, will be donated to the African National C on­ gress Sports Fund. “As the renowned Am bassadors o f G oodw ill, it is fitting that the Harlem G lobetrotters make this land­ m ark first step in celebration o f South A fric a ’s new e ra ,” say s C e d ric Kushner. Rhybon Mayfield (from left) greets goiter Anay brown ana naie Maney ai u i i o i i u u v w i uui, Social consciousness, an expan­ site for the 4th annual Jim Boozer Golf Tournament. The July 9 tourney raised money for i sion o f its international im pact, has Boys and Girls Club. Participation was a great success. There were 100 golfers, a 25 perc been param ount to the new direction over last year. The late Jim Boozer was highly regarded in the Portland community for his o f the Harlem G lobetrotters under the unselfishness, compassion and concern for youth. A dinner party followed the event. leadership o f owner Mannie Jackson. This tour reflects that com m itm ent and c o n tin u e s th e H a rle m G lobetrotters organization’s 68-year • 10.3 Perey Williams, Canada, 1930 L eroy B u rrell sm ash ed C arl and we are both glad to be able to work tradition o f reaching out to com m uni­ • 10.2 Tesse Owens, US, 1936 ties around the globe as South A frica Lew is’s record by one-hundredth of a together. • 10.1 Willi Williams, US, 1956 “It is just a matter of motivation to becomes the 113 th country visited by the second for the second time, the crowds • 10.0 AiminHary.W.Germany, 1960 beat 9.86 and he had that motivation and in Lausanne, Sw itzerland exploded legendary “Magicians of Basketball.” • 9.99 Jim Hines, US, 1968 with cheers when the tim e read on the look what happened,” Lewis said. ELECTRONIC TIMING “I knew it would be fast, I was clock 9.85 during the warm, hum id • 9.95 Jim Hines, U S, 1968 very confident within m yself,” said evening o f July the 7th 1994. • 9.93 Calvin Smith, US, 1983 The world fam ous Carl Lewis 27 year-old Leroy Burrell. “ I’m just then-IFB champ Larry Homes in 1985. • 9.92 Carl Lewis, US, 1988 happy to set a new record, again.” His next world title challenge did not didn’t appear at all, because o f a • 9.90 Leroy Burrel, US, 1991 CHARTING THE 100M come until four years later when Tyson certain am ountof m oney that he asked • 9.86 Carl Lewis, US 1991 • 10.6 Donald Lippicott, US, 1912 kayoed him in the first round. In his last for did not com e through, but never • 9.85 Leroy Burrel, US 1994 • 10.4 Charles Paddock, US, 1921 outing, April 24, 1993, Williams was the less, Lew is is as happy as can be stopped in the 10th round by two-time world-champ contender Frank Bruno. W ilson knocked out Cooper on June 21, 1987 to capture the USBA crown and successfully defended it four tim es before succum bing to W itherspoon in 1991 by decision. 9.8E TIME HAS FALLEN WILLIAMS MEETS ZOLKIN IH HEAVYWEIGHT BOUT C arl “The T ru th ” W illiam s, who challenged Larry Holm es and Mike Tyson for their heavyw eight world title b elts, m eets rising p ro sp ect A lexander 2k)lkin in a 10-round head­ liner at the Souter Belle in Tunica, M iss., Friday, July 22. Aired live on E SPN ’s Top Rank boxing, W illiam s (26-7, 20 KOs) m akes his first appearance in the ring this year, while Zolkin (17-212 KOs) o rig in a lly from M oscow , R u ssia brings with him a No. 11 ranking by the W orld Boxing Council. W illiam s, 34, from W hite Plains, NY has not shied aw ay from meeting the best the division can offer. A pro since 1982, W illiam s has m et fellow contenders James “Q uick” Tilis, Jesse Ferguson and Bert Cooper, along with former world champions Mike Weaver, Trevor Berbick, Tim Witherspoon and Tommy “The Duke” Morrison. In a 15-round war, Williams lost to PORTLAND TEAM HUNGRY TO WIN CARBAJAL TAKES OH WBO CHAMP CAMACHO F o rm er In tern atio n al B oxing d e ra tio n and W orld Boxing Coun- 1 light flyw eight cham pion Michael arbajal (31-1, 19 KOs) will chal- nge W orld Boxing O rganization [list Josue C am acho (1 5 -2 ,6 K O s), ily 15 at the A m erica W est Arena. A rc h -riv a l H u m b e rto se v e n th -ro u n d k n o c k o u t o f th en - W B C c h a m p G o n z a le z in th e ir firs t m e e tin g in A p ril 1993. W hile Carbajal waits on a fret­ ting G onzalez, h e’ll concentrate on dethroning Puerto R ico’s Camacho. “Carbajal deserves a chance to regain his IBF and W BC titles.” G o n z a le z w re ste d the IB F and W B C c ro w n s from C a rb a ja l on a s p lit- d e c is io n , F e b . 19 in L o s A n g e le s, b u t has b e e n in no h u rry to o ffe r th e O ly m p ic silv e r m e d ­ a lis t a se c o n d re m a tc h . C a rb a ja l o v e rc a m e tw o e a rly k n o c k d o w n s to sc o re a su d d e n a n d d ra m a tic DOUBLE M on - Fri 9am - 6pm Sat 9am - 4pm CENTER The Hillsboro Football Club is finding success on the soccer field as it advances in playoff competition. T he H illsboro Football Club, P ortland’s under 18 boys soccer team dem onstrated their hunger to win as they advanced to the National C ham ­ pionship, the prem ier youth soccer tournam ent in the U nited States. Hillsboro defeated Santos from G lendale, Arizona in a 2-0 victory at the National Championship in Bakers­ field, C alifornia on July 2. The team takes hom e the title o f W estern Re­ gion IV Cham pions in the boys under 18 age group. The Hillsboro Football C lub now travels to Blaine, M inne­ sota to com pete with other regional winning teams from across the coun­ try at the 1994 Cup, which will be 3 5 YEARS IN BUSINESS • 2 0 YEARS AT TH IS LOCATION New Recaps In Stock 100% Warranty to 50% Of Tread ALL TIRES SALES Free Mount and Balance Split Rims $5.00 NITTO SELL OUT s Free used stock rim, with purchase of any 1 tire passenger car only, some trucks (If In Stock) AURORA SELL OUT 155-80-R13............... $36.32 165-80-R13............... ¿37.76 175-80-R13............... ¿38.46 185-8O-R13............... ¿39.84 185-70-R14............... ¿40.68 205-75-R15............... ¿45.00 215-75-R15............... ¿46.39 225-75-R15............... ¿49.10 215-85-R16 .............. ¿65.00 225-75-R16............... ¿65.00 165-SR13................. $33.41 205-75-15................ $42.85 215-75-R15............ $44.10 225-75-R15............ $46.70 185-70-R13.............. $38.88 195-70-HR14........... $43.65 215-6O-HR15.......... $55.35 245-60-HR14........... $58.59 As is Blems Laredos Available o n ly in sizes 31-10-50X15......................... $74.95 245-75-R16................ $74 95 O verstocked in used mag rim s- chrom es and o th e rs d irt cheap, w e also sell some new rims. YMCA OFFERS J J ? OVERSTOCKED Hubcaps and c e n te r caps (some fo r FREE) 1 DOUBLE ■ TIRE CENTER ¡f F R E E F L A T R E P A IR !^ — » MB MS — «■» ™ ™ """ y p R o b e rt C o n tig u g lia , C h a irm a n , U .S . Y outh S o c c e r. “ W e b e lie v e th a t th is e v e n t sh o w s y o u th so c ­ c e r a t its b e st a n d w ill a llo w it to b e c o m e the p re e m in e n t s p o rt in th e U n ite d S ta te s .” BYRON WOOD’S GOLF SHOP A t Jicron Lathes Portland's Largest Selection O F C A L L A W A Y - A L S O C H O O S E F R O M K IN G C O B R A , T A Y L O R M A D E , P IN G , A N D M O R E T BALL PROGRAMS Flat Repairs $3.00 and u p b Split Rims $10.00 used stock steel rim s $5.00 and I u p + $5.00 to m o u n t and balance | ¡ 1 With this Coupon - One Per Person • Tube t played July 27-31. “ T he to u rn a m e n t m a k e s p o s ­ sib le for o u tsta n d in g a th le te s form a c ro ss the c o u n try to c o m p e te for the yo u th so c c e r c h a m p io n s h ip in the U n ite s S ta te s ,” sa id D r. S. e % The Northeast/Inner Northeast YMCA offers its 2nd Annual Co-ed Senior T-Ball & Itty Bitty T-Ball pro­ grams, forchildrcngrades lstthrough 5 th and ages three to five. Y our child will lcam a variety of skills in a fun, challenging, andpositiveatmosphere. The Seniors T-Ball & Itty Bitty T- Ball begins on July 18,1994. Regis­ tration fees are $ 12.00 for youth mem­ bers, $16.00 for non-members. Par­ ents are encouraged to participate as volunteer coaches. For more infor­ mation contact the North/inncr North­ east YMCA at 294-3355. FREE G O L F L E S S O N S W IT H A N Y W O O D O R IR O N S E T PURCHASEI 20% O FF ENTIRE STOCK OF GOLF BAGS GOLF COURSE 3500 N.VICTORY BLVD. PORTLAND, OREGON 289-1818