Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 13, 1994, Page 13, Image 13

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    P age B?
I W I J-5
Bradley-Angle House
Bradley-Angle House
Night Case Manager
Status: Permanent, Full Time
Salary: $15,656 per year plus
Hours : 4:45pm - 9:15am two night
per week, weekly meeting on
Mondays 2:00pm - 5:30pm
Supervisor: Shelter Coordinator
Closing Date: July 22,1994
Application: Send resume and
cover letter to:
Bradley-Angle House
P.O. Box 14694
Portland, OR 97214
O bjective: To provide consis­
tent, comprehensive support
and advocacy to Bradley-Angle
House residents and crisis line
D u t le s /R e s p o n s lb lllt le s :
Screen potential residents for
appropriateness for B-A shel­
ter. Answer crisis phones when
notcovered by volunteers. Pro­
vide ongoing support and re­
source information to each resi­
dent. Enforce shelter rules.
Conduct one or more house
meetings for residents per
week. Complete paperwork as
required. Update Shelter Co­
ordinator and other staff on resi­
dent situations as needed. At­
tend Direct Service meetings
and weekly All Staff meetings.
Q u a lifica tio n s: Demonstrated
ability to relate to women and
children from diverse back­
grounds. Ability to read, write
and cross reference materials.
Good listening and verbal com­
munication skills. Experience,
understanding and com mit­
ment to working with victims of
domestic violence. Comm it­
ment to incorporating an un­
derstanding of oppressions
(racism, heterosexism, sexism,
classism, etc.) into your work.
Bilingual/Bicultural, Spanish or
Asian languages preferred.
B radley-A ngle House is an AA/
EEO/Feminist agency working
with survivors of domestic vio­
Status: Permanent, .75 FTE
Salary: $12,244 yr. + .75 benefits
Hours: To be established with
Supervisor: B-A House Program
Closing Date: July 22,1994
Application: Send resume and
cover letter to:
Bradley-Angle House, Inc.
P.O. Box 14694
Portland, OR 97214
D u tles/R espo nslbllltles: Plan
and prioritize projects with Bra­
dley-Angle House Shelter and
Transition Coordinators. Pro­
vide ongoing upkeep, cleaning
and yard work for the B-A
House shelter and transitional
facility. Assist in planning and
completing annual shelter clo­
sure. Maintain basic household
supplies and tools. Organize
pick-up and storage of food
and other donations. Repair
and improve the crisis shelter
and transitional facility. Main­
tain a list of maintenance, food,
and donations vol u nteers, con­
tractors, and service techni­
cians. Maintain record of do­
nors. Complete monthly re­
ports to Director. Attend Direct
Service meetings and weekly
All Staff meetings.
Q u a lifica tio n s: Demonstrated
ability to relate to women and
children from diverse back­
grounds. Ability to maintain
accurate records. Ability to so­
licit needed materials and ser­
vices from businesses and in­
dividuals in the community.
Basic knowledge of use of tools
and simple home repairs. Un­
derstanding and commitment
to working with victims of do­
mestic violence. Commitment
to incorporating an understand­
ing of oppressions (racism,
h e te ro s e x is m ,
se xism ,
classism, etc.) into your work.
Bilingual/Bicultural, Spanish or
languages preferred.
Career Services Assistant Director
Valid driver’s license and reli­
Western Oregon
able m otorized vehicle re­
State College
B radley-Angle House is an AA/
E EO/Fem inist agency working
with survivors of domestic vio­
Assist in development/delivery
Historic Preservation
of career advisement and job
search systems and program­
School of Architecture and
ming; conduct career advise­
Allied Arts
ment, teach workshops, orga­
University of Oregon
nize career/job fairs and spe­
Adjunct Assistant
cial programming, supervise
paraprofessional staff.
Q u a lific a tio n s : R e q u ire d - University of Oregon: School of
Master’s degree in college stu­
Architecture and Allied Arts
dent personnel or related field;
seeks applicants for 3-month
1-3 yrs. relevant experience;
positions as Adjunct Assistant
excellent organizational, pre­
Professor of Historic Preser­
sentation, writing and interper­
vation. Instructional opportuni­
sonal skills; proficient with com­
tie s may in clu d e e xistin g
puter word-processing and da­
courses: introduction; Legal
tabase software. Preferred-
Issues; Planning; NRN; Sur­
college campus experience in
vey; Technology; Paint Analy­
career services to liberal arts
sis and Lighting. Candidates
students; supervisory experi­
encouraged to send course
ence desirable, 12-mon., fixed
descriptions relevant to indi­
term appt., salary $24,500 -
vidual preservation skills in
$25,700. Applications: Send
consideration for creation of
letter, resume, statement of
additional courses. Candidates
your view of role of career ser­
expected to have advanced
vices with liberal arts students
degrees and/or appropriate
and names, addresses and
professional experience and
phone numbers of 3 references
research and teaching experi­
postmarked by July 29, to Di­
ence. Applications kept on file
re c to r, C a re e r S e rvice s,
to provide a pool of potential
WOSC, Monmouth, OR 97361 ;
faculty and additional courses.
(503) 838-8648 or (503) 838-
Completed applications must
8234 V/TDD. AA/EOE. _____
include application form, cur­
riculum vitae, state of interest,
Shop Floor
and references. Address inquir­
ies to Historic Preservation
Committee, 5233 University of
Local Mfg. company is seeking
O regon, Eugene, O regon
Shop Floor Supervisor for
97403-5233. Review of appli­
packaging dept. Must have
cations begins 10/1/94 and
two+ years of supervisory ex­
continues through 94-95 year.
perience in pkg on mfg and 2+
EO/AA/ADA institution commit­
years of related college work
or equivalent. Hours are M-F
ted to cultural diversity.
day shift floating 40 hours, plus
every other Sat. Starting pay is
$7 - $9 hr. Plus excellent ben­
efit package. Please apply or To provide clerical, research and
send resum e to 3580 NE
special events support for dy­
Broadway Portland, OR 97232
namic non-profit. Req. 50 wpm,
M-F between 1-5pm. We are
computer/database manage­
an equal opportunity employer.
ment, detail oriented and ex­
Asst. Director
Non-Prft Org. exp in grant wrting,
fndraising, pub. spkng, comm,
dev, Mgmt, sklls req. Send re­
sume & cover letter with sal
expect, to PO Box 11527, PDX,
or 97211 by 7/22.
cellent communication skills.
FT plus benefits. Send cover
letter with salary requirements
and resume to Oregon Food
Bank, 2540 NE Riverside Way,
Portland, OR 97211. No Calls.
Position closes 7/20/94. Equal
Opportunity Employer.
Notice To Contractors
Informational Advertisement
Department of Transportation
Call For Bids
Sealed bids will be received until 9 a.m. on July 28,1994, for
:hese projects listed below:
Corvallis/Newport Highway at Siletz Highway
Section of the C orvallis-N ew port Highway
(US20). Traffic Signals.
W ashington
Golf Creek Section, Phase 1, on the Sunset
Highway (US26) in W est Portland. Landscap­
Sisters Rock Production Section of the Santiam
Highway (US20) approx. 3 mi. east of Sisters.
Aggregate Crushing.
Grass Butte Rock Production Section of the
Ochoco Hwy. (US26) approx. 15 mi. east of
Prineville. Aggregate Crushing.
La Grande Oil Mat Section, in the City of La
Grande. A.C. Paving and Oiling.
Region 5 Mailbox Support Project, Various
Highways in Various Counties. Miscellaneous
Highway Appurtenances.
Ruckles Creek Bridge No. 17411, Baker-
Copperfield Highway (OR86) 14 miles east of
Baker City. 3% DBE GOAL. Reinforced Con­
crete & Structural Steel Bridges & Grade Sepa­
ration Structures.
Deschutes River Br. Section of Spring River
Rd. (County Road) south of Bend. 3% DBE
GOAL. Reinforced Concrete & Structural Steel
Bridges & Grade Separation Structures.
Clackam as
Fish Creek Realignment Section of the Clacka­
mas Hwy. (OR224) approx. 16 mi. southeast
of Estacada. Earthwork and Drainage; or Land­
scaping; or A.C. Pavement & Oiling.
Arlington-Cedar Springs Road (South Unit)
Section of the John Day Highway (OR19). 7%
DBE GOAL. A.C. Pavement & Oiling.
Plans, specifications, and bid docum ents may be obtained in
Rm. 1, Transportation Building, Salem, OR 97310. P lans
m ay be o rd e re d by p h o n e at 378-6293. Prime contractors
must be prequalified ten days prior to the bid opening day. For
additional inform ation regarding prequalification, please con­
tact Fran Neavoll, Program Section, (503) 378-6563.
If your business is not certified as a Disadvantaged Business
Enterprise (DBE) or a W omen Business Enterprise (WBE),
please contact the Office of Minority, W om en, and Emerging
Small Business at 155 Cottage, Salem, OR 97310, phone
(503) 378-5651.
State of Washington
Department of Transportation
Southwest Region
4200 Main Street, Vancouver, WA 98668
P.O. Box 1709, Vancouver, Washington 98668
Bid Opening August 11,1994
Sealed bids will be received by the State of W ashington,
Departm ent of Transportation, at Southwest Region H ead­
quarters in Vancouver, W ashington until Thursday, A ugust
1,1994, at 10:00 a.m. and will then and there be opened and
publicly read for the construction of the im provem ent listed
jelow . This is a Southwest Region contract.
Performance and bid bonds will be required.
Any person, firm , or corporation not currently prequalified with
the Department of Transportation and desiring to subm it a bid
on this project must file a Standard Prequalification Q uestion­
naire and Financial Statem ent with the Prequalification Engi­
neer at the Departm ent of Transportation, Transportation
Building, Olympia, W A. 98504-5201. The questionnaire must
be properly filled in, executed, and received not less than
ifteen (15) days prior to the date of bid opening to be
considered for prequalification. Prequalification is required
je fore a proposal can be obtained. Prequalification form s
may be obtained upon written request to the above address
or by calling (206) 705-7018.
Plans and contract provisions may be obtained from the
Southwest Region Plans Office upon written request to the
Plans Engineer, Southwest Region Headquarters, P.O. Box
1709, Vancouver, WA. 98668, or by calling (206) 905-2184.
A copy of the plans and contract provisions may be inspected
in the Chapter Offices of the Associated G eneral Contractors
of Am erica in Seattle, Tacoma, and Spokane.
The im provem ent for which the bids w ill be received follows:
(Clark) ANDRESEN ROAD TO SR 503 (CL 4, $2,500,000 -
$3,000,000) CONTAINS MWBE GOAL, A State project on
2.49 miles of SR 500, MP with asphalt concrete, installing
guardrail, raised pavem ent markers, cantilever sign bridge,
perm anent signing, illum ination and signal system m odifica­
tion, relocating cantilever sign, constructing cem ent concrete
curbs and sidewalks, and other work. 100 working days.
Involves 120 items. 9160 C.Y. roadway excavation incl. haul;
19250 S.Y. shoulder preparation: 27280 TON gravel borrow
incl. haul; 11410 C.Y. em bankm ent com paction; 2650 L.F.
underdrain pipe 8 in. diam .; 18 EA catch basin type 1 ; 996 L.F.
plain cone, storm sewer pipe 18 in. diam.; 10400 TON crushed
surfacing top course; 22069 S.Y. planing bitum inous pave­
ment; 10500 TON asphalt cone, pavem ent Cl. A; 9500 TON
asphalt cone, pavem ent Cl. E; 6773 L.F. cem ent cone, barrier
curb; 1338 L.F. beam guardrail type 1 ; 22765 L.F. paint stripe;
1442 S.Y. cem ent cantilever sign structure, 5 illumination sys
m odifications, 3 traffic signal display & detection sys, 3 traffic
signal control sys, interconnect sys. (OL20278)(450093B)
G erald E. Smith, P.E.
Regional Adm inistrator
3 *
B U M H 0U M «
« r r a a iu a r r v
Proposals Due: 2:00 P.M. on Various Dates
Fourteen Pines
2784 Willakenzie
Eugene, Oregon 97401
The above property Is offered by the o w n er pursuant to the Low Incom e
Housing Preservation and Resident Homeownership Act ot 1990. fo r six months, this
o tte r Is only open to resident cou ncils and c o m m u n ity-b ased nonprofits
with at least 50% resident support who agree to maintain low-incom e affordability
restrictions on the property. For the next six months it is also open to all nonPf °*J
organizations and Stole and local government agencies. Otters from other qualified
purchasers w ll not be considered u n tl the end ot a twelve month period
The following information it provided tor informational purpotet only:
Name and address of owner.
Unit Composition:
T. Barry Brenneke
Guardian Management
P.O. Box 5668
Portland. OR 97228
(503) 242-2350
1- BR
2- BR
3- BR
Earnest Money Deposit
Transfer Preservation Value:
$ Waived
20 Units
32 Units
13 Units
All potential purchaser« must contact the owner(s) directly, however,
interested nonprofit purchasers must submit an expression of interest to
Rob Prasch, Asset Manager
U S. D epartm en t o f H U D
5 2 0 Southw est Sixth Avenue
Portland, Oregon 9 7 2 0 4 - 1 5 9 6
(5 0 3 ) 3 2 6 - 2 7 8 «
Potential purchasers may send their names to receive copies of
prescribed notices to the shove HUD office._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Expressions ot interest w il include (1 ) a statement that the purchaser is a R e sid e«
C ouncil, a nonprofit organization or a State o r local g o vernm ent agency,
(2 ) a copy ot the organization's articles ot incorporation, charter or bylaws, (3 ) a sst
t4 officers or directors; (4 ) evidence ot Section 501 (c ) status o r apphcabon there ot,
(5 ) any ow ner affiliation, or (6 ) establishment at a subsidiary purchaser,
Oregon Department of
Environmental Quality
Request For Information (RFI)
The Oregon Department of Environm ental Quality (DEQ) is
developing a list of contractors who perform services related
to em ergency response or time critical removal actions.
Specific information is requested from contractors capable o
responding to environm ental incidents on a 24-hour on-call
em ergency basis and time critical removal actions with a
seven (7) day advance notice. Em ergency incidents include,
but are not limited to: spills to roadways, soil or water;
abandoned waste; vapors; and illegal drug labs. Removal
actions include, but are not limited to, soil removal and/or
overpacking and transporting drum m ed waste. For a copy of
the RFI specific to these services, contact Kim Carlson at
(503) 229-6312.
City of Portland
Invitation For Proposals
Sealed Proposals w ill be received at the Bureau of Purchases
and Stores, Room 1313, Portland Building, 1120 SW Fifth
Ave., Portland, OR 97204 for the (Com m odities), (Projects)
detailed below until 2:00 P.M. on the dates indicated.
Plans and Specifications may be obtained at the above
address. For additional information, telephone Buyer at num ­
ber listed.
Unless otherwise stated in the individual proposals listed
herein, no proposal or bid will be considered unless accom ­
panied by a bid surety for an am ount not less than ten percent
(10%) of the aggregate am ount of the proposal.
The City encourages bidding by MBEs and FBEs and will
assist such firm s to understand and participate in formal
bidding processes.
NON-DISCRIMINATION: No proposal or bid will be consid­
ered unless bidder is certified as an EEO Affirm ative Action
Em ployer as prescribed by Chapter 3.100 of the Code of the
City of Portland.
SW 1st & Jefferson Parking G arage Roof Deck Re­
pair. C o n ta ct M ichele A cke rm an at 8 2 3 -6 8 5 5 .
Prequalification required in Category 36, Special Ap­
plication of Fluid Applied Deck Coating System s. A
walkthrough w ill be held July 2 0 ,1 9 9 4 at 10am at the
jobsite on the roof. Opening date 8-2-94.
Vancouver Basin CSO Unit 3. C ontact M ichele
Ackerman at 823-6855. Prequalification required in
Category 8, Sewer Lines, for $110,000. Opening date
Sidewalk Repair Services. SPECIAL PROJECT FOR
M BE’S, W BE'S & ESB’S ONLY. Contractors must
apply for prequalification with Bureau of M aintenance,
Sidewalk Repair Division, by August 6,1 9 9 4 , ten (10)
days prior to bid opening. Only prequalified contrac­
tors w ill be allowed to bid. Contacts: Denise John­
son, Buyer, 823-6853, and Loretta Young, C oordina­
tor for M BE’s, W BE’s, and ESB’s, 823-6850. Direct
proposals to the attention of Denise Johnson, Buyer.
Opening date 8-16-94.
Local Mfg. company seeking Immediateopening for entry level
night janitor for warehouse en­
position Sales Executive. At
vironment. Hours are Monday
least one year sales experi­
- Friday 6:45pm to 3:15am.
ence required. Send resume to
Starting pay is $6.00 hour plus
P.O. Box 14957, Portland Or­
medical and dental benefits.
egon - 97214. Attention Gen­
Interested applicants please
eral Sales Manager. No phone
apply at 3580 N.E. Broadway
calls. Equal opportunity em­
Portland, OR 97232. We are
an equal opportunity employer.