Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 13, 1994, Page 11, Image 11

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    P age BS
Learning To Play Band
Children leam
Summer Music
Camp For Inner
City Kids
band and build cultural interaction skills on the Cascade Campus of Portland Community College on North Killingsworth
Freightliner And PCC Embark On New
Training Program
Portland Community College has
been awarded $101,364 in lottery
funds from the Oregon Economic De­
velopment Department to train 350
new Freightliner employees under a
planned Portland expansion of the
national truck manufacturing com­
Freightliner Corp, has commit­
ted an additional $180,992 in match­
ing funds for the training, which de­
velops workforce programs custom­
ized to Freightliner’s education needs.
“This program will provide an
excellent opportunity for entry level
workers to gain high-skill, well-pay­
ing jobs,” said Bill Scott, director of
Oregon Economic Development De­
partment. “There is a tremendous
opportunity for a long-term partner­
sh ip b etw een the co lleg e and
Grants of this type are awarded to
community colleges, which tailor
training programs to meet specific
company needs. Dr. Dan Moriarty,
president of Portland Community
College, said, “We are very pleased to
provide the training needed by
Freightliner and help the company
grow in this area.”
“The knowledge and skills of our
employees are more important than
ever,’ said Jim Hebe, Freightliner
president and CEO. “We need to at-
tract and train new people to keep up
with our growth and capacity expan­
sions. But equally important, we have
an obligation and commitment to re­
invest in our existing people. We
can’t expect an employee who was
hired and trained 10 years ago to be
prepared to handle the technologies
of tomorrow. Without having good
people to begin with, a good educa­
tion system to depend on, and the best
internal training programs to build
on, we’d never meet our customers’
expectations for continual innovation
and unremitting product quality.
“Freightliner and Oregon have
created the opportunity for our em­
ployees and our citizens to keep grow­
ing and keep raising their skill levels
to better ensure both Freightliner’s
future and the future of this state. This
training grant will benefit our present
2,370 Oregon plant employees and
will help us build the trucks that build
the demand for many more employ­
ees in the future.
“Our success will reverberate
through the region with the success of
our suppliers with an expanded tax
base and higher-skilled, family-wage
jobs,” Hebe said.
Frieghtliner Corporation, the
leading manufacturer of heavy-duty
trucks in North America, employs
8,332 people in the U.S. and Canada,
if which 3,700 work in Oregon at its
:orporate headquarters, truck plant
ind parts plant. The plants operate at
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Room 75 L incoln H all on the
PSU cam pus. S aturday, July 16,
at 7 p.m . they w ill perform at
P o w ell’s B ookstore at SW 10th
& Broadw ay.
As part of the p ro ject, six
scholarships will be aw arded, o f­
fering ch ildren free p ian o le s ­
sons and loaned pianos for a year.
“I t’s been am azing to see the
response from the co m m u n ity ,”
says Kogen. “ So many people
have donated th eir lim e, effo rt,
a n d th o u s a n d s o f d o lla rs in
equipm ent. I really b elieve that
m usic is the food o f p ea ce,” she
says. “ M usic heals the soul and
can truly alter c h ild re n ’s liv e s .”
Ray L eary, of S elf-E n h an ce­
m ent, In c ’s ca p ita l cam p aig n
team , cred its Kogen w ith being
the driving force behind w hat
everyone hopes w ill becom e an
annual p roject.
“ H er e n e rg y p u sh e d th is
thing th ro u g h ,’ he says “ I t’s a
p ilo t effort. The first m usic cam p
w e’ve taken part in. B ut i t ’s a
great opportunity for everyone
in volved.”
Leary applauds this opportu­
nity for children to be exposed to a
college setting, to leam about a uni­
versity and its offerings, and also to
know that PSU is available to them.
“This camp is also a great opportu­
nity for PSU staff to be involved in an
urban prevention effort,” he says.
“And they can’t help but benefit
from knowing about the diverse cul­
tures that make up the urban envi­
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Packwood Announces
Application Period Now
Open For Service
Academy Classes
The application period for the rials will be opened for the student.
Information on the application pro­
United States Military Academy,
the United States Naval Academy, cess will be mailed to the applicant
the United States Air Force Acad­ once the file is opened.
The deadline for all applica­
emy, and the United States Mer­
tion materials to be submitted for
chant Marine Academy is now open
for the class entering in 1995. In the class entering in 1995 is No­
order to be admitted to one of the vember 30, 1994. Students should
U.S. service academies, students see a guidance counselor for infor­
m ustbe nominated by at least one of mation on the programs and re­
quirements for each service acad­
their U.S. Senators, their congres­
sional Representative, and/or Vice emy. Students with questions about
the application process should con­
President Gore.
To open an application file with tact Suzy F ischer in S enator
Packwood ’ s Portland Office at 326-
Senator Packwood, students must
3370. Letters requesting that an
have completed their junior year
(11th grade) in high school and application file be opened should be
submit a letter to the Senator re­ addressed to:
Senator Bob Packwood
questing that a file be opened for
101 SW Main, #240
them. Upon receipt of this letter, a
Portland, Oregon 97204
file for candidate application matc-
three shifts a day and have been con­
tinually increasing employment over
the last three years.
T h irty in n er-city ch ild ren ,
a g e s 8 to 10, a re le a r n in g
rhythm , m ovem ent, com position
a n d im p ro v is a tio n d u rin g a
w eek-long sum m er m usic cam p
at P o rtla n d S tate U n iv ersity ,
sponsored by PSU and S elf-E n ­
hancem ent, Inc. The children are
g etting hands-on m usic ex p e ri­
ence with PSU m usic faculty
and area experts who volunteer
th eir tim e. Each afternoon the
ch ild ren also w ill in teract with
g u est ro le m odels, including:
PSU P resid en t Judith R am aley,
the St. L aurence S tring Q u artet
(from C ham ber M usic N o rth ­
w est), jazz bass player A ndre St.
Jam es, and jazz singer S hirley
N anette.
“This project has been a real
labor of love, says coordinator Mary
Kogen, associate professor of music
at Portland State. “Yamaha has
loaned 30 electronic keyboards for
the week for the children to take
home and practice on. Adidas do­
nated t-shirts. Wonderful role mod­
els from the community will interact
with the children each afternoon.
And people like percussionist Joel
Bluestone, singer/choir director Judy
Rose, andcomposer Cynthia Gerdes
have donated instruction time.”
Kogen spearheaded the project and
will herself teach the children pi­
The w eek w ill culm inate in
tw o free public concerts. Friday,
July 15, at 7 p.m ., the children
w ill perform their ow n co m posi­
tions or im p ro v ised w orks in
H ouse
Maxwell House
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