J uly 06, 1994 • T he P ortland O bserver P age AS A Bright Idea On Darkness World’s Most Energy- Efficient Refrigerator V ' V SERP Refrigerator 1.3 m illion custom ers in seven W est­ ern states. Robinson said that one o f the biggest incentives for the creation o f a CFC-free refrigerator was the sign­ ing of the 1987 M ontreal Protocol. Spurred by the growth of an ozone hole over A ntarctica, the Protocol binds its 128 international members to reduce their production and con­ sum ption o f C FC s by 1998, with a com plete phase-out by 2000. About the time the Montreal P ro­ tocol was signed, PacifiCorp and other organizations becam e frustrated with the slow pace of energy efficiency im provem ents in appliances. They formed the SERP consortium to pool resources and to influence the m ar­ ketplace to create a refrigerator that would benefit the environm ent and consumers. M embers o f the SERP consor­ tiu m in c lu d e P a c if iC o r p , th e Bonneville Pow er Administration, 23 utilities, the Electric Power Research Institute, the Environm ental P rotec­ tion A gency, the Natural Resources Being kept in the dark w ill at last be a pleasant and fashionable e x p e rie n c e fo r O re g o n ia n s and W ashingtonians, w ho get an aver­ age of less than 50 percent o f pos­ sible sun on any given day during the year. Because som etim es real darkness is needed -- especially by babies, their parents, and anyone trying to catch a w ink during day­ time hours - a new window blind called Light G arde is being intro­ duced in the Portland and Seattle areas. The N orthw est has been cho­ sen as the first region in a national ro ll-o u t plan that w ill continue through 1995. L ight G arde has a revolution­ ary new construction that blocks light better than conventional blinds by elim inating the slat holes through w hich the cords are threaded. The top slat closes on the headrail to aid in light blockage and the overall design allows for tighter slat clo­ sure. D esigned to reduce the am ount o f light allow ed in the room , it is intended for childrens’ room s or nurseries, people who work at night and sleep during the day, or in any situation where alm ost total room- darkening is desired. Light G arde is cil for an Energy Efficient Economy, the W ashington State Energy O ffice and the D epartm ent of Energy. G eorge Smith W arehouse and P a n Lum ber in Portland are carrying SERP refrigerators. For more infor­ mation about SERP, callP acifiC orp’s Energy Services Hotline at 1-800- 222-4335 or W hirlpool at 1 -800-253- blinds since the late ’60s. The new product is made by Del M ar W in d o w C o v e r in g s o f W estm inster, CA . Research con­ ducted by Del M ar indicated that a large percentage o f all mini-blinds are purchased for bedroom windows. According to Joe Cole, president of Del M ar, “ W e realized that a stan­ The Light Garde mini blind is a revolutionary new product by Del Mar Window Coverings that is the industry's first significantly dard m ini-blind, used in the bedroom for privacy and light control, w as not as efficient as it could be. So we took one o f the best features o f the m ini­ blind and m ade it better.” Light Garde, which will cost about 15 percent m ore than conventional blinds, is covered by Del M ar’s Per- fect P roduct Prom ise G uarantee, which is a lifetim e guarantee cover­ ing defects in materials and workman­ ship. The new mini-blinds are available now at all Rodda Decor Centers in the Northwest and will be available in other retail stores nationwide as production capacity is expanded. 1301. For consum ers replacing refrig­ The m ost energy-efficient envi­ ronm entally friendly refrigerator in erators 10 years and older, they could the world has arrived in Portland, cut their electric bills by about $90 per thanks to the support o f PacifiCorp, year by purchasing the super efficient which contributed to the funding to refrigerator. “PacifiCorp took a leadership role develop i t The “super fridge” is the result of in launching SERP because we want a national com petition sponsored by our custom ers to save m oney and PacifiCorp and 30 com panies and en e rg y ,” said S co tt R o b in so n , a organizations. They offered $30 m il­ PacifiCorp m anager who serves on lion to the m anufacturer that could SE R P’s board o f directors. “The re­ produce the most energy-efficient re­ frigerator is the third largest energy frigerator that was free o f chlorofluo­ user in a hom e, so we knew that an rocarbons. Used in m ost cooling sys­ energy-efficient refrigerator would tems, CFCs deplete the ozone layer, offer savings to custom ers on their which protects the earth from radia­ electric bills. And we were interested tion, and they may contribute to glo­ in spurring the developm ent o f an environm entally friendly refrigera­ bal warming. W hirlpool won the Super E ffi­ tor to im prove air quality.” Since PacifiCorp helped fund the cient Refrigerator Program (SERP) by producing a CFC-free refrigerator com petition, W hirlpool has made the that also is 30 percent more energy new SERP refrigerator available to efficient than 1993 federal energy dealers in areas served by PacifiCorp. standards. It uses hydrofluorocarbons Through its Utah Pow er and Pacific Pow er divisions, PacifiCorp serves instead o f CFCs. Dad’s DREAM S F O R SALE. / f y o u ’v e a l w a y s h a d t h e d r e a m o f o w n in g y o u r o w n h o m e , y o u r d re a m m a y h a v e ju s t c o m e tr u e . F o r a s l i t t l e a s y o u ' r e p a y i n g in m o n t h ly r e n t a n d a m o d e s t d o w n p a y m e n t , y o u c o u l d b u y a H U D I—lo m e . T h a t s r i g h t . T h e CI S . D e p a r t m e n t o f H o u s i n g a n d U r b a n D e v e l o p m e n t heating oils Best Cash Prices 104 NE Russel Portland, O R 97212 282-5111 Speedy Service Friendly Call for Quote T H E D REA M O F O W N IN G Y O U R O W N H O M E C A N C O M E T R U E FOR A B O U T W H A T Y O U ’RE PA Y IN G IN R E N T . ( H U D ) h a s p r o g r a m s t h a t m a k e o w n in g a h o m e e a s ie r McMurphy's Appliance Center th a n y o u th in k . P r o g r a m s t h a t w ill e v e n h e l p y o u c o v e r m o s t if n o t a ll o f y o u r c l o s i n g c o s t s . If y o u ’d lik e m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n Washer fit D ryer5199“ a b o u t t h e h o m e y o u 'v e a l w a y s Refrigerators From 5129“ d r e a m e d o f. c o n t a c t y o u r r e a l e s ta te a g e n t. O r .,fo r a fr e e Ranges From 5129“ b ro c h u re o n h o w to b u y a H U D h o m e , c a ll 1 - 8 C D - 7 B 7 - 4 H U D . T h e r e ’s n e v e r b e e n a b e t t e r t i m e t o f o l l o w y o u r d r e a m , b e c a u s e n o w y o u c a n a f f o r d it. £r UM HOUSING PFORTUNITT s W E ’LL H E l.r YOU O W N A PIECE O F AM ERICA. To qualified buyers only on homes with FHA insured financing Closing costs and lees additional 1 ■'-J '-*T'• t - * r