J uly 0 6 , 1 9 9 4 • T he P ortland O bserver P age A 6 Debutantes, Cavaliers Presented At 43rd Ball Les Femmes Debutantes 1994 Communities Awarded Project Funds College Hires Human Resource Assistant Nearly $9 million in com m unity developm ent grant aw ards were an­ nounced today by the Oregon E co­ nomic D evelopm ent Department. Thirty-nine cities and counties will benefit from the grants, which will help improve housing and com ­ m unity-based services in rural com ­ m unities throughout the state. The Com m unity D evelopm ent Block G rant (CD BG ) program , ad ­ m inistered by the Econom ic D evel­ opm ent Department, offers federally- funded grants for projects targeted at critical needs o f low and moderate incom e people and their com m uni­ ties. The Oregon Economic D evelop­ m ent D epartm ent receives about $14 m illion per year from the U.S. D e­ partm ent o f Housing and Urban D e­ velopm ent for this program. “Businesses grow and prosper in O regon when com m unities grow and p ro sp e r,” G overnor R oberts said. “T hese grants help com m unities with the housing and services they need to maintain their quality o f life and at­ tract and keep good jobs.” “W e believe that community d e­ velopm ent projects, such as those re ­ ceiving grants today, are a critical factor in m aintaining O regon’s liv­ ability,” said Bill Scott, Oregon E co­ nomic D evelopm ent D epartm ent D i­ rector. “W ithout adequate housing and services such as childcare and H ead start cen ters, health clin ics, em ergency shelters, and senior cen ­ ters, O regon fam ilies have a m uch h ard er tim e surviving in to d a y ’s econom y.” Scott said the departm ent finds that projects benefitting com ­ m unities and families are a key part o f economic development. T he b e n efitin g co u n ties are: Baker, Benton, Clatsop, Colum bia, Coos, Crook, Curry, D ouglas, G rant, Jackson, Jefferson Josephine, K la­ m ath, Lake, L ane, L incoln, L inn, M alheur, M arion, Polk, Tillam ook, Umatilla, W allowa, W asco, and Y am ­ hill county. Mt. H ood Com m unity College has hired Karen M ichele Sparw asser o f Tigard as assistant director o f hu­ man resources. Sparw asser will as­ sume the position beginning July 1. She will assist the director in carrying out the functions o f labor contracts, staff developm ent, com ­ pensation and benefits, em ploym ent and strategic planning. She also will supervise staff and serve as a resource person for federal and state laws, college board policies and regula­ tions and labor contract management. Sparw asser w orked at IBM for 23 years. Her expertise includes busi­ ness m easurem ent analysis, and man- agem entand marketing planning. She is currently enrolled in the MBA pro­ gram at the U niversity o f Portland and will receive her degree in August. NOBODY WALKS!! USED CARS G u a r a n t e e d 2* CALL 230-4922 Chance Financing W E FINANCE E V E R Y B O D Y ! ! B K ^ SLOW PAY0*' REPO0*COLLECTIONS0 -JUDGEM ENTS0^ - > ^ 7 yuO R J »ES 4 DEVILLE ,« < 0 0 1 3 ) 0 VAPBl« . $5995 » W REG ^ À P R IC E '14 WICK CINWRY UMITID SI DAN 30097/ $4995 '8 7 OIOS CIERA SEDAN ININTAL I * 4 « OOI22I $4«5 LARK VU » -W ». 001)77 $6995 I DEVILÜ >370/ >4V0/ « juH «. 0 0 0 6 « $6995 >470/ IO O N SFDAN «,b.-b.MU95$5995 > 4 7 0 / BIARRITZ ■rf. *6. DO 1390 $7995 1 0 0 0 SEDAN 001390 $6995 mx DESCRIPTION uww DO! 172 $4995 SwH U«« «*>. A/C, * '84 OLDS CUSTOM CRUISER SZW 1 m * *1. 4 ?>•«• $4995 '88 OIOS CIERA FE 3 SEDAN J mb tuort ptg J IV6 m io . * aw». DO! 127 $5995 '88 BUICK CENTURY UMfTED viop V6. otoyv M poww 30 179 $5995 17 CHH lAAfON 'W H O - 54DAN 4« 4 * . DO 1 259 $5995 >>V»7 '8 7 OLDS CIERA SEDAN »90/ '8 7 PLYMOUTH CA RAVE LIE krw »onMlmW.a« 4 O*« OOUO< $4995 « • 001405 $4995 '8 6 DODGE CARAVAN ooim $799$ ^0, $1995 $5995 $7995 m 4 m . DO! IM $5995 91 U OUG h AM *••0 »• UVN mil wood (W 16 OLD B I« N O H .«.D O I206 $6995 $2987 $2987 $2987 DESCRIPTION REG. 8 7 HYUNDAI UFTBACK i r t » » topD OIOIl '81 AUDI FOX SEDAN TV»** $3987 $3987 '8 0 BUICK CENTURY 5»pd 4cv1. AM/fMcou. stop l 001341 $39«/ > Z 4 0 / $3995 '86 DODGE COU UFTBACK Shark Products (makers of African Pride) recently named Dianne L. W il­ liams manager, marketing and public relations. She is responsible for the day- to-day public relations and marketing activities for both Shark Product and All Ways Natural hair care companies. As such, she wi ll also oversee special events, advertising, new product introduction, sales promotion, and outside agencies and vendor relations. Williams’ extensive career in the health and beauty aids industry spans 15 years. This experience includes retail and professional sales and sales manage­ ment in addition to marketing brand management All, for such companies as M&M Products Co., Proline Coipora- tion, and W&W Pharmaceuticals, who >240/ „ V , outo, loodod, A/C. co«. 0 0 1 265A BLOW-OUT! 10 PLYMOUTH HORIZON UFTBACK Auto. Acyl. IS. ip «’, ptg I DO1350A A new company w ith a fresh tw ist on the old hiring process has recently opened in O regon, the O r­ egon Resum e Bank. “ It’s a practical solution to w hat can often be a co m ­ plicated process” explains Julie M ar­ tin, owner o f O regon Resum e Bank. “It’s basically a com puterized hiring search for all types o f positions.” T h o u g h th e c o n c e p t o f a r e ­ su m e b a n k is n o t new , m o st e x is t­ in g jo b p la c e m e n t firm s a re n a ­ tio n a l c o m p a n ie s se a rc h in g fo r e x e c u tiv e p o s itio n s a c ro s s th e c o u n try . “ M ost people aren’t look­ ing for executive positions and m ost O regonians are not interested in m o v ­ ing out-of-state” add Martin. Oregon Resum e Bank is an o b v i­ ous solution for small to medium I»»1 »»o * • » A DC917 ,W 5 $2987 • • • CERTIFIED MINORITY BANK FOUNDED 1 9 6 9 MEMBER FDIC CELEBRATING '7 7 DATSUN 8 10 SEDAN $3987 $3987 13 VW QUANTUM SEDAN l0»«i $4987 '8 7 TOYOTA TERCEL L/B 5«pd. CX3IO97 tm s m w bo . w K mìi $2987 >270/ to>, auto. 6qA, «Noli, mco DOI382 '13 FORO ESCORT AM Acyl, „U a eloon plut, outo D O IÎ/IA $3995 >270/ 5 w -,«4~ i A»». g WC*1 001272 $3997 t o o f l7 '8 6 SUBARU GL UFTBACK >270/ BLOW-OUT! BLOW-OUT! SO TAMAHA 850 MOTORCYCU loti ol duomo. Shalt duvo1 DGI 336C . ' “1 YEARS r IIOW-OUT t JJ Used Car Headquarters IG KT O n i T he P rice & R ig h t O n T he C orner of 2 8 th and NE S a n d y lfa 230-4922 or 231-6609 W USED CARS ~ ««.. . » ««n «to» toto « n r n o T ~ A l l FINANCING BASED ON APPROVED CREDIT I t e USED m f A CARS placement fee when someone is actu­ ally hired as there is with typical employment agencies. There is no charge to the appli­ cant to be entered into the database. Job seekers need only call Oregon Resume Bank at (503) 244-5949 to request application materials. They need to fill out the brief application form and return it with their resume. The application is then entered into the database and matched with em ­ ployer requests. All job requests are also hand matched for complete accu­ racy. Licensed by the State o f Oregon, Bureau of Labor and Industries, O r­ egon Resume Bank is locatedat 10149 SW Barbur Blvd, Suite #C in Port­ land. Is the lack of a down payment keeping you from owning a home? American State Bank may be able to help you. We have just established a program to lower our standard required 20% down payment on conventional home loans to just 5% for qualifying low-income families. If you have a good “track-record" of paying rent, a good credit history, are a low-income family, and have enough cash for a 5% down payment, you too could own your own home under this program. Come see us today! Ÿ ÎH ÏC LE S TO'iCHjO'OSE FROM!! j. \ I t f j ( sized companies who lack personnel departm ents and staff to sort through dozens of resumes to find the ones that m eet their requirem ents. E m ­ ployers call with a job description and required skills and then w ithin 24 hours, qualified resumes are faxed or mailed to the prospective employer. Employers are also assured that all resumes are current because job seek­ ers are required to return and update postcard every two weeks requesting to rem ain in the bank. Potential em ployers are charged a nominal fee for the job placem ent service. The fee is generally less than the cost o f placing an ad in the S unday classifieds, especially if an employer wishes to have the confidentiality o f a blind post office box. There also is no íS5 •LOW-OUT! V6. outo. A/C. woioo, thoipl DQI3SÎA 810W G U I! Dianne L. Williams A m erican State Bank PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT 80 BUICK SKYLARK 4DR '82 HONOA CIVIC S/W are innovators in the ethnic hair care industry. She has earned degrees form Suli ins College in Bristol, V A, and Florida State University, and is certified in marketing management by the American Manage­ ment Association. Brian K. Marks, presi­ dent of Shark Products commented “Dianne is a highly skilled and versatile marketing professional with a proven track record in the business. She’s a welcomed asset to our organization. Williams spent many years in Lon­ don, England and Toronto, Canada prior to residing in Atlanta, GA. She and her son Darien relocated from Atlanta to the New York City area to embark upon a new and challenging career with All Ways Natural and Shark Products. A New Opportunity For Oregon’s Job Seekers BLOW-OUT! >240/ 1 5 TOYOTA TIRCIlUFTBACK 7 8 BWM 3201 5»pd wmoJ tw «0O l]l3A $4987 LESS!! ★ BLOW OUTS!! ôcyt, outo, fun, gitoli DOOR3A ✓ i «45«p4 •"»*» t» » •»N 001162 $3995 w «<^001217 V Shark Products Inc. Announces New Manager of Marketing And Public Relations 82 FORD GRANADA COUPE 12WS '8 3 HO NDA UFTBACK 1300 $3987 V 9 by K evin F u lle r. Jo A n n T ra v is w as the b a ll c h a irm a n . T h e P r e ­ se n ta tio n W altz o f the D e b u ta n te s a n d C a v a lie rs w as c h o re o g ra p h e d by K riste n B ray sen . T he m u sical trib u te w as by T iffa n y M artin and Ja m a l W h ite . F rie n d s g re e te d the h o n o re e s at a re c e iv in g lin e fo llo w in g the sp e c ia l p re se n ta tio n and ballro o m d a n c in g fo r the e v e n in g w as to the m usic o f T he Illu sio n Show B and. L e s F em m es w as o rg a n iz e d in 1951 in re sp o n se to the need for a p o s itiv e p ro g ra m fo r the so c ia l g ro w th and d e v e lo p m e n t o f a re a c h ild re n . th e ir d a u g h te rs an d fa th e rs p r e ­ se n tin g w h ite to p h a ts a n d c a n e s to th e ir so n s. D eb u ta n te and C a v a ­ lie r e s c o r ts , e le g a n t in b la c k and w h ite g o w n s a n d b la c k tu x e d o s c a r r ie d o u t th e e le g a n t c o lo r sch em e. S e d ric K ion F o rd and K yra S h a u m n a P a rk e r se rv e d as m a ste r an d m istre ss o f c e re m o n ie s. W e l­ co m e w as by B etty T h o m p so n and p re se n ta tio n o f L es Fern m es mem - b e rs w as by R ic a B rooks. T he h is ­ tory an d sig n ific a n c e o f the “ R ites o f P a ssa g e C e re m o n y ” w as giv en A b o u t 7 0 0 frie n d s a n d w ell w is h e rs a tte n d e d th e 4 3 rd D e b u ­ ta n te an d C a v a lie r B all at th e R ed L io n Ja n tz e n B e a c h . “ H o ld F ast T o Y o u r D re a m s ,” w a s th e th em e o f th e Ju n e 25 e v e n t. S ix te e n D e b u ta n te s an d se v e n C a v a lie rs , a ll g r a d u a tin g h ig h s c h o o l s e ­ n io rs , m ade th e ir e n tra n c e th ro u g h an a rc h o f b la c k an d w h ite b a llo o n s . W h ite c o lu m n s to p p e d w ith b a sk e ts o f re d ro se s an d fe rn s a d o rn e d the sta g e . P a re n ts g re e te d e a c h h o n o re e , m o th e rs g iv in g the tra d itio n a l b o u q u e t o f re d ro se s to 9 iff* COME BANK WITH US U l. I ) F A S H IO N E D BANK WE DO BANKING THE OLD FASHIONED WAY C O M M U N IT Y OKU N IF I) BAN K 5 0 3 -2 8 2 -2 2 1 6 Head Office - 2737 N.E. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. • Portland, Oregon 97212