Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 06, 1994, Page 13, Image 13

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    J uly 06,1994 • T he P ortland O bserver
P age Bö
Keeping Youngsters And Prison
Inmates Drug And Crime Free?
Seventeen years ago B aker
Morten was just like everybody else in
our nation’s capital: jaded, cynical,
self-involved. But then an old friend
turned up, someone he hadn’t seen in
20 years, who had been a big football
star in college.
His friend Joshua was totally
changed - and he changed Morten.
Now, in Unlock Your Happiness: One
Man’s Journey to Spiritual Knowl­
edge, With Advice on How You Can
Achieve it Too, Morten tells how
Joshua helped him find spirituality
which not only changed his own life,
but led him to start an organization,
Unfoldment, Inc., that has been im­
mensely successful counseling thou­
sands of troubled kids in W ashing­
ton, D.C.
The essence of what Morten
learned was that two spiritual laws
determine our happiness and well­
One is the law of compensation:
when we reflect the God-like quali­
ties of love, honesty, integrity, cour­
tesy, joy and unselfishness, they come
back to us in the exact proportion we
give them.
The second is the law of attrac­
tion: if we are loving, honest and
kind, we will attract people with those
qualities. (Conversely, if we are re­
sentful, dishonest and unkind, we
will be surrounded by people with
those traits.)
These laws are now the basis for
Children’s Charities
To Meet
A ll P o rtla n d area c h a ritie s dred percent o f the proceeds w ere
serv in g c h ild re n in c ris is are in ­ retu rn ed to the sp o n so rin g ch a ri­
v ited to p a rtic ip a te in the S eco n d ties. M ore than 4 0 0 v o lu n teers
A n n u al O ur C h ild re n ’s S to re, set helped org anize and run the store,
to o p en in d o w n to w n P o rtlan d on w hich w as u n d erw ritte n by local
O c to b e r 1, 1994. A b ro w n -b a g b u sin esses and co m m unity o rg a ­
lu n ch m eetin g o f the c h a ritie s is n iza tio n s and in c lu d e d 53 p a r­
set for T h u rsd a y , Ju ly 28 at the tic ip a tin g ch a ritie s.
L oan Fund E stab lish ed : T his
W e ste rn F o restry C en ter at 12
year, N IK E , through its P.L. A. Y.
O u r C h ild re n ’s S to re is p re ­ (P a r tic ip a te In T h e L iv e s O f
se n te d by C e llu la r O n e, F irst A m erican Y outh) in itia tiv e has
In tersta te B ank and N IK E and donated $5,000 to estab lish a loan
o rg a n iz e d by C A S A o f M u lt­ pro g ram to allow sm aller youth
no m ah C ounty. T he store w ill ch a ritie s w ith lim ited b u d g ets to
sell g ifts for p eo p le o f all ages p a rtic ip a te in O u r C h ild r e n ’s
d u rin g the h o lid ay seaso n , w ith S to re . U n d e r th e p ro g r a m , a
p ro ceed s b ein g re tu rn ed to the c h a rity m ay b o rro w fu n d s to
sp o n so rin g c h a ritie s to h elp p ro ­ d ev elo p o r buy p ro d u c ts to sell
vide needed serv ices to help kids. in the store. O nce the loan has
C h a ritie s m ay s o lic it d o n a te d b e e n r e - p a i d , th e c h a r i t y
g ifts to sell in th e sto re, d ev e lo p keeps 100 p ercen t o f the p ro fit it
their ow n h and-m ade line o f gifts, m akes.
F or m ore in fo rm atio n , c o n ­
o r buy p ro d u c ts w h o lesa le to sell
C A S A o f M u ltn o m a h
at re ta il. L a st y e a r, th e sto re
, (5 0 3 ) 2 5 3 -2 2 7 2 .
ra ise d $ 1 3 4 ,0 0 0 , and one h u n ­
Family Ministries Center
Receives Grant
The Family Ministries Center/
Safehaven, associated with Hughes
Memorial United Methodist Church,
has received a $8,000 grant from the
Oregon Community Foundation to
hire staff for social service expansion.
An additional $2,000 is made available
for the center to seek technical assis­
tance in organization development.
The center operates from the
church in Northeast Portland, pro­
viding ministries and services to sup­
port children and families. There are
an array o f counseling, support
group, cam ping, tu torial, after
school/aftemoon and leadership de­
velopment services and activities
provided under its Safehaven pro­
gram. In addition, Boy Scouts, vari-
ous community group meetings and
a clothes closet/food locker arc avail-
ableon site. The church is an Albina
Operation Headstart site and this
summer it is a site for the church’s
United for Kids Summer Camp Pro­
gram in partnership with Mallory
Avenue Christian Church. The Fam­
ily Ministries Center sponsors a
church-based 12-step program called
Dependency Directing Ministry.
The Oregon Community Foun­
dation, established in 1973, is a
collection of individual charitable
funds and resources. The founda­
tion makes grants through an appli­
cation process that involves local
citizens in the review and f"
of requests for fun Uù.
Mt Olivet
Baptist Church
Has moved Sunday services to
Family Life Center, 8725 N.
Chautauqua Blvd., at Willis Blvd.
Worship Services 8:00am & 11:00am,
Church School 9:30 to 10:30am,
Bible Study, Wednesdays, 116 NE Schuyler, 10:30am & 7:00pm
Radio Ministry each Sunday, 8:00am on KB MS
A Teaching Church With A Reaching Ministry
Dr. James E. Martin. Senior Pastor
Church Office 116 NE Schuyler St. • (503) 284-1954
tfu n e ïa f Mùnte
- M tenw lùd fiaìden
Lombard Chapel
3018 N. Lombard
Portland, Oregon 97217
Killingsworth Chapel
430 N. Killingsworth
Portland, Oregon 97217
Child Waits For Adoption
Morten’s own life, for the hugely
successful work he does with young
people, and he believes they can help
everyone who would like a greater
sense of happiness and joy. That’s a
great many people. According to an
article in Harvard’s Nciman Founda­
tion Report “God in the Newsroom,”
a “religious renaissance” appears to
be “going on all over the globe.”
And The Christian Science Moni­
tor has suggested that editors “arc
putting religion on the covers because
it sells - because there is new and
major public interest in the topic.” All
of which means that people will wel­
come this spiritual book.
For more information call 1-800-
The Church of God in Christ,
First Jurisdiction of Oregon, will hold
its 50th Holy Convocation, July 11-
17 with A.R. Hopkins, jurisdictional
bishop, and Mother Lula Mae Cook,
supervisor of women.
Services will be held at McKinney
Temple Church of God in Christ,
1737 N.E. Alberta St. Day sessions
begin Tuesday at 10 a.m.
The public is welcome. Also a
pre-musical will be held July 9 at 7:30
p.m. at Greater Solid Rock Church of
God in Christ, at 1705 N.E. Dekum
For information call 283-1524 or
Dee J. Walker at 288-0379.
A w ell-behaved 9-year-old,
Joel, is one o f several hundred
ch ild ren in the N orthw est who
are w ailing to becom e som eone’s
son or d au g h ter th rough ad o p ­
An en th u siastic b ask etb all
player, Joel is w e ,H ik e d by both
ad ults and o th er ch ild ren . He
m ade good academ ic progress
this p ast year in second grade.
J o e l’s history has left him
struggling w ith m any losses, and
he fears fu rth er ab andonm ent.
C o u n selin g is helping Joel a d ­
dress these issu es, but th ere is a
lim it to how m uch p ro g ress he
can m ake w ith o u t the support o f
a loving, p erm an en t fam ily b e­
hind him . C an you pro v id e the
security and em otional support
this young boy need s? if so,
please co n sid er adopting Joel!
O regon agencies w aive fees
for perso n s ad o p tin g non -in fan t
ch ild re n , and both sin g les and
couples are en co u rag ed to in ­
quire. T o learn m ore ab out ad o p ­
tion or fo ster care, call The S p e­
cial N eeds A doption C oalition
at The B oys and G irls A id S o ci­
ety, 222-9661.
E&M Sentry
F O R C H R IS T !
128 NE Russell,
S aturday, J u ly 9, 1994
fro m 2 :0 0 p.m . to 5 :0 0 p.m .
FREE Bar-b-Cue Chicken
Speaker: Ron Bronski
ÿfafa One o f a Jxriioi V . ricredo tied
iM ïo -jd n teu ew n
W ëiiooftâ
Song of Hope Church
i f
Trophies a n d P rizes
O.S.U. F o o tb a ll M ovie
,Jlcnday -
W illi
Come for a fun tim e
W »Ja/rru/ay 10: OOawi- 6 : 00/on
ages 9 - 20 plus
for info, call Danny at 249-3750
all participants must stay for
complete program for bar-b-cue
Sponsored by
2808 jVfo 'AtaiYin
fofaie W lAttCtlety f/ackdon (503) 2 8 8 -5 2 4 6
Grace Collins Memorial C om m unity Center
M allory Avenue
Christian Church
"Come to me oil you who ore weary and heavy laden
and I will give you rest."
b a p tis t dfurcli
8101 N. Fiske Avenue • Portland Oregon 97203
Church Phone: 289-0147 • Study Phone: 289-1911
Sunday School
Morning Worship
Tuesday Bible Study and Prayer
Inter-racial Congregation
126 N€ Alberto Portland, OR 97211 (503) 288-5173
Denise Bell, Pastor
We Welcome You to The
Greater /Saint J&tepljcn
/ÈHtssiunarç /baptist älljnrdj
“Serving The Lord With Gladness” Psalm 100:2
Sunday School 10am
Morning Worship 11:05
Prayer & Bible Study 7pm
Rev. G.L. Black I Pastor
3605 N.E. Mallory Ave.
(503) 281-8117 Portland. OR 97212
Sunday Service 10:45
Sunday School 9:30
Bible Study 6:00
Evening Service 7:00pm
Pastor, Re. James C.E. Faulkner
cSt. <5^l/[arilz
GP lu io P l
103 NE Morris St., Portland, OR 97212
Sunday School - 9:30am
Sunday Morning Worship Service - 1 1:00am
Sunday School Teacher’s Meeting Tues - 6:30pm
Bible Study Wednesday 6:00pm
Prayer Meeting Wednesday - 7:00pm
Church Phone Number
We Invite You To Come And Worship With Us.
The Church Where Everybody is Somebody And Christ Is All.
Dr. Joe S. Hardie, Pastor
'>r •