-»■o * Z JI J a Alabama 's Tuskegee University students show their excitement on winning the National Championship at the 5th annual Honda Campus All-Star Challenge, the premiere African American academic competition featuring students from Historically Black Colleges and Universities. For the first tim e in the five year history o f the Honda Campus A ll- Star Challenge (H C A S C ), a univer­ sity has won the N ational Champion­ ship Tournament fo r tw o consecutive years. Alabama’ s Tuskegee U niver­ sity narrow ly won over Georgia’ s Morehouse U niversity in an exciting, to -th e -fin a l-w h is tle cham pionship game. The final bonus question w orth 25 points determined Tuskegee’ s w in over Morehouse. T he super academ ic a c h ie v ­ ers fro m Tuskegee c la im e d v ic ­ to ry fro m an o rig in a l fie ld o f 64 team s fro m H is to r ic a lly B la c k C o lle g e s & U n iv e rs itie s , e m e rg ­ in g as the w in n e r in the 1994 Tuskegee used their w inning grant money to buy a satellite dish fo r the university. In 1990, the grant money from the w inning team from West V irg in ia State C ollege b u ilt the “ Honda Com puter Center” in the stu­ dent union; and Prairie V ie w A & M U niversity used their w innings to buy a van fo r student affairs use. In addition to Morehouse and Tuskegee, the other teams that par­ ticipated in the HC ASC N ational Cham pionship Tournam ent hailed from: N orfolk State University, Xavier U niversity, U niversity o f the D istrict o f C olum bia, N orth Carolina Central U niversity, Jackson State University, and Fayetteville State University. P rofessor M c K inley B i rt Just another way of saying, “there is nothing new underthe sun” or my perhaps tiresome quote, “nothing changes but the name of the game”. But, that’s the way it is folks, traps for the unwary, but golden opportunity for the perceptive. Thai certainly holds fo rt the read­ ers who were amazed that I was doing several nationwide radio ta lk shows from my hom e/studio/office-or that this allegedly new “ Communications Superhighway" is something I was demonstrating back in 1966. So, by the same token, should we fin d them equally surprised when, about a year from now, they fin d me doing nation­ wide television broadcasts from the same or sim ilar facilities? And, w ill they be as equally sur­ prised as were a group o f young stu­ dents in Beaverton earlier this year when I told them that in the 1970’ s the Oregonian newspaper published an account o f the In te rn a tio n a l W o rld ’ s Fair held here at S wan Island almost a hundred years ago? And that Television Transmission by phone was demonstrated? (Lew is & Clark Exposition, 1905). O f course, the research that en- You Saw It In... t abled me to publish “ Black Inventors O f Am erica" tw o decades ago has also precluded my being too surprised at early break through in technology. It was the m agnificent contributions o f these A frican Am erican innova­ tors that have always spurred me on- -and drive me now to pursue a new round o f inventions and advances in communications technology, as w ell as m otivational materials and lec­ tures to inspire youth, I hope that this time the school district is ready fo r the modem world. One reader supplies an observa­ tion I have reached as w ell. Is it possible that the isolation o f people before a screen in their home w ill produce further lack o f interpersonal relations such as has happened w ith impersonal retailers and supermar- kets-w here once, the “ marketplace” was also fo r meeting people, sharing trivia litie s and touching bases w ith neighbors in a leisurely interface? Another reader reminds me that when he was on the staff o f “ Elec­ tronic Data Processing” Corporation in 1970,1 approached the firm w ith a model fo r a computerized data inter­ face to replace the awkward system o f picking up canceled checks by small planes flying the Colum bia Gorge and other rural areas. There was so much to be done-and s till is fo r the ways). For further reading and research, check out the fo llo w in g: Best overall article: “ Taking a trip into the Future On the Electronic Superhighway” , Tim e Magazine, A p ril 1993, p.50, etc. A t the Magazine Rack o f your favorite bookstore: “ PC Magazine , first choice and “ B Y T E Magazine” . There are others. Looking Glass Bookstore faxed me the fo llo w in g list (there are oth­ ers) 316 S. W . Taylor,Portland 97204, phone 227-4760, F A X 227-0829. “ The W h o le In te rn et U se r’ s Guide & Catalog” , by Ed L . K ro l, 4 / 94,O ’R eilly & Asso. Inc.,Cambridge $24.95. “ Internet Q uick Reference” , by Que, Indianapolis, 3/94 $12.99. “ In fo rm a tio n S uperhighw ay” w ill be out in August and is also published by Que, $19.99. Also see ‘Telecom m uting: The Future Technology O f W ork” by Cross &Raizman, Dow Jones-Irwin C o, 1986. “ Dictionary O f Computer W ords” at “ Looking Glass” . “ Pocket Pal: A Graphics Arts Production Handbook” , (much re l­ evancy to electronic/computer print outs) 15th edition. International Pa­ per Co., send $6.75 to them at 1682 Shelby D rive, Memphis, T N 38134. JANA TORAN A ttorney at L aw PERSONAL INJURY, PRODUCTS LIABILITY, AND EMPLOYMENT LAW S uite 950, A merican B ank B ldg 621 SW M orrison S treet P ortland , O regon 97205 '( H lje I J i T r t l a t t h Microwave ovens were first introduced in the mid-1950’s. innovati ve (Banks have changed their Q D b s e ru c r (503) 225-0227 PEGGY JOSEPH - Officer Travel Consultant (503) 288-9590 H o n d a C am pu s A ll- S ta r C h a l­ le n g e , th e p r e m ie r e A f r ic a n A m e ric a n academ ic c o m p e titio n in w h ic h students co m p ete fo r o v e r $ 3 0 0 ,0 0 0 in g ra n t m oney fo r EW I O S H ■ n c jO T ffic r iM PAYDAY ADVANCES DVENTURE th e ir in s titu tio n s . The com petition taped in Los Angeles in M ay and airs on Black Entertainm ent Television (B E T ) on consecutive Saturdays -- June 11 through July 3 0 --a t 10:30a.m. (PDT), 11:30 a.m. (C D T ) and 1:30 p.m. (ED T). The eighth game features an TRAVEL SERVICE When you can’t ask your boss ” WESTERN UNION A ll-S ta r Game. Tuskegee U niversity w ill receive $50,000 in cash grants fo r their Tbc fa s test way ffTor t t y / / fTygwsvi/ ffb/nesy H C A S C w in and ru n n e r-u p Morehouse receives$25,000. In 1993, to se n d m o n e r Checks Cashed Any Kind • No ID Required Fax Service • Notary • P.O. Boxes Utility Payments • 2 Day Tax Refund Loans • Electronic Filing f0CatiQnS TO SUTVe YOU 5 3 0 SE 10th Ave. Hillsboro 64 0-11 11 •2 6 1 1 E 4th Plain Blvd., Vane. (2 0 6 ) 6 9 5 -2 1 2 1 2 NW 3rd / 2 4 1 -7 7 7 7 Store 7 503-331-1718 2 9 2 9 SE P ow ell Blvd I 2 3 3 -2 2 7 4 3415 NE Broadway Portland, OR 97212 5 6 0 0 NE M LK Jr. Blvd / 2 8 7 -6 6 6 9 ‘ P a y d a y a d v a n c e n o t a v a ila b le in V a n c o u v e r . 1 1 9 0 2 SE S tark / 2 5 5 -2 2 7 4 H um u ini Services for America 's Local Save More At Safewa Prices effective July 6 through July 12, 1994 at Safeway. 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