J uly 0 6 , 1 9 9 4 • T he P ortland O bserver P age B 4 EMMITT SMITH BIRTHDAY BEHEFIT RAISES FOR “ I HAVE A DREAM FOUHDATIOH PORTLAND'S MAYOR’S CLASSIC BIKE RACE NEARS M & v s •• ss ' KSSSSR : ” The P ortland Police Bureau is pleased to announce the th ird ru n n in g of the M a y o r’ s Classic Bike Race. T h e race w ill he held Sunday, J u ly 10, startin g a t 9 a.m . The race is located in the N o rth P a rk Blocks w ith he start/fin ish lin e a t N .W . P a rk Ave. and N .W . Davis St. Spectators can expect a fu ll day o f exciting U.S. Cycling Federation bicycle races around a .8 m ile c rite riu m c irc u it. The day culm inates w ith police bureau precinct bike sqnads racing fo r the C hieFs Cup on th e ir m ountain bikes, and the top races vying fo r the M a y o r’s C up aud a piece o f the I allas C ow boys All Pro Running Back Emmitt S m ith r e c e n tly celebrated his 25th birthday in style at the Igunan M irage, one of Dallas* honest night spots. D The purpose o f the event was two-fold. It gave Em m itt the opportu­ nity to bring in his quarter o f a century make with 1500 celebrity guests, fam- ily members, close friends, colleagues $2,000 prize money. Io the tree-shaded N o rth P a rk Blocks, spectators can view the races, indulge in a variety o f delicacies and ta lk bicycles w ith experts at the exhibition tent. Throughout the day raffle tickets w ill he d raw n fo r prizes donated by the merchants o f downtown nnd old town. Com m em orative T -sh irts w ill be on and Dallas Cow boys Fans. M ore im portantly, Em m itt saw this as a chance to give back to the community which has been very sup­ portive o f him throughout his career with the Cowboys. In appreciation o f this support, he donated part o f the proceeds to the “I H ave A Dream Foundation”, a national student adop­ tive program designed to prom ote higher education and Financially a s­ sist at risk youth tow ard achieving that end. “I have alw ays held in high re­ gard those students that aspire to do their best both academ ically and m or­ ally despite the peer pressures and other social and econom ical obstacles they may encounter,” stated Emmitt Smith. Smith added, “ I relate w ell to these students, because I, too, had to overcom e sim ilar experiences as a youth grow ing up in Florida. But like students affiliated with the “ I Have A Dream foundation”, 1 had my dreams and I held fast to those dream s and today I can attest that dream s do com e true.” sh I c » The M a y o r’ s Classic is the m ajo r fond raiser fo r the police bureau’s “ Copson Bikes” fund. The iu n d was started in 1989 by citizens interested in having police officers p atro llin g on b i­ cycles. T h e bike patro ls are now used in a ll the precincts. M a y o r V e ra K a tz is scheduled to s ta rt the M a y o r’s Cup race and present the trophy and assistant police c h ie f Dan Left to Flight: Darrly Peace (Executive Director of “I Have A Dream” Foundation), Thurman Thomas (Buffalo Bills Running Back), Emmitt Smith (Dallas Cowboys Running Back) and Keith Black (Co-Owner of Iguana Mirage). dance. They included nationally ac­ claim ed comedian George Wallace and com edienne A. J. Sanders. Song­ stress C ece Peniston, dazzled the crow d w ith her latest hits. Dawnn Lew is, former star o f “A Different W orld” and “Hangin* W ith Mr. Coo­ per” , along with Darryl Bell formerly o f “ A Different W orld” were also am ong the special guests. A num ber o f E m m itt’s profes- In addition to proceeds from ben­ efit ticket sales, and auction with numerous autographed items from renowned celebrities and professional athletes, were auctioned off which significantly added to the financial contribution to the foundation. John Hen ton, star of the Fox Show “Living Single” was m aster o f cer­ emonies for the evening. A host of other celebrity guests were in atten- CO-ED SENIOR T-BALL & ITTY BITTY T-BALL HORTH/IHHER HORTHEAST YMCA T h e s e y o u th p ro g ra m s e m p h a s iz e fu n , fa ir-p la y , an d fu n d a m e n ta l sk ills in a p o sitiv e te a m a tm o s p h e re . N o try outs! E v e ry o n e p la y s! P la y e rs p ro v id e o w n m itt. B o y s & G irls G ra d e s K -5 (S e n io r T -B a ll) B o y s & G irls A g e s 3 -5 (Itty B itty T -B a ll) G a m e s & P ra c tic e s w ill b e h e ld at B e a c h E le m e n ta ry S c h o o l S e a so n ru n s J u ly 18- A u g u st 26; M o n d a y s th ro u g h F rid a y s » »• ’ /♦Y Noelle w ill officiate. The presenting sponsor the 1994 classic is H enry W'einbard'“s P rivate Reserve. Co-sponsor is the P o rtla n d Police A sso c ia tio n . Saturn Autom obiles of Beaverton and Vancouver and The Keg restau ran t are also helping present the day o f races. Numerous groups volunteer to bring this exciting event to the citizens o f the Portland area. These groups include: H istoric O ld Tow n Association; the neighborhood associations o f the sional colleagues were on hand to help him celebrate. They included T hurm an T hom as (Buffalo Bills), M ichael Irvin (D allas C ow boys), C harles H aley (D allas C ow boys), M ichael Johnson (Olympian), and fo rm e r C o w b o y s T o n y D o rse tt, Everson W alls and Ed “Too T all” Jones, Ray Crockett (Denver Bron­ cos), and Jam al M ashburn, (Dallas M avericks) to nam e a few. B Y R O N W O O D ’S GOLF SHOP STt 9-feron Lathes Portland's Largest Selection O F C A L L A W A Y - A L S O C H O O S E F R O M K IN G C O B R A , Walk Benefit T A Y L O R M A D E , P IN G , A N D M O R E A 5 mile charity walk to benefit Aids groups is being planned! North Portland’s “Kenton District” along with “Friends of People with Aids” and “Aids Ministries" have scheduled a walk to raise funds for these two wonderful or­ ganizations. Saturday August 20, 1994 10:00 am . at Kenton Park (N. Kilpatrick & Scholfield). The walk will stroll through the historic Kenton area to end at the district’s first annual street festival. Reg­ ister at 9:00 a m . to enjoy gospel singing, informational booths and meet new friends over coffee, juice and pastries. FREE G O L F L E S S O N S W IT H A N Y W O O D O R IR O N S E T PURCHASE! H lro N 20% OFF ENTIRE STOCK OF GOLF BAGS L A K E S GOLF COURSE 3500 N .VIC TO R Y BLVD. PORTLAND, OREGON 289-1818 $ 1 2 Y M C A M e m b e r ; $ 1 6 N o n -M e m b e r $5 Y outh M e m b e rs h ip - fe e g o o d fo r o n e y ear. . . DOUBLE F ee in c lu d e s te a m S h irt M on - Fri 9am - 6pm Sat 9am - 4pm F in a n c ia l Assistance A v a ila b le (S ig n - u p D e a d l’ne: J u ly 8) S ig n u p at: N o r t h /In n e r N o rth e a s t Y M C A 77 N E K n o tt, P o rtla n d , O R 9 7 2 1 2 2 9 4 -3 3 5 5 35 YEARS IN BUSINESS • 20 YEARS AT THIS LOCATION A 'WfreeSoiiiu; New Recaps In Stock 100% Warranty to 50% Of Tread presents T E A M USA NITTO SELL OUT 155-8O-R13............... 536.32 165-80-R13............... $37.76 175-80-R13............... $38.46 185-80-R13............... $39.84 185-70-R14............... $40.68 205-75-R15............... $45.00 215-75-R15............... S46.39 225-75-R15............... $49.10 215-85-R16............... $65.00 225-75-R16............... $65.00 245-75-R16LT............ $74.10 KOREA 2 G a m e B a s e b a l l S e r ie s t . J U L Y 9 - 7 : 0 0 P.M . C iv ic S t a d i u m ■ \i. Y o u th baseball C l in ic W IT H J U L Y G a m e T ic k e t s IO - 2 : 0 0 P.M . Tickets Subject to convenience charge J u l y IO a t , 0 3 0 a m H o s t e d b y T E A M USA C o a c h es & P layers FREE JULY , P o r t l a n d , O R A l l S e a t s $ 5 . 5 0 • A v a i l a b l e a t a l l T ic k e t m a s t e r L o c a t io n s & C iv ic S t a d iu m A G ES 8 - 1 6 1O ALL TIRES SALES Free Mount and Balance Split Rims SS.00 « Northwest Natural Gas Nri/wx civ mu/vt vnv' LIGHT F o r I n f o r m a t io n C a l l C iv ic S t a d iu m B o x O f f ic e ( 5 0 3 ) 2 4 8 - 4 3 4 5 AURORA SELL OUT 165-SR13................. $33.41 205-75-15................ $42.85 215-75-R15.............. $44.10 225-75-R15.............. $46.70 185-70-R13.............. $38.88 195-70-HR14........... $43.65 215-60-HR15........... $55.35 245-60-HR14........... $58.59 As Is Blems Laredos A vailable o n ly in sizes 31-10-50X15............................. $74.95 245-75-R 16.............................. $74.95 Flat Repairs $3.00 and up Split Rims $10.00 used sto ck steel rim s $5.00 and UP + $5.00 to m o u n t an d balance. O versto cked in used m ag rim s- ch ro m es an d o th e rs d irt cheap. W e also sell som e n e w rims. OVERSTOCKED Hubcaps and c e n te r caps (som e f o r FREE) DOUBLE WBL WESTUM BSSEKSII IFU.lt TIRE CENTER MasterCard & Visa Accepted 1 FREE FLAT REPAIR < ■ W/tfi this Coupon - one Per Person • Tube type n o t included • 1 k — — _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ j "-•> >■ „• • Free used stock rim, with - purchase of any 1 tire ► passenger car only, some r trucks (If in stock! • ■ • ■ •,