MfaRMBM H hmm A bn I m ì P age A5 ; •. * -'*. <•*- >r-r- Study Shows High Radon Levels In Some Portland Homes About one in every five hom es in P o rtla n d m a y c o n ta in h a za rd o u s le v e ls of ra d o n , results from a recent Portland State University and O regon H ealth Division study show . This is more than tw ice the U.S. rate or the rate for the state as a whole. R adon is an odorless, colorless, rad io activ e gas that is released n atu ­ rally into the enviro n m en t from soil, ro ck and groundw ater. R adon entry into hom es is m ost likely to occu r through the h o m e s’ foundation. In poorly ventilated areas, radon c o n ­ cen trations can increase to levels h az­ ard o u s to hum an health. “O regon hom es on the a v e ra g e have low er radon levels than the n a ­ tional average. S om e areas in P o rt­ land and o th e r parts o f th e state, h ow ever, have high levels,** s a id R ay P aris, m anager o f the O regon H ealth D iv isio n ’s radiation control section. “W e ’re encouraging people to te st th eir h om es fo r rad o n .” T he federal E nvironm ental P ro ­ tection A gency (EPA ) attributes o n e in every seven cases o f lung can cer in the U.S. to radon gas ex p o su re. E PA guidelines state th at airb o rn e rad ia­ tion readings o f m ore than 4 picocuries p er liter can be h azard o u s to hum an health. T he recent study ex am in ed ab o u t 1,100 hom es in 6 0 Z IP co d e areas throughout the P o rtland m etro p o li­ tan area. A lso, som e n o rth w est O r­ egon com m unities o utside the P o rt­ land a re a w ere studied, b u t m aps and com plete d a ta for those areas are n ot y et available. In P ortland , eig h t Z IP co d e areas show high radon p o ten tial, w h ile a n ­ other 15 Z IP co d e areas ex h ib it m od­ erate potential, said S cot B u m s, PSU associate professor o f geology an d co ­ co ordinator o f the study w ith Paris. A reas o f n o rth east P o rtlan d , W est L inn and north H illsb o ro reco rd ed the h ighest radon levels (above 4 p icocuries per liter). N early h a lf o f th e h o m e s te s te d in n o r th e a s t P o rtlan d ’s A lam ed a R id g e are a re ­ corded hig h radon levels. “T h e re ’s strong co rrelatio n b e ­ tw een high indoor radon levels an d areas w ith m od erate to high soil p e r­ m eab ility ,” said S tu art A shbaugh, a PSU geology graduate student assist­ W illia m R eed W hen it com es to us gaining social and econom ic parity in America, the majority of us seem to be w aitin g for jesus to come. In this land o f capitalism and free- enterprise, the bulk of our kind continu­ ally refuse to do anything that makes econom ic sense when it comes to doing the type o f things that can help more of us reach the American Dream. Ask any African American man or woman you see, “D o you know the meaning of capi­ talism and how it works?,” and they will tell you, “O f course I do!” But then you should put the “outcom e” statistics in front o f them and ask, “T hen how is that you expect our race to grow when in 1990 w e spent only three cents of each of the $300 billion we had in our collective pockets that year with each other?” Even though statistically we know that black-ow ned-and-operated busi­ nesses have an established back record o f hiring 80 to 90 percent of their em ­ ployees from our community, why is it that they d on’t get the support they need form the black community? If we know so m uch about capitalism, why is it that the m ajority o f us don’t realize that un­ less w e retain a larger percentage o f our m oney in our communities and stimulate businesses and banks to create jobs and capital for us, we will always be slaves to others? T he outcome for our earthly dream s is that we will have to exhibit our ow n self-help and independence or wait until Jesus com es again to save us. W ho among you doesn’t believe Earth Saving Message Brought To Portland C ap tain P lanet, the top anim ated d efender o f the planet, is spreading his m essage to P ortlanders. H is visits this sum m er include July 9 at the W ashington Park Z oo R oar Faire from 10 a.m . to 4 p.m . C aptain P lanet, along w ith the five Planeteers, educate children about en vironm ental issues such as bio-di- versity, over-fishing and w ater and air pol lution, and gives them the pow er to be p art o f the solution through recy cling, planting trees, car-pooling and conserving w ater. T hey encour­ age young view ers through creative ad v en tu res in w hich the planeteers foil the schem es o f villains w ho c o n ­ sum e the e a rth ’s resources. W hoopi G oldberg stars as G aia, the spirit o f the earth w ho sum m ons the five planeteers from around the globe. L eV ar B urton is the voice o f K w am c, one o f the planeteers. O ther recurring roles are played by E dw ard A sner, Jam es C o b u m , T im C urry, Je ff G oldblum , John R atzenberger, M a rtin S h e e n , S tin g a n d D e a d Stockw ell. ■>■74-7 Facts SS * <2*4 A recent study on radio ¡a the Portland area fa » : looking fo r information on this potentially deadly gas. The Lung Association o f Oregon brochure “Facts About Radon,” i a n s w e rs t o th e m o s t i m p o r t a n t q u e s tio n s a b o u t this colorless, < kfller. F or your free copy, call 1-8Ô6-LUNG-USA. ing B u m s w ith the project. T h e A lam ed a R idge h as highly p erm eab le so ils th at co n tain granitic sed im en ts deposited 1 2 ,0 0 0 to 15,000 y ears ago by a m ajor flood. A reas o f W e st Linn and H illsboro that recorded h ig h radon levels probably are lo­ ca te d near an cien t faults, w hich a c t as co n d u its for radon reach in g the su r­ face, B u m s said. R adon levels m ay vary greatly w ith in each neig h b o rh o o d , d ep e n d ­ ing o n hom e con stru ctio n and soil c o m p o sitio n d ire c tly b elo w ea ch h o m e. H om es situated on landslides o r n ea r faults h av e h ig h er radon p o ­ tential. A lso, levels can vary w idely w ith in each hom e. R adon levels often o u s locations w ithin each te st hom e. T hey categorized radon po ten tial lev­ els in all 60 P o rtlan d Z IP codes. In 39 Z IP code areas, enough h om es w ere studied to m ake resu lts valid. “M ore testing needs to be d o n e in the rem ain­ ing 21 ZIP codes before conclusive re­ T h e fir s t M iss B la ck W o rld sults can be obtained,” said Bums. B eauty a n d M o d e lin g Pageant T he public can p urchase E PA - w ill ta k e place in D a lla s , Texas ap p ro v ed radon te st k its an d te st th eir fo r a w eek b eg in n in g N o v. 7 . ow n hom es for $ 2 0 to $30. T h e O r­ P ageant sponsors are accept- egon H ealth D iv isio n ’s radiation co n ­ ing d ire c t-e n try a p p lic a tio n s trol section has a list o f E PA -ap- fro m contestants th ro u g h o u t proved testing co m p an ies that sell th e n a t io n . A c c o r d in g to th eir te st kits o r p ro v id e rad o n testin g services. If high radon levels are d e - , tected, the problem is relatively easy to correct w ith the installation o f f a n s ) are tw ice as high in b asem en t areas co m p ared to u pstairs living areas. “ Y ou could b e in a Z IP co d e area w ith a high av erag e radon level b u t liv e in a p articu lar are a th a t’s g eo ­ lo g ically low in rad o n ,” said B um s. “ T h a t’s w hy w e’re especially en co u r­ ag in g peo p le living in areas reco rd ­ in g m oderate an d high levels o f radon to te st th eir h o m es.” F o r the P o rtlan d study, scientists g ath ered radon readings in hom es for a m in im u m o f th ree m onths in v a ri­ to recirculate air o r by freq u en t o p e n - . ing o f w indow s. C o st for co rrectin g a radon problem typically ranges from $300 to $2,000. M aps o f rad o n potential areas and literature ab o u t radon are a v a il­ able to the p ublic. A com plete list o f test results broken dow n by Z IP code is also available. F o r m ore in fo rm a­ tion contact the O reg o n H ealth D iv i­ sion, R adiation C ontrol S ectio n ,S u ite 7 0 5 ,8 0 0 N .E. M ultnom ah S t., P o rt­ land, O R 97232, o r call 7 3 M 2 7 2 . Pageant Seeks Contestants that Heaven helps those who help them­ selves? When are we going to look around and see the answer to our economic woes? Although Asians have less than 20 percent of the population numbers of African Americans, they have a record of spending 80 cents out of each o f their dollars with each other. W hile Asians seem to go out of their normal way to buy from each other, the record shows that blacks seem to go out of their way to avoid their population, but they control three times their number in the nation’s wealth. Jews also buy form each other, sell to each other and mostly hire only eachother. Neither Jewish people, Asians or Arabs placed gaining their American on political empowerment the way we did. Neither Whites, Jews nor Asians consider politicians to be their “lead­ ers,” they simply us them as “public servants” to make, pass and enforce laws to enable them to have commerce as they wish. W e each have daily need that have to be addressed. W hen will we realize that the power o f the consumer dollar, T I B I ascend to a higher economic plane. On the other hand, the Lord knows that Divine help needs to be given to many black entrepenuers. They have to leant effectively that in the land o f capi­ talism and mutual support grows from Washer fit Dryer $199°° Refrigerators From ’ 129°° O pen Mon. - Fri. 9:00om to 5:00pm Saturday 10:00om to 2:00pm F- -feO® Sunday d o ta d .0 ’ mutual respect Black business owners m ust move to make sure that those of us who come into their restaurants, service shops or dry cleaning establishments shouldn’t have to stand in line or receive inferior products or service. Along with the product or service necessity that they provide and the vision and courage it .. ’ 4011 N6 MLK * 288-3233 Sales • Service* Parts takes to start off on the road to entrepre- _ neurship, blacks in the business o f serv­ ing other blacks will always have to be aware of our broad-based need for simple / respect For a listing o f 50 organizations, government agencies, franchiors and foundations that provide capital and other business resources, send $5 to the Inter­ national Exchange Network, 2054 Na­ tional Press Building, W ashington,D .C. 20045. T l 'e e A . My showerhead is as old as my husband. M o n - F ri 9am - 6pm S at 9 am - 4 pm 55 YEARS IN BUSINESS • 20 YEARS AT THIS LOCATION New Recaps in Stock 100% w arranty to 50% Of Tread ALL TIRES SALES Free Mount and Balance Split Rims $5.00 Free used stock rim, with purchase of any 1 tire passenger car only, some trucks (If In Stock) Would it pay o to get a new one? Showerhead that is! ZZZ2ZI HITTO SELL OUT AURORA SELL OUT 155-80-R 1 3.................$36.32 165-80-R 1 3.................$37.76 175-80-R 1 3.................$38.46 185-80-R 1 3.................$39.84 185-70-R 1 4.................$40.68 205-75-R 1 5.................$45.00 215-75-R 1 5.................$46.39 225-75-R 1 5.................$49.10 215 -8 5 -R 1 6 .................$65.00 225 -7 5 -R 1 6 .................$65.00 165-SR13.................... $33.41 2 0 5 -7 5 -1 5 ...................$42.85 215-75-R 15................ $44.10 225-75-R 15................ $46.70 185-70-R 13................ $38.88 195-70-H R 14............. $43.65 215-60-H R 15............. $55.35 245-60-H R 14............. $58.59 F lat Repairs $3.00 an d u p Introducing Answers You Can Live With: The Home Energy Savings Center. 1 As is Blems Laredos Available o n ly in sizes 31-10-50X15 ................ $74.95 245-75-R 16...............................$74.95 Split Rims $10.00 used stock steel rim s $5.00 and UP + $5.00 to m o u n t and balance. O versto cked in used m ag rim s- ch ro m es and o th e rs d irt cheap. W e also sell som e n e w rims. OVERSTOCKED Hubcaps and c e n te r caps (som e fo r FREE) Featuring booklets on how to better manage your energy dollar: » Improving Your Home’s Heating & Cooling. »Managing Your Home’s Energy Bill. » Assessing Your Home’s Energy Use. »Maintaining Your Home’s Energy* Safety. DOUBLE ■ TIRE CENTER * 1 FREE FLAT REPAIR M asterC ard & V isa A ccepted K i With this Coupon - One Per Person • Tube type n o t included . V I--------------------------------------------------------------------------- A *' # I* -;" - r- »’/ - Vi 100 Ranges From $ 129‘ that we spend every day, has more power over the direction o f our collective lives than the political ballot? W hen will our experts in cap i tai ism figure out that when we buy gas, shoes, cars or bread we are stimulating growth of jobs and com ­ merce for someone else other than our own? W hen we buy gas, cars, bread or shoes from a Brother’s Bailey’s outlet, we are making the way for that black businessperson to hire and train one, or more, o f us. Since the 1980s the num ber o f black families making $50,000 a year has increased from 762,000 to 1.2 mil­ lion families and the numbers of those of us in managerial and professional spe­ cialty occupations grew form 1 million to nearly 2 million. But this has not helped the majority of blacks, because these A frican Am ericans took their money and investment potential and went to suburbia and its malls and split levels. The wealthier, and the not-so-wealthy blacks need to realize that when we save our money in a black bank, or invest in others of us in a theater or inner-city convenience store, we help all o f us DOUBLE spokesperson S a n d ra W e lls , “ T h is w ill be the m ost re w a rd - ing a n d c a re e r b e n e fic ia l pag« eant o f its type eve r conducted in A m e ric a .” T o receive fre e a p p lica tio n s w rite M iss B la c k W o r ld ,P .O .B o x 6 5 0 0 1 ,W a s h - in g to n , D .C . 2 0035. McMurphy's Appliance Center Heaven Help Us by ft -1 It’s Free. Call Today: 1-800-222-4335. We're ready to help you put energy saving ideas to work. Just call toll-free 1-800-222-4335 to get a guidebook - free - to make your home even more energy smart and efficient. PACIFIC PO W ER THE RIGHT KIND O f f NfKGV Call: 1-800-222-4335 Paciftc Power A Dtomoft of PaafiCtjrp •> ? . * •. ».• .*.* V