. Il INF P age A4 y; I ■ K M ..— 29 1994 • T he P ortland O bserver _______ _____ _________ _________________ ______—----------- -------------------------------------- Clark County Regional 9-1-1 Center THIS SATURDAY. COME TO A PLACE OF FUN, SENSfltlON AND WONDER. AND IT’S NOT IN PORTLAND. Now Can Communicate In 140 Different Languages •y A N C O U V E J^ . » . fe tw 1 15 North, City Center Exit, leit on 6th St. OPEN SATURDAY 1 0 -6 I akmeks A arkej RSVP To Hold Annual Golf Tournament If someone shoots a hole in one at the upcoming Retired and Senior V olunteer Program (RSVP) Jim Chriss M em orial/B udw eiser golf T o u rn a m e n t they co u ld win a Urban League Leads The Way City Council Fattens Own Pay Continued from Front high schools. The Urban League of Portland is an affiliate of the National Urban League. It is a membership organization whose mission is to help A frican -A m e rica n s and o th ers achieve parity and economic self-suf­ ficiency through advocacy, commu­ nity problem-solving partnerships, and by conducting programs designed to strengthen the growth and devel­ opment of individuals, families and communities. For more information about the Rainbow Program, call Shala Moaydei at the Urban League, (503) 280-2644. • : .• ?. • • ’ / ' -¿.•■••A V i cannot com m unicate effectively with c a lle rs .” “ I am pleased to say that we are m oving tow ard erasing the language b arrier in C lark C ounty and im p ro v in g th e q u a lity o f em ergency services we p ro v id e,” B radshaw said. H e r e ’s h ow th e sy s te m works: W hen 9-1-1 d isp atch ers re ­ ceiv e an em erg en cy call from som eone who d o e sn ’t speak E n ­ glish, they call L anguage L in e’s to ll-free 800 num ber and an in ­ terp reter is added to the c o n v e r­ sation. In m ost cases, an in te r­ p reter is a v a ila b le w ithin m o­ m ents. This enab les disp atch ers to quickly assess the situation and send ap p ro p riate units, w hether they be police, fire or param ed­ ics. “ The first step tow ard help­ ing people is being able to com ­ m unicate with them ,” Bradshaw said, “ S itu atio n s th at require an in terp re ter are on the increase; not ju s t in m etropolitan areas, but throughout the country. More than 20 m illion people living in this country speak a language other than E nglish and 40 m illion v isi­ tors from o th er cou n tries travel to the U.S. each y ear.” For m ore inform ation about the new L anguage Line, please call T hera Bradshaw at 737-1911. Fireworks and Music Planned For July 4th Event F ire w o rk s w ill b e la u n c h e d from a b arg e on C o lu m b ia R iv e r ju s t u p s tre a m fro m th e In te r ­ s t a t e B r i d g e to c u l m i n a t e V a n c o u v e r’s J u ly 4 th c e le b r a ­ tio n . T h e b ig b o o m sh o w b e g in s at 10 p .m . T h e p re v io u s la u n c h site at P e a rs o n A ir P a rk w as a b a n d o n e d b e c a u s e n ew to w n h o u s e s w e re b u ilt n e a rb y . The firew orks display will be synchronized with m usic b ro ad ­ cast on KISN-Fm (97.1) and last a little less than an hour. O ther activ ities lined up for ch e stra and V ancouver V oices the day long 32nd annual July 4th USA. A bout 50 vendors will offer firew orks ex trav ag an za include artw ork and handcrafted item s for fam ily fun, food and m usical e n ­ sale at A rtw orks, along E ast E v ­ tertain m en t. The ev en ts w ill be held at the F o rt V ancouver N a­ ergreen B oulevard. The G rant H ouse F olk Art tional H istoric S ite. A dm ission is C enter, 1101 O fficers Row, will free. E n te r ta in m e n t o p e n s th e be open, as will the Pearson Air events at 11:45 a.m . The list o f M useum , 1105 E. F ifth St. C ity parking m eters w ill be p e r f o r m e r s in c lu d e A rm o n ia free. B uses operated by C -Tran L a tin a , th e D ale V an W om er and T ri-M et w ill once again offer Band, the country group Q ueen, Rain: A T ribute to the B eatles, free service to the dow ntow n and the V ancouver S ym phonic O r­ fort areas. Turning Sawdust into Gold T hanks to L o tter y D o lla r s POTATO CHIPS LAY’S > i >7 _ •* in c lu d e g o lf c a r ts , a s s o r te d B udw eiser and Pepsi golf acces­ so ries, p rize s, re fresh m e n ts, a luncheon b uffet and aw ards. T o u rn a m e n t s p o n s o rs are B u d w e ise r, P ep si, S e b a s tia n i, Fred M eyer, C lub Green M ead­ ow s, K-VAN and Ft. V ancouver Days. RSVP matches people 55 and older who want to volunteer with volunteer positions in non-profit and public agencies and civic and com­ munity groups throughout Clark County. RSVP volunteers donated 125,000 volunteer hours in the county Continued from Front in 1993. For more information on golf tournament registration or about the The largest cost-of-living wage RSVP program call the RSVP office increase in recent years was 5.5 per- at 696-8221. centin 1989. However, former Mayor Bud Clark in 1991, lobbied success­ fully to put a one-year freeze on coun­ cil salary. The federal cost-of-living index has served as a guide for council salary adjustments in the past. Commissioner Charlie Hales told the Oregonian that it would be “sen­ sational, but inaccurate” to say the council was raising its salary. He was the only commissioner who com­ mented on the council salary increase. Caribbean cruise or a Ford Windstar van. The 13th annual tourney, which will take place Friday, June 24 at the Green Meadows Golf Course, is a fundraiser for RSVP. Cascade Travel and Vancouver Ford will donate the prizes. Entry fees are $60 per person or $240 per team . Play form at w ill be four-person scram ble with a shotgun start at 8 a.m . Fees C lark C o u n ty ’s R egional 9- 1 -1 C enter can now provide em er­ gency assistan ce in 140 d ifferen t languages thanks to an over-the- phone in te rp re te r serv ic e. The service is provided by AT& T L an­ guage Line S erv ices, 9-1-1 D i­ rector T hera B radshaw said. Just like 9-1-1, w hich operates round- the-clock, the in terp reter service is now on line 24 hours a day, seven days a week. “People who do not speak E n ­ glish w ell ex p erien ce fru stratio n calling for em ergency services. A nd t h a t ’s u n d e r s ta n d a b l e ,” Bradshaw said .” At the sam e tim e, our d isp atch ers are hin d ered in their efforts to help when they •. * •* ALL VARIETIES 1. •e , I I 14 to 14.5 oz BAG EACH BAKED BEANS s&w SLOW BAKED IN BRICK OVENS 28 oz. CAN KIENOW 'S HOT BUNS DOG or HAMBURGER Tl .'**<** " " I * t wasn't all that long ago when get rid of. Dee Forest Products the potential in hardboard “teepee" burners outside the makes a variety of hardboard production and purchased the mills throughout the northwest products. From casebacks tor operation. A $25().(XX) Lottery- I M A ; were used by the mills to get rid cabinets to paneling. Dee Forest Products lets nothing go to waste. of the scraps created by the mill. < k - -, ..» ■ - e- \ For Dee Forest Products of Dee. : .. & YOUR NOT-SO-ORDINARY GROCERY STORE SPECIALS EFFECTIVE TUESDAY through MONDAY RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES JU N E 28 through JULY 4, 1994 funded loan - long-sinee repaid - helped the operation get going. Now more efficient and Oregon, that would be like "gold in them thar' hills." productive. Dee watching money go up in smoke. Operating at a loss for years, the Forest Products is former Champion plant closed its running non-stop: sawdust, ply trim, and ground up doors in 1985. In 1987, a group three shifts a day, pallets that mills once burned to of New Zealand investors saw seven days a week. Using mill leftovers such as WE HESERVE THE There hasn't always been I Mes OREGON LOTTERY MEMBER OF UNITED GROCERS FOR YOUR NEAREST KIENOW'S STORE CALL. 659-5220 HOME DELIVERY IS AVAILABLE CALL: 245-4595 ra iS S ? * ,» A. ■ Il Docs Good Things