Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 29, 1994, Page 13, Image 13

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    P age B7
T he P ortland O bserver • J une 29, 1994
Advertisement for Bids
The Port of Portland
Terminal 1
Relocate Sheriff’s River Patrol Boathouse
Sealed bids for the Terminal 1, Relocate Sheriff’s River Patrol
Boathouse, will be received at the office of the Manager,
Contracts and Procurement, of the Port of Portland, 700 N.E.
Multnomah Street, 15th floor, Portland, Oregon, (503) 731-
7590 (m ailing address: Post Office Box 3529, Portland,
Oregon, 97208) until, but not after, 3 p.m. July 11,1994, and
thereafter publicly opened and read.
Description of Work:
Construction and installation of a floating dock, m ooring
piles, a gangway, installation of sewer and w ater piping,
and landscaping, at Berth 103, Term inal 1.
The Port of Portland is committed to providing equal opportu­
nities to State of Oregon certified Disadvantaged Business
Enterprises (DBEs) in contracting activities. The DBE partici­
pation target for this project is 15 percent. For this reason, the
Port is requesting bidders’ good faith efforts as defined in ORS
200-045(3) in achieving increased DBE participation. If they
are successful in securing DBE participation, the Port is
requiring bidders to complete and subm it, with their bids, a
Statem ent of Intent form included in the bid documents.
The Port Contracts and Procurem ent office has DBE vendor
profiles available which will be supplied to prime contractors
upon request. The profiles identify pertinent vendor data
which may assist prime contractors in providing subcontract­
ing and supplier opportunities to DBEs in specific areas as
identified by the Port.
A prebid conference will be held on Friday, July 1,1994, at 10
a.m. in Conference Room 15P in the Port offices, 700 N.E.
M ultnomah, Portland, Oregon, to discuss all phases of the
Please direct technical questions to the Project Engineer, Ted
W inter, (503) 978-2414.
Bids must be on the bid form which will be provided to
prospective bidders and must be accom panied by a certified
or cashier’s check drawn on a United States bank or a bid
bond payable to The Port of Portland in an am ount equal to
at least 10 percent of the total am ount bid.
Prequalification is not required for this work.
The drawings and the contract m anual m ay be exam ined at
Port offices. Copies may be obtained by prospective bidders
at no cost from Contracts and Procurem ent (address above).
No bid will be received or considered unless it contains a
statem ent by the bidder as a part of the bid that the provisions
of ORS 279.350 (regarding prevailing wage rates) are to be
complied with.
No bid will be received or considered unless the bidder is
registered with the State of Oregon Construction Contractors
Board, pursuant to ORS 701.055 (1 ), prior to subm itting a bid.
(Reference Articles 10, 12, and 13 in the Instructions to
A license for asbestos work under ORS 468A.720 is not
required for this work.
Bidders are required to state whether or not the bidder is a
resident bidder, as defined in ORS 279.029. (Reference
Article 3 in the Instructions to Bidders.)
Bids may be rejected if not in com pliance with bidding
procedures and requirements. Any or all bids may be rejected
if in the public interest to do so.
Port of Portland
Bids for the Pearl Buck Center, Reroofing - 1994 will be
received by the City of Eugene Purchasing Section, 860 West
Park, Suite 300, Eugene, Oregon until 2:00 P.M., Thursday
July 14,199 4. Bids received after the stated time will not be
considered. Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at the
offices and time stated above.
The w ork includes approxim ately 13,100 square feet of tear
off. 9,250 square feet of new built-up roofing, 6,160 square
feet of rigid insulation, 3,850 square feet of composition
shingle work, and associated sheet metal work.
Plans & Specifications, including Bid and Agreem ent Docu­
m ents may be exam ined at the City of Eugene Purchasing
Section, 860 W est Park, Suite 300, Eugene, Oregon 97401,
phone 687-5055; and the Eugene Builders’ Exchange.
One Set of Contract Documents may be obtained by Prime
Bidders at the City of Eugene Purchasing Section, 860 Park,
Suite 300, Eugene, Oregon. A deposit of $50.00 will be
charged by the City of Eugene’s Purchasing Section, and will
be refunded upon return of the bid document. The bid
docum ent must be in good condition.
A Pre-Bid Conference will be conducted atth e site, 5100 West
Am azon Drive, Eugene, Oregon, 97405 on Thursday, July 7,
at 10:00 A.M.
The Bid must indicate whether the bidder is a resident bidder,
as defined by ORS 279.029.
The Contract is subject to the Davis-Bacon and Related Acts
and no bid will be received or considered unless the Bid
contains a statem ent by the Bidder as part of the Bid that the
provision of Davis Bacon and Related Acts (40 USC 276a)
and Federal Labor Standards Provisions (HUD-4010) relat­
ing to the paym ent and certification of payment of wages listed
under U.S. Department of Labor, General W age Decision No.
O R 94-1, February 1 1 ,199 4 will be complied with.
This w ork is financed in part through the Com m unity Devel­
opm ent Block Grant Program with funds obtained from the
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The
Contract will be subject to regulations of the Department of
Labor and the Department of Housing and Urban Develop­
Bidders are required to comply with Executive O rder 11246
related to equal em ploym ent opportunity. The successful
bidder will be required to use minority and female utilization
goals forthe percentage of w ork hours performed in each craft
on the project. Female utilization goal is 6.9 percent and
m inority utilization goal is 2.4 percent.
At the time of the bid opening, Bidders m ust be registered for
the appropriate category with the State of Oregon Contractor's
Asbestos has been found to be present at the work site and
bidder and subcontractors shall be required to be licensed for
asbestos abatem ent under ORS 468A.720 and/or licensed
by the Department of Environmental Quality ORS 279.025 (2)
(i), as am ended by 1987 Oregon Laws, chapter 741, section
18, if asbestos abatem ent is to be performed.
No bid will be considered unless fully completed in the manner
specified in the “ Instructions to Bidder" upon the Bid Form
provided by the Owner.
The O wner reserves the right to reject all bids and to waive all
No bidder may withdraw the bid after the hour set for the
opening thereof until 60 days following the bid opening.
City of Eugene
860 W est Park Street, Suite 300
Eugene, OR 97401
(503) 687-5055
Invitation For Bids #94-08P
State of Oregon Department of
Higher Education
The Oregon State Board of Higher Education (“ Board") is
requesting bids from qualified printers in the State of Oregon
to provide printing and mailing services for the Board’s
monthly publication, The Board Bulletin.
Interested persons/firms should contact Rose Fong, Adm in­
istrative Assistant, at (503) 345-5748 for bid documents.
W ritten bids will be accepted by Rose Fong, Adm inistrative
Assistant, until the date and tim e shown above, at 227 Susan
Campbell Hall, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon 97403,
or bids may be mailed to P.O. Box 3175, Eugene, Oregon
97403. Bids mailed must be received prior to the bid closing
time and date referenced above and clearly marked Re­
sponse to Invitation for Bids #94-08P. Telephone or facsimile
bids will not be accepted. Any questions regarding specifica­
tions should be directed to Francesca Clifford, Public Affairs,
Specialist, 528 S.W. Mill Street, Portland, OR 97201, tele­
phone num ber (503) 725-5705.
Bidders must state whether or not they are a resident bidder,
as defined in ORS 279.029, and must also state that they will
comply with all applicable laws when carrying out the contract.
Bidders shall also comply with the provisions of ORS 279.312,
279.314, 279.316, and 279.320.
Bids will be publicly opened in the office of Rose Fong, 227
Susan Campbell Hall, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR
The Board reserves the right to reject any bid not in com pli­
ance with all prescribed public bidding procedures and re­
quirem ents, and may reject any or all bids upon finding it is in
the public interest to do so. The Oregon Reciprocal Prefer­
ence Law may apply to out-of-state bids.
The Board encourages bids from em erging small businesses,
wom en-owned business enterprises and m inority-owned
enterprises and is an equal em ploym ent opportunity/affirma-
tive action employer.
East Multnomah County ADA -
Compliance Modifications
Bid No. B61 >100-8854
Bid date: July 26,1994
Pre-bid Conference: Mandatory: July 8, 1994 at 1:30 PM;
3655 SE 34th Ave., Portland, OR, Southeast Health Clinics (3
sites shall be visited), prequalification requried
Courthouse Plumbing - Waste Pipe Replacement &
Upgrade in the County Courthouse
Bid No. B61-300-8807
Bid date: July 14,1994
Pre-bid Conference: Mandatory; June 30,1994 at 10:00 AM;
1021 SW 4th A ve., P ortland, OR, In the B asem ent,
prequalification required
Sealed bids will be received until 2:00 PM on the specified
date above and will be publicly opened and read at 2:15 PM,
the same day by Multnomah County Purchasing, 2505 S.E.
11th Ave., Portland, Oregon.
Plans and Specifications are filed with Multnomah County
Purchasing and copies may be obtained from the above
address for a $5.00 non-refundable fee. Checks and Money
Orders Only. Plans and Specifications Will Not Be Mailed
within the Metropolitan, Tri-County area.
Prequalifications of Bidders Pursuant to the Multnomah County
Public Contract Review Board Administrative Rules (AR
40.030)may be required. See Specifications for project classes
of work.
Prequalification applications or statem ents must be prepared
during the period of one ye a r prior to the bid date.
Prequalification application and proof of prequalification by
the Oregon Department of Transportation must be actually
received by, or postmarked to Multnomah County Purchasing
not later than 10 days prior to the bid.
All bidders must comply with the requirements of the prevail
¡ng wage law in ORS 279.350.
Details of compliance are available from Multnomah County
Purchasing, 2505 S.E. 11 th Avenue, Portland, Oregon, 97202,
(503) 248-5111, by contacting Jan M. Thompson.
Contractors and subcontractors must be licensed for asbes­
tos abatement work if the project involves working with
asbestos as set forth in ORS 468.833.
No proposal will be considered unless accompanied by a
surety bond, certified check, or a cashiers check payable to
Multnomah County for the am ount equal to ten percent (10% ’
of the aggregate proposal. The successful bidder shall furnish
a bond satisfactory to the board in the full am ount of the
Multnomah County reserves the right to reject any or all bids
if not in compliance with all prescribed bidding procedures
Lillie Walker, Director
Purchasing, Contracts, and Central Stores
In accordance with Section 3 of the Housing and Community
Developm ent Act, the contractor will be required, to the
greatest feasible, to give opportunities for training and em
ploym ent of lower income residents of the City of Eugene.
Ron Stempel, Manager
Contracts and Procurem ent
Printing and Mailing Services
Bids due: 1:00 pm, July 12
Call For Bids
Multnomah County
Advertisement For Bids
Document 00020
Request For Proposal
Branded Concepts Food Service
Oregon State University
Memorial Union
The Memorial Union, acting by and through the Oregon State
University Contract Services Administration invites bids for
the lease of floor space in the O.S.U. Memorial Union for the
purpose of operating a Branded Concept Food Service Area
to serve the needs of the Oregon State University students,
faculty and staff. The successful bidder will have the option of
rem odeling/renovating the space, contingent upon approval
of the Memorial Union.
Proposals are due on or before 1 :00 p.m. July 11,1994 at the
Oregon State University, Memorial Union, Director’s Office,
M.U. 111. A copy of the Request for Proposal Lease can be
obtained from W illiam C. Edwards, Director, Memorial Union
111, Oregon State University, Corvallis 97331-5004; (503-
737-6258).P ro p o sa ls received in accordance with the guide­
lines will be reviewed and results announced to the applicants
no later than July 3 0 ,1 9 9 4 .
Oregon State University and/or the Memorial Union may
reject any proposal not in compliance with all prescribed
public proposal procedures and requirements and may reject
for good cause any and or all proposals upon finding of the
University that it is in the public interest to do so.
Sub-Bids Requested
Portland International Airport
Employee Parking Lot Expansion
Bid date: June 30,1994 • 2:00 p.m.
P.O. Box 687
Oregon City, OR 97045
(503) 656- 7000
FAX 656-0686
We are an equal opportunity
employer and request sub-bids
from women and minority busi-
ness enterprises.
City of Vancouver
RFP for Solid Waste Collection and
Yard Debris Collection
The City of Vancouver Public W orks Department, is soliciting
request for proposals from qualified com panies to provide
commercial and residential solid waste collection for desig­
nated portions of the City of Vancouver, W ashington and
residential yard debris collection for the City of Vancouver and
he Clark County Urban Service Area.
Copies of the request for proposals (RFP) will be available as
of June 27, 1994, from the City of Vancouver Purchasing
Department at 210 East 13th Street. The RFP details all
requirements and the scope of the services to be performed
as well as the criteria on which proposals will be evaluated. In
general the evaluation criteria will include vendor experience,
management capabilities, availability, financial resources,
cost of service, perform ance standards, compatibility with
existing system, environm ental protection and consistency
with the local solid waste m anagem ent plan. Please note that
as part of the final selection process, an interview may be
conducted. The RFP can be obtained in person or sent by
Contracts Administration
City of Vancouver Purchasing Department
210 East 13th Street
P.O. Box 1995
Vancouver, W A 98668-1995
(206) 696-8181
For further information concerning the RFP, please write to
the authorized agency contact person at the address below:
Tami Kihs, Solid W aste Analyst
City of Vancouver, Public W orks Department
Office of W aste Reduction
P.O. Box 1995
210 East 13th Street
Vancouver, W A 98668-1995
(206) 696-8186
A pre-proposal conference is scheduled for Thursday, August
3 1994 at 9:00 am at 210 East 13th Street in the City Hal
Council Chambers. Attendance is mandatory. Proposals
shall be received int he City of Vancouver Purchasing Depart­
ment, 210 East 13th Street until, but not later than 3:00 p.m.,
Tuesday, October 11, 1994.
V. Marcelyn Jandreau
Purchasing Manager, City of Vancouver, W A
Request For Sub-Bids
Chambers Construction Co., general contractor, request s u b
bids from all qualified DBE/M BE/W BE/ESB subcontractor!
and suppliers for the Oregon Institute of Technology Phase ‘
Seismic Damage Recovery Project.
Bids are due into Cham bers' office by July 6,1994 at 3:00 PM
Phone (503) 687-9445, and FAX (503) 687-9451. Cham bers
address is 2295 Coburg Rd. Ste 100, Eugene, OR 97401.