<»> P age B5 <•’ 0 ': ^ r r r tía ttú (© b sertœ r 1GG4 r ■ * J - •ÄLÄ.«' ’TyV.Tv ‘ J H I •»"* • . . X. Summer Jobs For Area Youth > ' he Private Industry Council is the largest summer employer of youth in Multnomah and Washington Counties. T -.T ! *• ‘ r •»* . ♦ X This sum m er, It anticipates pro­ viding w ork experience, education, and em ploym ent opportunities to up­ w ards o f 2,000 youth through part­ nerships with the City o f Portland, Portland D evelopm ent Com m ission, M ultnom ah and W ashington C oun­ ties, local school districts, com m u­ nity-based organizations, and others. All youth served through T he Private Industry Council are low -incom e, and m any are overcom ing significant challenges on the road to becom ing productive, contributing mem bers o f ; ,..y - • A • * , -C;. our community. The positive activities these youth will be involved with this sum m er include: A renovation project to fix up homes for low-incom e elderly per­ sons in W ashington County. Integrated Curriculum Projects- projects focus on integrating studies in science, the arts, social studies, and basic skills with hands-on projects, including landscape and conserva­ tion, photography, video production, a building rehabilitation project, and mural projects. O u td o o r m u ra l p r o je c ts in Hillsboro, Forest G rove, and the City o f Portland. M ost m urals will focus on “diversity” as a theme. Third year students enrolled in our sum m er T rainine and Education Program will be involved in a num ber A • • - < • <■- ■I Í». . . C^. # •V • 0 5 ■< Af A , efcferty tou-income »oman ,n North Port/and gets some needed yard u-ork done by youth employed by Metropolitan Family Services in a summer jobs program. The .Tr. youngsters spend part o f their work time learning subjects such as first-aid, English, personal finance and job hunting. N orthw est Film Center. An apprenticeship program in science and engineering which will link youth with a full-tim e mentor durine the sum m er m onths. The eoal o f this program will be to give youth e n g in e e r in g s o m e p r e - p r o f e s ­ sio n a l e x p e rie n c e and an u n d e r­ sta n d in g o f p o ssib le c a re e r o p ­ tio n s. U d to 1.500 vouth will be Dlaced in individual work experiences atpub- « l i i I M « « M « ™ Careers Begin In the Classroom. The foundation of a successful career is knowledge & training. Pacific Power, an Equal Opportunity Employer, supports the ideals and aims of Career Day. # ** - - PACIFIC POWER Counties. W ork experiences will in- elude assisting with clerical, childcare, healthcare, library, custodial, and classroom activities. In the past, youth have been placed in diverse work situations such as the Humane Soci- ety. Bureau o f Land M anagement, Loaves & Fishes, and the Internal Revenue Service. ■ Legacy Emanuel 1994 Healthcare Scholarship Winners CK- -ÿs .’•ïL/î?-7'' .¿i-.Vl-' •M’, ‘> - .»ÀtótS.-» lv?»«' 7- THE RIGHT KIND OF ENERGY American State Bank PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT • • • CERTIFIED MINORITY BANK FOUNDED 1 9 6 9 MEMBER FDIC LÏTNG 2 5 - Grant High School Nursing Tara Johnson Grant High School Biomedical Research Lily Mai Benson High School Pediatrics Marie Solier Grant High School Biomedical Research Dominick Gallares home? American State Bank may be able to help you. We have just established a program to lower our standard required 20% down payment on conventional home loans to just 5% for qualifying low-income families. If you have a good “track-record" of paying rent, a good credit history, are a low-income family, and have enough cash for a 5% down payment, you too could own your own home under this program. COME BANK WITH US WE DO BANKING THE OLD FASHIONED WAY i# • ¿ Medical Staff Scholarship: Is the lack of a down payment keeping you from owning a Come see us today! O l l> I'A S IIK »M I) BANK Courtney Bailey Benson High School Cardiology This is the fifth year that Legacy Emanuel Healthcare Scholarships up to four years, and the funds may be have been awarded to high school seniors who reside in North and Northeast Portland and are planning Next year’s application process will begin to study for a healthcare career. The Relations, 280-4630. used for tuition, books and other fees. in February 1995, and information is available by calling lan Shea, Community scholarship is $1000, renewable for Legacy Emanuel Hospital & Health Center I ( >M M l M IA O l i l i M l l> B A N K 5 0 3 -2 8 2 -2 2 1 6 Head Office - 2737 N.E. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. • Portland, Oregon 97212 le g a n Health System includes Fmanuel Hospital A Health Center. Hood Medical Center. Visiting Nurse Association. Ambulatory Care Clinics and CateMark/Managed Healthcare Northwest PPO © 1994 Mount a**-s* W W